To anyone who still believes the Seth Rich nonsense.

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2017 Nov 3, 11:37am   7,747 views  30 comments

by joeyjojojunior   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

"An Associated Press investigation into the digital break-ins that disrupted the U.S. presidential contest has sketched out an anatomy of the hack that led to months of damaging disclosures about the Democratic Party's nominee. It wasn't just a few aides that the hackers went after; it was an all-out blitz across the Democratic Party. They tried to compromise Clinton's inner circle and more than 130 party employees, supporters and contractors.
While U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia was behind the email thefts, the AP drew on forensic data to report Thursday that the hackers known as Fancy Bear were closely aligned with the interests of the Russian government."


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2   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 12:17pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Those fucksticks don't get to be the Hillary Clinton mouth peice for the last 3 years, now dare to weigh in on her crimes against America.

Fuck MSN, CNN, Huffingshitpost and the whole poopshoot of liberal bullshit.

It's an Associated Press report.
3   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 12:18pm  

Sniper says
That's what Podesta, the Campaign Manager, gets for making his password on his Gmail account "Password". Duh... With idiots like that running a campaign, no wonder she lost!!

And, a report that foreign hackers were trying to get into US based servers. Let me show you my shocked face:

That's not how they got in. It was a phishing email.
4   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 Nov 3, 1:07pm  

If you have a conspiratorial mindset, might as well go with Putin killing Seth Rich and blaming Clinton to sow doubt in American's minds. That would have been brilliant considering how things have played out.
5   Shaman   2017 Nov 3, 1:30pm  

I’ve included a passage from the article which should be examined closely.
“The AP's reconstruction— based on a database of 19,000 malicious links recently shared by cybersecurity firm Secureworks — shows how the hackers worked their way around the Clinton campaign's top-of-the-line digital security to steal chairman John Podesta's emails in March 2016.”

So this is a “reconstruction,” not an investigation. That means they used this slew of phishing emails as a base for constructing a probable timeline for the probable act. The “data” didn’t come from the DNC server, but from another unaffiliated internet company called “Secureworks.”

Based on this careful analysis of the article, the entire thing is a fiction constructed in the same way a “making of a murderer” episode recreation scene is constructed: with actors and a lot of guesswork.

As such, it offers no new data, only renewed speculation.
6   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 2:05pm  

Quigley says
So this is a “reconstruction,” not an investigation. That means they used this slew of phishing emails as a base for constructing a probable timeline for the probable act. The “data” didn’t come from the DNC server, but from another unaffiliated internet company called “Secureworks.”

Not really. They used the database to see when the phishing emails were sent out, who clicked on them, and subsequent emails that were sent out after the successful hacking. It was an investigation
7   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 3, 2:33pm  

Quigley says
“The AP's reconstruction— based on a database of 19,000 malicious links recently shared by cybersecurity firm Secureworks — shows how the hackers worked their way around the Clinton campaign's top-of-the-line digital security to steal chairman John Podesta's emails in March 2016.”

In other words, the DNC still hasn't had their server investigated by a Law Enforcement agency.

Why isn't the DNC pressing for an official investigation into this troubling possibility?

Maybe Congress should start on and demand the servers. That's when we'll find out they wiped it right away and kept no backups

Also, it's been over a year and no developments in the case, eh? Maybe the case should be federalized.
8   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 2:34pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says

In other words, the DNC still hasn't had their server investigated by a Law Enforcement agency.

Why would they?

They had an official investigation and it identified the Russians.
9   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 3, 2:36pm  

joeyjojojunior says
They had an official investigation and it identified the Russians.

Congress had an official investigation that involved the FBI directly inspecting the servers with physical access?

Or was it a paid contractor for the DNC putting the blame where the DNC wanted it?
10   MrMagic   2017 Nov 3, 2:38pm  

joeyjojojunior says
They had an official investigation and it identified the Russians.

They did, who did the "official" investigation?
11   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 3, 2:40pm  

If it took "Fancy Bear" a week to crack such security as "Obama2008" and "P@assword", we can basically shut down the cyber warfare departments of the Federal Government.
12   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 2:46pm  

Sniper says

They did, who did the "official" investigation?

Do you think official means "done by the government'"?
13   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 2:46pm  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
If it took "Fancy Bear" a week to crack such security as "Obama2008" and "P@assword", we can basically shut down the cyber warfare departments of the Federal Government.

They didn't hack the passwords--they used a sophisticated phishing attack.
14   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 3, 2:48pm  

Sniper says
I DON'T think it means by a sub-contractor we hired.

Well, you're wrong as usual.
15   Blurtman   2017 Nov 4, 6:04pm  

Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home

16   anonymous   2017 Nov 5, 2:13am  

Blurtman says
Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home


Donna Brazile is a far Nazi troll. Duh
17   anonymous   2017 Nov 5, 4:15am  

Sniper says
Sniper says
joeyjojojunior says
Sniper says
I DON'T think it means by a sub-contractor we hired.

Well, you're wrong as usual.

So tell us, Rachel Maddow, who was this "official" company that did the investigation. Please post their name.

Hey Joey the Troll, I'm still waiting....

Once it goes past innuendo and fake studies, joey runs away.

Every shred of actual hard evidence suggests an inside job.
18   Booger   2017 Nov 5, 6:30am  

Why would Donna Brazile be afraid for her life if Seth Rich's death was due to a random mugging in the middle of the night?
19   MrMagic   2017 Nov 5, 7:17am  

Booger says
Why would Donna Brazile be afraid for her life if Seth Rich's death was due to a random mugging in the middle of the night?

Yep, considering he was found with his wallet, cellphone and expensive watch still on his body. Strange mugging?
20   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 7:34am  

Sniper says
Hey Joey the Troll, I'm still waiting....

Yep, I'll get back with you as soon as you answer the questions that you ran from on all the other threads:

What does the Obama budget have to do with the trade deficit?
What am I wrong about with respect to running a business? Be specific
Which post of mine said that I didn't want kids from the wrong side of the tracks in school with mine?

anon_4480e says

Every shred of actual hard evidence suggests an inside job.

Can you detail this "hard" evidence?
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 5, 9:15am  

anon_4480e says
Every shred of actual hard evidence suggests an inside job.

Which is why the DNC will never voluntarily allow LEOs to look at the server, if a copy still exists which is doubtful.

"Wiped, like with a rag?"
22   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 9:26am  

TwoScoopsMcGee says
Which is why the DNC will never voluntarily allow LEOs to look at the server, if a copy still exists which is doubtful.

Great--can you detail the "hard" evidence then?
23   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 10:57am  

Sniper says
The metadata on the transferred files, not that you'll understand what that is.
Sniper says
joeyjojojunior says
anon_4480e says

Every shred of actual hard evidence suggests an inside job.

Can you detail this "hard" evidence?

The metadata on the transferred files, not that you'll understand what that is.

ah great--please link to the hard evidence then
24   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 11:01am  

Sniper says

Google doesn't work on your TROLLING computer?

Google works fine on my computer. You mentioned "hard" evidence, but provided none.

I'm asking if anyone can show me this supposed "hard" evidence.
25   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 11:16am  

Sniper says

Try doing some work, for once in your life, instead of being the Socialist that you are, who wants EVERYTHING GIVEN to him.

Clearly I've done the work and haven't found the "hard" evidence to which you refer.

If you have something, please post it. Otherwise, I'll assume it's more BS from piggy.
26   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 11:34am  

Sniper says
..."What We Know

So far, all of the evidence pointing to Russia’s involvement in the Democratic hacks (DNC, DCCC, Podesta, et al.) comes from either private security firms (like CrowdStrike or FireEye) who sell cyber-defense services to other companies, or independent researchers, some with university affiliations and serious credentials, and some who are basically just Guys on Twitter."


Hey Joey the TROLL, ready to admit that these "officials" were HIRED sub-contractors yet?????

So, you gave up on providing the "hard" evidence then?

And yes, expert contractors are obvious candidates to perform "official" investigations.
27   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 2:21pm  

Sniper says
Sure thing, Joey the TROLL, everyone knows you hire outside "official" contractors when doing a criminal investigation. Oh boy..

They weren't doing a criminal investigation, obviously. The DNC couldn't hire anyone to do a criminal investigation. That's not how criminal investigations work.

Still waiting on you to provide any "hard" evidence. (or McGee. or anon4480e.)
28   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 3:32pm  

Sniper says
So hacking into an organization's or company's computers is legal now?

Nope. But the DNC can't perform a criminal investigation nor hire anyone to do so.

But, since you asked, the FBI DID investigate.

And their conclusion:

"The 13-page report provides technical details regarding tools and infrastructure used by Russian civilian and military intelligence services to “compromise and exploit networks and endpoints associated with the U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. Government, political, and private sector entities.” (See the entire report below.)"
29   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 6:07pm  

Sniper says

Ahhh, NO the FBI didn't, but if you read your links, you would have known that:

As the link said, both the FBI and crowdstrike investigated. So, yes, I'm right. Again.
30   joeyjojojunior   2017 Nov 5, 6:25pm  

Sniper says
Go post the sentence where it said the FBI examined the server for evidence.

Why? You obviously don't need to examine the server to do an investigation as multiple investigations have all agreed conclusively that it was the Russians.

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