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What would you do if it hits 100k per coin?
What would you do if it hits 100k per coin?
pity that idiot who put in 100k
Can you tell me why a string of zeros and ones has any intrinsic value?
Bitcoin, like every ponzi scheme, requires ever greater fools to buy in so that the early adopters may profit.
You said there are others that performed better. We are still waiting. :)
Yep, RE is included on the graph/comparison.
I knew you had to make something up and wouldn’t provide any backup/link.
And for fucks sake, Apple or Google could mine the rest of bitcoin in two weeks if they really wanted with their infrastructure.
Reuters and Bloomberg are adding a crypto index. Main stream media is adopting crypto more and more.
Reuters and Bloomberg are adding a crypto index. Main stream media is adopting crypto more and more.
One of the main reasons crypto exists is in spite of the main stream media, banks, government, etc.
bitcoin is the same as tulips.
Folks, calls have been made. I called 50k (100k secretly ;)
Nobody tries to convince the retail market to buy crypto or bitcoin.
It’s scarcity and the demand for it
Ever noticed how bitcoin has never had to spend money on advertisement?
A lot of millennials at the tech company I work for are way into crypto though.
just know it will go away at some point.
Hey @Newbie123
What will bitcoin be valued in when it replaces "fiat"?
Nobody is trying to change grandma’s or grandpa’s view of money and how to transact it. And some people just have a hard time with change or innovation in general.
Question: is there a better replacement for centralized fiat currencies than cryptos?
Onvacation saysHey @Newbie123
What will bitcoin be valued in when it replaces "fiat"?
What will anything be valued in if the dollar collapses? Probably exchange units like XRP
Instead of the central banks controlling the worlds currency it will be controlled by a decentralized digital gold.
All refined metals including silver and gold have intrinsic value. They take manpower to create and they can be used to make beautiful and useful THINGS.
Happy Father’s Day! And bitcoin holding above 9k :)
would be stretched 50000 times over if gold backed transactions, making it effectively just as fiat as cryptos with far more limitations.
Happy Father’s Day! And bitcoin holding above 9k :)
Facebook should have visited this blog before working on a cryptocurrency. Very smart people here could have told FB that a cryptocurrency is just 0’s and 1’s,
tulips are better
crypto is just a scam/ ponzi and that it will go to zero
Newbie123 saysFacebook should have visited this blog before working on a cryptocurrency. Very smart people here could have told FB that a cryptocurrency is just 0’s and 1’s,
From your linked article:
"invite people to pay directly for goods and services within the app using Libra[ Facebook's proposed crypto]. In doing so, Facebook would be able to glean new data about its users’ shopping behaviors—and how to better target them—potentially generating more revenue through advertising."
People that trust Facebook deserve to get their "wallet" picked. Zuck wants in on this scam.
What are the advantages of crypto? How can users be anonymous AND have a record of all transactions? Is there really an advantage using crypto vs credit card for online transactions and if so what?
@Newbie123 I know you don't answer questions.
As a software engineer I have a good understa...
Weird.... Facebook should have visited this blog before working on a cryptocurrency. Very smart people here could have told FB that a cryptocurrency is just 0’s and 1’s, that tulips are better and that crypto is just a scam/ ponzi and that it will go to zero.
I am not reading through all your comments but it seemed like it triggered you well ;)
Also Libra will be competition to bitcoin.
Why would anyone want to send money within seconds?
At least you have intrinsic value with tulips. You can touch them. Don’t you know that crypto is going to zero? All ponzi’s go to zero.
If you hold bitcoin (like me)
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Hi guys,
I'd like to start a conversation on crypto-currency, particularly Bitcoin.
What do you all think about it from an investment point of view today? I have some buddies in the finance world who are quite bullish on it and claim we are just scratching the surface. Judging by the recent performance, they may be right.
For people who are investing in Bitcoin, what are you using to invest and what recommendations do you have for a new investor?
Also, how are gains taxed compared to typical stock market gains?
I read this week that over 100,000 merchants in the USA are accepting Bitcoin today.
At the same time, digital currency does scare me a bit as it seems so abstract. Curious what PatNet thinks.
Thanks guys!