Republican voters believe anything they are told. Many be dumb.... & poor.

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2017 Nov 16, 9:46am   9,922 views  24 comments

by HEY YOU   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

"The Republican Party has one idea. It’s a terrible idea that has never worked out for anyone but the very top economic strata of our society. It’s been called Reganomics and trickle-down economics, but it basically says that if you give the people with all of the money even more money, they will make sure to build bigger and better things and everyone will end up getting more money. It never plays out that way and then every eight years or so we end up in an economic crisis, because deregulation of our banks and financial sectors always accompanies such tax cuts."


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1   anonymous   2017 Nov 16, 9:49am  

Singing to the choir ;-)
3   anonymous   2017 Nov 16, 6:50pm  

anonymous says

That is so not funny.
4   Strategist   2017 Nov 16, 7:15pm  

HEY YOU says
"The Republican Party has one idea. It’s a terrible idea that has never worked out for anyone but the very top economic strata of our society. It’s been called Reganomics and trickle-down economics, but it basically says that if you give the people with all of the money even more money, they will make sure to build bigger and better things and everyone will end up getting more money.

Actually, it says if you give incentives to anyone to build bigger and better things, they will build bigger and better things, and everyone will benefit.
eg Apple, Amazon, Google.
5   anonymous   2017 Nov 16, 11:46pm  

Strategist says
Actually, it says if you give incentives to anyone to build bigger and better things, they will build bigger and better things, and everyone will benefit.
eg Apple, Amazon, Google.

"To anyone"
6   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Nov 19, 12:02pm  

"Trump took my mandatory $300/month, $8000 deductible 'health insurance' away! Now I can't shell out $11,000+ before some big multinational receiving massive state subsidies pays one dime towards my health care. I've been cheated, by gum!"
7   komputodo   2017 Nov 19, 12:09pm  

HEY YOU says
Republican voters believe anything they are told. Many be dumb.... & poor.

Voters believe anything they are told. Many be dumb.... & poor. And others be dumb...& rich.
8   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 12:24pm  

jazz_music says
Strategist says
Actually, it says if you give incentives to anyone

Free money at taxpayer's expense is an incentive to take that fuckin' money and run like hell!!

How much free money did Apple get? They are the biggest single tax payer in the country.

jazz_music says
But what about Hillary? Haaaaa hah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa

And what are we laughing at today?
9   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 12:27pm  

jazz_music says

Who is Hillary?
10   MrMagic   2017 Nov 19, 1:59pm  

jazz_music says
Bend over buttercup and prepare to MAGA!

11   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 19, 2:24pm  

If that were true, they would have been in the streets with their guns, and semi automatic weapons cleaning house.
CNN has been trying to ignite a race war for years. We just laugh at the Libtards and the Nazi LARPERS trying to troll us.
12   Tenpoundbass   2017 Nov 19, 2:26pm  

She'll get a teaching job one day, everyone will act surprise when she Mudsharks the Black Star Quarterback.

13   bob2356   2017 Nov 19, 3:46pm  

Strategist says

How much free money did Apple get? They are the biggest single tax payer in the country.

Really? Does exxon and chevron know that?
14   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 5:47pm  

Yes Bob, Exxonmobil and Chevron know that, but you obviously don’t.
Apple was the largest tax payer in 2016, replacing the oil companies when oil crashed.
When yo google, please use the latest information
Thank you
15   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 5:47pm  

It’s so sad telling adults how to google
Very sad
16   anonymous   2017 Nov 19, 6:15pm  

Strategist says
It’s so sad telling adults how to google

Well unless over course he was referring to the free money not taxes.
17   FortWayne   2017 Nov 19, 6:16pm  

You should stop reading dailykos, its fringe stupid site.
18   bob2356   2017 Nov 19, 6:30pm  

Strategist says
Yes Bob, Exxonmobil and Chevron know that, but you obviously don’t.
Apple was the largest tax payer in 2016, replacing the oil companies when oil crashed.
When yo google, please use the latest information
Thank you

I didn't google it I got it from Forbes. Like the magazine. The paper one. But I read it early in the year and they may have been still working on 2015 at that point. I work a lot more from printed sources, mostly books, than google. The trade off for much more accurate information with actual citations and references is the material can be slightly dated at times.
19   anonymous   2017 Nov 19, 6:48pm  

Strategist says
Yes Bob, Exxonmobil and Chevron know that, but you obviously don’t.
Apple was the largest tax payer in 2016, replacing the oil companies when oil crashed.
When yo google, please use the latest information
Thank you

So how much free money did they get?
Anyway, I’m not sure what your point is. Cutting the taxes of the richest isn’t going to improve Apple’s bottom line. Strong wage increases for the middle class most definitely will. Trickle down economics hasn’t exactly been a prime driver of the latter.
20   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 8:36pm  

bob2356 says
Strategist says
Yes Bob, Exxonmobil and Chevron know that, but you obviously don’t.
Apple was the largest tax payer in 2016, replacing the oil companies when oil crashed.
When yo google, please use the latest information
Thank you

I didn't google it I got it from Forbes. Like the magazine. The paper one. But I read it early in the year and they may have been still working on 2015 at that point. I work a lot more from printed sources, mostly books, than google. The trade off for much more accurate information with actual citations and references is the material can be slightly dated at times.

I got my information from CNBC when they reported Apple earnings a few days ago.
You are a dinosaur, Bob. I have always wondered why people pay for magazines and newspapers just to get yesterday's news, when today's news is available for free.
21   Strategist   2017 Nov 19, 8:38pm  

anon_6fcd7 says
So how much free money did they get?

Apple gets none.
22   bob2356   2017 Nov 19, 10:43pm  

Strategist says
You are a dinosaur, Bob. I have always wondered why people pay for magazines and newspapers just to get yesterday's news, when today's news is available for free.

Looks like grabbing bits and pieces of news online only is why you didn't manage to grasp the sentence. I said mostly books. News is a very shallow glimpse at what happened but with almost no depth into why or how. For that you are going to have to dive into books or have nothing more that a very shallow tenuous grasp on the subject matter.

I read online news just fine. Usually bbc and the economist every day along with half a dozen of the better english language international news organizations casually. I read the NYT and WSJ in print a couple days a week because I enjoy it.
23   anonymous   2017 Nov 19, 11:42pm  

What are you talking about Bob? We all know Fox News has the same kind of in depth analysis as an article in The New Yorker. Get with the times.
24   anonymous   2017 Nov 19, 11:45pm  

Strategist says
anon_6fcd7 says
So how much free money did they get?

Apple gets none.

Well yes and no, so what was your point again?

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