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Two Presidents in a row have advocated more military spending by other countries, including Germany and Japan. That went badly in the past. I would rather see them spend less. Ideally, I would like to see them pay the USA for American protection instead of building up their own military budgets.
Except that they do not pay, they get US protection for free.
curious2 saysTwo Presidents in a row have advocated more military spending by other countries, including Germany and Japan. That went badly in the past. I would rather see them spend less. Ideally, I would like to see them pay the USA for American protection instead of building up their own military budgets.
Except that they do not pay, they get US protection for free.
And pipsqueak nations have been joining that may get us dragged into a war doing something stupid. Why have NATO anymore when Germany is going to get it's energy from Russia?
Consider what will happen when France and Belgium become 20% Muslim, which will happen in a generation. I would rather see them disarm instead of turning over a huge arsenal to Islamic control. The KSA plan seems to be to hijack NATO countries from inside, pumping Sunnis into NATO countries. I would like to see the USA thwart that plan.
replaced by a secular democratic Germany
The irony is that while Germany no longer has any significant number of Nazis, they are now doing a mass import of an ideology, Islam, that is pretty damn similar to Naziism.
Anyone that thinks the right can't rise again is a fool.
Russia is doing everything they can to expand the far right all over Europpe and the US.
A bunch of raggedy ass refuges are the least of the worries in Europe.
They don't want to spread the alt right. They want to divide people, discredit the institutions, and create strife. They use the alt-right in the process because it's convenient. They probably also use the extreme left for the same reason. Have you listened RT recently?
The Democrat "Blame Russia" gang studiously ignores RT/Sputnik's support of BLM, Bernie, etc.
Yesterday morning a random pop band appeared on state television to sing “Fuck the AfD.” This really happened, I watched the song myself. What a good feeling it is, knowing that I pay 18.36 Euro a month for this stuff.
A whole fight has broken out at the carnival in Cologne, after AfD councillors adorned a CDU district mayor with a festive medal (a so-called Karnevalorden). The mayor was forced to apologise because he didn’t refuse the favour, the Greens suspended their cooperation with the CDU in the neighbourhood council on account of the grave offence to diversity, and the festival committee president opened a literal investigation into the firm that manufactured the trinket – who have of course likewise apologised and promised to donate their proceeds from the order to charity.
Just a few days ago, Peter Fischer, the honorary president of the football club Eintracht Frankfurt, gave a completely unhinged interview to RTL in which he screeched that “one in four or one in five people on the street is a Nazi.” “Break down their doors and gates,” he said of AfD voters, “slap them in the face! Puke in their faces! I don’t give a shit!” The whole time he was waving his hands like some totally crazy person on cocaine. It is like the great vaccinator hysteria from fall 2021 all over again.
Perhaps most amazing, however, is this story about a police investigation into an inflatable snowman planted before the AfD offices in Berlin-Pankow:
Crack fascism investigators with the Berlin police, drawing on their immense political expertise, determined that the figure was offering the Hitler salute. They wrote a report and a chief inspector with the State Criminal Police Office sent an “urgent request” to the AfD demanding that they explain themselves. Party officials responded that it was obviously a commercially available figurine which they had bought in 2018. Amazingly, it turns out that the snowman is neither a National Socialist nor right-wing extremist; he is merely waving. Now that experts have cleared the inflatable of all political suspicion, it is probably safe to buy it again; you can order your own here for 280 Euro.
Meanwhile, energy-intensive German industries continue to reduce production; there is no end in sight. The economy is facing its longest recession in 20 years. But we’re really sticking it to “the right,” and that’s what counts.
Meanwhile, energy-intensive German industries continue to reduce production; there is no end in sight. The economy is facing its longest recession in 20 years. But we’re really sticking it to “the right,” and that’s what counts.
Crack fascism investigators with the Berlin police, drawing on their immense political expertise, determined that the figure was offering the Hitler salute. They wrote a report and a chief inspector with the State Criminal Police Office sent an “urgent request” to the AfD demanding that they explain themselves. Party officials responded that it was obviously a commercially available figurine which they had bought in 2018. Amazingly, it turns out that the snowman is neither a National Socialist nor right-wing extremist; he is merely waving. Now that experts have cleared the inflatable of all political suspicion, it is probably safe to buy it again; you can order your own here for 280 Euro.
Perhaps most amazing, however, is this story about a police investigation into an inflatable snowman planted before the AfD offices in Berlin-Pankow:
Corona: Five Official Facts
Dezember 2023
Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg
This document uses short links. If you click on one of the blue links or type it in
manually, the official URL will appear in your browser window.
1. All-time low clinic occupancy in 2020
In 2020, clinic occupancy fell to an all-time low, in some cases 30% below the previous year's figure. Link Bundesgesundheitsministerium (p. 4): https://bitly.ws/32cQN
2. Few severe respiratory diseases
Respiratory diseases were inconspicuous in 2020 and 2021. Peaks occurred in 2018 and at the end of 2022. Link Robert Koch-Institut (p. 5): https://bitly.ws/32cSF
3. Deaths increased noticeably in 2021 not 2020
In 2020, the age-adjusted mortality rate was between the values of 2018 and 2019.
It only increased noticeably with the start of vaccination in 2021. Link Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes: https://bitly.ws/342bx
4. Corona deaths were older than other deaths
On average, the PCR deaths were 83 years old, the other deaths were 82 years old.
Links Robert Koch-Institut (p. 19): https://bitly.ws/32pqh und Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung: https://bitly.ws/32cTK
5. Sweden performed better than Germany
The overall mortality rate per capita was lower in lockdown- and mask-free Sweden than in Germany. Link: World Health Organization: https://bitly.ws/32sSY
The irony is that while Germany no longer has any significant number of Nazis, they are now doing a mass import of an ideology, Islam, that is pretty damn similar to Naziism.
Patrick says
The irony is that while Germany no longer has any significant number of Nazis, they are now doing a mass import of an ideology, Islam, that is pretty damn similar to Naziism.
Demographics is destiny.
Just a few generations till The German Islamic Republic. Next door to The Islamic Republic of France.
Then the EU will become The European Caliphate.
Islam is only a symptom,
PeopleUnited says
Islam is only a symptom,
If you say so, that the European Caliphate will be a symptom.
B.A.C.A.H. says
PeopleUnited says
Islam is only a symptom,
If you say so, that the European Caliphate will be a symptom.
It’s not going to happen. Jesus will be back before then.
There was a pogram in Istanbul in the 1960s
The remaining Greek, Armenian, etc. population was terrorized into leaving. Before then, Istanbul had a majority Christian population.
here i say a little about my experience of mass migration.
i buy alpine fortress in mountain foothills, in the evening of covid stupidity, in a fit of anger with hygiene restrictions and QR passes everywhere. these ruin the beloved city for me, they ruin it forever. i can never live in munich again. good job ret@rds.
it is modest house but is nice, on the banks of a stream full of trout, the babbling water is a sound you hear in all the rooms. nothing but locals who speak heavy bayrisch, i feel like i am retvrning to place of childhood. it is a plus, that around the corner from me is local school, i think could help with resale value, and anyway the children with their overstuffed rucksacks cheer me. it is a pristine place.
then the borders open after covid and the migrants come. the school, once a blessing, is now a curse, because the invaders are housed in the school athletics facility. an ever-rotating cast of them now vastly outnumbering the locals. i guess the kids don’t get to do sports anymore, migration is more important. the guests are overwhelmingly young men, they smoke and drink cheep petrol station liquor on the lawn in front of the school. they tag my house with graffiti. they drink and make noise until late at night outside. i start worry about grilfriend on her evening runs. broken glass on the streets in the mornings.
you can’t get away from this. any house you buy, anywhere you move - who is to say what random facility down the road won’t transform itself into indefinite rapefufee centre. of course you have no say in this, it just happens, because humanitarianism.
during the last major freakout AgInsT tHe rIgHT, i took careful note of all the local businesses that put up obnoxious diversity migrants-welcome-here signs in the windows. i will never give these assholes another euro, their stupid virtue signalling is ruining these small fragile rural settlements. also, it’s hard not to notice that most of these fashion-forward establishments are run by immigrants from less noxious places. especially the italians. fuck you guys.
so now i probably move again, to the rural east, i try to buy withdrawn villa with land around it that they can’t tag, i escape somewhat the suffocating self-abnegation of westtards who seem to get moral orgasm from this kind of debasement.
it is the humiliation more than anything that i hate. we could end this tomorrow but we grab our ankles and ask to be fucked in the ass instead. i will never forgive the desecration of my home.
10:44 AM · May 13, 2024
There was a pogram in Istanbul in the 1960s
The remaining Greek, Armenian, etc. population was terrorized into leaving. Before then, Istanbul had a majority Christian population.
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Keep in mind, they laughed at Churchill, proudly declaring he was a warmongering eccentric, if not downright delusional, literally right up until the Sudentenland. And all the Liberals of the day claimed "Peace in Our Time."
We really should be thinking about how to divide Germany into Saxony, Prussia, Bavaria, Hannover, etc.and if Morganthau was right all along.
#Germany #FourthReich #EUArmy