Why is it difficult for leftists to make points w/o attacking others?

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2018 Mar 19, 8:38am   55,678 views  277 comments

by CBOEtrader   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

My theory is that superiority is built into the identity of the left.

Accusing others of being child killers for disagreeing about gun rights -OR- suggesting disagreement can only stem from ignorance or racism or both. This form of bigotry is so deeply rooted into the psyche of the left that it becomes almost impossible to discuss a political topic w/o letting these direct personal attacks slip.

Our forum has become an interesting case study in the leftists psychology. It is the product of $billions worth of propaganda blasting soft minds with news, and nonstop Hollywood bigotry against wrongthink. The Nazi's would be jealous of the righteousness seen in today's left, and even more jealous of the glee with which the left today enacts its fascist, anti-wrongthink agenda

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184   FortWayne   2018 Mar 20, 12:46pm  

Left has no points, just demands onto taxpayers.
185   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 12:46pm  

FP says
Because if not, I can challenge some of them to an IQ competition and they may fall for it.

If there is a real, digital, fair method id happily challenge anyone on this board to an IQ test challenge.
186   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 12:50pm  

FP says
Canada and Australia are ethnically diverse.

There are Eastern European countries with large income inequality and population living below the poverty line.


Canada is 2.5% black. Yes they have a low crime rate
187   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 20, 12:50pm  

FP says
Canada and Australia are ethnically diverse.

They were highly developed Anglo-Saxon nations before they had diversity. Australia had a Whites-only, then an "Educated-Only" policy most of the past century.

Canada is about 80% White, with a Native population larger than the US at 5%. Add in East Asians at 8%, and Canada is 93% Indigenous, White, or East Asian. With only 7% from mostly Shithole Countries.

Despite taking in Lebanese (big crime element) and Asians in numbers, Australia is still 90% White. In other words, about the same as China which is about 90% Han Chinese. Han Chinese dominate in every last Chinese province except Tibet and Xikiang, the latter which due to deliberate policies of relocating Han to Turkic Areas, it is now 45% Han Chinese.

Indeed, one can make the case that the median White household is worse off (considering more Mothers work these days, also) since the the 1960s Immigration Act.

FP says
There are Eastern European countries with large income inequality and population living below the poverty line.

Do you honestly believe if they took in a hundred thousand or so NAFRA refugees, they'd be richer for it?

They're colonies of Germany, deliberately de-industrialized after the Cold War to ensure they couldn't compete with Germany by offering low-cost goods based on lower labor and electric costs. Like GM and the Trollies, the Germans brought up the factories, used the machines for scrap metal, and shut 'em down. Much of the money that Germany was allowed to go over EU limits to borrow in the 90s for Reunification actually was spent "Investing" in Eastern Europe.

Germany's war on coal isn't solely motivated by Greeny Goodness.
188   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 12:54pm  

drB6 says
FP says
explain US vs other developed countries

Might be higher income inequality in US and more ethnically and racially mixed population.

Edit: and a good case in point is actually El Paso, which is ethnically homogeneous (>90% Hispanic) and has very low crime.

First define "developed countries". Every time the left pulls out this garbage line they cherry pick a few European countries plus a few homogonous Asian countries.

A far better comparison would be Mexico or Brazil, as they are similarly diverse. How are we doing I'm violent crime compared to those places?

If you want to compare to Iceland, New Hampshire here in the states has comparable income, diversity and crime rates.
189   anonymous   2018 Mar 20, 1:03pm  

CBOEtrader says
FP says
Canada and Australia are ethnically diverse.

There are Eastern European countries with large income inequality and population living below the poverty line.


Canada is 2.5% black. Yes they have a low crime rate

How do you propose we resolve the black problem?
190   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 20, 1:09pm  

errc says
How do you propose we resolve the black problem?

Abraham Lincoln thought they should be Hotep'd. Send them back to Africa, the goddamn magic wonderland where in the ancient days of Wakanda, they built UFO Anti-gravity Pyramids that traveled the stars until Yakub the literal White Devil showed up.

The true sign of Ra's blessing is the Black Man thrives in the hot sun, but the Evil White Devil is burned and cursed with the Melanoma by the lifegiving Rays of Ra.

Seriously though, the NigNog is a subset of Black People, who causes most of the problems. Send the Hair Hatted Houligan Bastard Factories to the Unwed Mothers home. That will solve most of the Urban Crime Problem. Work, no Thugs to Fuck, No 40s Allowed, no problems of Black Youth corrupted by Nasty Nappy Hos.

It's for everybody, including Trailer White Trash Hos too.
191   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 1:15pm  

errc says
How do you propose we resolve the black problem?

End PC culture immediately so that experts can ask the tough questions, identify problems, and look for potential solutions.

End the soft racism of leftist low expectations and treat blacks w the same dignity and respect as we treat white males.

End affirmative action and any other program that has been a proven failure to those it supposedly helps.

Implement best person for the job policies, EVERYWHERE.

Teach blacks to compete on a level playing field rather than hand out soft expectation racist goodies.

Publicly shame anyone who promotes victim hood culture.

Look openly at the inner city democratic policies that have kept the black communities in ghetto voting plantation mode.

Spend money on better schools rather than wars and/or failed welfare programs.

Bring back working class jobs by protecting our boarder.

Basically, everything Trump is doing should drastically help the black community. We are already showing signs of improvement.
192   missing   2018 Mar 20, 1:16pm  

Republican with < $5mil net worth = idiot
193   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 1:18pm  

FP says
Republican with < $5mil net worth = idiot

At least you are honest about how you judge working class americans. This is why the D's will continue to lose.

Trump is the working class candidate. He is what the democrats were in the days of JFK.
194   anonymous   2018 Mar 20, 1:30pm  

CBOEtrader says
FP says
Republican with < $5mil net worth = idiot

At least you are honest about how you judge working class americans. This is why the D's will continue to lose.

Trump is the working class candidate. He is what the democrats were in the days of JFK.

Riiiight. Either that, or he’s as Republican as any Republican before him.

His lone accomplishments are massive tax cut for the wealthy and promises to spend more money we don’t have on a military we don’t need.

How is that any different than every other Republican?

Oh yea, he talks about God a lot, and really protects the Christian Conservative halfwits and their religious nonsense that they demand be imposed on the rest of us, Freedom and Liberty be damned
195   anonymous   2018 Mar 20, 1:31pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
errc says
How do you propose we resolve the black problem?

Abraham Lincoln thought they should be Hotep'd. Send them back to Africa, the goddamn magic wonderland where in the ancient days of Wakanda, they built UFO Anti-gravity Pyramids that traveled the stars until Yakub the literal White Devil showed up.

The true sign of Ra's blessing is the Black Man thrives in the hot sun, but the Evil White Devil is burned and cursed with the Melanoma by the lifegiving Rays of Ra.

Seriously though, the NigNog is a subset of Black People, who causes most of the problems. Send the Hair Hatted Houligan Bastard Factories to the Unwed Mothers home. That will solve most of the Urban Crime Problem. Work, no Thugs to Fuck, No 40s Allowed, no problems of Black Youth corrupted by Nasty Nappy Hos.

It's for everybody, including Trailer White Trash Hos too.

So Big Government Nanny State?
196   Goran_K   2018 Mar 20, 1:31pm  

CBOEtrader says
Vermont has very few blacks = low crime rate. This is the unfortunate truth.

Good point.
197   anonymous   2018 Mar 20, 1:32pm  

CBOEtrader says
errc says
How do you propose we resolve the black problem?

End PC culture immediately so that experts can ask the tough questions, identify problems, and look for potential solutions.

End the soft racism of leftist low expectations and treat blacks w the same dignity and respect as we treat white males.

End affirmative action and any other program that has been a proven failure to those it supposedly helps.

Implement best person for the job policies, EVERYWHERE.

Teach blacks to compete on a level playing field rather than hand out soft expectation racist goodies.

Publicly shame anyone who promotes victim hood culture.

Look openly at the inner city democratic policies that have kept the black communities in ghetto voting plantation mode.

Spend money on better schools rather than wars and/or failed welfare programs.

Bring back working clas...

Whatever happened to Free Market Capitalist solutions?

Now it’s just SJWs demanding the Big Government come spend more money

With right wingers, some things never change
198   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 1:46pm  

errc says
Whatever happened to Free Market Capitalist solutions?

My solution would eliminate SJW's and big government from the equation.
199   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:16pm  

CBOEtrader says
FP says
Republican with < $5mil net worth = idiot

At least you are honest about how you judge working class americans. This is why the D's will continue to lose.

Trump is the working class candidate. He is what the democrats were in the days of JFK.

1. Working class Americans who vote against their interests. Same for middle class Americans.

2. Democrats lose because they have turned into a center-right party and do not prioritize the interests of low and middle class Americans.

3. Trump the low class candidate? LOL
Trump was the anti-Hillary candidate. Maybe the desperation candidate.

But poor people have been fooled and screwed throughout human history. So I will not be surprised if they adopt him as their candidate.
200   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:20pm  


Sniper continues to post a personal attack against the users in this tread. After it is marked as personal, the moderator(s) is restoring it. Please ensure that your moderator is following your rules.

errc, can you please quote this message and add @patrick, so that he receives it.
201   Patrick   2018 Mar 20, 2:22pm  

Thanks @FP deleted now.
202   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:24pm  

Who was reposting it???
203   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 20, 2:25pm  

I did, because it didn't target anybody in particular, only mentioned unspecified whingers in the thread, and was a reply to Quigley.

My apologies if that's not in keeping with the rules.
204   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:30pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Do you honestly believe if they took in a hundred thousand or so NAFRA refugees, they'd be richer for it?

I'm afraid you have misunderstood what the conversation was about.
205   anonymous   2018 Mar 20, 2:34pm  

Is it just coincidence that all the mods are biased against non-Trumpcucks?

Or is that by design along with abandoning Free Speech, and honest dialogue?
206   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 20, 2:35pm  

FP says
I'm afraid you have misunderstood what the conversation was about.

Canada being Whiter than the USA and Australia being almost Wholly White, and thus homogeneous, have no bearing when it comes to discussing the impact of Multiculturalism, the preferred Imperialist (and now Corporatist) solution to pesky nationalism?
207   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 2:35pm  

FP says
1. Working class Americans who vote against their interests. Same for middle class Americans.

Both of these groups do FAR better w Trump than any other potus 2016 choice. Evidence so far supports their decision.

At this rate, Trump is overwhelming favorite for 2020.
208   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:39pm  

CBOEtrader says
FP says
1. Working class Americans who vote against their interests. Same for middle class Americans.

Both of these groups do FAR better w Trump than any other potus 2016 choice. Evidence so far supports their decision.

At this rate, Trump is overwhelming favorite for 2020.

Arguably better than Clinton, but not Sanders.

For 2020, it depends on who the opposing candidate will be.
209   missing   2018 Mar 20, 2:42pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Canada being Whiter than the USA and Australia being almost Wholly White, and thus homogeneous, have no bearing when it comes to discussing the impact of Multiculturalism,

Are you equating skin color with multiculturilism? Because Canada, I would argue, is even more multicultural than the US.
210   CBOEtrader   2018 Mar 20, 2:42pm  

FP says
but not Sanders.

Socialism totally helps the working class, right comrades?

FP says

For 2020, it depends on who the opposing candidate will be.

Yeah, K Harris will get destroyed. Unless the Rock is running, Trump is fine.
211   Bd6r   2018 Mar 20, 3:16pm  

FP says
Might be this, might be that. Anything but guns.

You were in academia, right? What's your discipline? It's not physics right?

Not physics, more applied discipline

There has to be some correlation between gun crime/gun availability, but I do not think that number of guns is the main or biggest factor. Swiss have twice less guns per capita than US, but gun murder rate is much, much less that of US. Finns have a lot of guns, and again gun crime is much less proportionally than in US, and much, much less crime in general as income distributions in those countries are much more equal than in US.

My personal opinion is that there is many more than just one factor, and gun availability is not the main one. One could perhaps start fixing situation with mental health services, or increased economic opportunities for people, or FBI doing its job. Compare Chicago or Baltimore with Houston, El Paso, or San Antonio.

In many poorer E. European countries murder rates are actually pretty high (Russia). Canada/Australia probably has less income inequality.
212   missing   2018 Mar 20, 3:38pm  

drB6 says
My personal opinion is that there is many more than just one factor, and gun availability is not the main one

But how can you isolate them? If there is a sugnificant fraction of the population prone to gun violence, is making guns (including semi-outimatic) available with hardly any control wise? Or maybe you have solution for how to fix the other problems?

It seems to me that one can make a case that the US needs even struckter gun regulation than other countries, not weaker.
213   MrMagic   2018 Mar 20, 3:46pm  

FP says
If there is a sugnificant fraction of the population prone to gun violence, is making guns (including semi-outimatic) available with hardly any control wise?

Please explain what "hardly any control wise" means.

FP says
It seems to me that one can make a case that the US needs even struckter gun regulation than other countries, not weaker.

What exact laws are missing that should be implemented? Please be specific?

Isn't shooting someone already illegal?
215   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 20, 3:54pm  

CBOEtrader says

Socialism totally helps the working class, right comrades?

Sanders is not advocating socialism. So, try again.
216   HappyGilmore   2018 Mar 20, 3:57pm  

CBOEtrader says
oth of these groups do FAR better w Trump than any other potus 2016 choice. Evidence so far supports their decision.

What evidence is that?
218   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 20, 4:57pm  

FP says
Are you equating skin color with multiculturilism? Because Canada, I would argue, is even more multicultural than the US.

Typically, at a multicultural event, they bring out non-White people. Colleges put non-Whites on their brochures (but NOT too many Asians) with the Heading "Fart College committed to multiculturalism and diversity on campus".

So when PoMo Neoliberals talk about multiculturalism, the "Subtext" is that of "Look at all the non-Whites".

NOT "Oh look, a big province speaks French. Hey, all 12 of are employees are European, but the gal from Trois-Riveres in accounting can rap in Joual and makes a mean poutaine."
219   MrMagic   2018 Mar 20, 5:20pm  

FP says


A finance guy is now the authority on gun violence and gun laws???


To top it off, he posts charts from Vox and Mother Jones, the two most lefty leaning, radical, liberal sites on the web???

Folks, you just can't make this shit up!
220   MrMagic   2018 Mar 20, 5:21pm  

HappyGilmore says
CBOEtrader says

Socialism totally helps the working class, right comrades?

Sanders is not advocating socialism. So, try again.

Just advocating lots of FREE stuff (paid for by those evil rich people).

Thank GOD he didn't win!!
221   missing   2018 Mar 20, 5:22pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
FP says
Are you equating skin color with multiculturilism? Because Canada, I would argue, is even more multicultural than the US.

Typically, at a multicultural event, they bring out non-White people. Colleges put non-Whites on their brochures (but NOT too many Asians) with the Heading "Fart College committed to multiculturalism and diversity on campus".

So when PoMo Neoliberals talk about multiculturalism, the "Subtext" is that of "Look at all the non-Whites".

NOT "Oh look, a big province speaks French. Hey, all 12 of are employees are European, but the gal from Trois-Riveres in accounting can rap in Joual and makes a mean poutaine."

I don't care what "they" do. I wrote that Canada is multicultural and you replied with "but it's only 2.5%" black. So the question is what multicultural is according to YOU.

Otherwise, I know that Canada is a PC hell. I have a Canadian citizenship (in addition to a couple more).
222   missing   2018 Mar 20, 5:22pm  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
FP says
Are you equating skin color with multiculturilism? Because Canada, I would argue, is even more multicultural than the US.

Typically, at a multicultural event, they bring out non-White people. Colleges put non-Whites on their brochures (but NOT too many Asians) with the Heading "Fart College committed to multiculturalism and diversity on campus".

So when PoMo Neoliberals talk about multiculturalism, the "Subtext" is that of "Look at all the non-Whites".

NOT "Oh look, a big province speaks French. Hey, all 12 of are employees are European, but the gal from Trois-Riveres in accounting can rap in Joual and makes a mean poutaine."

I don't care what "they" do. I wrote that Canada is multicultural and you replied with "but it's only 2.5%" black. So the question is what multicultural is according to YOU.

Otherwise, I know that Canada is a PC hell. I have a Canadian citizenship (in addition to a couple more).
223   Bd6r   2018 Mar 20, 5:22pm  

FP says
drB6 says<
In many poorer E. European countries murder rates are actually pretty high

Many? I'm pretty sure that all of the EU Eastern European countries has much lower rate than the US.

They have more homogeneous populations and in many (not most) cases less unequal income distributions. EU East European countries are not poor in grand scheme of things. Former Soviet Union has similar or higher murder rates than US of A, with Russia being worst.

My problem with gun removal is that government starts things with best intentions and ends screwing everything up. They can introduce another 10000 rules and regulations and ignore them just like they did with shooting in TX church (the perp was reported for domestic abuse yet nothing came out of it and he bought a gun which he should not be able to according to already existing rules), Florida school shooting - FBI/local police was informed many times yet nothing, there was a school shooting in NW NM - again shooter was reported to FBI etc. A few more regulations are more likely to screw over law-abiding citizens.

I did not grow up in gun culture, so the question does not hold emotional significance to me. However, I know many people around me who grew up with guns around them, who like having a lot of them in their houses, and who are very responsible owners. New regulations will make their life more difficult while FBI will miss another thousand tips, and after another shooting we will have more calls for new rules and regulations.

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