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Cannabis will not be a deciding factor.
America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.
I am hoping that those of you whom are all comfy in thinking that the big orange turd and his party will be all good during the mid terms continue to remain blisfully ignorant: The rest of us- the approximately 60% of us who do not support Trump are furious and we will vote.
Another thing you guys are probably totally going to be caught off guard with is that pretty much ALL of the post millennial generation leans very heavily to the left... as in FDR new deal left.
Trump still only showing a 40% approval rating. That has been unchanged since the election. His party is overwhelmingly unpopular too.
"America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why."
America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.
Most of today's youth are completely against conservative ideology. So continue being as ass and call them stupid: They will be calling the shots before long.
I am hoping that those of you whom are all comfy in thinking that the big orange turd and his party will be all good during the mid terms continue to remain blisfully ignorant: The rest of us- the approximately 60% of us who do not support Trump are furious and we will vote.
mell saysedvard says"America is a Christian nation. And if you grew up here, you’d know that, and you’d know why."
America is a nation of many different religions with no religious indoctrination in within our political system.
Theoretically yes. But every nation has roots and the American roots are clearly 100% Christian. Nobody is being disadvantaged because of their religion, in fact it's the often the opposite. Tell me why Christians cannot demand a prayer room or time for prayer but it is considered discrimination by most corporate handbooks to rally against a muslim prayer room. Really, I'd like to understand what you're angry about, Trump is as American as one can get, with all their faults and virtues. Everything else brought on from the outside and supported by the left simply undermines tribal c...
I don't agree with everything the church(es) say. But I have to look hard to find even the slightest case of coercion on their side. Abortion is legal, same-sex marriage is legal, recreational drugs are legislated on the state level - where are they trumping the constitution? Nowhere. Also most prohibitionist measures are not driven by the clergy, but by other interests - e.g. making prostitution illegal is propping up the dating and marriage market, a billion dollar industry, bigly (def not the churches call). No reason to be mad or making comparisons to orgs that want to violently conquer the whole world.
But I have to look hard to find even the slightest case of coercion on their side.
Yeah... I bet you were... But nevertheless I was at one time maybe a moderate Democrat and now that I'm in my 40's, have a house payment, make a good income, pay taxes and all that other stuff you mentioned I've grown even more liberal and that goes for most people I know. Perhaps its not that I've grown more liberal but that the right has gone more extreme.
I'm sorry but growing wiser and mixing with with becoming more conservative doesn't make sense. Generally people are supposed to become more intelligent versus regressing and joining the party of the weak minded and imbecilic.
That comment right there is precisely why the GOP is likely doomed. Rampant xenophobia has overtaken the party and if there's one thing assured: That kind of xenophobia is becoming increasingly more unpopular with more and more Americans as shown by the widening levels of support for gay marriage, civil rights, unions and so on. That you say that is laughable. Jesus christ...
That comment right there is precisely why the GOP is likely doomed.
about 90% of them identify as being leftist
pretty much ALL of the post millennial generation leans very heavily to the left... as in FDR new deal left
You guys do realize that ever since the election that the GOP has been losing elections like mad
Nationalism, infrastructure spending, trade protectionism, labor protections, and a focus on the economy would aptly characterize FDR’s Presidency. Sound familiar? Those are all things the Left decries daily about Trump!
Obama brought unemployment from around 10% down to 4.7% or so.
Why does your "friend" have to have an identifying label ? Why can't he just be your friend ?
God damn FDR...damn that man
And you seem to think that the DNC being against Trump isn't much of a platform? When the president actively seeks to ruin the country on a daily basis it is indeed a very valid platform-albeit a temporary one - but more or less a platform built for the national emergency we now exist in with this joke of a president.
When did those last two parts occur ?
When the president actively seeks to ruin the country on a daily basis it is indeed a very valid platform-albeit a temporary one - but more or less a platform built for the national emergency we now exist in with this joke of a president.
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Yesterday former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris told radio host on New York's AM 970 that he believes the "blue wave" that Democrats are expecting to give them back the Senate and House will not materialize, and polling has backed him up.
Last week, CNN's mid term poll showed that Democrats only had a 3 point advantage, well within the margin of error, and considering that CNN is known for "oversampling" Democrats in its own polls, this is troubling for the DNC.
Additionally, a recent poll from Reuters (left leaning) has shown that Millennials are leaving the Democrat party in droves. Democrat membership in the 18-34 demographic (the bread and butter of the DNC) dropped 9% over the past 2 years, most of them becoming "independents".
"I think that [Democrats] see fool’s gold in these scandals," Morris said. "They’re putting everything behind the Stormy Daniels scandal and Michael Cohen … and the country doesn’t give a damn."
That's when Morris dropped his prediction.
"There is no blue wave coming," Morris exclaimed. "There is a red wave. And what makes it red is the blood of the Democratic Party."
Here's my official take. I believe the GOP will LOSE seats in the house but will not give it up to the DNC. I believe the GOP will GAIN seats in the senate, keeping their majority. This will mean that Trump will have both houses of congress for his entire term.