Global Cooling 1/2 degree in last 2 years.

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2018 May 18, 1:27pm   62,111 views  430 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


The average global temperature dropped by more than half a degree Celsius from February 2016 to February 2018, according to recent NASA data.

Read Newsmax: NASA Data: Earth Cooled by Half a Degree Celsius From '16-'18

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35   Onvacation   2018 May 20, 10:38am  

Malcolm says
This is called backpedaling.

And it has been going on for a while.

We don't hear about rising sea levels and imminent ice free arctic anymore because they did not happen. In spite of the dire warnings, the hockey stick of multiple degree temperature rise never happened. Thus global warming became climate change.

Now the alarmists warn of catastrophe if the temp goes up two more degrees by the end of the century and the only way to stop this is to buy carbon credits (Al Gore is selling them) or stop emitting co2.
But don't hold your breath for the alarmists to ever admit they were wrong about CAGW.
36   marcus   2018 May 20, 10:50am  

You act as if what's happened is so incredibly far from the projections of models. Sure, the most outragious "predictions' didn't come true, but even those tell you a lot about the intellectual dishonesty of the right wing skeptics. They love to quote Al Gore who said something to the effect that one scientist says POSSBLY the ice caps would be completely gone in the summer by 2014 (or whatever year it was).

From that they get "Gore predicted it. " If you call them on this lie, it's as if they are zombies that are programmed to not comprehend what you're talking about.

Do the deniers ever stop and notice "oh my god the arctic ice is melting really fast, faster than many of the projections ?" Of course not.

instead you get the asinine lie "nya nya nya nya nya, Gore predicted there would be no ice on earth by 2014" or some such bullshit.


Here are graphs of a bunch of models. We know that so far is that several of these models are relatively accurate.. But they are just models. Nobody ever said with absolute certainty they were able to predict exactly how it will unfold. Models take a bunch of inputs, including some assumptions based on historical correlations and so on. Everyone knows the earths climate is too complex to predict perfectly. To use the fact that it can't be predicted perfectly, as a cop out for denying a trend that's unfolding right before your eyes is in my opinion beyond stupid.

37   Onvacation   2018 May 20, 11:10am  

marcus says
You act as if what's happened is so incredibly for from the projections of models.

Not even sure what that means.

marcus says
Al Gore who said something to the effect that one scientist says POSSBLY the ice caps would be completely gone in the summer by 2014 (or whatever year it was).

Oh yeah. Did the scientist predict the current cooling?

Onvacation says
will alarmists ever admit they were wrong about CAGW.

marcus says
Nobody ever said with absolute certainty they were able to predict exactly how it will unfold.

Thats a start.
38   Malcolm   2018 May 20, 11:12am  

marcus says
Here are graphs of a bunch of models. We know that so far is that several of these models are relatively accurate.. But they are just models. Nobody ever said with absolute certainty they were able to predict exactly how it will unfold

How can there possibly be consensus and settled science then?
39   marcus   2018 May 20, 11:19am  

I know that you guys are all about black and white, absolute certainty versus "I can ignore this," but please consider this question.

What probability would you have to attribute to one of the worse projections above being accurate in order to base government policy on the POSSIBILITY.

Would it take an 80% chance that one of the worst projections in that graph are what's going to happen ? A 50% chance ?

For some people that are in the habit of thinking about the reality of complex systems and risk in terms of probability, they would go as low as 5% or possibly even lower. Certainly for any rational and sane person, a 10% chance that those worst projections are correct would be enough for strong action.

40   marcus   2018 May 20, 11:35am  

Malcolm says
How can there possibly be consensus and settled science then?

Because all of the graphs are of exponential increase in land and ocean temperatures. Thats the part that there is nearly total agreement on.
41   marcus   2018 May 20, 11:40am  

Onvacation says
Oh yeah. Did the scientist predict the current cooling?

Yes. Well not this one, not sure. But they do predict that these will happen. Please note that all the graphs have little down blips. the couple blue graphs have some very decent sized downturns (FAR bigger than the current one you are referring to, occurring between 2040 and 2060.
42   Malcolm   2018 May 20, 11:50am  

marcus says
Because all of the graphs are of exponential increase in land and ocean temperatures. Thats the part that there is nearly total agreement on.

Except, that it didn't happen. That is the part that there is skepticism on.
43   Onvacation   2018 May 20, 11:53am  

marcus says
I know that you guys are all about black and white, absolute certainty versus "I can ignore this,"

No. We are all about science and real solutions to real problems, Not scaring children.
44   CBOEtrader   2018 May 20, 12:07pm  

marcus says
absolute certainty versus "I can ignore this,"

No-one said this. I would like to see intellectually honest discussion rather than weak attempts to slander skepticism, which is the backbone of scientific process. Anyone who used the phrase "science denier" has no business discussing this topic.

To have a valid hypothesis, a set of predictions MUST match empirical data. So I will ask again, WHAT is the hypothesis and WHAT future empirical evidence determines support for your hypothesis vs disproving your hypothesis? As is, the climate alarmists take whatever empirical data we have and force fit it into their pre-conceived-yet-malleable theory of global coolling/global warming/climate change. The climate change debate has been conducted in a terribly unscientific manner.
45   Malcolm   2018 May 20, 12:14pm  

CBOEtrader says
No-one said this. I would like to see intellectually honest discussion rather than weak attempts to slander skepticism, which is the backbone of scientific process. Anyone who used the phrase "science denier" has no business discussing this topic.


CBOEtrader says
The climate change debate has been conducted in a terribly unscientific manner.

I have tried explaining to the alarmists that I am agnostic. For about a year, on more than one site, I have posed a very simple challenge to convince me. It seems very logical that if there is sea level rise then it should be observable. So I have put a challenge out there to show me in an old picture and a new picture a rise in the high water line on a fixed point. I have also asked if anyone can demonstrate a predicted bad scenario that actually came true. No one has been able to demonstrate either of these two scientific hurdles.
46   justme   2018 May 20, 12:15pm  

It is time yet again to explain out how Global warming (GW) follows directly from GE (Greenhouse Effect) and 1LT (First Law of Thermodynamics).

First some definitions: By (planet) earth is meant all the physical matter of the planet, including land, water, ice and the atmosphere. Everything.

GE: Greenhouse Effect implies that with increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, the earth's balance of energy absorbed from the sun and emitted back to space will change so that more energy is absorbed and less energy is emitted.

1LT: The 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that deltaU=Q-W, where U is the internal energy (of the earth in this case), Q is the net heat absorption (increases when CO2 is increasing), and W is the work (mechanical work) done by earth on the surrounding space, which is zero. Hence deltaU=Q>0. So the internal energy of the earth increases. The increase in internal energy will be observable as an increase in the temperature of earth (although SOME of the energy will partially and/or temporarily take the form of kinetic energy such as wind or potential energy such as water vapor lifted up in the atmosphere, or the potential energy stored in liquid water versus ice, in case anyone wondered).

The net result is that earth temperature will RISE (there it is, global warming) just enough that average outbound heat radiation again balances the average incoming radiation from the sun.The temperature will manifest itself as an AVERAGE increase in air temperature, land temperature, water temperature, and, yes, ice temperature (some of which will cause ice to melt).

The above is high-school level physics and nothing more. That is all there is to it. If you cannot make yourself agree with the above, you are not just a climate change denier, you are a physics denier.
47   marcus   2018 May 20, 12:33pm  

Malcolm says
Except, that it didn't happen

What ? The most extreme prediction (or actually lies about predictions) didn't come true ?

This gets very old. By the way, I"m closer to agnostic on this than you, but I'm capable of taking in the whole picture and dealing with it in a real world in a probabilistic way. You on the other hand, have an agenda. Goes something like this. There's some extremely small chance that the scientific community is wrong, and if they are you can pat yourself on the back and tell everyone how smart you are.

CBOEtrader says
WHAT is the hypothesis and WHAT future empirical evidence determines support for your hypothesis vs disproving your hypothesis?

You're looking for this to match up with you're middle school science class. Science can be done using only past data and observations. Observations of data from the last few decades have everyone convinced that air and ocean temperatures are increasing, in a not very subtle way. The question has to do with the extent to which this is caused by man made pollution.

That's the only question. (becasue if it isn't it's out of our hands, and if it isn't maybe temperatures are going to go right back down). And that can't be proven by a method you are referring to in a time frame that would save us from ruin if indeed GW is casued by man. You will always be able to say, maybe it's sun spots, or maybe it's some other solar cycle we just don't understand yet.

Perhaps in a totally fucked world 2 centuries from now, the trust fund inheritors of fossil fuel fortunes will still be arguing that we just don't know what caused the earths great catastrophic global warming.
48   CBOEtrader   2018 May 20, 12:42pm  

marcus says
Science can be done using only past data and observations.

Totally wrong. Scientists use the past to guess at the future. They use models based on past observations to estimate the future effects of the theory. They then use future empirical data to test the efficacy of their predictions, and thus their theory. Without future predictions compared to future empirical observations, there is no science.
49   CBOEtrader   2018 May 20, 12:46pm  

marcus says
And that can't be proven by a method you are referring to

Fine. Then lets admit this is a religion and not science.

marcus says
can't be proven by a method you are referring to in a time frame that would save us from ruin

The same can be said for giving yourself to Jesus Christ and thus not going to Hell. It cant be empirically proven until its too late.

Climate change = religion.
50   CBOEtrader   2018 May 20, 12:54pm  

justme says
Greenhouse Effect implies
justme says
agree with the above
Science doesnt "agree" with implications. Scientific process determines known facts and associated odds of known facts, as well as odds of predictable modeling. Even with known facts, without predictable modeling there is little we can do to effect the outcome. Theories "imply" empirical results. What are the predicted empirical results? What would prove vs disprove your theories?

Everyone understands the concept of GE. The MODELING is where GE gets difficult. HOW MUCH effect does each extra unit of carbon add? Where is the hypothesis, model, prediction and results of the science on this topic? I'm not saying it isnt there. I have never seen a climate change talking head discuss these basic issues though. If you have links to actual scientific tests of GE and the results thereof, please share. I could give you any number of predictions gone awry to show the unscientific talking heads (such as al gore and pretty much all politicians who push for CC agendas).
51   CBOEtrader   2018 May 20, 1:00pm  

marcus says
Perhaps in a totally fucked world 2 centuries from now, the trust fund inheritors of fossil fuel fortunes will still be arguing that we just don't know what caused the earths great catastrophic global warming.

Do you find it ironic the fossil fuel billionaires are leading the climate change debate? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rockefeller-family-feud-with-exxon-mobil-fossil-fuels-global-warming-climate-change/ Or perhaps the global elite are using GW as a means to consolidate power.... nah, couldnt be. The world's oligopoly would NEVER use a global panic to solidify power. Never.
52   Malcolm   2018 May 21, 7:38am  

CBOEtrader says
marcus says
can't be proven by a method you are referring to in a time frame that would save us from ruin

The same can be said for giving yourself to Jesus Christ and thus not going to Hell. It cant be empirically proven until its too late.

Climate change = religion.

That was a beauty.
53   Shaman   2018 May 21, 9:18am  

CBOEtrader says

The same can be said for giving yourself to Jesus Christ and thus not going to Hell. It cant be empirically proven until its too late.

Climate change = religion.

Indeed, the entire argument of global warming is very similar to Pascal’s wager.
1) Since God, heaven, and hell cant be proven, best to act like God exists and cover your bases, else we risk Hell.
2)Since Global Warming and catastrophic climate change can’t be proven, best to act like it is real else we risk dying in an inferno.
54   marcus   2018 May 21, 10:26am  

CBOEtrader says
Without future predictions compared to future empirical observations, there is no science.

Yes, I'm sure you got an A on that middle school test about the scientific method. .The truth is, that if someone determines something is true based on past data analysis, it can be deemed true even if if the system so complex that it can't nearly be predicted perfectly going forward.

Is Geology a science ?

Besides, even by your reasoning, you should accept Global Warming. Scientists have predicted for decades that warming is occurring. The future (relative to when they predicted it) has shown them to be correct. Now you're going to change your rules and say it's not enough that they predicted warming and it happened, year after year after year after year after year and decade after decade. According to you, if they can't take in to account all variables and a highly complex system coming up with perfect predictions, then we can't use the warming that has occurred as confirmation of their theory.

It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

When the consensus finally agreed that cigarette smoking causes cancer, were there people saying that if it doesn't cause cancer in everyone, or if you can't say exactly how many cigarettes someone has to smoke in order for them to have cancer, or even how many years they have to smoke to get this result, then it just isn't settled science ?

For more on the scientific method and how it isn't nearly everything you think it is in science.



Also, even when experiments are done to confirm, often the theories are accepted as probably true before they are verified, based simply on the physics and the Math. Example: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2077087-einsteins-last-theory-confirmed-a-guide-to-gravitational-waves/
55   Onvacation   2018 May 21, 10:47am  

marcus says

Is Geology a science ?

Yes. And it proves that the climate has been changing throughout geologic history.
marcus says
According to you, if they can't take in to account all variables and a highly complex system coming up with perfect predictions, then we can't use the warming that has occurred as confirmation of their theory.

What warming? One degree over a century does not a hockey stick make.

Why can't alarmists accept that their theories and models on co2 caused CAGW have been proven wrong?
56   HeadSet   2018 May 21, 11:00am  

The best approach to pollution, resource depletion , and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is to limit population size in first world countries. A person in a first world country uses 100x the resources as a person in the third world. If you really were concerned for the environment, stopping illegal immigration into the US and the refugee migrations into Europe would be top order. The first world is already stabilizing the birth rate, and the idea that immigration is needed to counter the "lower fertility" is absurd. The USA was prosperous with a population of 200 million and would still be prosperous if we had a slow decline back to that number.

Most "climate change" proponents would never push for immigration halt. That is because the whole "climate change" push is political and all solutions push some form of vote Democrat. Slowing immigration is thought to mean less Democrat voters, and is thus overlooked as a solution.
57   mell   2018 May 21, 11:05am  

HeadSet says
The best approach to pollution, resource depletion , and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is to limit population size in first world countries. A person in a first world country uses 100x the resources as a person in the third world.

I don't think this is true if you consider that 3rd world countries still burn forests to make land for cattle etc. Also they reproduce much more. Some 1st world countries have declining populations, many if you subtract 3rd world immigrants.
58   HeadSet   2018 May 21, 11:51am  

I don't think this is true if you consider that 3rd world countries still burn forests to make land for cattle etc.

To continually burn forests means you have to let the forests grow back. Compare that to first world water use (showers, dishwashers, clothes washers, lawn, car wash), burning of hydrocarbons (gasoline, electrical generation, heating homes, air travel) and trash generation (unused food, paper, bottles, packaging) and you will see that indeed the ration is 100 to one. Keep in mind that we may not burn forests, but we sure clear a few to keep building homes, strip malls, factories and related sprawl that comes with increasing population.
59   mell   2018 May 21, 12:02pm  

HeadSet says
I don't think this is true if you consider that 3rd world countries still burn forests to make land for cattle etc.

To continually burn forests means you have to let the forests grow back. Compare that to first world water use (showers, dishwashers, clothes washers, lawn, car wash), burning of hydrocarbons (gasoline, electrical generation, heating homes, air travel) and trash generation (unused food, paper, bottles, packaging) and you will see that indeed the ration is 100 to one. Keep in mind that we may not burn forests, but we sure clear a few to keep building homes, strip malls, factories and related sprawl that comes with increasing population.

I'm skeptical wrt 100:1 but either way we are nations of consumers and wasters, so we should continue making progress. Although the landfills have been steadily receding, so I think waste has gone down. Eventually though it is a population problem and as mentioned most western nations are only growing due to 3rd world immigration. Def. slowing immigration will help. Unused food is indeed a great embarrassment but you know well that - due to stupid policies - many people and more-so businesses are forced to throw the tons of unused food we generate everyday away because that one homeless person getting sick from spoilage will sue the business out of existence. Nevermind that the chances of spoiled food from an individual or business are far less than those from a thrash-can.
60   CBOEtrader   2018 May 21, 12:51pm  

marcus says
The future (relative to when they predicted it) has shown them to be correct.


Hypothesis: "the earth will warm because Americans are farting more"

Does the earth warming prove americans are farting more?

To show actual evidence of a valid theory, the modeling and results would need to match empirical evidence. Without proper modeling even a valid concept is useless.

marcus says
Now you're going to change your rules

I never established rules or a hypothesis. I am merely skeptical of the movement w good reasons. It is your job, or the job if anyone who wants to suggest global warming initiatives are required to prove the initiatives are worth the cost.

Do you believe that Africans shouldn't have AC for example? How about cars? How about 2500 sqft homes? Should poor people worldwide pay an extra gas tax that an international bureaucracy wastes?

The massive cost of the global warming initiatives require solid evidence which I have yet to see.

Given the unscientific narrative, this looks like a pure power grab. Leaving the Paris accord looks like a great decision.
61   CBOEtrader   2018 May 21, 1:04pm  

marcus says
According to you, if they can't take in to account all variables and a highly complex system coming up with perfect predictions, then we can't use the warming that has occurred as confirmation of their theory.

It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

You are purposely ignoring nuance.

The global warming debate is specifically about the MODELING of the results. It's the model we question. No one is doubting that carbon dioxide is having an effect. The question is HOW MUCH? The decisions to fix the problem are all based ON HOW MUCH is man made vs natural fluctuations. It's not a yes or no question. It's a question of degree. (Literally and figuratively.)

So yes, if no scientist can show a model that is at least passably accurate, then they shouldn't be suggesting multi-trillion dollar worldwide initiatives. This type of haphazard science will hurt far more than it will help.
62   Onvacation   2018 May 21, 5:18pm  

CBOEtrader says
No one is doubting that carbon dioxide is having an effect.

The question about co2 is what kind of effect?
Co2 is a trace "greenhouse" gas that with all the other greenhouse gases stops some of the sun's heat from radiating back into space.CBOEtrader says
The question is HOW MUCH?

As far as keeping heat in, co2 has not shown much effect when comparing the small temperature rise versus the predicted spike. Co2 has doubled while temperature has changed very little.

Co2 is essential for life. More co2 helps plant growth. Greenhouse farmers double the ambient co2 with no adverse effect to the growers and great effect to the plants.
63   Malcolm   2018 May 21, 6:18pm  

Onvacation says
Co2 is essential for life. More co2 helps plant growth. Greenhouse farmers double the ambient co2 with no adverse effect to the growers and great effect to the plants.

Not to mention, while CO2 does have insulating properties, there are other "greenhouse" gases that theoretically are 10x times as green housy as CO2. Other than wanting to attack modern civilization, I don't really understand why the alarmists made CO2 public enemy number 1.
64   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 21, 6:35pm  

The Feedback mechanisms are poorly understood. More evap=more cloud cover+more rock erosion=more sunlight reflected back into space and more carbon sequestering.
65   HowdyThere   2018 May 21, 6:45pm  

HeadSet says
The best approach to pollution, resource depletion , and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is to limit population size in first world countries.

Agree in principle, but I think the goal should be achieving a slight negative global population growth.

What's the point of decreasing the average environmental footprint by a half if population growth doubles every 7 years or so. No green agenda can win against population growth. Limiting population growth should be THE green agenda. Seems like it should be an easy Right/Left collaboration.

The problem is what policies are introduced to this effect. China's one child policy was a failure. How about a two child policy, where the third child draws tax liabilities?
66   Onvacation   2018 May 21, 7:26pm  

Malcolm says
Other than wanting to attack modern civilization

Control modern civilization.
67   MrMagic   2018 May 21, 8:14pm  

Onvacation says
The question about co2 is what kind of effect?
Co2 is a trace "greenhouse" gas that with all the other greenhouse gases stops some of the sun's heat from radiating back into space.

Yes, that pesky trace gas CO2 is the one causing the planet to overheat... Please don't look at the water vapor.... SQUIRREL !!!

Sure, we'll believe that...
68   Onvacation   2018 May 21, 8:16pm  

Sniper says

Somebody has been hangin out with dogs too much.
69   SoTex   2018 May 21, 8:22pm  

Malcolm says
I don't really understand why the alarmists made CO2 public enemy number 1.

They hate cars.
70   Shaman   2018 May 21, 8:45pm  

just_passing_through says
They hate cars.

They hate other people’s carsand how they slow them down on their way into work.
71   marcus   2018 May 21, 9:12pm  

CBOEtrader says
uggesting multi-trillion dollar worldwide initiatives

That's a little extreme. But you have to realize that investing a lot of money in 4th or 5th generation nuclear, possibly thorium, or other cutting edge and fairly efficient forms of enerrgy, and giving the fossil fuels a rest, is probably good for humanity regardless of the impact on AGW. Why wouldn't we do it when money is cheap ? (interest rates that is) But it does deny certain big interests some of their near and medium term profits. THat's really the only issue here. It's no big financial risk to put pressure bringing other energy sources online. Aren't we going to need it for electric cars anyway ?

Wtf is going on ??

marcus says
When the consensus finally agreed that cigarette smoking causes cancer, were there people saying that if it doesn't cause cancer in everyone, or if you can't say exactly how many cigarettes someone has to smoke in order for them to have cancer, or even how many years they have to smoke to get this result, then it just isn't settled science ?

yeah, I know quoting myself is kind of lame. But I don't have much else to say to CBOE other than that.
72   bob2356   2018 May 22, 5:28am  

CBOEtrader says
The global warming debate is specifically about the MODELING of the results. It's the model we question. No one is doubting that carbon dioxide is having an effect. The question is HOW MUCH? The decisions to fix the problem are all based ON HOW MUCH is man made vs natural fluctuations. It's not a yes or no question. It's a question of degree. (Literally and figuratively.)

What is your backup plan if man made co2 is the problem and spirals out of control? At the least would be the eliminating 100+ years of fossil fuel industry written self serving policies/regulations and the elimination of outright subsidies of fossil fuels would be reasonable. Don't worry though, there is no danger of that as long as the republican party is simply a front for big corporate money.
73   HeadSet   2018 May 22, 6:34am  

What is your backup plan if man made co2 is the problem and spirals out of control?

This still gets back to population. If you really think the problem "will spiral out of control" you should be seriously banging the drum on sustainable humanity. That is, keeping the numbers in check by stopping 3rd world immigration and eliminating welfare and tax policies that pay people to breed. Less people will need less resources, and the lower energy consumption would allow solar, wind, nuke, geothermal and other renewables to actually produce enough energy to replace fossil fuels.

The emphasis on "carbon" is just an excuse for political control. i can sum up the "carbon" debate like this - "Climate change is real and we must vote Democrat to keep the fossil fuel industry in line." Also, let's have a new tax in the form of "Carbon Credits." Trading Carbon Credits not only provide a new tax source, but give the added bonus of a new profit source for Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street Democrat donors.

Note also that burning fossil fuels produces water vapor, a more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. You never hear about a "Hydro Footprint" since that would sound silly to the general public, who would then laugh off attempts at control.
74   Onvacation   2018 May 22, 6:50am  

last April happened to be the third-warmest April ever recorded globally, according to the NOAA report released Thursday. Carbon dioxide levels also hit another milestone by reaching the “highest level in recorded history at 410 parts per million” last month"

If the co2 is at an all time high why is the temperature cooling?

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