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51   bob2356   2018 May 30, 3:33am  

BayArea says
Narrow thinking... Elections don’t always have your ideal, 100% behind him, candidate. You usually have to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Why can’t people seem to grasp this simple point?

Someone who is the antithesis of everything you believe in is not your 100% ideal candidate. That's really funny. Trump apologists do have a sense of humor.

Evangelical is a money making and political power grab scam. Look at what happened when some actual devout evangelicals tried to point out the hypocrisy of the main stream deep state evangelical power/money complex that is so Incestuously tied into conservative politics. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/23/us/anti-trump-evangelicals-lynchburg.html Religion throughout all of history has always been about money and power wrapped in a blanket of hypocrisy.
52   clambo   2018 May 30, 4:12am  

The big deal over Roseanne is a case of "kill the messenger".

Valerie does look like Dr. Zira a little bit.

My complaint about Vaierie was not her appearance, it was her absurd political position. I distrust anyone who grew up in Iran and I didn't like her being inside Obama's inner circle.

Valieris may actuallly thank Roseanne for reminding the public that she exists. Now she may write a book or something, maybe she'll get onto the View, etc.
53   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 6:01am  

Aphroman says
If you have a point, make it

If you have a braincell use it.
54   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 7:28am  

Make Virtue Signaling Great Again...


Does this mean the Liberal media has to stop being racist against the Orange One?
55   Shaman   2018 May 30, 7:33am  

No, the rule is that white people maybe demeaned in any way possible without repercussions, as long as they are conservatives. Hell, you can make all the racially charged blanket statements you like about white people! Asian people are also fair game, if not to the extent that white people are. Why? Because as a group they are the most successful and intelligent and productive. This inspires envy and resentment in groups of much less notable achievements.
56   LeonDurham   2018 May 30, 7:38am  

Quigley says
Asian people are also fair game, if not to the extent that white people are. Why? Because as a group they are the most successful and intelligent and productive. This inspires envy and resentment in groups of much less notable achievements.

Really? Did you not see the girl get shamed for wearing a traditional Asian dress to prom?

57   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 7:43am  

RafiMaas says
No it means that this shit is happening because of Trump.

What is happening? What do you mean? What starts at the top? Lying, graft, sedition, cheating, treason? String that bastard Obama Up!
58   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 7:51am  

BTW Rosanne gets the last Laugh Janet will be in prison along side the rest of the Obama administration criminal thugs.
Especially that Planet of the Apes Muslim Brotherhood Cunt.
60   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 8:08am  

Aphroman says
Why did Roseanne delete the tweet and quickly fire off an apology? Seems she knew her intent was to be a racist asshole

She thought Liberals are civil.
Had She stood her ground the whole thing would have blown over in a few days. Wanda Sykes would have been begging to get back in. That virtue signaling cunt. Works with a woman for 40 years, then throws her under the bus like that because it's easy to do. What was that cunt Wanda working with a Racist for? The Reno Cunt looks just like the Doctor in Tim Burton's 2001 Planet of the Apes. Which btw assholes Google doesn't want people searching for Planet of the Apes and have Tim Burton's version in the results. I've gone to the 8th page so far. Not one single mention, not even a IMDB the first page has the 1968 version and the 2017 version.

How long are Idiots going to let Google do the thinking for them?

Did you know I'm smarter than most Liberals? If they don't find it in Google then it didn't happen.
You fuckers better not think for yourself, you'll make Google and the Democrats Mad.
61   bob2356   2018 May 30, 8:12am  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
One person fired for a tweet that said an Iranian born public figure is from planet of the apes, not on her show but again on twitter, and got fired. Despite a near instant apology.

The other compared a public figure to an orangutan on his show, not a tweet, never appologized, and still has his show.

Some trumpets are having trouble with words like show and act. As in acting and comedy show/act. The whole point of a comedy act is to say outrageous things you would not say off the stage.

Fake outrage #1,345,234.
62   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 8:16am  

Never Apologize to Deviant Freak Liberals. Never!
63   Goran_K   2018 May 30, 8:20am  

She really does look like a chimp. No malice at all.
64   MrBark   2018 May 30, 8:21am  

Conservatives vs Liberals – extreme hypocrites on each team. There are no values anymore. This thread is the epitome of what this country has become.
66   Patrick   2018 May 30, 8:56am  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Despite a near instant apology.

Perhaps because of the apology.

Best to never apologize. The punishment by the terrorists of political correctness will be all the more severe for those who apologize. Stick to your guns, always.
67   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 9:01am  

Aphroman says
That, and it doesn’t hurt to be civil and polite. One could simply choose not to say ignorant and racist crap in the first place. It’s better for business

Joy Reid gets a pass
Joy Behar gets a pass
Jimmy Kimmel gets a pass
Stephen Colbert gets a pass
George Soros gets a pass


This is why Liberals lose.
68   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 30, 9:07am  

Aphroman says
The FCC has different sets of rules for Public aired content than it does for pay channels,

This has what to do with twitter where the comment was made? Hair splitting at best.

Link to video of bill's orangutan comment:

69   CBOEtrader   2018 May 30, 9:18am  

Aphroman says
BayArea says
bob2356 says
Donald Trump is a 5 time draft dodging,lying,adulterer & Republicans put him in office.

Even funnier evangelicals almost all voted for him. Nothing like having values you believe in. When it's convenient.

Narrow thinking... Elections don’t always have your ideal, 100% behind him, candidate. You usually have to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Why can’t people seem to grasp this simple point?

So evangelicals are just victims, and the liberals made them do it?

Whodda thunkd??
70   MrBark   2018 May 30, 9:19am  

Aphroman says
Patrick says
TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
Despite a near instant apology.

Perhaps because of the apology.

Best to never apologize. The punishment by the terrorists of political correctness will be all the more severe for those who apologize. Stick to your guns, always.

That, and it doesn’t hurt to be civil and polite. One could simply choose not to say ignorant and racist crap in the first place. It’s better for business

Civility and politeness is dead.
71   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 9:27am  

Aphroman says
I don’t know who half those people are.

What you are in Iran or Londonistan?
72   Shaman   2018 May 30, 10:02am  

Aphroman says
something even more accurate like chinks and gooks look like mongoloids, the boys and girls look alike, and they have no valuable culture to share. Asians in general are enemies of America, we’ve been at war with the Nips and the gooks, and presently at war with the chinks. Ban those stupid looking, weak worthless enemies of America!

This is a free speech board, but I find your speech extremely repugnant. I’m married to an Asian woman and have Asian kids. I don’t appreciate your racism.
73   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 10:06am  

Quigley says
This is a free speech board, but I find your speech extremely repugnant. I’m married to an Asian woman and have Asian kids. I don’t appreciate your racism.

Asians are superior to Liberals of any nationality.
In Asian culture being a Leftist loon is considered a human defect.
74   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 10:23am  

RafiMaas says
That's why there are so many Asians in San Francisco!

Yep and yet so few White Liberal Delta Males. Your town's demographics are changing, it will be America's China Town in 5 years.
After the great Social Media Crash.
75   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 10:29am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Do you morons really not know the difference between calling a white person with badly died hair and fake tan an orangutang.. and calling a black person with natural features a monkey?

yes the earlier has great Liberal political Mojo you Cad!
76   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 May 30, 10:29am  

No double standard, trumptards!! Lol orange douche! Be civil like liberals are!

77   Tenpoundbass   2018 May 30, 10:33am  

TwoScoopsOfDragonEnergy says
No double standard, trumptards!! Lol orange douche! !

No Bout a Doubt it!

I'm glad they are doubling down. Word is Michelle Oblacka and Hillary Clinger are in the top ranking to run on the Democrat ticket in 2020. I told my black friend he sighed and said so that means 4 more years of this asshole? I said what do you mean it will be better than those two. He agreed but still says he hates him. He doesn't know why(As I've been asking him for 3 years now) I suspects it's the brainwashing he gets from his Yahoo news feed piped into his inbox.
78   HeadSet   2018 May 30, 10:57am  

Word is Michelle Oblacka and Hillary Clinger are in the top ranking to run on the Democrat ticket in 2020

Nah, will likely be females though. Kirsten Gillibrand and friends have ramped up the "Me Too" movement to clear the field of any male contenders (and while at it, Hillary on account of Bill). Any man who leers, dates, or disappoints a women is on the hook to be taken out. Even the lineman who had that women "force a BJ on him" would find a "Me Too" beating in his future if he ran for office.
79   Shaman   2018 May 30, 11:27am  

Aphroman says
Yea well my grandfathers and uncles went to war with the nips and the gooks, and now we’re pretty much at war with the chinks, so I’m not sure that it’s very Patriotic to be bringing the enemy here to the motherland, and breeding with them

But you go ahead and defend Roseanne and Trumpublicans who hate Blacks and Mexicans, because you are in direct competition with the lowest rung of labor, and are oddly jealous of blacks and Mexicans

Saved this post. I’ll trot it out for every single post you make in the future. Just so that every reader will know what kind of racist asshole wrote it.
80   Goran_K   2018 May 30, 11:29am  

Aphroman says
Yea well my grandfathers and uncles went to war with the nips and the gooks, and now we’re pretty much at war with the chinks, so I’m not sure that it’s very Patriotic to be bringing the enemy here to the motherland, and breeding with them

But you go ahead and defend Roseanne and Trumpublicans who hate Blacks and Mexicans, because you are in direct competition with the lowest rung of labor, and are oddly jealous of blacks and Mexicans

Wow. Quoted.
84   Shaman   2018 May 30, 4:41pm  

Feux Follets says

“Nothing to get one's drawers in a knot over unless you realize the person who wrote this is taking a not so subtle swipe at the "enlightened" Trump supporters on the forum simply using the same words that were in use then but still in use today amongst a large segment of the population and a majority of a certain block of voters.”

Let’s see, you’re saying that racial epithets are okay because they were used commonly sixty years ago? That’s an interesting point to be making.
And further, you claim that calling someone a traitor over the ethnicity of his spouse is fine?
85   Shaman   2018 May 30, 4:43pm  

How embarrassing for you!
86   Shaman   2018 May 30, 4:45pm  

You two libtards have lost ALL credibility with those remarks. All moral authority... POOF! Gone.
87   Shaman   2018 May 30, 4:53pm  

Mad as I am about the horrible racism displayed on this thread by Aphroman and Feux, I support freedom of speech so they can say what they wish. I’d never support censoring speech because it offends someone, which is a much different approach than they’ve taken many times in the past.
88   cynn   2018 May 30, 6:32pm  

Well, I'm really fucking up here, but I am trying to tell Quigley to take those posts in context. Oh, never mind... four tries and Patnet won't let me post.
89   HowdyThere   2018 May 30, 6:34pm  

Roseanne should have claimed that her account was hacked. With all the recent examples of plausible deniability, how could she be so stupid? She drifted into politics and proved she's a pathetic amateur.
90   cynn   2018 May 30, 6:37pm  

Uh, oh, please be prepared for a barrage of posts because I thought I was blocked...

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