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According to a report in the Austin American-Statesman, a lawyer representing InfoWars host Alex Jones in a child-custody case alleged in a pretrial hearing that his behavior on the show should not be used to judge his qualifications as a father. “He’s playing a character,” attorney Randall Wilhite allegedly said regarding his client. “He is a performance artist.” However, in a separate testimony, according to the report, Jones’s ex-wife Kelly—seeking to gain custody of her three children with Alex Jones—characterized his public persona as being similar to his private one.
The Narrative is a religion, and thus impervious to truth.
Similar Websites by Audience Overlap
1. breitbart.com
2. thegatewaypundit.com
3. dailycaller.com
4. wnd.com
5. drudgereport.com
That's hilarious. The Trump storm troopers love them some fake news.
The Trump storm troopers love them some fake news.
Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want,
Calling most of the world as having TDS instead of having an actual point is ridiculous. Step out of your bubble.
Calling most of the world as having TDS instead of having an actual point is ridiculous. Step out of your bubble.
Evan F. saysFacebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want,
Even if they are a publicly traded company?
Why does everyone continue to refer to this as 'censorship'? Alex Jones is not being censored, as far as I can tell. No government institutions coming for his microphone... He's still free to say whatever he wants in his own sandbox. Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want, it's their company and perfectly within their right.
Do you think Comcast should be able to charge extra for websites for access, or to slow them down unless they are paid more?
TwoScoopsOfWompWomp saysDo you think Comcast should be able to charge extra for websites for access, or to slow them down unless they are paid more?
What does net neutrality have to do with Alex Jones?
Who's being censored?
Evan, are you for or against net neutrality?
Honestly I haven't made my mind up about net neutrality. Regardless, you're making a false equivalency. Net Neutrality, as far as I understand it, is regulation for the pipes, the ISPs, etc.- not the content creators, which is where you'd include sites like YouTube and Facebook. So again, I'm not exactly sure what net neutrality has to do with Facebook and YouTube banning Alex Jones.
If you're going to regulate a few Giant ISPs from bias against certain sites, why can't you regulate content publishers from certain creators?
If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality as well to avoid getting caught in a web of hypocrisy and contradictions.
mell saysIf you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality as well to avoid getting caught in a web of hypocrisy and contradictions.
Spoken with all the authority and gravitas of the megalomaniacs depicted in Super Friends and Scooby Doo. I'm imagining some black-clad dude with a bad accent demanding, "You vill theenk thees vay!"
On a serious note, debate and argumentation skills are conspicuously absent here.
On a serious note, debate and argumentation skills are conspicuously absent here.
mell saysIf you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality
Who's being censored?
Twitter would lose massive revenue and user base without Trump for example.
Comcast is a private corporation, so it should be able to block access to anything you personally say online, right?
Of course that would mean than Evan F. no longer has access to a large segment of the public, who are definitely not going to switch ISPs.
So what we'd have is partial de facto censorship of Evan F then, just on the basis of your own views. That OK with you?
I think because they're considered completely different entities. ISPs are essentially considered utilities, like gas, electric, water, etc... Facebook and YouTube are not.
Has Alex Jones been banned from, or booted off, a particular ISP? I honestly want to know... I just googled it quickly but nothing came up. If he indeed is being kicked off of ISPs I would definitely take issue with that. But if he isn't, then I'm still not sure what the issue is.
the fact that Youtube banned a content creator with 2.5M subscribers means something besides profit motive is at play.
Nor is it the first time - look at PewDiePie, 1+M subscribers and he was banned over a joke
Given that, along with facebook and twitter, is the vast majority of (non-porn) internet traffic, they have tremendous power over content creators.
still don't know why you think ISP banning is bad, but Social Media banning is okay, when it's the same 3-4 platforms controlling the vast majority of internet traffic.
It's like saying the 3-4 Radio Conglomerates can ban an entire genre of music, but it's not chilling to Free Speech because a few 10W Pirate Radio stations will broadcast it.
Should people be allowed to yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater?
Should The Government force private companies to give Alex Jones free air space to harass the parents of the dead children from Sandy Hook? Even if it hurts their bottom line?
That rubbish aside, when it comes to policies the right wing media is 10x more corrupt than the left.
I know simple words like "explode" confuse you, so maybe a simple graphic can help, kinda like your daily Sesame Street lesson:
Should I go get Big Bird to help explain what that RED arrow is pointing to?
A while back I'm sure I made a post about how Politfact treated more-or-less the same claims about Black Unemployment (or Crime?) raised by both Bernie and Trump. Both men extrapolated the numbers, and the final numbers of either were pretty close to each other. Politfact ranked Sanders as "Mostly True" but Trump's as "Mostly False", as the statements were made several weeks apart. The further ironic thing is that the author/reviewer I think was "Caitlin" Somebody, so it was the same fact checker
Why don't you post both links instead of I said so. That way people can see what was actually written instead of what you believe was written.
Note how Politfact gives Bernie the Benefit of the doubt and moves the Goalpost to "African Americans Youth worse off than others." but Trump gets no such consideration. This is how Fact Checks are easily biased.
almost everything trump says is deceptive or simply false so I don't see how that argument can carry water.
I don't see the bias. Bernie singled out a very specific narrow focus group high school graduates 17-20 not enrolled in school. The campaign provided their exact source for the claim. Politifact says his information is a little out of date but it's basically accurate. Trump said african american unemployment youth rate and the campaign provided no source for the number. Trump's numbers for that group were simply wrong by a big margin. Did you read the articles at all?
This is a perfect example of how ideological bias can either lead to invalid conclusions.and/or produce willful ignorance. .
You could argue that Bernie was being deceptive by using such a narrow group to come up with a shocking number, but almost everything trump says is deceptive or simply false so I don't see how that argument can carry water.
Compare this to Obama using the debunked M/F wage gap myth to push his college student indoctrination program via his Title 9 "Dear Colleagues" letter. This is willful manipulation w a diabolical ulterior motive.
That's why factchecking is biased bullshit determined by the "Accountability Journalism" of the factchecker. Friendly subjects get generous interpretations behind their statement, Evil Ones Who Must Be Stopped So We Can Change The World (tm)(R)'s statements are put through a tendentious ringer.
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Infowars was recently banned by YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, MailChimp, Disqus, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest and several others - leading many to wonder exactly how and why this was seemingly coordinated mass takedown took place between platforms.
What's more, Jones says that 5.6 million people subscribed to the Infowars newsletter within 48 hours of his YouTube ban, according to the Daily Mail.
"Because I play devil's advocate, because I play both sides, they've taken me out of context, they are using me as a test case to try to bring an EU style web censorship," Jones said. "They've got mainline Democratic senators saying they ought to restrict Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge, the President himself. They are misrepresenting what I've said and done and are using that to set a precedent for internet wide de-platforming, censorship beyond what Russia does, what China does, ahead of the midterms (election). The whole thing is fake."
Meanwhile, a flood of new traffic has been driven to Infowars.com, which is probably paying a much higher CPM. It's entirely possible that if the newfound site visitors stick around, Jones would end up more profitable than before he was blacklisted.
This should make Marcus' head explode!