Infowars Website Traffic Explodes After Silicon Valley Blacklists Alex Jones Empire

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2018 Aug 12, 8:08am   12,832 views  61 comments

by MrMagic   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Silicon Valley's coordinated purge of all things Infowars from social media has had an unexpected result; website traffic to Infowars.com has soared in the past week, according to Amazon's website ranking service Alexa.

Infowars was recently banned by YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, Google Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, MailChimp, Disqus, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest and several others - leading many to wonder exactly how and why this was seemingly coordinated mass takedown took place between platforms.

What's more, Jones says that 5.6 million people subscribed to the Infowars newsletter within 48 hours of his YouTube ban, according to the Daily Mail.

"Because I play devil's advocate, because I play both sides, they've taken me out of context, they are using me as a test case to try to bring an EU style web censorship," Jones said. "They've got mainline Democratic senators saying they ought to restrict Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge, the President himself. They are misrepresenting what I've said and done and are using that to set a precedent for internet wide de-platforming, censorship beyond what Russia does, what China does, ahead of the midterms (election). The whole thing is fake."

Meanwhile, a flood of new traffic has been driven to Infowars.com, which is probably paying a much higher CPM. It's entirely possible that if the newfound site visitors stick around, Jones would end up more profitable than before he was blacklisted.


This should make Marcus' head explode!

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5   MrMagic   2018 Aug 12, 12:31pm  

CBOEtrader says
Some dems are currently demanding Beitbart and Fox news to be banned as well.

As much as those two are right leaning, they are usually accurate and factual on their reporting. It's the lefty leaning ones like WaPo, CNN, NYT, et al that end up reporting made up stories "according to unnamed sources" or reporting "opinion" articles as News.
6   MrMagic   2018 Aug 12, 12:33pm  

CBOEtrader says
Thing is, as crazy as AJ is, he isnt always wrong.

That's also true, but even just reading this forum, Democrats can't handle the truth, specially when it interferes with their pre-determined narrative.
7   Patrick   2018 Aug 12, 1:29pm  

MrMagic says
Democrats can't handle the truth, specially when it interferes with their pre-determined narrative.

The Narrative is a religion, and thus impervious to truth.

I'm convinced that The Narrative of bad white men spoiling the feminist-and-people-of-color Garden of Eden with their ineradicable Original Sin of racism is actually a subconscious echo of Christianity. It is a replacement for the religion which the Left has rejected, but actually deeply misses because it gave them something to believe in and a path to salvation.

And so they create a new religion. It gives them a story which lets them feel good about themselves, and lets them feel justified in hating others.

The story is mostly false, but to publicly question it is painful, and will result in expulsion from the group, and perhaps expulsion from a university or getting fired from a job.
8   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 12, 6:46pm  

Meanwhile, Ancient Aliens continues to play on the History Channel.

Thank God for Responsible Corporate Media not peddling BS!
9   bob2356   2018 Aug 12, 10:58pm  

MrMagic says

Infowars Website Traffic Explodes After Silicon Valley Blacklists Alex Jones Empire

duh. Where do people think infowars junkies going to go to read infowars postings?.
10   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 4:03am  

bob2356 says
duh. Where do people think infowars junkies going to go to read infowars postings?.

Censorship doesn't work. I'm ordering my 5 year supply of Monster Man vitamins right now.
11   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 13, 5:50am  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Meanwhile, Ancient Aliens continues to play on the History Channel.

Rachel Maddow still allowed to cook up her hateful conspiracy theories.
12   MrMagic   2018 Aug 13, 8:28am  

bob2356 says
MrMagic says

Infowars Website Traffic Explodes After Silicon Valley Blacklists Alex Jones Empire

duh. Where do people think infowars junkies going to go to read infowars postings?.

I know simple words like "explode" confuse you, so maybe a simple graphic can help, kinda like your daily Sesame Street lesson:

Should I go get Big Bird to help explain what that RED arrow is pointing to?
13   Shaman   2018 Aug 13, 8:36am  

Aphroman says
So what are those valuable, important truths that Alex Jones is reporting on as news, that led to him being “censored”?

I don’t know cuz I don’t watch that site. But censorship is wrong. If you can’t agre with that, then just wait until the conservative right wingers get back in power and use their clout to censor everything Left. I’m not cheering for that result either. But the shortsightedness of the Left is absolutely breathtaking. They did away with Senate parliamentary procedure for confirming SCOTUS judges when Obama was President and really really wanted some extremely activist judges on the bench. Then they bitch when Republicans use their same rule to seat judges of their own choosing.
14   Shaman   2018 Aug 13, 9:13am  

Dodge the issue cuz you haven’t got an answer. I’m not going to debate the vaguaries of power and who’s on first. That’s a red herring you threw out to distract from the fact that you have no leg to stand on in this debate. Either nut up and declare your love of statism and censorship or agree that it’s wrong no matter which side puts it into practice.
15   Patrick   2018 Aug 13, 9:21am  

Aphroman says
How could they have more power?

They could have more power through control of employment, education, Wall Street, the press, and Hollywood, for starters.
16   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 10:27am  

Aphroman says
So what are those valuable, important truths that Alex Jones is reporting on as news, that led to him being “censored”?

How many times did CNN have Stormy's Lawyer on a few months back? More times than there were days in the month.
17   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 10:28am  

And of course, this Hoax:

18   SunnyvaleCA   2018 Aug 13, 10:49am  

This is the "Streisand effect" in fool bloom. Thank's Barbara!
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 10:55am  

ThreeBays says
2 Billion people subscribed to MY newsletter withing 48 hours, because I rock yo!

Uh, Youtube itself had the 2.5M subscribers listed right next to the main infowars channel.

Here's a random shot from the 2016 Campaign, 2.2M subscribers back then:

20   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 11:05am  

ThreeBays says
How does that prove their newsletter got 5.6 Million new subscribers in 48 hours?

Doesn't - but it does prove they were a top tier Media Channel. And were terminated for vague reasons after brigading by Social Justice NGOs.

Definitely time For an internet "Bill of Rights" that mandates transparency for terminating users.

After all, liberals were all for regulating when ISPs were the target. Why not Social Media Giants who control 80-90% of (non-porn) web traffic?
21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 11:08am  

Websites, but not Channels.

Breitbart only has 73,000 subscribers on Youtube, a tiny fraction of a fraction of infowars.

MSNBC has less than half - about 1.1M
22   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 12:25pm  

Aphroman says
According to a report in the Austin American-Statesman, a lawyer representing InfoWars host Alex Jones in a child-custody case alleged in a pretrial hearing that his behavior on the show should not be used to judge his qualifications as a father. “He’s playing a character,” attorney Randall Wilhite allegedly said regarding his client. “He is a performance artist.” However, in a separate testimony, according to the report, Jones’s ex-wife Kelly—seeking to gain custody of her three children with Alex Jones—characterized his public persona as being similar to his private one.

TL;DR: Alex Jones is having an acrimonious divorce, so ban him.
23   Booger   2018 Aug 13, 1:13pm  

24   CBOEtrader   2018 Aug 13, 1:50pm  

Patrick says
The Narrative is a religion, and thus impervious to truth.

Jonathan Haidt points this out. He discusses how religious style righteousness is so ingrained in our psyches that when religion is removed, groups will often treat their existing ideology as a religion. He compared todays left to fundamentalists, who by definition virtue signal via their righteous unwillingness to compromise their ideology. Hence today's fundamentalist and godless left.

Prof Haidt started his academic career as a straight leftist liberal. After years of attained wisdom is now a libertarian. Ofc some on the left, specifically in academia or college students, call him a nazi for pointing out their flaws... and proving Haidts point.
25   MrMagic   2018 Aug 13, 2:01pm  

ThreeBays says
Similar Websites by Audience Overlap
1. breitbart.com
2. thegatewaypundit.com
3. dailycaller.com
4. wnd.com
5. drudgereport.com

That's hilarious. The Trump storm troopers love them some fake news.

Ha, I can beat that list with the ones suffering with TDS:

Note, these are International "news" (I use that term very loosely) sources, NOT fringe web sites.

26   MrMagic   2018 Aug 13, 2:06pm  

ThreeBays says
The Trump storm troopers love them some fake news.

Not as much as the Liberal media TDS crew does... Not even close....

27   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 2:15pm  

Why does everyone continue to refer to this as 'censorship'? Alex Jones is not being censored, as far as I can tell. No government institutions coming for his microphone... He's still free to say whatever he wants in his own sandbox. Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want, it's their company and perfectly within their right.

It's not censorship.
28   MrMagic   2018 Aug 13, 2:25pm  

Evan F. says
Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want,

Even if they are a publicly traded company?
29   MrMagic   2018 Aug 13, 3:29pm  

ThreeBays says
Calling most of the world as having TDS instead of having an actual point is ridiculous. Step out of your bubble.

See that's where you're confused... The Liberals are the ones living in a bubble, they just can't see out of it.

It would be nice if all those networks actually had a point, instead of ranting all day long on FAKE Trump "news" stories. I pop into CNN at multiple times a day. EVERYTIME, it's some sort of TDS story they're ranting on. Never any other country or world news. Just Trump, Trump, Trump, or Russia, Russia, Russia... 24/7...

Why is that?
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 3:42pm  

ThreeBays says
Calling most of the world as having TDS instead of having an actual point is ridiculous. Step out of your bubble.

I love how Progressives went from "Big Media = Corporate Propaganda" to the "Big Media = Free Press Defendin' the Truth" in such a short timeframe.
31   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 3:43pm  

MrMagic says
Evan F. says
Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want,

Even if they are a publicly traded company?

Unsure if you understand what a publicly traded company means. A 'publicly traded company' mostly means that profits, losses and all other financial information just be disclosed to their investors, publicly. It doesn't mandate them to allow anyone and everyone to do business with them, and if someone violates their community standards, it's perfectly within their right to ban them.

I'll repeat: Jones is free to soapbox on in his own time, at his own website. Facebook or YouTube doesn't have some sort of obligation to abide him. No one at the government is forcing him to shut up.

It's not censorship.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 3:44pm  

Evan F. says
Why does everyone continue to refer to this as 'censorship'? Alex Jones is not being censored, as far as I can tell. No government institutions coming for his microphone... He's still free to say whatever he wants in his own sandbox. Facebook, YouTube, etc. can ban whoever the hell they want, it's their company and perfectly within their right.

Do you think Comcast should be able to charge extra for websites for access, or to slow them down unless they are paid more?
33   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 3:47pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Do you think Comcast should be able to charge extra for websites for access, or to slow them down unless they are paid more?

What does net neutrality have to do with Alex Jones?
34   mell   2018 Aug 13, 4:33pm  

Evan F. says
TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Do you think Comcast should be able to charge extra for websites for access, or to slow them down unless they are paid more?

What does net neutrality have to do with Alex Jones?

Pretty much everything. ISPs have been itching to charge traffic cloggers such as netflix much more than the common man but they can't because net neutrality. If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality as well to avoid getting caught in a web of hypocrisy and contradictions. In fact if they wouldn't succumb to political pressure and SJW angst they would likely keep Jones but make Netflix et al pay more - this would be the best for their bottom line and shareholders. Netflix whole empire is built on passing 80% of the costs onto the ISP while pocketing 100% of the revenue.
35   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 4:41pm  

mell says
If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality

Who's being censored?
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 4:43pm  

Evan F. says
Who's being censored?

Evan, are you for or against net neutrality?

If you have no problem with YouTube and Facebook banning Alex Jones, you should have no problem with Comcast banning HuffPo or Daily Kos, at least unless you pay for the extra $10/month "Liberal Website" package
37   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 4:59pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
Evan, are you for or against net neutrality?

Honestly I haven't made my mind up about net neutrality. Regardless, you're making a false equivalency. Net Neutrality, as far as I understand it, is regulation for the pipes, the ISPs, etc.- not the content creators, which is where you'd include sites like YouTube and Facebook. So again, I'm not exactly sure what net neutrality has to do with Facebook and YouTube banning Alex Jones.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 13, 5:13pm  

Evan F. says
Honestly I haven't made my mind up about net neutrality. Regardless, you're making a false equivalency. Net Neutrality, as far as I understand it, is regulation for the pipes, the ISPs, etc.- not the content creators, which is where you'd include sites like YouTube and Facebook. So again, I'm not exactly sure what net neutrality has to do with Facebook and YouTube banning Alex Jones.

Everything. If you're going to regulate a few Giant ISPs from bias against certain sites, why can't you regulate content publishers from certain creators?

39   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 5:17pm  

TwoScoopsOfWompWomp says
If you're going to regulate a few Giant ISPs from bias against certain sites, why can't you regulate content publishers from certain creators?

I think because they're considered completely different entities. ISPs are essentially considered utilities, like gas, electric, water, etc... Facebook and YouTube are not.
40   Automan Empire   2018 Aug 13, 5:25pm  

mell says
If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality as well to avoid getting caught in a web of hypocrisy and contradictions.

Spoken with all the authority and gravitas of the megalomaniacs depicted in Super Friends and Scooby Doo. I'm imagining some black-clad dude with a bad accent demanding, "You vill theenk thees vay!"

On a serious note, debate and argumentation skills are conspicuously absent here.
41   mell   2018 Aug 13, 5:32pm  

Automan Empire says
mell says
If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality as well to avoid getting caught in a web of hypocrisy and contradictions.

Spoken with all the authority and gravitas of the megalomaniacs depicted in Super Friends and Scooby Doo. I'm imagining some black-clad dude with a bad accent demanding, "You vill theenk thees vay!"

On a serious note, debate and argumentation skills are conspicuously absent here.

What's your point? I can live with either as long as it's consistent, i.e. full flexibility or full neutrality. Everything else is just partisan hackery and crony capitalism. But as a shareholder of these platforms I would be seriously concerned about violating their fiduciary duty towards the shareholder. Twitter would lose massive revenue and user base without Trump for example.
42   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 5:33pm  

Automan Empire says
On a serious note, debate and argumentation skills are conspicuously absent here.

I don't think anyone expects this forum to be populated with nothing but polished experts fresh from the debate team...
43   Patrick   2018 Aug 13, 5:38pm  

Evan F. says
mell says
If you advocate for censorship you have to be against net neutrality

Who's being censored?

Comcast is a private corporation, so it should be able to block access to anything you personally say online, right?

Of course that would mean than Evan F. no longer has access to a large segment of the public, who are definitely not going to switch ISPs.

So what we'd have is partial de facto censorship of Evan F then, just on the basis of your own views. That OK with you?

As they used to say, freedom of the press belongs to those who can afford to buy one.
44   Evan F.   2018 Aug 13, 5:42pm  

mell says
Twitter would lose massive revenue and user base without Trump for example.

That's an extremely debatable claim. Daily active users based in the US hasn't really grown in the past few years. Twitter only recently posted a profit for the first time, long after Trump became one of it's most famous users. Honestly, Trump's contribution to Twitter's overall value is likely small.

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