What will it finally take to turn Trump supporters against him?

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2018 Aug 19, 2:13pm   19,564 views  131 comments

by BayArea   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I hear it from liberals all the time. How can you support a “pu$$y grabber”. How can you support someone that sleeps around? How can you support someone that lies? What if the N-word tapes are true and released to the public, surely you can’t support him then?

Although these characteristics are unbecoming, you can’t seriously expect these to be enough for a conservative to flip? Flip to what?

As long as he’s for lowering taxes, pro 2nd amendment, tough on immigration, against bs socialist policy, then conservatives will support.

Don’t act so surprised folks. It matters little that he’s an asshole, matters little that he’s rude and offensive.

As long as he fights for conservative policy and continues to hit liberals on the chin like no president ever has, he will not lose support.


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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 19, 2:21pm  

Max Boot is a desperate Corporate Stooge.

Interesting how NeverTrumpers are now a tiny minority, but the "Conservatives" employed by WaPo are NeverTrumpers: "Flipmode" Rubin, and Max Boot in the Ass.
2   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 19, 2:36pm  

If Trump was to say he was in on it the whole time with the Clinton's and was playing us the whole time.
It was all a set up and cover up to protect Obama and Clinton to make sure they never see jail. And the Mueller Russia collusion investigation was just a ruse to exhaust and frustrate the American people's resolve for someone to pay for the miscarriage of Government for the last 3 decades or more.

Other than Trump could show up at Hillary's house and shoot her and we would cheer.
3   BayArea   2018 Aug 19, 2:47pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Other than Trump could show up at Hillary's house and shoot her and we would cheer.

4   Patrick   2018 Aug 19, 2:47pm  

BayArea says
It matters little that he’s an asshole, matters little that he’s rude and offensive.

As long as he fights for conservative policy and continues to hit liberals on the chin like no president ever has, he will not lose support.

@BayArea I agree that it matters little that he's an asshole.

What matters more than anything else is stopping the devastation of the economy of the massive part of the country between the coasts.

Trump is the only politician talking about how exporting manufacturing to China and importing illegal labor from Mexico are causing immense suffering for the poorer half of our citizens.

The Left needs to pick up this theme from Trump, pronto, to take the wind out of his sails, instead of mindlessly bloviating more wind into his sails with contempt for the working class citizens who elected him and a ridiculous 24/7 obsession with "racism" as a means to justify that contempt.

In other words, the Left needs to get back to what it used to be, the party of labor. It has no coherent platform at all right now, aside from hate for Trump and accusing everyone of everything.
5   FortWayne   2018 Aug 19, 4:57pm  

Left wants illegals here, they don’t care about misery of the poor.

All they talk about is “marriage equality” like it’s their only matter.
6   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 19, 4:59pm  

FortWayne says
Left wants illegals here, they don’t care about misery of the poor.

And Trump cultists only talk about what the left wants. It's the all strawman, all the time channel.
7   Patrick   2018 Aug 19, 5:20pm  

Nah, most Trump supporters will talk about the real issues if you're willing to listen.
8   LeonDurham   2018 Aug 19, 5:24pm  

Patrick says
Nah, most Trump supporters will talk about the real issues if you're willing to listen.

I wish that were true, but over half of their posts on here begin with "The left thinks" or "Libtards want"
9   curious2   2018 Aug 19, 5:44pm  

FortWayne says
All they talk about is “marriage equality” like it’s their only matter.

If that were true, they would win, because that polls +30%. You are among a dwindling few who oppose the equal protection of the laws. The left would win in a landslide if they could focus on things that have majority support.

In reality, the left demands (a) subsidizing the spread of Islam, (b) open borders, etc. It is difficult to get people to vote for that agenda, no matter what the President says or does.

BTW, it is interesting that the DNC demands to spread Islam even when polls do not support that. On the topic you mentioned, DNC opposed until polls showed majority support. So, on some topics (e.g. the one you mentioned), DNC waits for public support. On others (Islam), DNC goes against public opinion. It is interesting to list which is which, because that sheds light on internal (including fundraising) priorities.
10   MrMagic   2018 Aug 19, 6:37pm  

BayArea says
It matters little that he’s an asshole, matters little that he’s rude and offensive.

Isn't that why he won in the first place?

LeonDurham says
Patrick says
Nah, most Trump supporters will talk about the real issues if you're willing to listen.

I wish that were true

Exactly... The Left REFUSES to listen, that's their whole issue. PERIOD.
11   FortWayne   2018 Aug 19, 6:41pm  

I got a campaign commercial from Gavin Newsome. Somehow on the mailing list.

First 2 minutes he talked about marriage equality for California. Last minute after briefly mentioned something about equality.

Telling you they have 0 economic issues.

curious2 says
FortWayne says
All they talk about is “marriage equality” like it’s their only matter.

If that were true, they would win, because that polls +30%. You are among a dwindling few who oppose the equal protection of the laws. The left would win in a landslide if they could focus on things that have majority support.

In reality, the left demands (a) subsidizing the spread of Islam, open borders, etc. It is difficult to get people to vote for that agenda, no matter what the President says or does.

BTW, it is interesting that the DNC demands to spread Islam even when polls do not support that. On the topic you mentioned, DNC opposed until polls showed majority support. So, on some topics (e.g. the one you mentioned), DNC waits for pu...
12   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 19, 7:15pm  

We have to be sure the Cat Lady-Islamist Coalition is repeatedly defeated.

One thing that won't help get rid of Trumpism is the unmerited "expertise" and "certainty" of the Very Serious People and the Pundit Classwww.youtube.com/embed/G87UXIH8Lzo
13   curious2   2018 Aug 19, 7:53pm  

FortWayne says
Somehow on the mailing list.

You should read about targeted advertising. You comment so often about gay topics here (and likely elsewhere) that you're probably on associated mailing lists.
14   FortWayne   2018 Aug 19, 10:12pm  


curious2 says
FortWayne says
Somehow on the mailing list.

You should read about targeted advertising. You comment so often about gay topics here (and likely elsewhere) that you're probably on associated mailing lists.
15   FortWayne   2018 Aug 19, 10:15pm  

That article says everything about liberal priorities.

They are not trying to win votes or help the people. They are interested in propaganda that would hurt Trump.

That’s their real platform. Priorities are pretty clear. Nothing about what people actually want.
16   SunnyvaleCA   2018 Aug 20, 1:44am  

>> What will it finally take to turn Trump supporters against him? <<

Easy.... If Trump implements "open borders" his supporters will finally admit he is maybe kind of close to as bad as Mrs. Clinton. Otherwise, no matter what Trump does, "supporters" (and I use that term loosely) will still say that he's nowhere near as bad as the 2016 alternatives. Trump's immigration stance is the "high order bit" in voting decisions for many of his supporters.

Pence and Cruz haven't made moves towards the 2020 elections. Other than those two, I haven't seen ANY candidate (republican, democrat, or other) that has Trump's stance on immigration. Kasich, Rubio, Bush... all failures on the immigration situation.
17   Sunnyvale94087   2018 Aug 20, 1:50am  

>> What will it finally take to turn Trump supporters against him? <<

Easy.... If Trump implements "open borders" his supporters will finally admit he is maybe kind of close to as bad as Mrs. Clinton. Otherwise, no matter what Trump does, "supporters" (and I use that term loosely) will still say that he's nowhere near as bad as the 2016 alternative. Trump's immigration stance is the "high order bit" in voting decisions for many of his supporters.

Pence and Cruz haven't made moves towards the 2020 elections. Other than those two, I haven't seen ANY candidate (republican, democrat, or other) that has Trump's stance on immigration. Kasich, Rubio, Bush... all failures on the immigration situation.
18   komputodo   2018 Aug 20, 6:55am  

curious2 says
If that were true, they would win, because that polls +30%. You are among a dwindling few who oppose the equal protection of the laws. The left would win in a landslide if they could focus on things that have majority support.

Like most things, it only polls high because of virtue signaling to the poll taker. Virtue signaling to the public and voting privately have very little connection.
19   komputodo   2018 Aug 20, 7:07am  

Aphroman says
Ok let’s talk about Cannabis and Trumpublicans opposition to decriminalizing plant based remedy as an alternative to Trumpcare. Let’s talk about Trumpublicans War on Drugs and the devastation it causes low income communities.

This platform is too small...Convince "the view" to have civil discussions on those subjects and it would be a step in the right direction. Convince universities to have those same discussions too.
20   komputodo   2018 Aug 20, 7:07am  

Aphroman says
Ok let’s talk about Cannabis and Trumpublicans opposition to decriminalizing plant based remedy as an alternative to Trumpcare. Let’s talk about Trumpublicans War on Drugs and the devastation it causes low income communities.

This platform is too small...Convince "the view" to have civil discussions on those subjects and it would be a step in the right direction. Convince universities to have those same discussions too.
22   Bd6r   2018 Aug 20, 8:18am  

BayArea says
What will it finally take to turn Trump supporters against him?

Democrats becoming supporters of blue-collar working class and not who they are now - champions of Transgendered Muslim Illegal Nutcases
Trump would be voted out in a second as he is no doubt a member of corporate ruling class himself - however, what is the chance of that happening?
23   Shaman   2018 Aug 20, 8:42am  

Patrick says

The Left needs to pick up this theme from Trump, pronto, to take the wind out of his sails, instead of mindlessly bloviating more wind into his sails with contempt for the working class citizens who elected him and a ridiculous 24/7 obsession with "racism" as a means to justify that contempt.

First the Democrats would have to drop Cultural Marxism from their platform, which requires that they categorize every sort of minority into the class of “victim.” Victims thus designated can not be subject to criticism or fault, and all their failings may be blamed on Whitey. Any attempt to defend oneself against charges of bigotry and racism is seen as a refusal to accept rightful guilt for being white, and is itself a hallmark of racism! The only “acceptable” response to a charge of being white is to perform a mea culpa and agree that you have white guilt.

As long as that is part of the Democrat bible, they will continue to bleed voters of every race. White people who aren’t interested in being blamed for everything, and colored people who aren’t interested in playing the victim.

The victim bullshit is false anyway. Everyone has the opportunity they need already.

Nigerians in America are the best example: Black people who succeed in coming up from nothing on a more consistent basis than even Asian people!
24   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 20, 8:57am  

Aphroman says
Ok let’s talk about Cannabis and Trumpublicans opposition to decriminalizing plant based remedy as an alternative to Trumpcare. Let’s talk about Trumpublicans War on Drugs and the devastation it causes low income communities. Talk about Trumps appointment of Sessions the Swamp Monster who is Public Enemy #1. Or Pete Sessions un Democratic approach to denying 38 bills from even reaching the House floor for debate, and why Zero Republicans are taking him to task for it. Can Talk about Trump being out Art of the Dealed by Senator Gardner where Trump wanted so badly to continue criminalizing Cannabis that he let his DOJ appointments be held up for ~100 days when all he had to do was say he supported States Rights to choose.

Do you NOT see the Irony of what you are rilling about? Sessions is on Trump supporters Shit list, you think for one damn minute Trump supporters or Trump gives a rats ass about Pot? Liberals sound like Girls describing what it's like to be a man with a Dick when you talk about Trump and his supporters. You are so far out of your element to even make commentary on it.
25   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 20, 8:58am  

FortWayne says
Left wants illegals here, they don’t care about misery of the poor.

All they talk about is “marriage equality” like it’s their only matter.

Amen Brother Wayne!
26   Tenpoundbass   2018 Aug 20, 9:00am  

LeonDurham says
I wish that were true, but over half of their posts on here begin with "The left thinks" or "Libtards want"

Well if all you hear is Libtard then that might be sign you're not listening to why they are called "Libtards".
27   Bd6r   2018 Aug 20, 9:56am  

RafiMaas says
Haven't heard anything about marriage equality on p.net in a long while, does that mean there is nobody from the left left on p.net?

Please consider reading Democratic Party platform, conveniently posted on Patnet today:

Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized that LGBT people—like other Americans—have the right to marry the person they love. But there is still much work to be done. LGBT kids continue to be bullied at school, restaurants can refuse to serve transgender people, and same-sex couples are at risk of being evicted from their homes. That is unacceptable and must change. Democrats will fight for the continued development of sex discrimination law to cover LGBT people. We will also fight for comprehensive federal non-discrimination protections for all LGBT Americans, to guarantee equal rights in areas such as housing, employment, public accommodations, credit, jury service, education, and federal funding. We will oppose all state efforts to discriminate against LGBT individuals, including legislation that restricts the right to access public spaces. We support a progressive vision of religious freedom that respects pluralism and rejects the misuse of religion to discriminate. We will combat LGBT youth homelessness and improve school climates. We will support LGBT elders, ensure access to necessary health care, and protect LGBT people from violence—including ending the crisis of violence against transgender Americans. We will also promote LGBT human rights and ensure America’s foreign policy is inclusive of LGBT people around the world.

28   Bd6r   2018 Aug 20, 10:01am  

Aphroman says
Trump appointed as Attorney General

that is rich - quantum Trump at the same time supports Session by appointing him to AG and does not support Sessions because of stupid stuff Sessions does
29   Bd6r   2018 Aug 20, 10:18am  

Aphroman says
What about Hillary Clinton tho?

She is a lingering annoyance now, nothing more. Would be good if she retired to somewhere, completely disappeared from airwaves, and was forgotten so that her existence and past could not be used to justify what happens now
30   Goran_K   2018 Aug 20, 1:47pm  

I didn't vote for Trump, but it would take a pretty scummy vile series of acts for him to reach Democrat levels of villainy at this point.
31   anonymous   2018 Aug 20, 1:54pm  

MrMagic says
Exactly... The Left REFUSES to listen, that's their whole issue. PERIOD.
My wife's on her period, and that's an issue.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 20, 2:20pm  

dr6B says
that is rich - quantum Trump at the same time supports Session by appointing him to AG and does not support Sessions because of stupid stuff Sessions does

Teehee! What happens when the heel turns babyface at Trumpamania III?

Trump has the whole Left, the whole Media (but I repeat myself), and not a few Conservatives totally fooled using classic, basic Wresting Storylines.

"Lazy Sessions, hanging out in the locker room, leaving Trump Tremendous all alone in the ring."
"Whataminute, Gene, who is that?"
"My God, Sessions and Rosenstein have taken off their leather jackets. They've got MAGA shirts underneath it! They're going to help Trump Tremendous beat Soy Boy, Big Red, and Nacho Man!"
33   curious2   2018 Aug 20, 2:45pm  

RafiMaas says
Haven't heard anything about marriage equality on p.net in a long while, does that mean there is nobody from the left left on p.net?

Marriage equality is in my logo and you can click through to the profile page which quotes President Trump on the topic. The issue might be associated with the left, but David Brooks and Ted Olsen and other supporters said it should actually be a conservative position, and the left has now embraced Islam, which opposes.

Interesting bit of history and symmetry on this point:

In 2005, Donald Trump congratulated Elton John and David Furnish on their marriage. At the time, Hillary Clinton opposed marriage equality.

In 2013, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine decided to support marriage equality, after two years of polls showed majority support.

In 2014, the UK began recognizing same-sex marriage, and Elton John and David Furnish became legally married. In that respect, Donald Trump had been 9 years ahead of his time, congratulating them on a marriage that took 9 years to become legal.

In 2015, candidate Trump declared his opposition to marriage equality, and promised Pat Robertson that Trump's judicial appointees would reverse it. Thus we see "quantum Trump" and a type of super-symmetry: as Hillary changed her position presumably to get the Democratic party nomination, he changed his presumably to get the Republican nomination.

In 2017, President Trump said he's "fine with" marriage equality. Since then, he has nominated to SCOTUS two former clerks of Justice Kennedy, who wrote the opinion recognizing marriage equality. The current nominee was reportedly recommended specifically by Justice Kennedy. If even one of the two votes to uphold Justice Kennedy's decision, then marriage equality will remain law.

In 2018, polls show 2/3 of Americans support same-sex marriage.

Looking ahead, and returning to the OP topic, if both of President Trump's SCOTUS nominees oppose it, then he might lose some support.
34   Bd6r   2018 Aug 20, 2:51pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
classic, basic Wresting Storylines

I'd give that less than 10% possibility
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 21, 7:27am  

dr6B says
I'd give that less than 10% possibility

Has Trump EVER hesitated to fire somebody? They're still employed because Trump wants them employed.
36   Bd6r   2018 Aug 21, 8:03am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Has Trump EVER hesitated to fire somebody? They're still employed because Trump wants them employed.

yes, and that is the problem with Sessions being Trump's AG - apparently Trump wants him while constantly complaining about things Sessions can do and will not do.

See for example this from Denninger (he rants, but he can be very logical):

Who is Jeff Session's Boss?
Donald Trump, POTUS.
Can Trump direct Sessions to fire Bruce Ohr and, if he refuses, fire Sessions? Absolutely.
Is there any Constitutional or other problem with doing so? Absolutely not.
Therefore, Bruce Ohr has a job only because The President wants him to have a job. He does not want him fired, despite calling his work "dirty, phony and discredited."
Think about that folks -- this is a President who wants and approves of phony, dirty and discredited work in the Federal Government; he not only likes it and approves of it he is both willing and explicitly pays people to perform "work" in that fashion.
This is the fraud all of those walking around with "MAGA" and "Trump Train" hats, and promoting same on social media and elsewhere, are not only supporting but demanding.


I agree with Denninger - Trump IS the swamp. The fact that he is better than Hillary does not change that.
37   MrMagic   2018 Aug 21, 8:09am  

dr6B says
Trump IS the swamp.

Actually, Sessions is the swamp. He was a Senator for 20 years, and has a bunch of buddies wandering around D.C.

I think Trump realized it after the fact of making him A.G., and now Trump is stuck trying to get rid of him while trying to save face that he made a bad decision.
38   Bd6r   2018 Aug 21, 8:16am  

MrMagic says
dr6B says
Trump IS the swamp.

Actually, Sessions is the swamp. He was a Senator for 20 years, and has a bunch of buddies wandering around D.C.

I think Trump realized it after the fact of making him A.G., and now Trump is stuck trying to get rid of him while trying to save face that he made a bad decision.

Sure, but I heard above that Trump has never hesitated in firing anyone. Also, how was it not clear that a 20-yr Washington Senator is not a swamp inhabitant?
39   Goran_K   2018 Aug 21, 8:29am  

Aphroman says
So Trump intentionally installed a Swamp Monster Prohibitionist as AG and continues to support him

At least Trump supporters will admit Sessions has been ineffective.

Democrats are deadly silent on guys like Keith Ellison, or Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. In fact Democrats actually RE-ELECTED Wasserman when she ran for the house AFTER she was exposed as an election rigger and kicked out as DNC head! You can't make this up!
40   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 21, 8:35am  

dr6B says
yes, and that is the problem with Sessions being Trump's AG - apparently Trump wants him while constantly complaining about things Sessions can do and will not do.

I don't agree with Dennniger, this is his usual negative crap. Just more Trump toying with somebody until the optimal moment, as we've seen over and over again.

It's Wrestling and Drama Build Up until the Trumpamania III comes up. Then it's more Drama build up to Trumpamania IV. Strzok was Trumpamania II and Comey was Trumpamania I. BTW, each time there was complaining about Comey and Strzok for quite a while.

He gets the base all riled up, lets them percolate until keeping the Swamp Creatures is both indefensible for the Republican side of the Swamp AND a no-brainer base pandering move to jettison them. Isolate a protected deep stater and then remove.

He's done this his whole life with the tabloids, from his big deals to his divorces.

I think he's working with Congress, and especially Cruz, to threaten or actually regulate Social Media into better behavior, btw.

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