Liberal Churches Collapsing

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2018 Aug 26, 9:13pm   13,554 views  63 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

... and they're lead by the Episcopalian Church.

The headlines coming out of the Episcopal Church’s annual U.S. convention are stunning — endorsement of cross-dressing clergy, blessing same-sex marriage, the sale of their headquarters since they can’t afford to maintain it.

The American branch of the Church of England, founded when the Vatican balked at permitting King Henry VIII to continue annulling marriages to any wife who failed to bear him sons, is in trouble.

Somehow slipping out of the headlines is a harsh reality that the denomination has been deserted in droves by an angry or ambivalent membership. Six prominent bishops are ready to take their large dioceses out of the American church and align with conservative Anglican groups in Africa and South America.

“An interesting moment came at a press conference on Saturday,” reports convention attendee David Virtue, “when I asked Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, if she saw the irony in that the House of Deputies would like to see the Church Center at 815 2nd Avenue in New York sold (it has a $37.5 million mortgage debt and needs $8.5 million to maintain yearly) while at the same time the national church spent $18 million litigating for properties, many of which will lie fallow at the end of the day.”

This is no longer George Washington’s Episcopal Church – in 1776 the largest denomination in the rebellious British colonies. Membership has dropped so dramatically that today there are 20 times more Baptists than Episcopalians.

U.S. Catholics out-number the Episcopal Church 33-to-1. There are more Jews than Episcopalians. Twice as many Mormons as Episcopalians. Even the little African Methodist Episcopal denomination -- founded in in 1787 -- has passed the Episcopalians.

Among the old mainstream denominations reporting to the National Council of Churches, the Episcopal Church suffered the worst loss of membership from 1992-2002 — plunging from 3.4 million members to 2.3 million for a 32 percent loss. In the NCC’s 2012 yearbook, the Episcopal Church admitted another 2.71 percent annual membership loss.


Convention attendees were told that they had spent $18 million this year suing their own local congregations — those which have protested the denomination’s policies by trying to secede. The New York hierarchy has consistently won in court – asserting that the local members signed over their buildings decades ago. As a result, some of the largest Episcopal congregations in the United States have been forced to vacate their buildings and meet elsewhere.


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5   lostand confused   2018 Aug 27, 5:26am  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
These libby cunt churches need to understand JESUS! went to HIS! death shrieking SEIG! HEIL! from the CROSS! for a reason!

Libbies version of hell-trump as their God and they are forced to bow down and worship him while he spews every politically incorrect thing he can. No need of fire and brimstone-they are already in a hell fo their own amking.
6   tovarichpeter   2018 Aug 27, 8:31am  

The Roman Catholic Church is collapsing also and it is not generally considered “liberal”.
7   🎂 NDrLoR   2018 Aug 27, 8:52am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
She's a latter day version of Bishop James A. Pike (1913-1969), also Episcopal, so this has a long history, who within the spirit of the times of the late 60's began to "question" (which is shorthand for reject) the church's teachings. Also in the spirit of the times, he left his third wife for one of his students, Diane Kennedy. They made a journey to Israel for research on a book. One day they rented a car for a trip into the Judean desert, a forbidding and unforgiving terrain. The car became stranded on a high center and could not be moved. Diane hiked out and was saved by a road work crew. When they found the car several days later, they found Pike's body a couple of miles from it where he had died of exposure after trying to walk out. I can't help thinking what a Providential end for this heretic. It's only been downhill from then on for the Episcopal church as it chases every popular trend.
8   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 9:02am  

Church can not be liberal by definition, see Bible, especially the Old Testament.
9   Shaman   2018 Aug 27, 9:23am  

Aphroman says
It is right wingers who are constantly desecrating our flag by arrempts to undermine America by injecting their Failed Losers religion into our government

Making less sense than usual... and that’s a low bar.
10   FortWayne   2018 Aug 27, 9:28am  

God does not accept sin. Not sure why this part is so hard to comprehend for the left.
11   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 9:34am  

Thomas Jefferson in Notes on the State of Virginia:

Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth. ...

This is somehow not realized by many current office-holders.

Edit: Founding Fathers were extremely progressive with respect to state/church separation. I do not think that Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom could be passed in today's political atmosphere:

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 27, 10:29am  

tovarichpeter says
The Roman Catholic Church is collapsing also and it is not generally considered “liberal”.

I think the cabal of coverups has a bit to do with that.

To whom are the RC Church losing followers? Some are just leaving and not attending any Church, but when others leave they mostly flock to conservative Churches.

The Espicopal Church is actually preventing separatist local churches from keeping the facilities and has a policy of refusing to sell to them no matter what. In one Buffalo Church, they refused to sell to the splitting members at full price, turned around and sold it as an Islamic Center for below market price.

There's actually a "Follow the Correct Progressive Line or FU Forever!" attitude among these "Progressive Christians Who Put Love First."

It happened at no less than Falls River, the Church of George Washington, where the congregation voted overwhelmingly to leave but the Bishops refused to let them have the property or purchase it.
13   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 11:06am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
The Roman Catholic Church is collapsing also and it is not generally considered “liberal”.

I think the cabal of coverups has a bit to do with that.

Also, it is centralized, so rot and corruption at the center matters much more than for Protestant denominations.
14   Shaman   2018 Aug 27, 11:16am  

Aphroman says
Republicans rely on the sheep culled by The Christian Church to vote Republican, religiously.

Let’s parse this unique statement for meaning.
First, ...Republicans rely on the sheep...
I’ll assume he means believers. Ok.
so believers who are killed because they have genetic flaws? This is a bizarre thing to say. I’ll put it down to Aphrotard as not knowing the meaning of a word.
...by the Christian Church...
which sect? And why are they killing Christians with genetic defects?
...to vote Republican, religiously.
So we have some unknown sect of Christianity that is culling other Christians who although dead are now going to vote Republican.
Funny, I thought Democrats were the ones who counted on the dead vote?
15   Shaman   2018 Aug 27, 11:19am  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
The Espicopal Church is actually preventing separatist local churches from keeping the facilities and has a policy of refusing to sell to them no matter what. In one Buffalo Church, they refused to sell to the splitting members at full price, turned around and sold it as an Islamic Center for below market price.

Clearly this is a sect that is determined to commit suicide. Perhaps it needed to happen so that people would not be trapped in churches that spread the wrong message.
16   socal2   2018 Aug 27, 11:32am  

Aphroman says
Republicans rely on the Democrats to cull their babies through abortion so there are more conservative and Christian voters.

17   🎂 NDrLoR   2018 Aug 27, 12:07pm  

dr6B says
Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned
But not at the admonition of any doctrine found in the New Testament scripture as there is in Islam, but from sinful men. They'll reap their punishment in the Judgment.

Aphroman says
the Church and the State
Everyone knows we do not have a state church as exists in the UK. Until recently, though, public expressions of faith, even by members of government, was routine and expected in what was a religiously observant culture in the Protestant, Catholic and Jewish traditions, all foundations of Western Civilization. Dr. Peter Marshall (1901-1949) was Chaplain of the Senate until his untimely death from a heart attack at only 48. FDR led the nation in a prayer broadcast over radio in 1943 and I'm certain not one person objected. Today's leftists are the counterparts of Soviet Russians of 60 years ago who only hate specifically the Christian church and want its destruction but are wholly tolerant of Islam because it to hates anyone who is not a Muslim. We also won World War II because of the united culture of that day. Our modern culture would never be able to win a conflict like that today.

Aphroman says
Gods bastard son, conceived by that whore Mary, died for your sins! Jesus forgives!!
Straight from the playbook of Saul--patron saint of losers--Alinsky.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 27, 12:14pm  

Quigley says
Clearly this is a sect that is determined to commit suicide. Perhaps it needed to happen so that people would not be trapped in churches that spread the wrong message.

Apparently the Episcopals are now below 2M as of last year.

I watched a video about their Youth recruitment campaign. They why a young college gal liked the Episcopal Church, and she said; "Progressive".. Then they interviewed a seminary student and she said "Because of their Progressive Policies."

Looks like Jesus is very secondary to politics.
19   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 2:18pm  

P N Dr Lo R says
But not at the admonition of any doctrine found in the New Testament scripture as there is in Islam, but from sinful men. They'll reap their punishment in the Judgment.

True, but Old Testament is very bloodthirsty, and furthermore admission that Church was wrong does not help anyone who was tortured and killed by religious zealots (nothing will, of course).

One can question the value of ideology, which even if misinterpreted, has brought misery and death. History kind of puts a negative connotation on ORGANIZED religion.
20   FortWayne   2018 Aug 27, 2:20pm  

Founding Fathers were all Christian men. Not atheistic fags who hate anything that reminds them of being wrong.
21   Bd6r   2018 Aug 27, 2:26pm  

Benjamin Franklin about heretics:

“I think all the heretics I have known have been virtuous men. They have the virtue of fortitude, or they would not venture to own their heresy; and they cannot afford to be deficient in any of the other virtues, as they would give advantage to their many enemies; and they have not, like orthodox sinners, such a number of friends to excuse or justify them.”

About Jefferson:

during his lifetime, a hundred or so pamphlets and newspapers accused Jefferson of being an atheist, infidel and/or heretic. Numerous sermons declared that if elected, Jefferson would ruin religion, overthrow Christianity, and ban the Bible from the United States. Conservative Christians considered him thus throughout his life. Long after his presidential tenure, in 1830, the Philadelphia public library refused to include books about Jefferson on its shelves because he was considered an infidel and heretic.

Founders were very open-minded men.
22   FortWayne   2018 Aug 27, 3:26pm  

Aphroman says
FortWayne says
Founding Fathers were all Christian men. Not atheistic fags who hate anything that reminds them of being wrong.

History disagrees with you

Most were Calvinists, however they all agreed that our government need be free of religion, because religious folk ruin everything they touch.

If you like Sunday school fables designed to control the simps, have at it. But keep your religion out of our government. There’s no place for Allah in the government

Our government and our money based on Christian faith, even our dollars say that. So no, it is you who is wrong, history not your thing boy. Founding fathers were god fearing men, not crazy socialist left wingers.
23   curious2   2018 Aug 27, 3:48pm  

FortWayne says
money based on Christian faith, even our dollars say that...Founding fathers....

The current money does not mention Jesus, nor Christianity.

During the Eisenhower administration, all US currency began to say, "In God We Trust," and the Pledge of Allegiance (originally written by a socialist) was changed to insert "under God." That created a problem for Jehovah's Witnesses, who are Christian and are not allowed to take the lord's name in vain per the 2nd Commandment. SCOTUS ruled they can't be required to say it. Eisenhower's motivation was to rally the public in the cold war against the USSR, which was officially atheist.

The founders had considered and specifically rejected the motto "in God we trust." They rejected it especially for the currency. They chose instead the Latin phrase, "annuit coeptis." That phrase has precisely 13 letters, representing the 13 colonies, and it conveys the sort of agnostic ambiguity they favored. The founders included Deists, Christians, Jews, and others. They built a republic based on compromise. They respected compromise, unlike some politicians today. They preferred the ambiguity of "annuit coeptis."

Barry Goldwater warned against the growing influence of religious "conservatives" in the Republican party, partly because he said they can't compromise effectively. That has become increasingly true since gerrymandering enabled representatives to choose their voters, and since earmarks reduced the ability of party leadership to herd Senators and Representatives. The result is people shouting at each other about a priori beliefs rather than reasoning together based on evidence.
25   curious2   2018 Aug 27, 5:06pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Liberal Churches Collapsing

Pew Research Center has reported for years on the tendency of "more demanding faiths" to gain adherents while the liberal denominations lose membership. It says something about religion and human nature. The fastest growing denominations are Islam and Romnesia's Moronic cult. When the Pope visited Africa, his bishops warned him not to sound too forgiving or kind, or Africans would convert to Islam. For many, bigotry is actually a selling point: an opportunity to feel superior even against all evidence to the contrary.

It's like what LBJ said in the context of racism in politics:

"I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

Bigotry sells for the same reason. For example, self-loathing closet cases, and others, pay willingly to be told they are horrible sinners and yet superior to their neighbors for being believers. Nevermind the stuff about everyone being created in the unique image and likeness of God, or everyone being sinners, the closet cases atone for their own sins by persecuting their fellow sinners. Hypocrisy makes them worse but they feel superior, and they pay for that.

Islam provides the ultimate example. It tells believers they are superior and to kill the disbelievers. Once the disbelievers are dead, the survivors (believers) are obviously superior due to being still alive, thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
26   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 27, 9:08pm  

curious2 says
Islam provides the ultimate example. It tells believers they are superior and to kill the disbelievers. Once the disbelievers are dead, the survivors (believers) are obviously superior due to being still alive, thus it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Interesting points all.

One other factor I would say is "Dangerous Absolutes" - people like having something to firmly believe in, without nuance.

However, I do think there is also something of the "Politicized Religion" here as well, since all TEC propaganda, esp. that aimed at young people, is "So Progressive" and that's not just LGBTQ but Israel, Gun Control, Economics, "Global South", Poverty, etc.
27   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 2, 11:49pm  

Episcopalian Minister aborted baby to order finish divinity school:

If the Reverend Anne Fowler had not had access to an abortion when she accidentally became pregnant after enrolling in Divinity School, she would never have been able to graduate, to serve as a parish rector, or to help the enormous number of people whose lives she has touched. Unable to pursue her calling or be the mother she wanted to be for the daughter she already had, she would have been broken.

Fowler, who is active in the pro-abortion movement and is a leader with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, said her husband left her when she was pregnant with her first child. She gave birth to a daughter, and soon felt called to pursue the Episcopal priesthood. In 1982, during her second year at the Episcopal Divinity School, Fowler said she “accidentally” became pregnant again.

She believed her partner would not be a suitable parent; their relationship ended soon after the abortion. Already solely responsible for her daughter, Anne knew she could not complete Divinity School and pursue a career as a priest if she did not have an abortion. She has never regretted her decision and is grateful that she did not have to travel far, which would have caused her additional stress and financial hardship while she cared for her young daughter.


I'm not a militant anti-abortionist by any stretch, but if you go on to read you'll find Fowler is the chaplain of Planned Parenthood, and along with another female TEC leader, "never regretted" having an abortion. Surely, even if an abortion is necessary, it's a regrettable thing (and one would think a once-married woman with a child and working on an MDiv would have the presence of mind to use contraception).
29   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 5:03pm  

Going to Methodists, who just voted down the pro-LGBT "One Church Plan" in favor of the "Traditional Plan" that refuses to enshrine open practicing Homosexuals:

It's a great example of Leftists lying to themselves, in the name of Narrative, not just gaslighting:

Do we want to alienate most of our minority, non-white members, most women, most intellectuals?


Here's what actually happened - the non-white members from outside the West heartily opposed the "One Church Plan" of sanctifying LGBTQ.

The Rev. Jerry Kulah of Liberia said “the church in Africa would cease to exist” if the ban on LGBTQ clergy were lifted. He went on to say he “can’t do anything but support the Traditional Plan” because it is “the biblical plan.”


The Traditional Plan was overwhelmingly supported IN Africa, Asia, etc.. It was the Pro-LGBT Plan that came from a Plurality of Western representatives.

If there's literally one thing that wasn't debated, not just for the 1900+ years of Christianity, but 1000+ additional years of Judaism, it's the plain meaning against homosexuality that is repeated several times in non-ambiguous language. If you don't like it, don't call yourself Judeo-Christian. Call yourself "The Temple of Starry Lesbian Earth Mother Wisdom". Don't claim that people who refuse to let you change their religon are ramming "Right Wing Blah Blah Blah" down your throat when it's the Progressives going against the clear and repeated rule of Canon to impose LGBTQ (therefore sinning) pastors on the membership.

It's so blatant, that never in the Church, nor during the Reformation, did anybody bring up the idea that Homosexuality wasn't prohibited by the Bible and a sin.
30   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 5:19pm  

Reading this is literally jaw dropping.

The wireframed weak wristed pastors and the not-so-uncover Lesbians were just waiting for PostModern PostColonial LGBTQ happiness to reign.

When defeated by Koreans and Africans, they complained... about White Conservatives!!!!

The deliberate blindness and commitment to the Narrative(tm) is unbelievable!!!

The UMC’s increasingly global delegation outweighs US push to shift LGBT positions, leading some progressive congregations to leave.
It was not the outcome many Americans, including most UMC bishops, had been praying for. In the States, a large portion of Methodists wanted to see the church accommodate LGBT ceremonies and clergy, as other mainline denominations have done in recent years. One poll through Mainstream UMC reported at least two-thirds of US delegates supported the more-inclusive “One Church Plan” instead.

But the growing global presence among the 12 million-member denomination held more sway. Methodists from outside the US, who favor more traditional positions on sexuality, made up 41 percent of the general conference’s 864 delegates. A full 30 percent were from Africa.

“This session of the [general conference] has made it clear that there has been a dramatic shift in the center of gravity in the UMC,” said Kimberly Reisman, executive director for World Methodist Evangelism, which connects 80 Wesleyan denominations in 138 countries. “It appears that we are now a much more thoroughly global, evangelical church, rather than simply a mainline, American denomination with missionaries outposts outside the US.”

31   Ceffer   2019 May 30, 5:43pm  

Transgender strip teases during services will solve this problem.
32   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 6:47pm  

Just imagine what's gonna happen in 20 years when all the Mexicans and Guatemalans vote pro-life and for traditional marriage.

"B-B-But, you were supposed to be for Liberation and Redistribution!!! How can you lovely Brown People betray your White Allies!?"
33   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 30, 7:05pm  

They hate fags, to them it’s sign of immorality, because it is.

HonkpilledMaster says
Just imagine what's gonna happen in 20 years when all the Mexicans and Guatemalans vote pro-life and for traditional marriage.

"B-B-But, you were supposed to be for Liberation and Redistribution!!! How can you lovely Brown People betray your White Allies!?"
34   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 8:08pm  

Lupfer believes the likely schismatic pro-LGBT Methodists will “forge new coalitions and pursue [their] version of social holiness (???) without hindrance by American conservatives or by the African United Methodists whose beliefs it has so long abhorred,” resulting in “fascinating merger possibilities with Lutherans, Episcopalians or others.”

While the expected split may see the dividing line drawn between the wealthy American and the poorer African Methodist churches, the Africans are stalwart in their support of traditional Biblical morality, despite the threat of a loss of financial support.

“Africans are not children in need of western enlightenment when it comes to the church’s sexual ethics,” declared Dr. Jerry Kulah, Dean of Theology at the United Methodist University in Liberia, during a presentation at the UMC convention. “We do not need to hear a progressive U.S. bishop lecture us about our need to ‘grow up.’

“The vast majority of African United Methodists will never, ever trade Jesus and the truth of the Bible for money,” affirmed Kulah, who also noted that in contrast with the UMC in the U.S., “the Church in Africa is growing in leaps and bounds because we are committed to biblical Christianity.”

WTF Liberation Marxist shit is "Social Holiness". Sounds like a corrupted version of good neighborliness to serve the purpose of PoMo Pap.

Dr. Kulah is Woke As Fuck. He basically told the "Insight" crowd he wanted to file for divorce, called their division bluff. Fuck 'em, all their Churches in Boston and Providence are 90% empty, their rolls a pale shadow of 2000, much less 1980 or 1970.
35   Ceffer   2019 May 30, 8:28pm  

Henry VIII loved cutting off heads and torturing the oppositions. Maybe there's a message here. The more beheadings, the more successful the religion, as the Muslims have demonstrated. Perhaps the Episcopalians should try going back to their roots and get into beheadings again.
36   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 30, 8:46pm  

This whole UMC thing is surprisingly like the 2016 Election and Brexit.

The flaccid Centrists (who were really with the Radicals, compare the Neoliberal-SJW alliance) were all talking about being all reasonable, rational, moderate, and respecting the result of a referendum.

When they lost that "One Church" referendum, they had a 24 karat Chimp the Fuck Out and starting talking about "Resistance" and "Tyranny". When Progressives ram things down throats, that's the inevitable March of Progress (tm). When they lose, it's Hitler, Injustice, and the great crime of trying to say Leviticus 19:22 doesn't say what it clearly and unambiguously says. The fake Centrists are de facto for the Radicals, but provide Reasonable/Loving "Cover".

It was Sexuality Colonialism of Africa.

God is really with the True Believers. The fruits of 19th Century Wesleyan Missionaries returned to save the Church from total PoMo Marxist Destruction, like Rohan saving Gondor in recognition of their land grant.

The Methodists were very clear about following Scripture, and not falling for Fads of the times. The Radicals and the Centrists have nothing but PoMo arguments about Love and open contempt for the plain words of Scripture.

And it's more evidence of the Great Demographic Shift. Reading some of these articles:

Furthermore, their actions seem to confirm the fears of our founding father, John Wesley. About five years before his demise, John Wesley had expressed his fears about the future of our church in regards to its continued commitment and submission to the Scripture and discipline that govern us. He said, “I am not afraid that the people called Methodist should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America [in Africa and the rest of the world]. But I am afraid, lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religion without the power. And this undoubtedly will be the case, unless they hold fast both to the doctrine, spirit and discipline with which they first set out”. When we abandon the clear teaching of Scripture in favor of some philosophies and ideologies of contemporary society, we cease to exist within God’s parameter of grace.
37   Patrick   2019 May 31, 12:08am  

tovarichpeter says
The Roman Catholic Church is collapsing also and it is not generally considered “liberal”.

Actually, I'd say that the Roman Catholic Church these days is extremely liberal by comparison with that of my childhood. It's only barely hanging on to its dogma and won't really punish any member for divorce or abortion anymore.

I think one reason for its decline is in fact that it is too liberal.

HonkpilledMaster says
To whom are the RC Church losing followers? Some are just leaving and not attending any Church, but when others leave they mostly flock to conservative Churches.

Yes, exactly.
38   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 31, 12:24am  

Patrick says
I think one reason for its decline is in fact that it is too liberal.

The same problem the Mainline Denominations have had - the clergy are far, far more into Post Modernism than the Laity.

Honestly, many Theology Departments - not just public or liberal arts school ones but including mainline denominational sponsored ones - are more Left wing and Post Modern in dogma than the Social Sciences departments at many places.

Remember the Professor who was fired from a Catholic University for calmly explaining the Church's policy on abortion (or was it LGBT?) in neutral tones?

Also, I've been pushing Dalrock on you. Here is a great piece by him called We are Trapped on Slut Island and Tradcons are the Gilligans - why Slut Shaming is more important, even if it means a double standard, than going after "Rakes".


In this context, Tradcons are the older conservatives who are operating in a milleu they don't understand, along with the Cuckservatives, who wish to avoid hypocrisy at all costs, no matter what the societal harm.
39   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jul 1, 2:19pm  

So beautiful... resignations galore from Progressive Leaders in the UMC. They are surrendering as it is clear that Western Leftist Antinomians can no longer grab the wheel of the ship of this Church and steer it towards Anti-Natal, Hard Left balderdash that directly contravenes multiple scriptures.

This is the 3rd biggest denomination in the USA.


More on the status of the Victory - how the Left loves Democracy and Free Speech until it doesn't do what they want:
40   Patrick   2023 Feb 17, 7:36pm  


Calvin Robinson
To the liberal-progressive bishops: Do not lead us astray.

You do not have the authority to bless sin.

The Church is imploding. Do not accelerate its decline with heresy.

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!
41   GNL   2023 Feb 17, 11:08pm  

Patrick says

Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy. Repent!

What is sacramental sodomy?
42   Patrick   2023 Feb 17, 11:15pm  

I'm not sure I want to know.
43   richwicks   2023 Feb 17, 11:39pm  

Everything is self healing in time.

Bad institutions will be replaced with good ones, in time. Churches, intelligence agencies, governments, they have become bad. Well, to be honest, they've LONG been bad, but until people recognize this, the problem can't be fixed.

I'm happy to see people realizing what these institutions really are. That's all that is happening, society is waking up.

People have to see a problem before they can fix a problem. You can't fix what you can't see.
44   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 18, 5:14am  

Most people live their entire lives acting on “truths” that are in fact lies. People cannot see a problem they refuse to acknowledge even exists.

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