by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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I'm so old, I remember when hospitals, corporations and institutions were anally obsessive about avoiding liability and even hired people to oversee to make sure there were no violations of laws, regulations, statutes or ordnances etc.. Now, the Guv, Corporations, Pharma Industsrial Complex, are all purposely and wantonly violating them egregiously, publicly, and without shame or inhibition.
"You only had ONE JOB to get rich and make my bones: lie the fuck on the witness stand!"
What movie was that?
Then again, what type of person can listen to this, think it's possible, and NOT pull out a calculator?
richwicks saysThen again, what type of person can listen to this, think it's possible, and NOT pull out a calculator?
Why would anyone need a calculator? Right off the bat you can see that $500 million would only give 500 people that $1 million each.
Patrick saysWhat movie was that?
Demolition Man. Also had Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. It is about a 20th Century Cop who is frozen until mid 21st Century and really makes fun of a woke society.
Go look through some problems particularly in the early grades. Look at how much nonsense and time wastage there is. Math is a well defined course, but it's entirely changed since I was a kid. My sister is a civil engineer and her kids were having problems with their algebra. Try to find an example where long division is used there.
Patrick saysWhat movie was that?
Demolition Man. Also had Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. It is about a 20th Century Cop who is frozen until mid 21st Century and really makes fun of a woke society.
There's a thread on this from a year or so ago, where you have South Asian (who learned from barely updated 19th C Russian textbooks like most Indians, Chinese, and Russians do) Math PhD Parent struggling to figure out the logic in "Number Sentences" or whatever the fuck they call the whole circling thing.
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