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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,235,673 views  44,092 comments

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27866   Booger   2023 Aug 30, 6:59am  

Ceffer says

Another ludicrous AI generated headline.

Look at the author's name...
27867   Misc   2023 Aug 30, 7:13am  

It would be better if the story captioned Great Whites.
27873   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 11:15am  

One would hope their ever more shrill, loud and undisguised psychosis is a symptom of their impending failure. The inner autist lunatic has unfolded itself to become the outer manifest lunatic.

27875   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 11:21am  

CIA hasn't manufactured a masked body double for him, so guess he is on the way out to nestle in Satan's eternal embrace. Problem is, they have somebody in the wings even worse one would imagine. Did he get the vax with da real sheeyat in it, was he rubber hosed by CCP for non-compliance, has he been EMP'd to put him under? Only the Woo knows.

27877   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 3:54pm  

Ceffer says

Printing press diplomas have consequences.

To be fair, it's pretty easy to make a car nearly impossible to steal at this point.

Not saying I agree with suing anybody over it, but it's pretty trivial to stop this.

An RFID card would replace the key, and constantly getting challenges and returning responses. Of course, this can be bypassed by somebody knowledgeable about the vehicle. It all works out to be security through obscurity in the end though.
27879   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 4:25pm  

I'll certainly believe the Satanist part. Remember, it's not what I believe, it's what they believe and act on aka Satanism, Moloch, Baphomet, druidism, humans sacrifice, various critical gematrias and astrologies, the requirement to act by deception. The bigger the lie, the greater the power. Even now, we refer to a guy wearing a mask pretending to be a dead guy playing President, and we all refer to a fake pandemic by its fake name with fake test and a murder vaccine as if it is a real thing. Obama is a fag 'married' to a trannie masquerading as a heterosexual couple with two fake daughters. These things are all regarded as empowering deceptions that also show ritualized contempt and hatred for the population.

27881   HeadSet   2023 Aug 30, 5:55pm  

richwicks says

To be fair, it's pretty easy to make a car nearly impossible to steal at this point.

Oh, the French would love for you to teach them. When I was in France, car theft was commonplace despite having a separate specialized circuit board that had to be placed in a special socket for the car to start. Even Rolls Royce build a rolling code system that some high-tech thieves managed to circumvent.
27882   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 6:25pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

To be fair, it's pretty easy to make a car nearly impossible to steal at this point.

Oh, the French would love for you to teach them. When I was in France, car theft was commonplace despite having a separate specialized circuit board that had to be placed in a special socket for the car to start. Even Rolls Royce build a rolling code system that some high-tech thieves managed to circumvent.

It's security through obscurity. I know the difficulty, but tracking the vehicle is trivial if the tracking device cannot be removed and it can be.

I understand the difficulty. Basically you are depending on the thieves not being able to circumvent it.

Security is hard. I'm well aware. All of our security is based on "people can't solve this problem", even RSA and ECC. These depend on our lack of knowledge of math, but they may have solutions. Nobody - apparently - can solve these equations, but there may be solutions.
27883   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 6:47pm  

The Great Orange One going on the offensive more aggressively. The press ought to heel back instead of licking the assholes of their Satanic masters. I think I even heard Trump mention the 'Globalists' in another one of his Truth segments. I am seriously beginning to wonder if 2024 will take place. The Globalist fiends can't allow it, so there is going to be a pressure point where military actually might come in, hopefully short of civil war. Trump has mentioned on several occasions that whoever that is, it isn't the Joe Biden who he knew and remembers.

27884   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 11:24pm  

Do you mean patient patient, or patient to death, as in slow walk to nowhere?

27888   Ceffer   2023 Aug 30, 11:55pm  

Of course, if MI6 was the actual perpetrator, you would expect that their own Mockingbird rag would spread this as disinformation.

27896   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 1:26am  

More bot and AI generated absurdity.

27897   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 1:33am  

Maybe it would be a better idea to return the ill gotten gains rather than agitprop and stage manage the spin. Also, it might be a nice idea to stop being the center of world war investments, terrorism, criminal enterprise finance, black bag spy operations, resource extortion, extralegal extraditions and torture, and Babylonian debt slavery. Yeah, and maybe that Baphomet worship could go while they're at it, along with all the adoration of the Masonic, Skull & Bones, human sacrifice, and Pharaonic symbolism all over the place. Otherwise, Switzerland is a lovely place.

27899   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 1:42am  

More idiotic AI generated headlines with cuck journalist fill artists (I think, they might be bots, too). Because it's just too hard for a handful of Mockingbird employees to think up the fake propaganda shit all the time.

27900   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 1:59am  

They detonate electric cars, don't they?

27901   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 11:29am  

You know what it means when the internal government terrorist organizations conduct a "drill". Major False Flag incoming, and the comms will be scrambled. Satan has uttered his only truth on the matter to divert Karma.

27902   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 11:52am  

In the first place, Biden Actor is not incompetent, he is doing exactly what his shadow SES handlers want him to do: Destroy the Constitution, the middle class and the Republic as per the dictates of the Club of Rome. That is his mandate, and was IHLlary's mandate, along with starting WWIII. Secondly, if there is an impending military intervention, then impeachment would be moot. Thirdly, the national debt does not matter when the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC has been bankrupt for years anyway. Trump, if and when he comes in, will be overseeing the bankruptcy reorganization of the Republic. The Babylonian debt slavers in Europe will be given the orange bird finger.

27904   Ceffer   2023 Aug 31, 12:24pm  

Lies or blatant ignorance? Apparatchik printing press diplomas have consequences.


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