by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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@ Patrick.
I ignored Fortwayne (both accounts) the other day for calling me a pedophile.
Why is he still able to see this thread ?
@ Patrick.
I ignored Fortwayne (both accounts) the other day for calling me a pedophile ("spoken like a true pedophile"). This was in reference to my moderate liberal point of view.
Why is he still able to see this thread ?
That has to be the ultimate straw man I've ever seen and ever will see.
I think that the degree to which Trump has made his supporters truly sick in the head is as good a reason as any to flush the turd on November third.
WE need leaders we both can believe in. We aren't that different. You wouldn't even be painting that bullshit straw man if you thought we were that different. Why be so divisive and so intellectually dishonest. It must be possible to have leaders that will act in the interest of the vast political middle, that also isn't grossly repulsive to half the people.
Maybe you agree about finding someone for the vast political middle. Maybe you think that's Trump. Sorry no. Not even close. As long as there is so much fear and hate and divisiveness in your beliefs/message, no fucking way.
"...A Moron!" Rex Tillerson.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump had the understanding of “a fifth- or sixth-grader”.
Kelly also said he was "unhinged"...
McMaster also called him an "idiot".
People in his team suffer from TDS.
Heraclitsstudent found out that when a guy gets fired or is not listened to, he may call his boss a dope.
Whenever my female friend wants me to do something and I don’t, she calls me names.
Nobody cares what Kelly and Mattis said, they are military lifers.
The others were not agreeing with Trump’s plans so they are gone and pissed off.
Also, is he really that successful ? How hard is it to be successful when you inherit several hundred million ?
Trump's an idiot becasuemarcus says
I see him as an idiot becasuemarcus says
NO he really is an idiot
I want (and feel we deserve) an intelligent and competant President.
It's not an attack. I want (and feel we deserve) an intelligent and competant President.
What was his great skills in getting elected ? Appealing to fears, and hate ?
If you're going to restrict travel, just do it for everyone. Italy is clearly lazy (like all Italians are) and cannot control a flu bug.
Biden? Bloomberg? Bernie?
Who's your dog?
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