Democrats have 'myopic obsession with politically targeting' Trump

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2019 Apr 25, 7:07am   3,352 views  78 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., warned Tuesday that congressional Democrats are committed to vexing President Trump at any cost even as their party leadership tamps down talk of possible impeachment proceedings.

“We knew they wouldn’t give up,” Meadows tweeted. “The collusion delusion fell flat, and now reports say House Democrats are preparing to 'ramp up' their investigations of President Trump.”

Following the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., urged her caucus on Monday to focus on investigating Trump instead of calling for immediate impeachment proceedings. ...

Meadows, a vocal defender of Trump, says the Democratic Party is too near-sighted in their dislike of Trump to do what’s best for the country.

“They’re doubling down,” Meadows said. “This is a myopic obsession with politically targeting POTUS.”

Meadows, along with fellow Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, have railed against Mueller’s investigation examining Russian interference in the 2016 election, possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, and potential instances of obstruction of justice by the president. Like Trump, they have called it a politically motivated "witch hunt."

The pair have said there is “overwhelming” evidence to suggest the FBI and Department of Justice acted improperly when the investigation was started and have vowed to expose officials who have allegedly worked to undermine Trump.

This is true. The Democrats care about nothing except undermining the results of a legitimate election, because the people actually used democracy to elect someone that the globalist elite did not want.

Do we have democracy or don't we?

If we don't, it's time for the second American Revolution.

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54   Shaman   2019 May 6, 12:12pm  

rdm says
But what he may say is going to be factual and not colored by the narrative Trump/Barr want in the media

Wait... so you believe that Trump and Barr control the media? Seriously? boggle
55   Shaman   2019 May 6, 12:14pm  

Tenpoundbass says
NBC Bay Area says Micheal Cohen is going to prison over Trump Hush Money Scheme.

Yah he’s going to prison for tax fraud and related crimes. The “hush money” was just a tacked on charge for optics that came with no sentence. Trump and Barr must be controlling the media to make them report such lies!
56   socal2   2019 May 6, 12:58pm  

rdm says
“More than 370 former federal prosecutors who worked in Republican and Democratic administrations have signed on to a statement asserting special counsel Robert Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump — if not for the office he held,” the Washington Post reports.

“The statement — signed by myriad former career government employees, as well as high-profile political appointees — offers a rebuttal to Attorney General William Barr’s determination that the evidence Mueller uncovered was ‘not sufficient’ to establish Trump committed a crime.”

Funny - ask those same Prosecutors if they were cool with the Obama DOJ letting Hillary skate by with a secret server, destroying subpoenaed emails, destroying phones with hammers, letting Clinton lawyers sit in on interviews and having the former Attorney General meet with Bill Clinton during the investigation.

The fact that the Washington Post didn't bother to follow up with former federal prosecutors when Comey famously said "no reasonable person would prosecute" speaks volumes of the corruption of our Media and Deep State bureaucracy.

Trump is turning into the perfect unique vessel to destroy both of these corrupt Leftist institutions who have had until recently - a total monopoly in setting the "narrative".
57   clambo   2019 May 6, 1:12pm  

Patrick's comments are correct however there has already been a recent "American Revolution"; it was in November 2016 and produced our president.

This snatching of power away from the elites was totally unexpected by the elite media and their masters; they are still in deep denial and are still fighting the results any way they can.

There will eventually be hell to pay for the use of the government to spy and try to fuck Trump up during the election in 2016; when he gets re-elected in 2020 they better get out their checkbooks to start paying for their expensive lawyers. Comey, Brennan, Clapper and their ilk are going to be under the hot lights someday.
58   rdm   2019 May 6, 3:45pm  

socal2 says
were cool with the Obama DOJ letting Hillary skate

Fact is Trump and his appointed Republicans have been in charge of the DOJ for over 2 years, (and had both houses of congress to boot for 2 years) they could have and still can reopen Clinton's case. Why haven't they? No one, calling for Clinton's prosecution ever answers this question. Certainly it was not because of the President, he would like nothing better than Clinton in the dock. But maybe because Comey was right, she was simply careless and crass but it was a situation no prosecutor would bring charges? This as opposed to the current situation where many prosecutors would bring charges of Obstruction of Justice but for Trump's current position as President.
59   Shaman   2019 May 6, 3:53pm  

No, the reason Clinton will never be prosecuted for these charges is because it would make the entire government look bad. Look terrible in fact. And it would gain nothing other than satisfying some pique. Trump’s AG prosecuting his defeated opponent would be a wretched precedent, and would start the slide to a banana republic. If the loser in a Presidential contest can count on the winner investigating and prosecuting them, then the gloves come off and it becomes a dirty slug fest every time with murder and assassination becoming as common as vote harvesting. It would lead to an awful mess and we are better off with Her being free and none of that happening.
60   rdm   2019 May 6, 3:55pm  

Quigley says

Wait... so you believe that Trump and Barr control the media? Seriously? boggle

What was written, if you would read rather than rant the word used was that Trump wants (not does) to control the media narrative. There is not a thing wrong with this, it is to be expected. The problem is the lengths he will go to control the narrative include not allowing various people to testify and likely contradict his and Barr's deceptions and distortions. You know like, "total exoneration"
61   rdm   2019 May 6, 4:09pm  

Quigley says
because it would make the entire government look bad.

Really, ha ha the guberment can't look much worse. How many cabinet members have resigned or been fired? The EPA is run by a former coal lobbyist, the Secretary of State is fired while taking a shit, and on and on.

So she wasn't prosecuted even though there was a case and even though Trump promised to lock her up, like a thousand times: because of appearances. That sir is rich, very very rich, I do agree that it shouldn't be done for the reasons you give, but this administration doesn't give a shit. More likely they figured they would lose and we know how much Trump likes losing.
62   socal2   2019 May 6, 5:55pm  

rdm says
Fact is Trump and his appointed Republicans have been in charge of the DOJ for over 2 years, (and had both houses of congress to boot for 2 years) they could have and still can reopen Clinton's case. Why haven't they?

Because Republicans don't want to turn our government into a Banana Republic using the government itself to persecute their political rivals. Trump on the other hand will probably be less restrained which I don't think will be a great thing.

Democrats are always making conspiracy shit up (polarizing our nation) to explain their political losses.......Southern Strategy, Bush stole Florida, Russian collusion, voter suppression, Diebold machines, Koch bros!
63   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 6, 6:31pm  

jazz_music says
Should we remain silent while Trump open brothels in China?

Should we remain silent with hundreds of billions in Trade Deficits with China?

Also, the article admits that the copyrighting of Trump Escorts is solely to head off IP Infringement in China so nobody can start an Escort Agency named "Trump Escorts", rather than actually opening an out-call service.

"Spin" is well named.

64   marcus   2019 May 6, 10:15pm  

65   rdm   2019 May 6, 10:48pm  

socal2 says
Because Republicans don't want to turn our government into a Banana Republic using the government itself to persecute their political rivals.

I hope you are right. I am not convinced with Barr.
66   Patrick   2019 May 7, 9:06am  

d6rB says
Patrick says
Gosh, the economy sure is doing great under Trump.

Sugar high from extra debt, unfortunately.

Not exactly.

If the economy keeps growing at the current spectacular rate under Trump, then the debt to gdp ratio may well decline.
67   socal2   2019 May 7, 9:25am  

rdm says
I hope you are right. I am not convinced with Barr.

If Democrats like Schiff and Nadler keep weaponizing our government with these ridiculous hearings and investigations (even threatening to arrest Barr and hold him in contempt) - I am afraid we are increasing the likelihood of Trump retaliating using the awesome power of the US Government - which will not be good for anyone and will set terrible precedents going forward.

I think it is all part and parcel of Liberals treating Conservatives as being evil Fascists where they think ANY tactic (including violence) is justified to further their cause. Whereas, most Republicans think Democrats and Republicans want largely the same things (peace, prosperity, clean environment) - we just have different paths on how to get there. We don't think Democrats are evil, we think they are largely naive or just wrong often putting their emotion and passion in front of logic.
68   mell   2019 May 7, 12:58pm  

Myopic obsession is actually quite an understatement - lunacy is more accurate ;)
69   rdm   2019 May 7, 1:25pm  

socal2 says
We don't think Democrats are evil

You are speaking for a party that is a coalition of disparate interests (as are the Dems). Many of the Republican evangelicals do think Dems are evil, sodomites heading for Hell. And certain others keep talking about having Obama and Clinton hung. So your statement is too general. And is there a Republican Party or simply a Trumpican party? I think the latter.

As to Schiff et all, we have a system of divided power in this country though Trump doesn't acknowledge it. The House and Senate have the oversight authority of the executive branch. Given how corrupt the Trump administration has been, congressional oversight to date is both constitutional and responsible. Can they go too far, yes.
71   Onvacation   2019 May 8, 7:42am  

rdm says
Given how corrupt the Trump administration has been,

Do you have an example of said corruption? Just one?
72   Bd6r   2019 May 8, 8:51am  

Patrick says
If the economy keeps growing at the current spectacular rate under Trump, then the debt to gdp ratio may well decline.

First, it is a big IF. Second, what goes up has to come down. Economy has been going up for a while now, and "this time is different" never works. Third, people who non-critically support Trump will surely find someone else responsible for crash when it will come. I have heard here that it was not Bush who was responsible for Great Recession, it was D's. Horrible recession had nothing to do with wars on credit card, allowing banks and Realtors (TM) to run rampant, etc...same thinking as now, when next recession will have nothing to do with YUUGE budget deficits etc. And I am not saying that Trump is unique here - every single other politician, with exception of a few non-electable ones, would have kept blowing the debt bubble.
73   Bd6r   2019 May 8, 8:56am  

And overall I tend to agree with OP. While Trump is definitely an annoying ass (at least that is how I see him), the level of hatred towards him is illogical - people do not listen to rational arguments any more. Among my colleagues, many talk in MSNPC snippets and run away when I ask for clarification/reasons behind their thinking. "Grab by the pussy" expression is an example. No one ever says the whole sentence Trump said; it was nothing about Trump grabbing pussy; it was an illegal, unauthorized recording (hello, DNC emails!), etc. Yet now everyone knows that Trump grabs pussy of unwilling females.
I'd guess that the level of TDS that is observed is due to Trump and so-called Deplorables destroying plans of the Masters of Universe to elect Hillary. Which is interesting, because our left-leaning posters here are in fact shilling for the candidate supported by the Masters of Universe.
74   rdm   2019 May 8, 9:28am  

Onvacation says

Do you have an example of said corruption?

Implied in this question is that there is a belief that there has not been any corruption in the Trump administration. That Donnie and his cohorts are simply operating in the public interest always and completely. That like he be like Jesus and the cabinet are the disciples. So here you go for a few but I like the one below. And its just not Trump all you have to do is look at who has resigned and or been fired and the lobbyists that fill his administration (drain the swamp my ass).

Feb. 14, 2017: After promising as a candidate to recognize Taiwanese independence, Trump reverses course, pledging to Chinese President Xi Jinping that the U.S. will uphold the “One China” policy. Five days later, the Chinese government finally grants Trump a long-sought trademark protection.

75   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 8, 9:34am  

rdm says
Implied in this question is that there is a belief that there has not been any corruption in the Trump administration. That Donnie and his cohorts are simply operating in the public interest always and completely. That like he be like Jesus and the cabinet are the disciples. So here you go for a few but I like the one below. And its just not Trump all you have to do is look at who has resigned and or been fired and the lobbyists that fill his administration (drain the swamp my ass).

I'd be more worried about the Biden Kid's far reaching, global connections in Ukraine and China and their ability to generate huge sums despite their very mediocre ability.
76   Bd6r   2019 May 8, 9:42am  

HonkpilledMaster says
I'd be more worried about the Biden Kid's far reaching, global connections in Ukraine and China and their ability to generate huge sums despite their very mediocre ability.

That is not corruption, as they are supported by the Masters of Universe. Also, there is no corruption whatsoever if Clintons give talks for 250K to banks which they are supposed to oversee as politicians...and the fact that Clintons give speeches to audiences for 10K a seat when they are in power and $75 a seat when they are not in power any more. This all proves that Trump is the only corrupt person in US of A, as described by CNNPC, MSNPC, and so on, and that his corruption has to be covered in media 24/7 while all other politicians are re-incarnation of Mother Theresa.
77   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 8, 9:45am  

Speaking of PMSNBC, the Democrats are trying to hold Barr in Contempt.

For not releasing the redacted report, the redaction of which mostly deals with persons recommended for criminal charges or further investigation by Mueller.

And those People are NOT Trump insiders, but lobbyists. Greg Craig (A Master of the Universe or at least one step down the ladder) has already been charged.

The reason the Dems want it unredacted is twofold.

1. Warn the lobbyists involved what the material evidence is before they are charged.
2. Keep something going, anything, against the Trump Admin related to Mueller.

Nevermind Barr just testified and stated the redactions both protect innocent parties (witnesses not suspected of crimes, as well as Federal Intel/Counter-Intel Employees) and are needed for pending investigations probably leading to criminal charges. Nor that it is common practice for Special Prosecutors to redact out these items.

The Dems have no case here, their only goal is to keep it going, and hopefully have the Legal Activists in lower Federal Courts keep their BS going until the Election.
78   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 8, 9:47am  

d6rB says
That is not corruption, as they are supported by the Masters of Universe. Also, there is no corruption whatsoever if Clintons give talks for 250K to banks which they are supposed to oversee as politicians...and the fact that Clintons give speeches to audiences for 10K a seat when they are in power and $75 a seat when they are not in power any more. This all proves that Trump is the only corrupt person in US of A, as described by CNNPC, MSNPC, and so on.

The Dems have no clue what is actually coming. They need to keep the Mueller Crap alive, anything on the burner, so to accuse the Trump Admin of distraction when they start going after the Mueller-named Lobbyists as well as FISA.

Ohr, Craig, Podesta, probably Strzok and many others.

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