Biden leads Trump by “Landslide” in new National poll.

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2019 Jun 12, 9:34am   5,100 views  64 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


“Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump by 13 points nationally, according to the latest Quinnipiac University survey.

In a national head-to-head matchup, the poll found Biden taking 53 percent against 40 percent for Trump, with the poll's assistant director describing it as a "landslide" margin.

Five other Democratic contenders also lead the president: Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hold healthy leads over Trump, with Sanders up by 9 points, Harris ahead by 8 and Warren leading by 7.”


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25   socal2   2019 Jun 12, 1:45pm  

rdm says
Who are the people without a photo ID? The poor and minorities, who do they tend to vote for?

Lots of quasi-racist assumptions here. All the black people in the video from Harlem were incredulous that white liberals thought they couldn't get ID's.

rdm says
Do we want wider participation in elections or narrower? Isn't that the essential question? In their own self-interest Republicans want narrower and Dems want wider. And so it goes.

Honestly, I don't want people voting who are too lazy or totally incapable of getting a photo ID.

Seriously, what percentage of people in the US (who are LEGAL residents) can function in society without some reasonable ID?
26   RC2006   2019 Jun 12, 1:51pm  

Its all about Democrates wanting fraudulent votes, voter id laws should have the same effect on all groups/races unless of course dems are trying to say minorities and dems in general are more incompetent,stupid, or more lazy than Republicans.
27   rdm   2019 Jun 12, 2:14pm  

Well you might as well just chill, fuck the fake news, no worries, right from the horse's mouth, America you can sleep well tonight, you can take this to the bank...ruptcy, :

"President Trump bristled Wednesday at a report that his reelection campaign’s internal polling shows him trailing Democrat Joe Biden in several key states and claimed without evidence that those polls actually show him leading in every state his campaign has surveyed.

“We have great internal polling,” Trump said during an Oval Office meeting with visiting Polish President Polish President Andrzej Duda. “We are winning in every single state that we polled.”
29   Bd6r   2019 Jun 12, 3:08pm  

rdm says
Who are the people without a photo ID?

When I was poor in 1990's (aka my income was ca. 6000/year), I had no trouble getting first a photo ID and then drivers license (after buying a $400 "car"). I don't really believe that this requires much effort and intelligence.

rdm says
The poor and minorities, who do they tend to vote for?

Not as simple question to answer. In countryside, where getting to polling place is more difficult than in cities, even Hispanics are shifting towards right. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/11/17/rural-hispanic-voters-like-white-rural-voters-shifted-toward-trump-heres-why/?utm_term=.e1d92f0e0707
Perhaps republicans should start busing rural voters to polling stations...
32   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 12, 6:30pm  

I think the worst thing the Democrats and the Media can do this election. Is lie and hype who ever Trump's opponent is beating him by a huge number.
That is going to panic people in droves to get out and vote that set out 2016. But are far more enlightened this time around.

If I were the DNC I would over sell Trump's numbers and try to get Trump's supporters complacent while I ran a low keyed ground game in the back ground.
I would to the grassroots canvasing very low keyed and under reported or promoted.
33   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 12, 6:33pm  

Agreed. But, we're dealing with Princeton/Brown/Emmerson School of Communications Graduates so let's see.
34   mell   2019 Jun 12, 7:44pm  

socal2 says
Quigley says
So you’re saying the Q poll might be worthless?

Even Nate Silver says this poll (any poll) is worthless this far out.

I also think there is a sizable chunk of the electorate that are not keen on making their support for Trump known pu...

This is it mainly. Most Trump voters either don't get selected for survey by the biased lamestream pollster media or they won't tell anyone they're voting Trump. Polls are mostly worthless in such a screeching leftoid-induced biased and anti free speech political climate.
35   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 13, 4:40am  

d6rB says
"We are starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide as her 10-point lead is further proof that Donald Trump is in a downward spiral as the clock ticks," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

In other totally not fake news https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/10/donald-trump-resigns-tv-writers-imagine
36   BayArea   2019 Jun 13, 6:10am  

The polling industry has exactly zero credibility since the 2016 election.

Silent majority will be responsible for a Trump landslide victory in 2020.
37   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 13, 6:42am  

BayArea says
Silent majority will be responsible for a Trump landslide victory in 2020.

We'll have to deport the Illegal Majority first.
38   Shaman   2019 Jun 13, 7:25am  

So in essence, the Q poll is utterly unreliable. Seems like it has a pretty poor history of inaccuracy and outright lying.
39   rdm   2019 Jun 13, 9:04am  

Quigley says
So in essence, the Q poll is utterly unreliable

Yes, I prefer the Reed Cooper poll. The Q poll is clearly biased.

"Reed Cooper is fourteen-year-old Trump activist who runs Reed Cooper News. He combats liberal fake news outlets and fights for President Trump every day."
40   CBOEtrader   2019 Jun 13, 9:19am  

It's hilarious watching the brainwashed stay brainwashed.

When will the blind mice find the cheese?
41   Bd6r   2019 Jun 13, 9:37am  

Tim Aurora says
You are correct. Putin is silent majority.

The ads didn’t cost very much. The Russians spent more than 95 million rubles — an amount that at current exchange rates is equal to about $95,000. The month with the most spending, according to our analysis, was October 2016, the month before the election.

Russian information troll farm the Internet Research Agency spent just 0.05 percent as much on Facebook ads as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s campaigns combined in the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, yet still reached a massive audience. While there might have been other Russian disinformation groups, the IRA spent $46,000 on pre-election day Facebook ads compared to $81 million spent by Clinton and Trump together, discluding political action committees who could have spent even more than that on the campaigns’ behalf.


Ergo, claim that Russians are responsible for electing t-RUMP is not supported by any shred of evidence, and is likely an example of TDS squared.

Perhaps, just perhaps, t-RUMP was elected because Flyover Country voters were screwed over and ignored by Washington establishment of both major parties, because their economic situation has deteriorated, with all of prosperity going towards richest 0.1%, and because D elite decided to push Hillary onto country with fraud (against Sanders who would have won primaries and probably also the election)?
42   marcus   2019 Jun 13, 9:41am  

Quigley says
Biden leads Trump by “Landslide” in new National poll.

Shocking !

(The real shock and death knell for America is that 40% would vote for him again)
43   WookieMan   2019 Jun 13, 9:56am  

socal2 says
Honestly, I don't want people voting who are too lazy or totally incapable of getting a photo ID.

Seriously, what percentage of people in the US (who are LEGAL residents) can function in society without some reasonable ID?

rdm - I didn’t see a response to this comment that was in response to yours. Can you respond to it? The ID law/voter “suppression” would almost certainly hurt rural “red” voters versus the public transportation utopia of “blue” states as d6rb points out. Someone in Chicago is at most 20-30 minutes train ride to a DMV or facility they can get an ID, for maybe $20.

It truly is pure laziness. Red voters are lazy too. This idea that someone in a major city can’t get an ID is absolutely retarded. The push for subsidized public transportation and the ones it is meant to benefit can’t fucking use it to get an ID? There’s no excuse. Stop making fucking excuses for lazy people that want handouts.
44   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jun 13, 10:01am  

WookieMan says
It truly is pure laziness. Red voters are lazy too. This idea that someone in a major city can’t get an ID is absolutely retarded.

The notion that somebody can get by in Modern America without an ID of some kind is bizarre.

But yes, they are simply lazy. Exit Polls show Red voters are more engaged, vote earlier when possible, and better informed.

As we saw in the 2018 election, it seems a lot of Blue Voters voted after the polls closed, like in Broward and Arizona. Mysterious boxes of absentee ballots kept showing up.
47   HeadSet   2019 Jun 19, 6:25am  

Who are the people without a photo ID? The poor and minorities, who do they tend to vote for? That is how it works and everyone knows it.

Let me fix that for you:

"Who are the people without a photo ID? Illegals and fraudsters, who do they tend to vote for? That is how it works and everyone knows it."
48   HeadSet   2019 Jun 19, 6:31am  

I think the worst thing the Democrats and the Media can do this election. Is lie and hype who ever Trump's opponent is beating him by a huge number.
That is going to panic people in droves to get out and vote that set out 2016. But are far more enlightened this time around.

No,this over-hyping a Dem lead serves two purposes:

1. It provides cover for all the "vote harvesting" that will take place, ala Orange County and Broward County.
2. It provides a reason to investigate "Russia Interference" type excuses when the actual ballots do not match the polls.
49   Rin   2019 Jun 19, 8:07am  

Can someone post a poll from all the regions of the USA which don't include Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, DC, Chicago, SF, and LA?

Because last I'd checked, the Hillary strategy was to get all the aforementioned areas to vote for her, since in her mind, the popular (see densely populated urban centers) vote was the decider in the national elections and not the smaller counties of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio.

Is this history repeating?
50   komputodo   2019 Jun 19, 8:12am  

socal2 says
I'd wager there is a higher percentage of voter fraud than there are number of people who are super motivated to vote, but don't have the wherewithal to get a simple photo ID.

Its hard to go to the dmv and get an ID...I'd have to stand in line for an extended period and my fat ass gets tired standing up.
51   Shaman   2019 Jun 19, 8:16am  

komputodo says
Its hard to go to the dmv and get an ID...I'd have to stand in line for an extended period and my fat ass gets tired standing up.

It is a pain in the ass. I had to renew mine couple weeks ago. Took three hours and I had to take the dam test again. Still haven’t got the new one in the mail. Hopefully they send it to the right address.
52   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jun 19, 8:55am  

Quigley says
komputodo says
Its hard to go to the dmv and get an ID...I'd have to stand in line for an extended period and my fat ass gets tired standing up.

It is a pain in the ass. I had to renew mine couple weeks ago. Took three hours and I had to take the dam test again. Still haven’t got the new one in the mail. Hopefully they send it to the right address.

Did you get the real ID? My appointment is Friday and I have my lease, but nearly every other damn bill is online except my car insurance. So I’m hoping the car insurance is acceptable as a second form of proof of address.
53   rocketjoe79   2019 Jun 19, 9:14am  

Polls - so accurate, I'll be placing huge bets on them. NOT!!
The large betting houses have it down:

Odds To Win The 2020 United States Presidential Election
Name Odds
Donald Trump EVEN
Joe Biden +425
Bernie Sanders +750
Pete Buttigieg +1100
Kamala Harris +1200
Andrew Yang +2000
Elizabeth Warren +2200
Tulsi Gabbard +3300
Beto O’Rourke +3500
Amy Klobuchar +7000
Cory Booker +7000
Mike Pence +8000
Kirsten Gillibrand +10000
Nikki Haley +10000
John Hickenlooper +10000
John Kasich +10000
Julian Castro +10000
Howard Schultz +10000
Andrew Cuomo +15000
Ted Cruz +15000
54   Shaman   2019 Jun 19, 9:17am  

CovfefeButDeadly says
Did you get the real ID? My appointment is Friday and I have my lease, but nearly every other damn bill is online except my car insurance. So I’m hoping the car insurance is acceptable as a second form of proof of address.

Any phone or cable bill will also work, as well as mortgage bill or property tax statement, and there’s a lot of other ones. Check out the list on the dmv website. Water bills, electric bills, trash bills. All that.
55   rdm   2019 Jun 19, 11:33am  

rocketjoe79 says

Odds To Win The 2020 United States Presidential Election

I hope that makes everyone feel good. It is of course not a head to head as all the Dems first have to win the nomination.
57   HeadSet   2019 Jun 19, 3:17pm  

Remember, Jeb outspent Trump and lost the primary bigly. Hillary outspent Trump and lost the General by 74 Electoral Votes.

It ain't all about fund raising.
59   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jun 19, 6:02pm  


Biden done let the scent of his Cracker Blood in the water. Race Sharks like Spartacus and Booker on him like Stink on Shit.

Former Vice President Joe Biden continues to draw fire from across the political spectrum after praising the “civility” of well-known segregationists.
During a fundraising event in New York City on Tuesday, the Democrat frontrunner invoked his working relationship with the late-Sens. James Eastland (D-MS) and Herman Talmadge (D-GA) to argue he was the candidate best “able to reach consensus under our system.”

“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland,” Biden said with a Southern drawl. “He never called me boy, he always called me son.”

“Well guess what?” the former vice president continued. “At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.”

Both Talmadge and Eastland were known as fierce opponents of integration and civil rights throughout their long careers in public office. Eastland, particularly, became known as the “voice of the white South” for his fiery backing of Jim Crow.

Biden’s attempt to explain the importance of bipartisanship by highlighting his personal and professional relationships with the two segregationist Democrats did not sit well with many.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), a fellow presidential candidate, offered a strong rebuke on Wednesday, saying Biden’s relationship with “proud segregationists” was not a “model” to bring “our country together.”

Booker said in a statement on Wednesday:

“You don’t joke about calling black men ‘boys.’ Vice President Biden’s relationships with proud segregationists are not the model for how we make America a safer and more inclusive place for Black people, and for everyone. I have to tell Vice President Biden, as someone I respect, that he is wrong for using his relationships with Eastland and Talmadge as examples of how to bring our country together.”

Other 2020 Democrats were equally unwilling to tolerate Biden’s remarks.
61   marcus   2019 Jun 19, 8:21pm  

Yeah, Biden is boring.

He's not one tenth the liar Trump is.
62   WookieMan   2019 Jun 20, 7:15am  

marcus says
Yeah, Biden is boring.

He's not one tenth the liar Trump is.

I know you're still assuming Biden is a liar, but to assume a career politician lies less than Trump is kind of hysterical.

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