by tovarichpeter ➕follow (7) 💰tip ignore
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Trust me, when you transition from studying and working in engineering to the financial services sector, you really get the culture shock of seeing how many stupid and useless ppl there really are, out there.
Rin saysSo with that in mind, currently, UBI would end up as a subsidy for increasing rent, food stuff, and legal/illegal drugs.
A better approach, prior to let's call it a full age of automation, circa 2035-2040, is a job training program where there are clear metrics to achieve along with an actual job at the end of the training.
Part of implementing UBI would be to get rid of all the other welfare subsidies. Section 8 vouchers increase rent (for the rest of us), for example. Other existing welfare handouts increase prices for the rest of us. People commonly extract cash from their food stamps from various fraudulent schemes.
As for job training, etc, that's again a heavy-handed government approach that doesn't really work in practice. If you're making $20k/year at McDonalds and receiving $20k/year in various welfare (food stamps, earned income tax credit, section 8), what's...
Inequality is a straw man
Not really, because it isn't tied to some training program like being let's say a nurse assistant
SunnyvaleCA saysInequality is a straw man
Wondering if you know what a "straw man argument" is.
If you say for example that my argument is a "straw man," it means that you're saying that I am mischaracterizing your argument, that I am more or less tearing apart a position that is not your position.
THat doesn't work here. I don't claim that you are in favor of inequality.
While it’s true that automation is making progress in many types of work
mell saysYang is a homo
Yeah, even if true: so what. Let's debate Yang's proposal on its merits.
ALL healthcare workers should do) can now do 10x the work. Or more.
What about people w 83 IQ's? Isn't that 6% of the population?
SunnyvaleCA saysmell saysYang is a homo
Yeah, even if true: so what. Let's debate Yang's proposal on its merits.
I've heard enough from that guy. It was a joke. But he's probably on par with or worse than the squad.
Whether it be food stamps, or other forms of welfare that aren't enough to live on, but are enough to supplement a minimum wage job, isn't supplementing minimum wage to the point that people can actually live on it, in a way also a form of welfare to all the companies that hire workers for minimum wage ?If that UBI goes to the pockets of rent seekers, that would surely be a bad outcome. If done "right" (ha ha! we're talking about politicians here) the UBI would replace many other forms of welfare that definitely do go directly to rent seekers. The hope is that UBI could be less exploitable by rent seekers. Check out Sam Harris and (of "The Bell Curve") Charles Murray on the topic; there's at least a theoretical possibility that UBI could be better than welfare.
MY fear about UBI is that too much of it will go directly to rent increases (not just housing rents). But that alone may not make it a bad idea.
komputodo saysNo, not even close...Trump is the most underrated.
Trump is different because he's simultaneously the most over rated.That's the thing about Trump that makes him so much different than anyone else....who else was ever the most over rated and under rated at the same time?
if the payout is enough to replace welfare, then it's enough to create a massive new class of leeches who're content just living ultra-frugally in exchange for a life devoid of work
But, if the payout is enough to replace welfare, then it's enough to create a massive new class of leeches who're content just living ultra-frugally in exchange for a life devoid of work. We would see an amazing surge in people who "cant work" or other BS fake disability excuses that they use the sound less loser-like.
Here’s a new video i watched today. It’s about capitalism and inequality and about how raising wages makes customers that drive our economy further.
4. The French Revolution did not come about due to Feudalistic inequality. The conditions in Germany and in Russia were far more unequal than in France. 18th century France was actually very liberal by the standards of the day (tabloids were making fun of the King and the Queen without consequences). The problem with France was having too many "liberals": too many over-educated professional "students" with little marketable skills. That's why they took their chances in revolution, financed by British money. When Russia finally had similar over-supply of over-educated "students" with little marketable skills a century later, they embraced even more bloody revolutions.
Andrew Yang Says He Has Left Democratic Party
4. The French Revolution did not come about due to Feudalistic inequality. The conditions in Germany and in Russia were far more unequal than in France. 18th century France was actually very liberal by the standards of the day (tabloids were making fun of the King and the Queen without consequences). The problem with France was having too many "leftists": too many over-educated professional "students" with little marketable skills. That's why they took their chances in revolution, financed by British money. When Russia finally had similar over-supply of over-educated "students" with little marketable skills a century later, they embraced even more bloody revolutions.
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