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as long as you are in no hurry and have lots of patience
I suspect our train system sucks because the auto industry wants it that way.
Trains would be great if they were rolling brothels.
American trains are an embarrassment to the country. Other countries have much better train systems.
I suspect our train system sucks because the auto industry wants it that way.
It’s the time needed to get to the station
Patrick saysI suspect our train system sucks because the auto industry wants it that way.
Not so, look our airlines.
The Bestest Fastest way into downtown LA when arriving by plane: fly to Burbank, walk about 5 minutes to the train stop. Three stops, about 20 minutes to Union Station. Two different train lines, so they come frequently enough. We did this last year.
Trains are an older but better way to travelI've always thought so, too! So what if it takes longer? You go through the countryside, settle in and enjoy the trip. Especially nice if you get to spend the night on the train.
CovfefeButDeadly saysIt’s the time needed to get to the station
Huh, I'd say just the opposite: it's way easier to get to the train station, which is usually in the center of a city, than the airport, which way out in some suburb.
Huh, I'd say just the opposite: it's way easier to get to the train station, which is usually in the center of a city, than the airport, which way out in some suburb.
I suspect our train system sucks because the auto industry wants it that way.
The Bestest Fastest way into downtown LA
First question, why would anyone ever want to visit the downtown of LA?
In contrast to Boston, NYC, DC, and heaven forbid, Philadelphia, LA's got more going on the 'burbs than anywhere near the alleged center city. It's practically a ghost town and goes completely empty after 5PM, aside from roving hoodlums.
Don't forget the poop, the homeless, the drug needles, and various crime
heaven forbid, Philadelphia
Rin saysheaven forbid, Philadelphia
Just there, I couldn't believe how nasty it was. Literally, one block from City Hall, swarming with insane homeless.
First question, why would anyone ever want to visit the downtown of LA?
FortWayneIndiana saysDon't forget the poop, the homeless, the drug needles, and various crime
Yes, I thought that hoodlums kinda covered it but that's a more comprehensive glance at the state of LA downtown, shithole central.
All these folks vastly outnumbered the LA stereotypes but you didn't have to look too hard to see them.
Umm... I think we just invented trains again
For years, self-driving trucks have been seen as the wave of the future. Instead of having long-haul truckers, we'd just set the trucks on the road to make the deliveries on their own.
But that hasn't really worked. Part of the problem is the complexity of navigating the freeway system. Part of it is that companies want electric vehicles, which require massive batteries to haul an 18-wheeler only a few hundred miles.
But someone working on these trucks had the brilliant thought: "Why don't we put these trucks on some kind of track, off the highway, where they can travel together in sort of a train ..."
LA used to have an extensive street car system
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