The coup against Donald Trump begins to fall apart

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2019 Nov 13, 9:39pm   1,205 views  72 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Now to the case against Trump. This really is an attempt to frame and railroad a president who Democrats can’t beat at the ballot box.

First, can you imagine Republicans framing Obama over a phone call that someone heard about from someone else thirdhand? Think about the reaction from the media and other organizations.

How about if Republicans held the Obama impeachment inquiry in a secret room, with no Democrats allowed in and no way to cross-examine accusers. Can you even imagine the cries of “racism”?

How about if Obama’s opponent, Mitt Romney, was allowed to vote on Obama’s removal from office. Are you kidding? That would never happen in a million years. The guy who wants your job can’t possibly serve on your jury, right?

So how can Democrat senators running against Trump be allowed to vote on his impeachment? Obviously, that disqualifies senators who are also running for president: Sanders, Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Harris, Michael Bennet and Cory Booker. Add Kirsten Gillibrand, who ran against Trump until recently. That’s seven votes in the Senate that are hopelessly conflicted.

Take those seven votes away, and it is virtually impossible for Trump to be convicted. Trump should ask the Supreme Court to rule on this.

How about the main “whistleblower”? His name is an open secret in D.C. Guess what? He’s a registered Democrat, works for the CIA and worked for Obama, Joe Biden and a bunch of Obama officials.

It gets worse. He not only worked for Trump’s opponent, Biden, he traveled with Biden, was a guest of Biden’s at a State Department banquet and was involved in the $1 billion foreign aid delivered to Ukraine. In addition, Mark Zaid, the whistleblower’s lawyer, tweeted in January 2017, “The coup has started, impeachment will follow.”

The Democrats’ star witness, Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, admitted in the secret hearings he wasn’t on the Trump-Ukraine phone call. It’s all thirdhand hearsay.

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31   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 16, 11:28am  

Oh, he was convinced, and it happened?

Despite Putin's orders?

Now did Obama send weapons?
32   theoakman   2019 Nov 16, 11:39am  

I know someone that just went to both Beijing and Taiwan. He said the news in Taiwan was so refreshing and nice to listen to. Beijing was 50% propaganda and 50% actual news with a communist spin.
33   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 17, 5:57am  

Game Plan to eliminate Trump

Plan A. Collude with Hillary, GPS and the Russians to win the election.
Plan B. Sway the Electoral College votes
Plan C. Overturn the Election results with recounts. (Recounts were abandoned when they resulted in more votes for Trump and exposing democrat voter fraud)
Plan D. Nullify the election by framing Trump with Russian collusion
Plan E. Have the Deep State take Trump out using the 25th Amendment
Plan F. Impeach Trump for firing Comey
Plan G. Impeach Trump for Campaign Finance violations
Plan H. Push Back: “If you see anybody from that cabinet.....get in their face”
Plan I. Impeach Trump for Obstruction of Justice
Plan J. Demonize Trump’s S.C. Justice nominee
Plan K. Impeach Trump for Money Laundering
Plan L. Impeach Trump for Treason
Plan M. Impeach Trump for revoking security clearances of people no longer in the government.
Plan N. Obstruct everything Trump attempts to do in congress
Plan O. Impeach Trump for violation of the Emoluments Clause
Plan P. Throw tantrum over Trump’s tax returns we will never see
Plan Q. Give sixteen year olds the vote
Plan R. Eliminate the Electoral College
Plan S. Let imprisoned convicts vote
plan T. Use pictures of illegal alien children caged by 0bama and blame Trump
Plan U. Mueller Report findings....
Plan V. Mueller's 9 minute summary of Weismann’s 400 pg op-ed
Plan W. Impeach Trump for "racist" Tweet "if you don't like it here, go home"
Plan X. Mueller's testimony before Congress🤣😂🤣
Plan Y. Moscow Trump Tower
Plan Z. Tie Bill's buddy Epstein to Trump
Plan AA. Exclude Trump from Kaliforia’s Primary Ballot
Plan AB. Convince voters we are headed into a recession
Plan AC. Recruit Establishment Never-Trumpers to run against him
Plan AD. Dox Trump supporters
Plan AE. Conspire with Silicon Valley to shut down any and all Conservatives
Plan AF. Change the whistle blower rules so literally anyone can fabricate a fake story based on hearsay
Plan AG. Change the House Rules on Impeachment as needed
Plan AH. Impeach Trump for pulling out of Syria after the Stated Mission of eradicating ISIS was successfully concluded
Plan AI. Impeach Trump for not informing leak prone democrats before taking out the ISIS leader and his successor
Plan AJ. Accuse Trump of a cover-up because the Trump/Zelenskiy transcript was stored on a secure system Wait, what?
Plan AK. Impeach Trump for Quid Pro Quo
no wait, make that Bribery,
no wait, make that Extortion,
no wait, make that intimidating tweets
Plan AL. Since Dems know they can’t impeach, have a meaningless show trial to keep the word “impeachment” in the news. And coach the witnesses on their hearsay evidence.

35   Tenpoundbass   2019 Nov 17, 6:17am  

That's the most absurb part, nobody has hit the Libcoms over the head with the fact.

They can and do come at Trump from all angles over everything. But you mean to tell the American public that a Democrat running for office is untouchable.
But the President of the United States is fair game and it's always open season?

The Libcoms would have us believe that running for office as a Democrat gives you immunity from everything.
38   Patrick   2019 Nov 17, 4:48pm  

Notwithstanding the televisual spectacle we will all be treated to this week during public testimony, the Democrats have already made their basic case to the American people and to Republicans in the Senate. The dream of a few short weeks ago, that cracks would emerge and suddenly senators would start turning on Trump, is now dissipating as dawn rises over an actual vote on impeachment.

Like hungover frat boys who convinced themselves over the raucous night that they would road trip to Mexico the next day, the cruel sun is now glinting off their empties and discarded Juul pods, and they will be going to class after all.

The result? A huge win for Trump, any way you slice it.

40   marcus   2019 Nov 17, 7:29pm  

theoakman says
I find it hilarious that the resident libs on this board are no longer complaining about Putin or how "Trump is a rapist"

Newsflash: Just as an example, nobody, not even evangelical Christians give a fuck that Trump hired a pornstar for sex when his wife was pregnant. So it's not that easy, even for a full fledged "libertarian" (Trump apologist) to claim that just becasue 40% of the public continues to like Trump that he is somehow provably innocent of any of what you fantasize are "not real" scandals.

Nice try though.

Yes, it is true that Trump is so busy with his scumbagary, that his critics will move on from one scandal to the next. But how ridiculously biased does one have to be to think that means he was innocent of the previous one, if it didn't get enough traction with the same crowd that thinks "hey he's just a regular American politician."

You can thank the right wing media for the fact that Trump gets away with all his shit.
41   marcus   2019 Nov 17, 7:37pm  

Karloff says

AS if you morons were even capable of considering the facts.
47   Shaman   2019 Nov 17, 8:20pm  

marcus says

Isn’t that the Democrat party line right now? We can’t investigate the Bidens’ corruption until we prosecute Trump for investigating them! And anyway Biden was CLEARED already! (By someone or some entity we don’t know who but it should be FINE!)
50   marcus   2019 Nov 17, 8:43pm  

A question I have: Would it be possible for you to change your mind about Trump ?

I believe the answer is no. It wouldn't matter what he did. That realization is disheartening to a degree that's impossible to articulate - and even if you make the reverse claim toward me - if it's true, it's one more indicator that humanity is doomed - incapable of choosing leadership that will act in its best interest. And simply vulnerable to believing the lies that it wants to believe.
51   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 17, 9:06pm  

marcus says

I believe the answer is no. It wouldn't matter what he did. That realization is disheartening to a degree that's impossible to articulate - and even if you make the reverse claim toward me - if it's true, it's one more indicator that humanity is doomed - incapable of choosing leadership that will act in its best interest. And simply vulnerable to believing the lies that it wants to believe.

You first have to prove he did something.

The plurality of unbacked accusations != Proof.

Now, TDS sufferers have been proclaiming the Beginning of the End and the Walls are Closing In since he was elected.

This is yet another one.
52   HeadSet   2019 Nov 18, 6:30am  

A question I have: Would it be possible for you to change your mind about Trump ?

I believe the answer is no. It wouldn't matter what he did.

Sounds like you are admitting to extreme bias.
53   Onvacation   2019 Nov 18, 6:41am  

marcus says

Do you still believe Russia stole the election from Hillary?
54   Onvacation   2019 Nov 18, 6:44am  

marcus says
Would it be possible for you to change your mind about Trump ?
55   Bd6r   2019 Nov 18, 7:56am  

Onvacation says
Do you still believe Russia stole the election from Hillary?

I think the last theory was that Ukraine was interfering in elections - did I miss something in the newest iterations of party line?
56   porkchopXpress   2019 Nov 18, 8:07am  

marcus says
A question I have: Would it be possible for you to change your mind about Trump ?
Sure, but I pose that question back to you.
57   Patrick   2019 Nov 18, 8:18am  

marcus says
Would it be possible for you to change your mind about Trump ?

Why does Trump himself matter so much to the left? That's the real question. Would it be possible for anyone on the left to change his mind about Trump?

As for me, I'd happily vote for anyone of any party who would:

* work to make the border secure
* imprison the employers of illegals
* cut off relations with Saudi Arabia
* stop surprise medical billing
* bring back manufacturing from China

Any one of those might be enough to swing my vote. But Democrats are wholly owned by plutocrats, so they can't do any of those things.
58   Bd6r   2019 Nov 18, 8:59am  

Patrick says
But Democrats are wholly owned by plutocrats, so they can't do any of those things.

A lot of them are inhabitants of crazytown, not owned by anyone. AOC is a good example...
59   socal2   2019 Nov 18, 9:00am  

marcus says
I believe the answer is no. It wouldn't matter what he did.

Doesn't matter who Republicans nominate, the political Left will lose their shit over anyone that is not woke and in the Liberal cult.

Have you forgotten how ape-shit the Media and Democrats got over that boy scout Mitt Romney? "He put a dog on his car!". "He said he had binders full of women!!". "He worked for Bain Capital and didn't pay taxes!" Remember what the Left and Media did to McCain?

Trump is your punishment for all the past years of Democrats shitting on normal centrist politicians nominated by Republicans.
60   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Nov 18, 5:11pm  

socal2 says
marcus says
I believe the answer is no. It wouldn't matter what he did.

Doesn't matter who Republicans nominate, the political Left will lose their shit over anyone that is not woke and in the Liberal cult.

Have you forgotten how ape-shit the Media and Democrats got over that boy scout Mitt Romney? "He put a dog on his car!". "He said he had binders full of women!!". "He worked for Bain Capital and didn't pay taxes!" Remember what the Left and Media did to McCain?

Trump is your punishment for all the past years of Democrats shitting on normal centrist politicians nominated by Republicans.

A corollary to this is that the media and Democrats will just move on to the next next next fake "offense" as soon as the current one has lost steam. Not even 4 months after the Weissman report largely found nothing and we're now onto impeachment over a phone call where Trump politely asked for investigation into corruption in Ukraine. After this, we'll move on to impeachment over a "threatening" tweet; yes, a tweet!
62   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 19, 7:53am  

Patrick says
Why does Trump himself matter so much to the left? That's the real question. Would it be possible for anyone on the left to change his mind about Trump?

The Oikophobia theory explains it.

The goal is to fundamentally transform what America is, not to fix it. See the 1619 Project: To recenter all US History education to revolve around slavery, rather than personal freedom flourishing and, over time, encompassing every individual with liberty and justice for all.

At best, Trump is a delay and distraction.
At worst, Trump might succeed and knock Democratic Socialism back down for a generation or two with his reforms and civic nationalism.

He must be stopped, because America is exceptional - exceptionally evil.
63   RC2006   2019 Nov 19, 10:22am  

NoCoupForYou says
Patrick says
Why does Trump himself matter so much to the left? That's the real question. Would it be possible for anyone on the left to change his mind about Trump?

The Oikophobia theory explains it.

The goal is to fundamentally transform what America is, not to fix it. See the 1619 Project: To recenter all US History education to revolve around slavery, rather than personal freedom flourishing and, over time, encompassing every individual with liberty and justice for all.

At best, Trump is a delay and distraction.
At worst, Trump might succeed and knock Democratic Socialism back down for a generation or two with his reforms and civic nationalism.

He must be stopped, because America is exceptional - exceptionally evil.

The Left and Right are scared but its harder for the right to go against him. He is exposing corruption on multiple levels simply because he doesn’t know how to play the game and is use to doing things his way. The two parties are afraid of being exposed by his actions intended or not. If we the people even started looking at the rest of our politicians at even 1/10th the level they are looking at Trump they would all be hanging maybe even a revolution. So much wealth and power is being drained away by all of the political leaches selling the rest of us down the river while they set up there families dynasties for generations to come. A big part of how you can tell Trump isn’t playing by the playbook is his trying to stop the bullshit trade screwing us over for decades that has been concentrating wealth and power.
64   HeadSet   2019 Nov 19, 10:29am  

He is exposing corruption on multiple levels simply because he doesn’t know how to play the game

Not sure about not knowing how, he is well aware from his business life how politicians kept hitting him up for contributions. I think Trump wants to end that nonsense, since he ran for office to get what he wanted done rather that just access politicians using his wealth.
65   RC2006   2019 Nov 19, 10:39am  

HeadSet says
He is exposing corruption on multiple levels simply because he doesn’t know how to play the game

Not sure about not knowing how, he is well aware from his business life how politicians kept hitting him up for contributions. I think Trump wants to end that nonsense, since he ran for office to get what he wanted done rather that just access politicians using his wealth.

True but the end I hope the outcome is the same.
66   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 19, 5:13pm  

This is getting silly now.

The only thing sillier was Schiff warning Vindman not to say the Whistleblowers name when asked if he told anybody else.

Which proved Vindman and the Leakerblower talked to each other alot.

Eric Ciaramella, most likely.
67   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Nov 19, 5:28pm  

Also, "It's Lieutenant Colonel Doughy Face! Good day to you, sir.
68   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Nov 19, 5:36pm  

marcus says
Karloff says

AS if you morons were even capable of considering the facts.

This is rich coming from a guy who doesn’t understand US law and furthermore, remains willfully ignorant.
69   EBGuy   2019 Nov 19, 6:26pm  

Tried to show my S.O. this video in the morning but it had been "disappeared" by the YouTube. Looks like it is back.

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