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« First « Previous Comments 1,519 - 1,558 of 3,372 Next » Last » Search these comments pandemic doesn’t stop heart attacks, strokes, serious falls and seizures, said Drummond, who works in Perth, Ont. Yet many people who would normally visit a doctor to check what could be serious symptoms are choosing not to seek help, he said.
Drummond said doctors are noticing that emergency rooms across the country are quieter and, when people do come in, too often the situation is already dire.
“I lost the battle to save a patient last night because they waited too long to come to the hospital,” Dr. Jeff Shaw, a cardiologist in Calgary, posted on Twitter earlier this week.
In the 22 days after the shelter-in-place order (March 21-April 11), there was an average of 450 vehicle collisions per day throughout the state, according to the study conducted by the Road Ecology Center at UC Davis. During the same period in 2019, there were 1,128 collisions per day. In the 22 days prior to sheltering in place, there were 1,056 accidents per day.
“The reduction in traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities is a bit of a silver lining for people who are staying at home and who are impacted by the pandemic,” said UC Davis Road Ecology Center director and project lead author Fraser Shilling.
"The reduction in numbers of all collisions, injury, and fatal collision was equivalent to a $40 million/day savings in costs and about $1 billion in savings since the Governor’s order went into effect," the study concluded. The figures were calculated using Federal Highway Administration data, which includes savings from "property damage, treatment of injuries, lost time at work, emergency responses, insurance claims, and the equivalent cost of a life."
There's so much lamestream media misinformation and deliberate focus on irrelevant fake news such as total cases. Who cares? We've already crossed 10% of total cases as recovered, probably many more as reporting for recovered cases lags. Only active cases are important and you will see those going down fast at some point like they're now doing in Europe. We may reach more recovered than active cases within 2-3 weeks or sooner. Opening up early May is paramount.
-we can’t open until there’s a vaccine
"These [Chinese restaurants] were on thin operating margins before,"
The exponential increase in new cases is seen since mid March, that is about 5 weeks ago.
Density, density, density.... Living on top of each other makes this shit spread.
Density, density, density....
WookieMan saysDensity, density, density....
Density explains the greater spread of Wuhan virus in Democrat states, and also explains why dense areas vote Democrat to begin with.
Rural areas at all times and in all countries value self-reliance more than cities do, and necessarily so, since the resources of the cities are far away, by definition.
Cities, on the other hand, value government more than rural areas, since the greater density requires more government to manage: crime, garbage, boundary lines.
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