I was wondering about the stupid "Chinese Virus" discussion on Patrick.net

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2020 Mar 20, 5:38pm   5,781 views  52 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

So stupid. "Why ?" Why put a countries name on it, when we had already settled on names for it. Why is this suddenly important to anyone ? I just didn't get it. Couldn't begin to relate in the slightest. I actually didn't realize it, becasue I've been busy and not watching much news.

THen I finally figured it out when I saw a headline. It was about defending the idiot and chief the whole time. Oohhhhh.

NOw I get it. It's a Trump Cuck thing.


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1   Booger   2020 Mar 20, 5:59pm  

marcus says
Why put a countries name on it

Because this is how it's been done historically.
2   marcus   2020 Mar 20, 6:02pm  

Most major viruses don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.

Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

The Spanish Flu is probably called the Spanish flu only because some political asshole was trying to deflect attention and blame. That's no reason. It turns out they lied and mishandled that one too. Probably before they started calling it the SPanish flu.
3   marcus   2020 Mar 20, 6:09pm  

I thought this was idiotic the other day and said so, long before I realized this had anything to do with Trump.

I would have assumed he had more sense than that.

Which tells you just how stupid I think it is !
4   Heraclitusstudent   2020 Mar 20, 6:13pm  

marcus says
Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

How about the black death? Should we rename it?
5   marcus   2020 Mar 20, 6:38pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
How about the black death? Should we rename it?

No need, most people call it something else. Usually just "he plague," or "bubonic plague." I don't think we know who called it what then. Maybe they called it something suggesting god was punishing them. "The Pestilence." But naming after the black sea isn't associating with an ethnicity for those that want to see it that way anyway.

In modern times when it comes back, it's often just called plague.

I didn't say that I didn't understand why some assholes want to put an ethnicity on a virus. I just said I couldn't begin to relate.
6   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 20, 6:41pm  

marcus says
Most major virus' don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.

Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

The Spanish Flu is probably called the Spanish flu only because some political asshole was trying to deflect attention and blame. That's no reason. It turns out they lied and mishandled that one too. Probably before they started calling it the SPanish flu.

Mers = Middle East respiratory....

There are many many mire. Why suddenly it’s offensive that’s a better question.

I assume left will soon offend themselves and suicide as the only solution to permanently getting offended.
7   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 20, 6:43pm  

marcus says
Most major virus' don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.

Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

Zika - named after the Zika Forest in Uganda
Ebola - named after the Ebola River in Africa
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

Also, the Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when they were still hoping to impeach Trump. Here's a shitload of non-dismissible examples:

8   WookieMan   2020 Mar 20, 7:30pm  

marcus says
So stupid. "Why ?" Why put a countries name on it. Why is this suddenly important to anyone ? I just didn't get it. Couldn't begin to relate in the slightest. I actually didn't realize it, becasue I've been busy and not watching much news.

Who cares? It came from China. You know that. You know what Trump is doing. Mark it personal for all I care but I think you’re purposefully being obtuse on this to troll. Enjoy.
9   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 20, 7:36pm  

Trump: saving America

Liberals: trying not to offend some arbitrary group that didn’t even ask them to speak in their behalf.
10   socal2   2020 Mar 20, 7:39pm  

Marcus are you really going to choose this hill to die on?

You are playing right into Trump's hand.
11   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Mar 20, 7:46pm  

NoCoupForYou says
marcus says
Most major virus' don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.

Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

Zika - named after the Zika Forest in Uganda
Ebola - named after the Ebola River in Africa
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

Also, the Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when they were still hoping to impeach Trump. Here's a shitload of non-dismissible examples:

I’m guessing Marcus will not respond to this or will dismiss it since it’s actual evidence that the media, especially CNN, NYT, and WaPo are purposely attempting to deceive people.
12   WookieMan   2020 Mar 20, 7:53pm  

It’s a bit. Looking at the posting history it’s impossible to start this thread with a straight face so to speak. 1,000% trolling at this point.
13   Ceffer   2020 Mar 20, 8:10pm  

I would rather discuss why Stalin is a great benefactor of the American People.
14   Shaman   2020 Mar 20, 8:42pm  

CovfefeButDeadly says
I’m guessing Marcus will not respond to this or will dismiss it since it’s actual evidence that the media, especially CNN, NYT, and WaPo are purposely attempting to deceive people.

He always goes ostrich when his propositions get shot down faster than a leprous prostitute in Amsterdam.
15   HeadSet   2020 Mar 20, 8:45pm  

Using the racist card when some one points out the virus is from Wuhan is mighty weak. I suspect that when this is over, and many decide that maybe we should manufacture phama here in American and not depend on China, those people will be called "anti-Chinese racists."

Legionnaires' disease must have been named that by liberals who just wanted to disparage the American Legion. No other explanation.
16   komputodo   2020 Mar 20, 10:03pm  

Heraclitusstudent says
marcus says
Do you think the reason we call AIDS by it's name rather "the Africa virus" is political correctness ? No, it's becasue we aren't morons, and becasue AIDS is a more descriptive

How about the black death? Should we rename it?

I think we should call the africa virus "THE JIG VIRUS"
17   Hircus   2020 Mar 20, 10:43pm  

I actually got a coworker with this. I recall him saying spanish flu last yr. It wasn't said in person - I pwnt him over slack, but I could sense his anger through the intertubez. lol
18   Hircus   2020 Mar 20, 11:00pm  


1. Prehistoric epidemic: Circa 3000 B.C.
2. Plague of Athens: 430 B.C.
3. Antonine Plague: A.D. 165-180
4. Plague of Cyprian: A.D. 250-271
5. Plague of Justinian: A.D. 541-542
6. The Black Death: 1346-1353
7. Cocoliztli epidemic: 1545-1548 
8. American Plagues: 16th century
9. Great Plague of London: 1665-1666
10. Great Plague of Marseille: 1720-1723
11. Russian plague: 1770-1772
12. Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic: 1793
13. Flu pandemic: 1889-1890
14. American polio epidemic: 1916
15. Spanish Flu: 1918-1920 
16. Asian Flu: 1957-1958 
17. AIDS pandemic and epidemic: 1981-present day
18. H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic: 2009-2010
19. West African Ebola epidemic: 2014-2016 
20. Zika Virus epidemic: 2015-present day 

Oh no...so many raycist names. They mention locations often, clearly a subtle swipe at the people who live there, designed to demean them for being an inferior "non white".

And OMG...the ASIAN flu? This is worse, it doesn't just name China, it vilifies ALL Asians. Ahhhh!!!

And then "West African Ebola epidemic". Why did they need to be raycist and hate on black people? Africa is their country, and we know from the "Shithole Country" incident that naming a country is 100% equivalent to raycism against the people who live there (CNN told me so). It must have been a raycist white male who named it.

And then, the icing on the cake... "Zika Virus epidemic". I mean, Zika is clearly a word of Latin American spear chucker origins, so it's clearly raycist too. This one might be the worst, because they appropriated their culture and used one of their words, or at least appropriated the sound of the word and just made one up. The audacity of those damn raycist white males that think they can do anything.

There was also the Marburg Virus, ...drumroll.... the first outbreak occurred in Marburg Germany. This one wasn't raycist because Germans are white, so we can hate on them at will. You can't be raycist against white people, because they hold too much power.

Oh, and of course, don't forget


the Spanish Flu
the Russian Flu
Japanese Smallpox
19   Tenpoundbass   2020 Mar 20, 11:02pm  

Ah So-ho, we make-a you-a nicea sohng!

Wheeny the Flu
20   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 21, 3:27am  

marcus says
why some assholes want to put an ethnicity on a virus.

China is not an ethnicity. This opinion is pure ignorance
21   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 21, 3:31am  

Fortwaynemobile says
Why suddenly it’s offensive that’s a better question.

Because orange man bad. Marcus and his ilk find issues where there are no issues. Then he wont even post basic facts to support his premises.

Propaganda works, and TDS is real
22   RC2006   2020 Mar 21, 9:07am  

All chirps after facts lol.
23   Shaman   2020 Mar 21, 9:17am  

So we consider “Chinese food” to be racist?
Neither is Chinese virus.
24   marcus   2020 Mar 21, 9:19am  

NoCoupForYou says
Zika - named after the Zika Forest in Uganda
Ebola - named after the Ebola River in Africa
MERS - Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

None of those will be used by morons to associate it with an ethnicity.

CovfefeButDeadly says
the Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when

When they wanted to be specific and differentiate it from other corona viruses. Or becasue what was going on in China was a relatively new story. It was information - NEWS- pointing to what's going on in China.

Hircus says
Oh no...so many raycist names

Not a single one of those can be thought of or attached to an ethnicity.

CovfefeButDeadly says
I’m guessing Marcus will not respond to this or will dismiss it

The fist I heard of this was Patrick writing a thread the other day about how it's right to call it the Chinese virus.

I don't watch CNN and I had been ignoring the media. I swear to you, I had no idea of any other discussion (before Patrick's thread) of calling it anything other than Corona or Covid-19 until yesterday when I realized this was about Trump, and his political assholeishness.

I'm sure that to a bunch of lying Trump Cucks my swearing something is meaningless, becasue you assume everyone lies at the drop of a hat like you.
25   Bd6r   2020 Mar 21, 9:21am  

marcus says
Not a single one can be thought of or attached to an ethnicity

Spanish flu
26   Onvacation   2020 Mar 21, 9:26am  

marcus says
realize it, becasue

So, you think the virus that started in China is beCAUSE of Trump? Just because!
27   marcus   2020 Mar 21, 9:29am  


My bad, one of the names on that long list was.

Names are to distinguish thing from other similar things. WE don't know whether that name came in hindsight to distinguish it from other pandemics, or whether everyone at the time was calling it that. And if it was, it have even been used by politicians to deflect, by a politician, implying "it's their fault." Becasue we know that they screwed that one up too.

In this case, we already had a name, that distinguished it and identified it, which is in large point the reason for a name, for communication. Plus this is the information age and everyone already knows and knew where it probably started.
28   Onvacation   2020 Mar 21, 9:34am  

marcus says

Most major virus' don't have a countries name and it's not known where they came from.

This one does, "The Wuhan Coronavirus" from Chinese eating bats or making biological weapons.

Why do you protect a communist nation?
29   CBOEtrader   2020 Mar 21, 9:39am  

marcus says

CovfefeButDeadly says
the Media was perfectly happy calling it Wuhan Virus or Chinese Coronavirus when

When they wanted to be specific and differentiate it from other corona viruses. Or becasue what was going on in China was a relatively new story. It was information - NEWS- pointing to what's going on in China.

Trump: "because it comes from CHYNA"
Also Marcus "that's racist"

Which is it Marcus? Is it ok to call it by its location of origin or is it racist?

TDS = Orange Man Bad despite orange man doing what everyone is doing.
30   Onvacation   2020 Mar 21, 9:41am  

marcus says
None of those will be used by morons to associate it with an ethnicity.

Morons aren't very smart.
31   Onvacation   2020 Mar 21, 9:42am  

marcus says
becasue you assume everyone lies at the drop of a hat like you.

And some people learn from their mistakes. Others just choose ignorance. Just because.
32   marcus   2020 Mar 21, 9:45am  

Also, if everyone had called it the Chinese Corona virus in the beginning, and a lot were calling it the Chinese virus after that (which sounds kind of vague and stupid to me anyway), but if a lot of people thought that was catchy and were using it all along, then I wouldn't really notice, and I certainly wouldn't think anyone was racist for calling it what everyone else was calling it. IT's just common sense.

But this is WAY different.

We had a name or one of a few names, Corona virus , Covid, Covid 19, that we were all using for months, and even recently when it was almost all anyone was talking about, we were all using the same names for this thing.

When suddenly I see a thread from PAtrick saying we need to be calling this the Chinese Virus.

Wtf ?

I mean I get it. IT's defending great leader and the assinine mind games he plays with his base.

I'm vicariously offended at the way he manipulates you people.
33   Shaman   2020 Mar 21, 10:25am  

More evidence is arriving every day that this was an engineered plague that CHINA started. It should be titled the Chinese CCP VIRUS!
34   marcus   2020 Mar 21, 10:47am  

CBOEtrader says
China is not an ethnicity. This opinion is pure ignorance

You're right, my bad. "chinese" could never be associated with an ethnicity.
35   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 21, 11:05am  

marcus says

We had a name or one of a few names, Corona virus , Covid, Covid 19, that we were all using for months, and even recently when it was almost all anyone was talking about, we were all using the same names for this thing.

I already provided over 20 of Article Titles in the US & World Media calling it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus until the past few weeks, when they pivoted to Corona virus in order to score SJW points.

Yet it's as if it was never posted and other people didn't comment on it and provide other examples.
36   marcus   2020 Mar 21, 11:34am  

NoCoupForYou says
I already provided over 20 of Article Titles in the US & World Media calling it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus until the past few weeks, when they pivoted to Corona virus in order to score SJW points.

Wuhan is more specific and makes some sense. Some of those articles did say Chinese Corona virus.

I don't need to spend the time researching to prove that I know that three weeks ago, everything I read said Corona Virus or Covid-19. Because I was reading a lot about it on the internet. I will grant you that it is probably also what I put in to the search engine, but it wasn't out of a desire to be politically correct. It was based on the name that I had learned. That started more than 5 weeks ago.

The science people and the journalists are the ones that get to put names out there. And then we all start using them. If there was some political correctness involved in the evolution of the name to be Corona and Covid-19, then so be it. I'm not going to be offended by people wantnig to call it Wuhan Virus. But people such as Trump calling it the Chinese virus just to troll the world ? That's classic Trump, and fuck him. It's just the millionth indication of what a Douchebag he is.
37   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 21, 11:43am  

marcus says

I don't need to spend the time researching to prove that I know that three weeks ago, everything I read said Corona Virus or Covid-19
marcus says
The science people and the journalists are the ones that get to put names out there. And then we all start using them.

Exactly - a few weeks ago, not in the beginning. It was around February/March that the Media began pivoting to Coronavirus instead of the USUAL naming of the point of origin when known. And in this case we did know, beyond a doubt. The only argument is if it was a random mutation within humans or came from mammals in the Hubei region which are infamous in science for carrying potent and diverse human-compatible viral loads.

And in January, when the story began to really gain traction, the term "Wuhan" or "Chinese Coronavirus" was used, until the Media got all SJW about it and wanted to shame Trump.

They even pulled this, in the New York Times:

I'll stick to Wuhan virus and the normal naming structure.
38   porkchopXpress   2020 Mar 21, 12:04pm  

It’s to shame China for their disgusting hygiene and wet market fiasco. Should we not shame fat people anymore? We’d have more fat people. Shaming works...trust me I know, I was raised religious.
39   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2020 Mar 21, 12:31pm  

Leftists don’t do thinking. They let nyt and wapo to tell them what to think.
40   porkchopXpress   2020 Mar 21, 12:40pm  

And they're the type of parents who never discipline or shame their kids for doing bad things, because they're perfect the way they are.

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