Leftists promote sexual self-butchery to children

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2021 Jan 2, 10:00pm   566 views  18 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Lucy had always been a 'girly girl', her mother told me. As a child, she loved high heels and frilly dresses.

Dressing up was a favourite game, and she had a trunk full of gowns and wigs she would dip into, inhabiting an assortment of characters – every one of them female.

She adored Disney princess movies, especially The Little Mermaid. ...

Arriving at university, she was invited to state her name, sexual orientation and gender pronouns.

Lucy spotted the new opportunity of social acceptance, a whiff of belonging.

When her anxiety flared later that autumn, she decided, with several of her friends, that their angst had a fashionable cause: gender dysphoria – a distressing mismatch between one's birth sex and the person they feel they are.

Within a year, Lucy had begun a course of testosterone. But her real drug was the promise of a new identity.

A shaved head, boys' clothes, and a new name formed the baptismal waters of a female-to-male rebirth.

The next step would be 'top surgery,' a euphemism for a double mastectomy.

I came across Lucy's story after writing in the Wall Street Journal about the new laws on the use of gender pronouns, under the headline The Transgender Language War.

In October 2017, my state, California, had enacted a law backed by possible jail sentences for healthcare workers who refused to use patients' requested gender pronouns.

New York had adopted a similar law, which applied to employers, landlords and businesses.

Both laws are unconstitutional, violating the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech.

Lucy's mother saw my article and found something in it: hope. She contacted me under a pseudonym and asked me to write about her daughter. ...

In Britain, in 2018, there was a 4,400 per cent rise over the previous decade in teenage girls seeking gender treatments.

Comments 1 - 18 of 18        Search these comments

1   BayArea   2021 Jan 2, 10:56pm  

2   richwicks   2021 Jan 3, 1:07am  

BayArea says

It's just changing the gene pool to select for people who are more likely to be firmly women and firmly men and eliminating those more susceptible toward propaganda and indoctrination.

What doesn't kill a species, honestly, makes it stronger. They aren't eliminating intelligence, they are eliminating gullibility by doing this. They are merely creating a stronger opposition toward them in the future and the victims of their propaganda will warn future generations. There's going to be a lot of regret going forward.
3   Shaman   2021 Jan 3, 8:46am  

Mutilating yourself to kill any possibility of procreation or a happy family life is totally foolish lacking any possible redeeming factor for that decision. It’s the reason that half of all transgenders wind up killing themselves. Even smoking crack isn’t as harmful to your life expectancy.
4   socal2   2021 Jan 3, 9:01am  

Shaman says
Even smoking crack isn’t as harmful to your life expectancy.

It is one thing to have compassion and even some level of understanding of this mental illness, but Corporations, Media and Academia freaking celebrate it.
5   Dholliday126   2021 Jan 3, 9:04am  

A. The world is dying. No one is having babies and the ones that have babies have to deal with this kind of bullshit. Direct result of losing religion and feminism. It'll be this way till the next major war.

B. To quote TFM, laws are just letters to Santa if no one will enforce them. In CA they have passed so many bullshit laws that basically everyone is a criminal, but no one is enforcing them.
6   Shaman   2021 Jan 3, 10:28am  

I’m breaking the law today by walking my dog and taking my daughter to the park.
Not worried tho. I have absolute contempt for our governor and his stupid decrees.
7   WookieMan   2021 Jan 3, 10:41am  

Shaman says
I’m breaking the law today by walking my dog and taking my daughter to the park.
Not worried tho. I have absolute contempt for our governor and his stupid decrees.

Did Newsome sign a bill passed by the legislature saying you can't go to parks or walk your dog? If no it's not a law. I wouldn't sweat it and I don't think most cops will enforce it (EO's and decrees). Based on how "deadly" covid is, cops shouldn't even want to interact with anyone at this point.
8   Ceffer   2021 Jan 3, 10:54am  

People are swarming into Santa Cruz for months now because it's one of the few places they can go and just stroll along the water. I could usually find parking close to the beach, now it's hard to find on weekends. No enforcements to standard walking, but the restaurants are still closed down except for take out. It's pathetic.
9   WookieMan   2021 Jan 3, 11:10am  

Ceffer says
but the restaurants are still closed down except for take out. It's pathetic.

Even outdoor dining? That sucks in your climate. Mayor Black Beatlejuice (Chicago) would have people believe one thing, but most restaurants are open for indoor seating in Chicago. Out by me they're all open and give zero fucks. Some corporate/chains have stayed closed probably because of HR and concerns over employee health.

CA's shut downs are costing it a fuck ton of money. I've had multiple options to fly out there for dirty cheap the last couple of months. I don't book though because I have zero clue if shit will be open or if there will be some draconian contact tracing/quarantine BS. I can go to UT, AZ, FL and it's pretty much wide open besides wear a mask to a table at a restaurant or something. I literally would have spent $3k in CA in 2 weeks in CA, but chose FL because it has a higher likelihood of being mostly to wide open. So FL it getting my money for a trip to the Keys.
10   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Jan 3, 11:20am  

Last night driving through OC a few restaurants and at least three bars were open in defiance of the shutdown orders.

So are several business in the city I live in where the city council has encouraged it, including my barber.
12   EBGuy   2021 Jan 4, 3:47pm  

The article mentions: When ABIGAIL SHRIER, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, investigated the issue for a book, her first prospective publisher pulled out following protests by staff. Then, amid a furious row over free speech, an English professor at one of America's top universities suggested the book should be burned.
For more information see Berkeley English prof tells people to 'burn' 'transphobic' book.
13   Automan Empire   2021 Jan 4, 6:00pm  

Patrick says
Arriving at university,

The product doesn't match the packaging here. Patrick, why did you make a thread about leftists harming children, then only include one example that starts after the 18+ person arrives at college?
14   Patrick   2021 Jan 4, 6:47pm  

The book is about teenage girls.
15   EBGuy   2021 Jan 4, 7:08pm  

From Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage (2020): "Before 2012, there was no scientific literature on girls ages 11-21 ever having developed gender dysphoria..."

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) December 28, 2020
16   BayArea   2021 Jan 4, 7:16pm  

Dholliday126 says
A. The world is dying. No one is having babies and the ones that have babies have to deal with this kind of bullshit. Direct result of losing religion and feminism. It'll be this way till the next major war.

B. To quote TFM, laws are just letters to Santa if no one will enforce them. In CA they have passed so many bullshit laws that basically everyone is a criminal, but no one is enforcing them.

Spot on sir.
17   EBGuy   2025 Feb 1, 10:00pm  

Freedom of expression is an essential component of the American Identity. Put simply: The United States of America didn’t create the idea of a free press; a free press helped create the United States of America.

Eyes on the Prize: Samizdat
Abigail Shrier, Manhattan Institute senior fellow and author of “Irreversible Damage,” Shrier was among the first to raise questions about transgenderism and children. Her critics called her “transphobic,” which isn’t true, and tried to ban her book. Those critics, which included the ACLU (!), used that accusation to shut off debate. But whether or not one agrees with Shrier, we all ought to be able to agree that open discussion of public policy is every American’s birthright.
18   Patrick   2025 Feb 1, 10:18pm  

I read “Irreversible Damage”. Shrier is quite liberal herself, but the trans thing was too much even for her.

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