Stock market and housing bubble.

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2021 Jan 6, 11:11am   23,320 views  416 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

With all that's going on how is stock market going up, is it inflation speculation driving it? Are we approaching housing bubble?

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267   clambo   2021 Apr 7, 6:01am  

The stock market won’t implode for a long time; people are rapacious consumers and will never stop upgrading their iPhones, their cars, their TVs, putting Pelotons in their garage, going on cruises, etc.

I recently met up with a couple friends whom I had not seen since the 1980s.
Disclosure: they have evidently made good dough.

Guy #1: Has a house in Rhode Island for summer, built another in Vero Beach, FL and lives in Boston.
Guy #2: Has a house in Maine, a condo in the Bahamas and a new house in Quintana Ro Mexico.

The point is they were not big consumers back then, but over time they were sucked into the game and instead of cars they buy fucking houses.

I’m convinced everyone will consume at his own limit and stocks will rise forever.
268   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 7, 6:28am  

clambo says
The stock market won’t implode for a long time; people are rapacious consumers and will never stop upgrading their iPhones, their cars, their TVs, putting Pelotons in their garage, going on cruises, etc.

Every dip in stocks (which will be labeled a crash) is a buying opportunity. Same is true for Bitcoin as well btw.
269   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 7, 7:15am  

clambo says
I’m convinced everyone will consume at his own limit and stocks will rise forever.


Seriously, whenever I am at WalMart and see all the crap people are buying, I think of this.
270   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 8:31am  

Bitcoin says
hehe, our moderator cant handle my un-personal comments because I hit the nail. So he targets my comments again @Patrick

What is personal about this?

WookieMan says

Or Patrick is a man and didn't pick some slut.

How could that comment possibly be about you dude? I was giving Patrick props for selecting a good wife. WTF are you actually talking about? Dumb men constantly pick wrong/slutty women.

You proceeded to basically say my wife is a slut. I was easy going with you. Any hint of a personal comment towards anyone or spam is getting flagged and is gone.

This is fact. You've shown little to no respect to other users here. It's okay to get into heated exchanges. You insinuated my wife was a slut. I'd say other things, but want this comment to stay up. How about contribute? It's not that difficult.
271   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 7, 8:35am  

272   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 8:41am  

Bitcoin says
It looks like it really hurts his feelings lol, I am just giving him a compliment!

It was in reference to another personal comment. It goes away again. I'll do this all day. You talk shit about someone's wife it's toast, even if it's not me. Stop talking about users.
273   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 8:42am  


You know that:

1. that's not what you said when it was marked personal
2. it's still personal
274   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 7, 8:42am  

hihi, I was giving him a compliment, but it clearly shows how sensitive he is around the topic :)
275   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 8:43am  

WookieMan says
You proceeded to basically say my wife is a slut. I was easy going with you. Any hint of a personal comment towards anyone or spam is getting flagged and is gone.

@WookieMan is right about this.
276   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 13, 7:44am  

Glad I grabbed some cheap TESLA stock on this recent tech dip....same with NIO which I am still buying heavily.
Tesla shot back up to 740 from a recent local low of 590ish.
277   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 13, 8:35pm  

okay, so....a neighbor in our high end community bought a house in March this year and put it on the market for 200k more.....if that goes through than fuck....I might change my mind and start saying this is starting to get nuts.
278   mell   2021 Apr 13, 8:54pm  

Bitcoin says
okay, so....a neighbor in our high end community bought a house in March this year and put it on the market for 200k more.....if that goes through than fuck....I might change my mind and start saying this is starting to get nuts.

Houses in the North Bay have appreciated easily 5% within the past few weeks as inventory continues to shrink. Everything from Marin to Wine Country, anything rural or semi-rural is being snapped up at massive premiums.
279   RC2006   2021 Apr 14, 2:03pm  

"Google reported last week that the search question "When is the housing market going to crash?" had spiked 2,450% in the past month. "Why is the market so hot?" searches had doubled in just a week."

Your site doesn't come up in google like it use to when searching housing bubble even if I put your name in it
280   Hircus   2021 Apr 14, 3:33pm  

RC2006 says
Your site doesn't come up in google like it use to when searching housing bubble even if I put your name in it

I think he blocked the google crawler and told it to fuck off.
281   RC2006   2021 Apr 14, 3:35pm  

Hircus says
RC2006 says
Your site doesn't come up in google like it use to when searching housing bubble even if I put your name in it

I think he blocked the google crawler and told it to fuck off.

That makes sense it still comes up on duckduckgo
282   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 14, 3:44pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says
I expect the stock market to implode and an asteroid to hit after that for good measure. Just so I don't expect too much and thereby ruin my good luck.

And now you know the real reason I quit my job. Something really fucked up is about to happen, and I rather not have to be dealing with a fuck job while going through it.
You mean like a pandemic followed by another pandemic? I have a feeling this bio-warfare will never end.
283   Patrick   2021 Apr 14, 5:21pm  

Hircus says
Your site doesn't come up in google like it use to when searching housing bubble even if I put your name in it

Yes I did.

I do not want Google profiting from the content on this site.

I also do not want to attract the kind of people who normally use Google.

But I have to say all the tits pictures probably lower patrick.net's ranking on DDG and other non-spyware search engines. People get upset when they open a site and see tits.

Then again, maybe I want to attract the kind of readers who are not offended by tits.
284   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 15, 7:16am  

Patrick says
I want to attract the kind of readers who are not offended by tits.

LOL, but so true!
285   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 15, 7:17am  

Patrick says
I am afraid the the stock market is in a bubble and could end very badly. But that said, I'm still 75% in because I don't really know.

25% cash?
286   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 15, 7:25am  

clambo says
Fidelity has good mutual funds.

I really hate their web site. Just getting a fucking statement totally blows chunks and takes like 10 minutes of navigation just to find. TRP has a much nicer site.
287   clambo   2021 Apr 15, 7:31am  

yeah, I dislike the Fidelity website too.
T.Rowe Price is nicer.
I really like the Vanguard website.
The Vanguard page on an iPad using the Vanguard app is awesome.
I will put the Fidelity app on my iPad and see if it's better than their website.
288   WookieMan   2021 Apr 15, 8:40am  

Patrick says
Then again, maybe I want to attract the kind of readers who are not offended by tits.

Men don't care. Honestly I don't think anyone should care. Each sex has their parts. Is it that fucking strange to see them on someone else nude? Oh the horror.

I don't know, I'm confident in myself. I'd have no problem going to a nude beach. Kind of want to. We're the only species that clothes ourselves. We're theoretically the odd balls (pun intended).

And yes, there are extremely unattractive bodies out there I don't want to see. But who cares? Be yourself and don't worry about it. Covid is coming for the land whales anyway. Sometimes you have to see the worst to be able to see the best. Sanitary and weather conditions aside, I'd have no problem walking about naked in a city. Who gives a fuck?
289   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 15, 9:09am  

After seeing how hot the RE market has become I am staying in the stock market (and wait on purchasing another rental).
Guy in our community bought high/closed in March of this year and is now putting it on the market for 200k more. Curious to see if someone bites. I understand the low inventory/low interest/inflation scare environment.....but that example is a bit too crazy.
290   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 10:52am  

zzyzzx says
25% cash?

Less lately because I did some big buys, like FRO. May have been a mistake.

By "cash" I mostly mean cash in 401k accounts.
291   clambo   2021 Apr 15, 11:20am  

Real estate is great.
My friend was just assessed 13 grand by her HOA.
She paid 6 grand property tax
She paid income tax on the rent she received.
She wishes she had some money.
Her boyfriend and she returned early from a visit to her sister and niece in another town because the boyfriend's rental needs a new AC system (5 grand)
Tom Vu said it best:
"If you're too lazy to take my real estate seminar, you deserve to be broke!"
292   EBGuy   2021 Apr 15, 1:56pm  

Patrick says

Then again, maybe I want to attract the kind of readers who are not offended by tits.

I could still do without HTs avatar flashing me at work and at home. Pat.net's subversive content deserves to be shared in the workplace and in domestic situations. YMMV...
293   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 1:59pm  

OK, made a note to let people filter out avatars if they want. Hopefully will get to that next week.
294   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 15, 2:07pm  

nice titties....i dont need to filter it out for work reasons....i work from home.
295   Booger   2021 Apr 15, 2:40pm  

Patrick says
OK, made a note to let people filter out avatars if they want. Hopefully will get to that next week.

What if I only want to filter out one avatar, and even then, only when I am at work?
296   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 2:45pm  

I think there is good reason to have an ignore feature. Some people were just on here to abuse others instead of discuss things.

The tits thing is personal preference. I can see that some people are in situations where if someone glances at their computer and sees "porn" it could cause them problems.

Personally, I like tits and look at all the tit pics you post. But I wouldn't have looked while at work.

BTW I also started with HTML back in 1995.
297   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 2:57pm  

It's not about "meanness".

It's about accidentally viewing tits at work.
298   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 3:04pm  

Well, look at it as a compliment in a way.

They want to read what you have to say, they just want to limit the tits to places they won't get blamed or fired for tits on screen.
299   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 15, 3:23pm  

HunterTits says

<-- yo @EBGuy ! Should I make this bigger? What will it take for you to set me on 'ignore'?

For the umpteen time: any image is easily hidden using one of many adblock plug-ins available for pretty much any browser. Complaining about avatars is disingenuous - there is no reason to see it more than once if you happen to dislike a particular one.
300   Hircus   2021 Apr 15, 4:40pm  

@patrick I was thinking maybe a Cadillac way of dealing with NSFW images + workplace might be a community driven image rating system. Each image gets an "SFW" and "NSFW" vote button overlaid on top of it, and this includes avatars and regular images (theyre all just html img tags). The voting buttons only appear on image hover, to help avoid things from looking messy / obscured. Each logged in user gets 1 vote, kinda like the current like/dislike system. The votes are tallied on a per-image basis to produce a confidence score stating how certain people are that the image is NSFW.

Anyway, users can set a viewing threshold in their profile. Then, images that don't exceed their threshold are greyed out, and they would need to click a button to reveal it (again, a button shown on image hover). The default threshold, 0, would make all images display, including unrated images. Any threshold greater than the special value "0" would need at least 1 vote to compute the score, which basically hides all unrated images.

Obviously, a new table would be needed to track image votes. But I bet some slick js could scan the existing html dom, transform each plain img into the image + hover buttons combo, grey the image out by default, and then for each image, calls the server via ajax to get the current score, and reveal the image, score permitting. like /api/img-score?img=/uploads/d/0/e/d0ea711aa9e960ac3ece043beac2a292.gif

I had this idea a long time ago for a forum I had, but never built it. I'm not sure if it's worth it here either, but thought I'd share the idea.
301   EBGuy   2021 Apr 15, 4:43pm  

I run AdBlock and NoScript. Anyone want to suggest an additional plugin for Firefox?
Fearless leader, I'd be up for an ignore avatar button....
302   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 4:51pm  

Hircus says
a community driven image rating system

Yes, that would work, but only after people started voting. The immediate problem is "surprise" images on the site. Maybe one gets uploaded and there are no votes yet, and you view the page, and OOPS boss is behind you somewhere.

I could make a "no images" toggle switch so you could just view text at work, and all images would be blocked.

Or could do the avatar ignore button where one user ignores another's avatar.

None of this is that hard, and I will have a lot of time very soon...
303   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 5:00pm  

HunterTits says
There's just one problem with that. See what I wrote here: https://patrick.net/post/1337411/?c=1746077

I'm not going to get into an arms race over this, but note that images can be hashed into buckets of similarity. So that lovely lady's images would all fall into the same bucket no matter what they are named, or even if the images are slightly different.
304   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 15, 9:01pm  

HunterTits says
I was serious, @EBGuy. I actually do not want to annoy you anymore than it takes to have you set me on ignore. That's all.

<-- yo @EBGuy ! Should I make this bigger? What will it take for you to set me on 'ignore'?

Beautiful tits and body
305   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 16, 7:06am  

Hey Patrick, now that you are retiring, have you started packing and filling up the moving truck?
306   RC2006   2021 Apr 16, 7:08am  

zzyzzx says
Hey Patrick, now that you are retiring, have you started packing and filling up the moving truck?

That's what I was wondering, probably has more to do with wife.

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