Stock market and housing bubble.

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2021 Jan 6, 11:11am   23,279 views  416 comments

by RC2006   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

With all that's going on how is stock market going up, is it inflation speculation driving it? Are we approaching housing bubble?

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291   clambo   2021 Apr 15, 11:20am  

Real estate is great.
My friend was just assessed 13 grand by her HOA.
She paid 6 grand property tax
She paid income tax on the rent she received.
She wishes she had some money.
Her boyfriend and she returned early from a visit to her sister and niece in another town because the boyfriend's rental needs a new AC system (5 grand)
Tom Vu said it best:
"If you're too lazy to take my real estate seminar, you deserve to be broke!"
292   EBGuy   2021 Apr 15, 1:56pm  

Patrick says

Then again, maybe I want to attract the kind of readers who are not offended by tits.

I could still do without HTs avatar flashing me at work and at home. Pat.net's subversive content deserves to be shared in the workplace and in domestic situations. YMMV...
293   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 1:59pm  

OK, made a note to let people filter out avatars if they want. Hopefully will get to that next week.
294   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 15, 2:07pm  

nice titties....i dont need to filter it out for work reasons....i work from home.
295   Booger   2021 Apr 15, 2:40pm  

Patrick says
OK, made a note to let people filter out avatars if they want. Hopefully will get to that next week.

What if I only want to filter out one avatar, and even then, only when I am at work?
296   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 2:45pm  

I think there is good reason to have an ignore feature. Some people were just on here to abuse others instead of discuss things.

The tits thing is personal preference. I can see that some people are in situations where if someone glances at their computer and sees "porn" it could cause them problems.

Personally, I like tits and look at all the tit pics you post. But I wouldn't have looked while at work.

BTW I also started with HTML back in 1995.
297   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 2:57pm  

It's not about "meanness".

It's about accidentally viewing tits at work.
298   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 3:04pm  

Well, look at it as a compliment in a way.

They want to read what you have to say, they just want to limit the tits to places they won't get blamed or fired for tits on screen.
299   Eric Holder   2021 Apr 15, 3:23pm  

HunterTits says

<-- yo @EBGuy ! Should I make this bigger? What will it take for you to set me on 'ignore'?

For the umpteen time: any image is easily hidden using one of many adblock plug-ins available for pretty much any browser. Complaining about avatars is disingenuous - there is no reason to see it more than once if you happen to dislike a particular one.
300   Hircus   2021 Apr 15, 4:40pm  

@patrick I was thinking maybe a Cadillac way of dealing with NSFW images + workplace might be a community driven image rating system. Each image gets an "SFW" and "NSFW" vote button overlaid on top of it, and this includes avatars and regular images (theyre all just html img tags). The voting buttons only appear on image hover, to help avoid things from looking messy / obscured. Each logged in user gets 1 vote, kinda like the current like/dislike system. The votes are tallied on a per-image basis to produce a confidence score stating how certain people are that the image is NSFW.

Anyway, users can set a viewing threshold in their profile. Then, images that don't exceed their threshold are greyed out, and they would need to click a button to reveal it (again, a button shown on image hover). The default threshold, 0, would make all images display, including unrated images. Any threshold greater than the special value "0" would need at least 1 vote to compute the score, which basically hides all unrated images.

Obviously, a new table would be needed to track image votes. But I bet some slick js could scan the existing html dom, transform each plain img into the image + hover buttons combo, grey the image out by default, and then for each image, calls the server via ajax to get the current score, and reveal the image, score permitting. like /api/img-score?img=/uploads/d/0/e/d0ea711aa9e960ac3ece043beac2a292.gif

I had this idea a long time ago for a forum I had, but never built it. I'm not sure if it's worth it here either, but thought I'd share the idea.
301   EBGuy   2021 Apr 15, 4:43pm  

I run AdBlock and NoScript. Anyone want to suggest an additional plugin for Firefox?
Fearless leader, I'd be up for an ignore avatar button....
302   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 4:51pm  

Hircus says
a community driven image rating system

Yes, that would work, but only after people started voting. The immediate problem is "surprise" images on the site. Maybe one gets uploaded and there are no votes yet, and you view the page, and OOPS boss is behind you somewhere.

I could make a "no images" toggle switch so you could just view text at work, and all images would be blocked.

Or could do the avatar ignore button where one user ignores another's avatar.

None of this is that hard, and I will have a lot of time very soon...
303   Patrick   2021 Apr 15, 5:00pm  

HunterTits says
There's just one problem with that. See what I wrote here: https://patrick.net/post/1337411/?c=1746077

I'm not going to get into an arms race over this, but note that images can be hashed into buckets of similarity. So that lovely lady's images would all fall into the same bucket no matter what they are named, or even if the images are slightly different.
304   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 15, 9:01pm  

HunterTits says
I was serious, @EBGuy. I actually do not want to annoy you anymore than it takes to have you set me on ignore. That's all.

<-- yo @EBGuy ! Should I make this bigger? What will it take for you to set me on 'ignore'?

Beautiful tits and body
305   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 16, 7:06am  

Hey Patrick, now that you are retiring, have you started packing and filling up the moving truck?
306   RC2006   2021 Apr 16, 7:08am  

zzyzzx says
Hey Patrick, now that you are retiring, have you started packing and filling up the moving truck?

That's what I was wondering, probably has more to do with wife.
307   RC2006   2021 Apr 16, 7:43am  


Deli worth 100 million.

Dogecoin meme coin up 6000%

These are warning signs.I thought large market correction with how retarded our gov is acting even if Trump won with the way money is being thrown around. Whatever is coming is much worse.

It's like we are in the same place before great depression, could another great war also be looming?
308   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 8:14am  

RC2006 says
zzyzzx says
Hey Patrick, now that you are retiring, have you started packing and filling up the moving truck?

That's what I was wondering, probably has more to do with wife.

She needs to finish her teaching certificate. Will just take until June, then we could move anywhere. I took at look at Texas, where I have a brother, but it's very hot and he's also going to retire and leave there. I have sisters in Michigan, which is an OK place. Also going to look at Washington State.

I'm very interested to see what happens with the smoke this summer. More big fires, and we're definitely out of here.
309   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Apr 16, 8:19am  

RC2006 says
money is being thrown around.

I just learned last night that the last stimy bill wasn't just a one time payment. It has monthly payments of $300/per kid or something for much of this year. I think it starts in May and ends in October.

We are so fucked. I don't want to live in a blue state when the shit really starts hitting the fan.
310   Onvacation   2021 Apr 16, 8:20am  

Patrick says
Also going to look at Washington State.

I love Washington! We used to summer on a little cabin on an Island in the Puget Sound. That was summertime and you could still see the sun 70% of the time. Winters are harsh, at least for a California boy.

Visit for a complete year before committing.

My wife and I are considering the Port Townsend area, top of Washington across from Victoria BC, to retire but I am not sure I could handle the winter.
311   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 8:23am  

RC2006 says
It's like we are in the same place before great depression, could another great war also be looming?

I also worry about those things, but can't do anything about them.

It's also possible that things will get much better.
312   RC2006   2021 Apr 16, 8:24am  

If you don't mind longer winter so far boise has been nice. Don't know if you have kids but great place for them. Housing has blown up like CA.

At one time I was looking at TX but after a few months of traveling there for work I scratched that one off list.
313   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 8:27am  

Onvacation says
Port Townsend area, top of Washington across from Victoria BC

We actually spent a day there on our honeymoon long ago. I really liked it.
314   clambo   2021 Apr 16, 8:44am  

I recall that in Washington State there is a location with lower rainfall than the rest of the state.

Sequim, Washington is the place.

Annual Precipitation =15.43 inches

Compare to Santa Cruz CA 8.94 inches annual precipitation.

15 inches is still significantly more than the Bay Area.

It’s chilly however.
315   WookieMan   2021 Apr 16, 9:24am  

If you can handle humidity but want cheap prices, I'd consider Alabama or Mississippi in all honesty. Jackson, MS. Birmingham or Montgomery, AL. You get Cat 1 hurricanes winds occasionally. But if on high ground you'll be fine for flooding. Maybe get on a lake. Cooler winters, but not freezing outside of the occasional snow. Occasional tornados, but you're more likely to get physically hit by lightening than a house destroyed by tornado.

And yes, humid and buggy in the summer. But there's remedies for that. Cost of living is dirt cheap. You're 3-5 hours from the panhandle FL, the best sand on the planet. On calm days some nice blue/green water like the Caribbean or Southeast Asia.

I know it's a weird suggestion, but you'll make bank with your money there and can also travel during the super hot/humid months up to Michigan or somewhere else.
316   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 9:28am  

Thanks, it sounds good for winter in particular. Maybe we could do a northern state for the summers, and south in the winters.

It's all kind of surreal at the moment. Feels crazy to quit a perfectly good job, but I the numbers say I don't really need to stay.

I'm going to try not to count on anything all that much. "Man plans and God laughs."
317   RC2006   2021 Apr 16, 9:29am  

WookieMan says
I'd consider Alabama

I thought it was nice there the weeks I was there for work. Only thing that bothered me a little bet was the mass amount of pollen that blanketed everything but I'm guessing thats a once a year thing.
318   WookieMan   2021 Apr 16, 9:59am  

RC2006 says
WookieMan says
I'd consider Alabama

I thought it was nice there the weeks I was there for work. Only thing that bothered me a little bet was the mass amount of pollen that blanketed everything but I'm guessing thats a once a year thing.

You are correct. I've never had allergies until I hit about 33. Mine are not bad, no OTC medicine needed, but I do notice it now. Pollen in AL is super bad, so good point.

You cannot deny the housing prices there though. Outside of the rough parts of cities, southern charm and niceness is a thing. People are super friendly or some might call it simple. USVI or PR somewhere is the first choice for me and then it's probably GA, AL or MS. I don't want to deal with hurricanes, so FL is probably out. I can deal with remnants of one, but I don't want to pay the insurance or the potential repairs if a Cat 3+ hits in the panhandle.

IL has humidity in the summer. The worst days are bad, but it's not that bad. I can handle it in the south. Bugs are the worst. Nothing a ceiling fan in a screened in porch can't handle. Or bug spray and just shower before bed.
319   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 16, 10:20am  

clambo says
Sequim, Washington is the place.

Obligatory 90 Day Fiancée TV Show Mike reference.
320   Patrick   2021 Apr 16, 11:52am  

WookieMan says
IL has humidity in the summer. The worst days are bad, but it's not that bad. I can handle it in the south. Bugs are the worst. Nothing a ceiling fan in a screened in porch can't handle. Or bug spray and just shower before bed.

I'm very familiar with summer humidity in IL and MI. And mosquitoes.

Right, a ceiling fan confuses them. Just leave it running slowly and they have a hard time finding you in the dark.
321   WookieMan   2021 Apr 16, 12:43pm  

Patrick says
I'm very familiar with summer humidity in IL and MI.

I actually like humidity now. Natural sauna or steam more appropriately. Makes me sweat and keeps the weight down. As a taller guy my weight fluctuates, but I'll lose 10-15lbs in the spring getting the pool and yard ready for parties.

As a kid it sucked playing baseball in it or just being outside horsing around. I'm no longer in a "professional" field so to speak, so I can wear a polo, shorts and sandals now to jobs. Business attire or even pants in humidity is pretty bad as well. So it's easier as an adult too now.
322   Hircus   2021 Apr 16, 12:48pm  

Patrick says

Yes, that would work, but only after people started voting. The immediate problem is "surprise" images on the site. Maybe one gets uploaded and there are no votes yet, and you view the page, and OOPS boss is behind you somewhere.

Surprise images couldn't happen.

- The default threshold of 0 means "Show me all images, always. I don't care how people vote on images."
- User's who want some image filtering can enter a threshold greater than 0. The only way an image's value > 0 can be calculated is if the image actually receives votes. Basically, images that have no votes are still hidden (because w/o votes, the image's score is null, and null would not be greater than the user's threshold of say, 0.1. So the image stays hidden until it receives appropriate votes.)

I think the big uncertainty is will people actually vote. If there's very low vote participation, then anyone who turns on filtering by entering a threshold > 0, would rarely see images, because most images would have a null score. Of course, if the image is hidden, the user can click the "reveal image" button to look at it, if they feel safe. And hopefully they will then vote on it too.

So, while surprise images can't happen, trolls could vote wrong on purpose. However, I guess if that really became a problem, you could look at the vote table and see who the troll is. If there was decent vote participation, legit votes would drown out the troll vote pretty quickly.

Again, not saying its worth it. Personally, I would prob just turn off all images if I wanted to read at work.
323   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 16, 9:37pm  

WookieMan says
Patrick says
I'm very familiar with summer humidity in IL and MI.

I actually like humidity now. Natural sauna or steam more appropriately.

Sounds lovely. Lol, I stay put in SoCal with perfect weather. enjoy the sauna.
324   WookieMan   2021 Apr 16, 9:57pm  

Bitcoin says
Sounds lovely. Lol, I stay put in SoCal with perfect weather. enjoy the sauna.

15 people say they don't give a shit. Respond to a comment. Patrick is looking for potential places to live if he were to decide to move out of CA (he should in my opinion). No one asked or cares where you live as no one has asked where you want to live or stay. We don't care. Add to the conversation intelligently.
325   Misc   2021 Apr 17, 2:05am  

Once a new spending level is hit, governments never decrease spending.

Biden has hit a new high of spending. This being about $5 trillion more than the Federal government pulls in through taxes. This is about 25% of the country's GDP. It is not even put on the country's "credit card" as the Fed just monetarizes it.

This is the "new normal".

It will last until suddenly it ceases to work.

People looking at the country's balance sheet would be astounded by how much money printing is needed.
326   clambo   2021 Apr 17, 9:10am  

I'm trying to adjust to Florida, but I miss California for the weather, scenery, history, etc.
I'm in one of the desirable areas, and the scuba diving is good, as is the beach and food.
It's kinda fun, and everyone I meet is from somewhere else, so we all figure out what to see and etc.
It's not hard to make new friends.
Otherwise, it can't compare to Santa Cruz.
If I didn't plan on traveling, I'd pay the taxes and stick it out maybe.
If I had a big pension, I wouldn't care about taxes and would probably stay.
I think that I couldn't be happy in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, for climate, culture, and other changes.
I could be happy in Texas because I have friends there and I always have fun, but I would miss beach and scuba diving.
My plan before I departed California was to spend considerable time in Baja Sur, Mexico , so I can still do that although my tax address is Florida.
327   RC2006   2021 Apr 17, 9:20am  

clambo says
I'm trying to adjust to Florida, but I miss California for the weather, scenery, history, etc.

That's how I feel more of the history, my family lived in LA for a hundred years. But its just not the same place, it's not even the same place from when I was in my twenties. I'll miss my year round gardening, weather, and friends but just about all of my family has passed away and my kids will never have what I had growing up there.
328   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 18, 1:02pm  

RC2006 says
clambo says
I'm trying to adjust to Florida, but I miss California for the weather, scenery, history, etc.

California is the best.....beautiful beaches, trails, mountains, weather. cant beat it.
329   Bitcoin   2021 Apr 18, 6:31pm  

Bitcoin says
WookieMan says
Patrick says
I'm very familiar with summer humidity in IL and MI.

I actually like humidity now. Natural sauna or steam more appropriately.

This rhyme seems to fit:

sauna boii from Ilinoii
humidity and sweat during summer
for everyone else that sounds like a bummer
sauna boii from ilinoii
330   Patrick   2021 Apr 18, 7:05pm  

Choking levels of taxation, months of choking levels smoke in the air, highest levels of ethnic diversity in the US causing the lowest levels of civic participation (exactly as predicted at http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/ ).

Full of violently intolerant leftists, mask Nazis, corrupt state government, companies that research your background for utter conformity to political correctness before making any offer.

Smog, tap water that tastes like nail polish. And everything in the state crazy expensive.

It's not just nice beaches and weather.

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