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2021 May 9, 10:24pm   80,179 views  627 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Back in January I wrote an article about four randomized controlled trials of ivermectin as a treatment for covid-19 that had at that time released their results to the public. Each of those four trials had promising results, but each was also too small individually to show any meaningful impact on the hard outcomes we really care about, like death. When I meta-analyzed them together however, the results suddenly appeared very impressive. Here’s what that meta-analysis looked like:

It showed a massive 78% reduction in mortality in patients treated with covid-19. Mortality is the hardest of hard end points, which means it’s the hardest for researchers to manipulate and therefore the least open to bias. Either someone’s dead, or they’re alive. End of story.

You would have thought that this strong overall signal of benefit in the midst of a pandemic would have mobilized the powers that be to arrange multiple large randomized trials to confirm these results as quickly as possible, and that the major medical journals would be falling over each other to be the first to publish these studies.

That hasn’t happened.

Rather the opposite, in fact. South Africa has even gone so far as to ban doctors from using ivermectin on covid-19 patients. And as far as I can tell, most of the discussion about ivermectin in mainstream media (and in the medical press) has centred not around its relative merits, but more around how its proponents are clearly deluded tin foil hat wearing crazies who are using social media to manipulate the masses.

In spite of this, trial results have continued to appear. That means we should now be able to conclude with even greater certainty whether or not ivermectin is effective against covid-19. Since there are so many of these trials popping up now, I’ve decided to limit the discussion here only to the ones I’ve been able to find that had at least 150 participants, and that compared ivermectin to placebo (although I’ll add even the smaller trials I’ve found in to the updated meta-analysis at the end).

As before, it appears that rich western countries have very little interest in studying ivermectin as a treatment for covid. The three new trials that had at least 150 participants and compared ivermectin with placebo were conducted in Colombia, Iran, and Argentina. We’ll go through each in turn. ...

What we see is a 62% reduction in the relative risk of dying among covid patients treated with ivermectin. That would mean that ivermectin prevents roughly three out of five covid deaths. The reduction is statistically significant (p-value 0,004). In other words, the weight of evidence supporting ivermectin continues to pile up. It is now far stronger than the evidence that led to widespred use of remdesivir earlier in the pandemic, and the effect is much larger and more important (remdesivir was only ever shown to marginally decrease length of hospital stay, it was never shown to have any effect on risk of dying).

I understand why pharmaceutical companies don’t like ivermectin. It’s a cheap generic drug. Even Merck, the company that invented ivermectin, is doing it’s best to destroy the drug’s reputation at the moment. This can only be explained by the fact that Merck is currently developing two expensive new covid drugs, and doesn’t want an off-patent drug, which it can no longer make any profit from, competing with them.

The only reason I can think to understand why the broader medical establishment, however, is still so anti-ivermectin is that these studies have all been done outside the rich west. Apparently doctors and scientists outside North America and Western Europe can’t be trusted, unless they’re saying things that are in line with our pre-conceived notions.

And HCQ falls into that same bucket. Even worse - to admit HCQ works would be to admit Trump was right about something.

Liberals would rather that millions die than that Trump be allowed to be right about anything. They hate Trump more than they love their fellow humans.

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416   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 3:27pm  

My mother and father in law have covid. Father inlaw is in the hospital 7 days now. My wife, her family and family Dr. (This Dr. has been my father in laws Dr. for 40 years) won't give either of them ivermectin. I have over 100 12mg pills. SMFH.
417   Patrick   2021 Dec 31, 5:36pm  

@WineHorror1 If your in laws are conscious and lucid, you could give them the pills to take if they wish to. It is their human right to choose their own treatment in spite of Fauci's murderous mafia working to kill people for Pfizer profits.

Ivermectin is an extremely safe drug. The normal dose is 150 micrograms (mcg) per kilogram (kg), so 12mg would be the dose for a 176 lb person if I did this right:

kg / 0.15mg * 12 mg = 12 / 0.15 = 80 kg = 176 lb person
418   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 7:25pm  

Patrick says
It is their human right to choose their own treatment in spite of Fauci's murderous mafia working to kill people for Pfizer profits.

You're right. I just don't understand it. His Dr. has told the hospital to give him HCQ but they won't. OK, so I've suggested sending a care package to him with smuggled HCQ but no one will. SMH again.
419   Patrick   2021 Dec 31, 9:08pm  

I think ivermectin is much more effective than HCQ.
420   GNL   2021 Dec 31, 9:29pm  

Patrick says
I think ivermectin is much more effective than HCQ.

I suggested smuggling ivermectin and his Dr. said he shouldn't take it and instead needs HCQ. His Dr. is like us here on patrick.net. My father in law even did a video interview with a Dr. Wax in NJ who is all about the I-mask protocol. I'm pretty sure they're both going to make it but it will be a long recovery.
422   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 1:19pm  


Then I asked him about whether he’s having any trouble having his prescriptions filled. He said recently he had some problems, but retained a lawyer (with the same last name) who drafted a nice letter to the pharmacy who then wisely decided to cooperate.

If you are having trouble getting your prescriptions for ivermectin filled, Brian’s letter to CVS may be useful to your doctor.

423   Patrick   2022 Jan 6, 5:34pm  


Just five short weeks later, on June 14, 2021, new cases had dropped a staggering 97.1 percent, and the Uttar Pradesh program was hailed as a resounding success. According to ZeeNews of India, "The strategy of trace, test & treat yields results."

"The Yogi-led state has also been registering a steep decline in the number of Active COVID Cases as the figure has dropped from a high of 310,783 in April to 8,986 now, a remarkable reduction by 97.10 percent."

By July 2, 2021, three weeks later, cases were down a full 99 percent.

On August 6, 2021, India’s Ivermectin media blackout ended with MSN reporting. Western media, including MSN, finally acknowledged what was contained in those Uttar Pradesh medicine kits. Among the medicines were Doxycycline and Ivermectin.
426   mell   2022 Jan 9, 6:04pm  

Early Ivermectin cut it to 5 days for my wife vs 2-3 weeks for myself (still missed only 1-2 work days though as it was bearable during the day, just got tired early). It works.
427   Patrick   2022 Jan 11, 8:15pm  


US Department of Defense Found Ivermectin "works throughout all phases of illness" in April 2020
Hydroxychlorquine and Interferon also determined to be "curatives" for Covid ...

Well, Project Veritas has also proven the US government has known Ivermectin to be the perfect therapeutic for Covid since at least April 2020. But the US government denied that truth in order to force Americans to take expensive patent-protected vaccines and therapies.

The key quote from the DARPA report:

Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloriquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).

Case closed.

You were lied to. You were denied proper, safe curatives for Covid. You suffered for the profits of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. If you lost a loved one, the US government killed them.

And it was all about money.

If this shatters your trust in the US government, I have done my job.
428   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Jan 12, 5:31am  

i can only caution that we ensure that the Project Veritas documents are legitimate. Recall the takedown of Dan Rather.
429   Shaman   2022 Jan 12, 7:55am  

I took two large doses of horse paste. It gave a weird effect of the lights being a gold color or something but otherwise was tolerated well. I went from being very sick to turning the corner in a couple days of that. I can’t say for sure that the IV helped, but I think it probably did. I’m nearly back to normal now, and it’s been 7 days since I got sick.
431   stereotomy   2022 Jan 13, 12:26pm  

Latest order from A***********t came through, although the box was beat to shit. I'm officially loaded for bear now.

Has anyone noticed how vitamin D3 prices are going through the roof? Not to mention chicken for chicken soup.
432   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 12:30pm  


Robert Malone's doctor had her license to practice medicine suspended
Dr. Meryl Nass, is no longer able to practice medicine. Her license was suspended for spreading COVID misinformation. This is ridiculous. ...

Dr. Nass is guilty of prescribing FDA-approved drugs that have been shown in dozens of trials to be beneficial in treating COVID:

Prescribing ivermectin (has multiple peer-reviewed meta-analysis and systematic reviews, the highest level of evidence-based medicine)

Prescribing hydroxychloroquine (the Boulware trial which I funded found that HCQ was effective and a subsequent analysis by David Wiseman showed the effect was statistically significant).
433   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 7:38pm  



Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.
434   Patrick   2022 Jan 13, 8:35pm  


Saturday Night Fights at the Pharmacy

I am exhausted: physically, emotionally, and morally. Although I am not sure moral exhaustion is “a thing,” the daily witnessing of masses of physicians and pharmacists abandoning their core responsibility of placing the welfare of the patient as their primary consideration.. is beyond wearying.

In the United States of Pharma, individual docs and pharmacists have been led so far astray, forgivably or unforgivably, due to the relentless barrage of dis-information targeted at them by the federal pharmaceutical regulators (further supported by relentless, daily propaganda appearing in both major media and medical journals).

Let us be clear about the rule and tradition. In the US, doctors are permitted to prescribe any medicine that has been approved by the FDA, even for indications the medicine was not originally approved for. Such “off-label” prescribing is both legal and historically encouraged by the FDA.

Pharmacies are there to fill prescriptions, and in only rare circumstances and in only a handful of states do they have the right to refuse to fill a valid prescription. Otherwise, what medicines are deployed, for whom, and for what purpose, is a matter between patient and doctor. This is the long-standing rule.

This principle has been violated now for almost two years. It has created a labyrinth of confusion over basic and well-tested therapies for dealing with a virus that can be very serious for many.

It is no longer the case that any doctor can depend on any pharmacist to distribute safe and effective medicines. They are very likely now to say no and they do so as a result of having been been unfairly intimidated by the threatening memos issued by federal agencies and the state medical and pharmacy boards, These reprehensible cations are just the latest salvo in the pharmaceutical industry’s decades-long war on off-patent, repurposed medicines..

What prompts me to write this was my most recent failure (and the resulting distress that led to terrible sleep last night) over not being able to get a pharmacist to fill my orders in the hours prior to closing of pharmacies for an acutely ill COVID patient that had contacted me reporting high fevers, sore throat, and body aches.

I immediately wanted to start him on a short course combination regimen of three, old, safe, cheap generic medications, all with large clinical trials evidence bases showing high efficacy against COVID (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine). What is important to note is that, months ago I stopped trying to contact ANY pharmacy unless I KNEW they would fill my scripts for these off-patients medications because unless I knew a pharmacy was “safe”, I ran a high probability of entering an un-affordably time-wasting and ultimately losing argument with some smug, obstinate pharmacist.

As a result, we early treatment docs have long since been forced to build lists of “safe haven” pharmacies where we know we can easily get access to these medicines for our patients.

However, last night, I was inspired to make an attempt on a new, unknown pharmacy on behalf of my new patient as I had just read ’s substack about my colleague and early COVID-treatment pioneer/expert Dr. Brian Tyson, in which was included the letter written by Dr. Brian Tyson’s attorney (also with the last name Tyson) that was used to “sway” a local pharmacy that had suddenly refused to fill.

The letter is thorough , deeply well-argued, and informs the pharmacists that they are; 1) violating the civil rights of patients, 2) interfering with a physician’s ability to practice medicine and 3) exhibiting behavior that constitutes the unlicensed and negligent practice of medicine.

Now, I had argued all these points before in previous “conflicts” with pharmacists, but never all at the same time, and rarely threatening a lawsuit. Duly and newly emboldened.. I made the call.

4:20 Pacific time (pharmacies close there at 6pm).

Transcript (from memory):

“Hi, I’d like to call in a prescription for a couple of patients.”

“OK, what’s the first patients name and date of birth?”

“Timothy Thomas (not his real name), born Nov. 6th, 1977.”

(pause, clacking of keyboard)

“OK, what does he need?”

(Wait for it)

“He needs ivermectin, 3 milligram tablets, I want him to take 15 each day as he is a big guy, and for 5 days with a refill. Then he needs, hydroxychloro…

“Doctor, I am sorry but I cannot fill the ivermectin. The owner has said we are not to fill for COVID, there is no evidence it works.”

“Listen, I don’t know who the owner is but you are the pharmacist on duty, and I am calling in a prescription to you, not the owner.”

“I,I, I am sorry but I can’t..”

I look at the letter, and then start spewing rapid fire arguments at him, “well unfortunately for you, my patient is an executive of a company and their lawyer is prepared to and will send a letter of intent to sue if it has not been filled because you are violating his civil rights, blocking my licensed ability to practice medicine and care for my sick patient, and you are clearly practicing medicine illegally and highly ignorantly. You should at least know what you are doing if you are going to do it without a license man.”

“But I am allowed to refuse, doctor.”

“That is what you think and what you have been told… But, I can promise you, that when you bring your arguments up in court as to why you refused, they will not hold up if any harm comes to my patient by your refusal. They will NOT HOLD UP, but you can try. The lawyer will serve the letter on Monday, I promise you, we are fed up out here and are fighting back, all of my fellow physicians being blocked by pharmacists are now using legal action (OK, so I overstated things a bit), I am sorry you are in the position you are in, but you have no rational or scientific evidence to support a refusal, but if you want to go to court to find out, we can make that happen for you”

“I..I.. feel intimidated.”

“Well, I am sorry for that, but you are hurting my patient and my ability to care for them. It is THEY who YOU are intimidating Sir. All you have to do is take my script, fill it, and we don’t have to go on like this. These medications are FDA approved, I am using them off-label based on a large body of evidence and experience in COVID, and off label prescribing is both legal and historically encouraged by the FDA. You are clearly practicing medicine and I promise that will be proven to you in a court of law. Please just fill it and you wont have to hear from me or my patient again.”

(Pause, silence)

“I cannot do it, I am not supposed to.”

“OK then, I will also remind you that you are legally required to provide me your name and license number as we will be pursuing legal action against you.”

“I am not giving you my name, I am not comfortable with that.”

“OK, so you think I can’t find it out? Fine, I am also documenting this refusal. Again, I am not interested in a contentious argument, I am asking you simply to fill the prescriptions for two sick patients who need my help, and if you do, you won’t have to hear from me or the patient’s lawyer.”

He whispers.. “OK, tell me the rest of the prescriptions.”

I tell him the rest, then say, “my patient will be there by closing time, thank you and I apologize for my tone but I am just trying to do the best for my sick patients.”

Victory? Yes! Haven’t won one of these in months.

I finish telling him the rest of the scripts for my patient and his wife (I also needed to call in medicines for her so she could have some on hand and also begin ivermectin as a prophylactic agent given it ensures an easier course even if she is already or eventually becomes infected).

I then happily call the patient, tell him to get his wife to pick up the medicines along with the other over-the-counter compounds that have clinical trials supporting their use. And then I go to the couch to literally lay down (insane day of dozens of patient care requests, other zooms and phone calls, maybe 12+ hours on the phone).

30 minutes later.. patients texts me.. my wife went there and the pharmacist won’t fill.

Now, despite the fact that I co-wrote a document with Executive Director Kelly Bumann of the FLCCC and Unity Project Founder Jeff Hanson, called “Overcoming the Barriers to Access,” which is a document full of sound, pragmatic tactics and dialogue examples offered to patients (and docs) in order to help them navigate such pharmacist obstructions, they typically will not work when it is an hour before closing on a weekend.

So, here I am the next morning. Fortunately I was able to get two of the medicines filled through another pharmacy, with enough for his wife as she unsurprisingly fell ill overnight (omicron moves fast). Unfortunately, they will have to wait until tomorrow to get the third medicine from a “friendly” or “underground” pharmacy (not really underground but you get the analogy).

This is what it is like out here trying to fight for patients sick with COVID – widespread delays in care as blocking access to generic or “repurposed” medicines by ignorant/arrogant pharmacists is ubiquitous. The majority of pharmacists (not all!) have simply stopped thinking critically or devoting effort to review the evidence base, instead simply believing what they are told by their Boards (a.k.a. their “Ministries of Truth”). As if the insane numbers of ill omicron patients to care for is not challenging enough.

In the words of Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, who went after his state’s Pharmacy Board when they tried to scare the states pharmacists away from prescribing ivermectin by sending them threatening letters, “it is shocking that pharmacists are suddenly developing a conscience after spending the last decade handing out opiates like they were M & M’s”.

Well said and tragically absurd.

This newfound conscience influencing such actions is likely further fueled by a sometime resident psychology of pharmacists who may feel “less than” a physician given their limited scope of patient care tasks.

Emboldened by a seemingly legal opportunity to assert superiority and control over physicians, many find these irresistible. Consequently,they seem to be “getting off” from telling the “stupid” doctors that the Ministry of Truth has done the research for them and the Ministry has found, that in the name of science, doctors should stop using “ineffective horse de-wormer” to treat COVID.

Just another day in the life of an early COVID treatment expert.
435   HeadSet   2022 Jan 14, 9:01pm  

Patrick says
In the words of Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, who went after his state’s Pharmacy Board when they tried to scare the states pharmacists away from prescribing ivermectin by sending them threatening letters, “it is shocking that pharmacists are suddenly developing a conscience after spending the last decade handing out opiates like they were M & M’s”.

Actually, it is very easy to understand:
Proscribing opiates like they were M&Ms makes money for Pharma.
Prohibiting ivermectin makes money for Pharma.
436   Booger   2022 Jan 23, 1:02pm  

Ceffer says
You can buy apple flavored horse ivermectin in syringes on Amazon. Just adjust the dose for your weight compared to horse weight, squeeze a little out of the syringe to get the proper dosage.

How many times per day for how many days?
440   Eman   2022 Jan 31, 6:12pm  

Japan's Kowa says ivermectin showed 'antiviral effect' against Omicron in research

442   zzyzzx   2022 Feb 18, 11:45am  

Spotted at WalMart:

443   stereotomy   2022 Feb 18, 12:54pm  

Shit - that's 60% higher than what I paid at TSC.

Not to mention that Allimed 450mg 100ct Allicin has gone from 36 to almost 44 GBP at allicin.co.uk.
446   EBGuy   2022 Aug 31, 5:19pm  

Here is the dosing info from the paper our fearless leader posted.
Regular use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 led up to 92% reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate in a dose-response manner: results of a prospective observational study of a strictly controlled population of 88,012 subjects among 223,128 participants.
This exploratory analysis of a prospective observational study involved a program that used ivermectin at a dose of 0.2mg/kg/day for two consecutive days, every 15 days.
I would be inclined to take it once a week instead of the two consecutive days every 15 days.
448   EBGuy   2022 Aug 31, 6:37pm  

Patrick says

Ivermectin is an extremely safe drug. The normal dose is 150 micrograms (mcg) per kilogram (kg), so 12mg would be the dose for a 176 lb person if I did this right:

Just want to point out that dose, per Mayo Clinic, is for a treatment may be repeated every 3 to 12 months.. So taking ivermectin as a propphylaxis would be at a much greater magnitude (which is what the Kerr, et. al. pre-print participants did).
449   Patrick   2022 Sep 1, 12:19pm  

To be fair, I think there has been a big disconnect for a while already between the public announcements like HORSE DEWORMER! and actual scientific papers on the NIH site showing that it does work.
450   AmericanKulak   2022 Sep 1, 8:07pm  


Most of the stuff for mammals is the same shit they give humans.

And unlike Big Pharma lobbying and immunity, generics manufacturers for livestock don't wanna be sued for killing Foal of Legendary Horse or Ms Habersham's precious Foo Foo prize poodle, so the quality level is extremely high.

Just sayin' Neeeeeeigh. Better than GoodRx if you catch my drift.
451   Robert Sproul   2022 Sep 1, 8:49pm  

Nice 15 minute video run-down on 'mectin.
(P. why won't my videos embed?)
452   Patrick   2022 Sep 1, 9:02pm  

Robert Sproul says

(P. why won't my videos embed?)

@"Robert Sproul" For Rumble videos, you need to paste in the "embed" link, the one labelled "Embed IFRAME URL":

It might be possible for me to automatically pull that out of the html of the web page, but I haven't tried yet. I'll put that on my list.
454   Patrick   2022 Sep 3, 1:15pm  


Jake Shields

The study shows 95% decrees In mortality yet they still recommend against its use

These people would rather you die than admit they were wrong and lose money

The study used 88,012 people with 92% reduction in death

This isn’t minor this is massive Decline in deaths

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