Go Woke, Go Broke

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2021 May 19, 9:49pm   41,410 views  260 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


So Woke ... So Broke ... SNL Ratings Implode to Lowest EVER

Holly Ash

May 18th, 2021 9:51 am
Not looking good!

The formerly genius comedy show turned cringe-level 1,000 woke propaganda outlet known as SNL is continuing its nosedive into complete irrelevance.

“Saturday Night Live” Craters to Lowest Ratings Ever with 3.5 Million

And here are some more examples:


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24   HeadSet   2021 Oct 12, 1:23pm  

Patrick says
Harvard University’s legal costs fighting a continuing 2017 challenge to its racial admissions practices have surpassed $25 million

Harvard has an endowment in the billions, and these fees are likely being paid to Harvard Law graduates.
25   EBGuy   2021 Oct 12, 4:25pm  

SNL ratings: Elon Musk vs. KKW
Elon Musk moved a cryptocurrency's value and TV ratings with his “Saturday Night Live” appearance.
Last weekend's show averaged 7.3 million viewers, making it the third most-watched episode for the season behind the ones hosted by Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock, according to Nielsen figures.

According to Variety: The May 8 edition of “SNL” averaged a 4.8 household rating in Nielsen’s overnight metered markets and a 2.7 rating in adults 18-49.
Per the Hollywood Reporter: Host Kim Kardashian West helped Saturday Night Live improve its ratings for the second episode of the season.
SNL drew 5.27 million viewers and a 1.04 rating among adults 18-49 on Saturday, up from 4.94 million and 0.92 for the season 47 premiere on Oct. 2.
26   HeadSet   2021 Oct 12, 5:54pm  

EBGuy says
SNL ratings: Elon Musk vs. KKW

Imagine the ratings if they put Trump on.
27   zzyzzx   2021 Oct 12, 5:57pm  

HeadSet says
Imagine the ratings if they put Trump on.

May have already happened years ago.
28   Patrick   2022 Jan 30, 6:17pm  


After holding "Republicans Are Racist" sale for MLK day, a Wisconsin spice company has lost a bunch of customers and is asking others to buy discounted gift cards to make up for the loss
30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 14, 9:35pm  

I cancelled my Airbnb account. We've got to stop feeding these business's and their bullshit. My email service advertised some stand with Ukraine virtue signaling, let them know I would not be upgrading from my free account because of it.
31   Patrick   2022 May 14, 9:44pm  

I prefer VRBO anyway.
32   mell   2022 May 14, 10:24pm  

Patrick says

I prefer VRBO anyway.

33   clambo   2022 May 15, 5:38am  

I didn't know Saturday Night Live was still on, silly me.
34   Patrick   2022 May 19, 8:26am  


The Chinese have come up with one of the most penetrating epithets to describe this sickness. In 2010, some clever Chinese coined the term baizuo, which literally means “white left” but really means “sanctimonious liberal dysphoria.” It’s a menu-driven pathology in which, in the words of the political scientist Chenchen Zhang, “hypocritical humanitarians… advocate political correctness just to satisfy their own sense of moral superiority.” A rancid pity is the motor of this enterprise — pity, and an unearned sense of forever unexpiated guilt. “Culpability suits us,” the French philosopher Pascal Bruckner observes, “it provides an alibi for our abdication.”

It’s not all bad news, however. What Elon Musk memorably described as the “mind virus” of wokeness is undeniably a potent and widespread pathogen. But reality counts for something, both the psychological reality that requires periodic respite from fanaticism and the economic reality that, increasingly, collides with the somnolent wokeness of nonstop racial obsessiveness.

The cultural landscape is full of husks — the dead and empty husks of hectoring racialism that, just yesterday, embarrassed the self-appointed commissars of culture but now embarrasses only itself. The streaming service Netflix is one of the latest casualties of the get-woke-go-broke dialectic. Serving up a smorgasbord of politically correct entertainments like Dear White People, it has seen its viewers, and its stock price, disappear.

It’s the same at Apple TV+, where aging headliners like Jon Stewart are getting as much traction as bald tires on an oil slick. I’m told that, once upon a time, Stewart was funny. Now he panders to Apple’s pinky-cocking woke mediacrats by explaining “The Problem” with white people. Whitey yawns and turns the channel.

Then there was CNN+ (the plus symbol seems to function like the paint splotches foresters put on trees destined to be culled). The network plowed millions into the venture, which came online with great fanfare and lasted exactly one month, shutting down on April 30. CNN was always pink in its politics, but it started life as a news dispensary. Gradually, then suddenly (to adapt Hemingway’s description of how one of his characters went bankrupt), CNN mutated into a fake-news emporium, specializing in elite coastal attitudinizing on anything having to do with race, sexuality, the environment or Donald Trump.

Disney’s streaming service sports a plus sign, but the company is thoroughly immersed in minuses. It picked a fight with Florida governor Ron DeSantis over the issue of catechizing young children in the wonders of the LGBTQWERTY+ agenda and it lost big time. It was the worst performing Dow Jones stock of the year, losing, by April 20, more than 30 percent of its value.

The good news is not wholly negative. Here and there one sees welcome signs of companies awakening from wokeness. Baskin-Robbins might be the biggest purveyor of ice cream in the country. It has announced a major rebranding and, mirabile dictu, there was no sign of politically correct sermonizing. “In a shocking move,” one outlet reported, Baskin-Robbins “neglected to include any obnoxious, in-your-face woke themes in its new marketing! No parade of rainbow creatures, no pant-suited feminist mascots, no underdogs bravely standing up to America’s racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, xenophobic system. There’s nary a victim nor a woke hero to be seen. It’s almost eerie.”

It’s also entirely welcome.
35   NDrLoR   2022 May 19, 9:03am  

Patrick says
“sanctimonious liberal dysphoria.”
I saw this same kind of attitude emerge out of the late 60's counterculture. It was horrendous self-righteousness combined with resentment and self pity. Someone was always in a rage about some petty thing that didn't amount to a hill of beans to anyone else. Look up Diana Oughton, Bill Ayer's GF, a spoiled rich radical who blew herself to pieces along with two others in 1970 in a New York brownstone while making a bomb to set off at a Naval Reserve dance that night. Kathy Boudin, who died in May this year, was taking a shower on an upper floor, barely escaped and fled nude into the street. It blew the wall out of their neighbor Dustin Hoffman's home.
36   WookieMan   2022 May 19, 9:50am  

mell says

Patrick says

I prefer VRBO anyway.


Search the keywords in the description, especially if they give the property a "name" so to speak. You'll likely find their website and book direct without the fees. Have to pick up the phone and call to be safe, but there are scammers on VRBO and Airbnb as well. Knock on wood, but have yet to have an issue with a vacation rental going that route. I've saved $500 easily on just one rental before (edit: after) going to the source.

Only have had two somewhat negative vacation rental experience and they were minor. Rented a cabin in Door County, WI. Sturgeon Bay specifically. There was a god damn bat on the floor. I thought it was dead. My dog woke that fucking thing up. Imagine the Tommy Boy cabin scene... yeah, it was great with a wife that screams if there's a bee (she not that soft, but learned from her mom... bitch).

The other was in Utah. Fake pictures or pictures of another unit. No washer/dryer when we were doing the NP tour of Utah and really needed laundry and they lied on the posting. It was a functional space for 1 night, but was pissed. I think it was Bryce Canyon area. Fucking town is owned basically by one family/company. Shitty accommodations and food anywhere you go. Loved Bryce Canyon NP, but fuck the town of Bryce. I'd camp if you do Bryce Canyon NP. You'd be better off. Dammit I'm pissed about this now. One of the best parks we've been to and the town sucked a fucking dick big time.

Jackson Hole and specifically Big Sky, MT we have had some of the best vacation rentals. Moonlight Basin in Big Sky specifically. Not wanting to dox myself too much, but this was the living room view with headless family.

37   Patrick   2022 May 19, 10:05am  

WookieMan says
Search the keywords in the description, especially if they give the property a "name" so to speak. You'll likely find their website and book direct without the fees.

Thanks @WookieMan this is a good tip.
39   AmericanKulak   2022 May 28, 5:30pm  

What shennanigans can we do for Pride Month?
40   Hircus   2022 May 28, 6:02pm  

WookieMan says
Loved Bryce Canyon NP

Bryce really is an amazing place.
41   AmericanKulak   2022 May 28, 7:32pm  

The current environment has ruined the Erasure "Respect" for me.

"Please, let me into your classroom, I'll be forever true!"
42   Patrick   2022 May 28, 7:35pm  

AmericanKulak says

What shennanigans can we do for Pride Month?

Demand the recognition of "Furry" as a gender.
43   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 29, 8:46am  

AmericanKulak says

What shennanigans can we do for Pride Month?

straight pride month!!!

- can make babies
- it worked for 1000s of years
- no butt stuff
44   AmericanKulak   2022 May 29, 10:04am  

Patrick says
Demand the recognition of "Furry" as a gender.

This is great.

LGBTQ+ means nothing unless it recognizes Furries and Dragonkin as sexualities.
46   Patrick   2022 May 29, 12:31pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
no butt stuff

Apparently anal sex is damaging to women as well. The woman who shot up YouTube, Nasime Najafi Aghdam, had that as one of her complaints, how no one talks about the damage that anal sex does to women.

She was clearly insane, but she may have been correct about that particular complaint.
49   RC2006   2022 May 29, 6:22pm  

mell says

AmericanKulak says


Is that real, it looks unnatural like this.

50   richwicks   2022 May 29, 6:35pm  

mell says

AmericanKulak says


I can't help but think that if she falls over, it would do physical damage to the floor, possibly even collapse it.

What sort of annoys me, is this woman doesn't drink anything that contains electrolytes in it. That's for aerobic activity.
52   HeadSet   2022 May 30, 9:40am  

richwicks says
this woman doesn't drink anything that contains electrolytes in it

Beer has electrolytes....
53   mell   2022 May 30, 9:45am  

Anything that has sodium, potassium or chloride has electrolytes. Best hydration though is still 1/3 apple juice, splash of lemon juice and rest good Ole H2O.
54   Ceffer   2022 May 30, 10:21am  

She has a restraining order from exercising within five miles of a fault line.
55   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 6, 7:11pm  

Down 41% after lifting a ban on close shareholders and executives from selling.

56   Patrick   2022 Jun 21, 10:43pm  


Kellogg’s, the maker of Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies, will split into three companies focused on cereals, snacks, and plant-based foods.

The Kellogg Company, one of the original perpetrators of “woke capitalism,” made the surprise announcement on Tuesday following years of falling sales. ...

The company has been investing in far-left causes for several years now, according to Breitbart.

As Breitbart News reported in 2017:

Every time an American family picks up a box of Kellogg’s cereal at the grocery store, it is contributing to the wealthy radical leftwing foundation that agitates for open borders, supports George Soros’s Open Society Insitute, and pushes a host of leftwing causes.

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is the largest shareholder of the Kellogg Company.

According to its 2016 tax filing, the Kellogg Foundation’s trust owns approximately $5.2 billion of stock in the company, about 20 percent of the company’s equity.

The other large holders are mostly passive investors such as mutual funds and their ownership is a fraction of the foundation’s.

That means that the foundation effectively controls the famous cereal company.

Back in 2016, the Kellogg Company called for a blacklist of Breitbart, saying that the news organization did not reflect its values.

This prompted a #dumpkellogg’s boycott in response that AdWeek described as inflicting huge damage to the company’s reputation.
57   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 21, 11:15pm  

Patrick says

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is the largest shareholder of the Kellogg Company.

Kellogg was one of the first SJWs and Crank Diet people, pushing high carb "low diets" as a solution for everything.
58   Patrick   2022 Jun 29, 10:35am  

To be fair, everything is down. But still.
59   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jun 29, 12:28pm  


definitely great examples. disney is hell bent on social activism, so they are likely to keep being assholes as long as enough people show up at their overpriced theme parks
61   Shaman   2022 Jul 20, 1:08pm  

AmericanKulak says

Patrick says

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is the largest shareholder of the Kellogg Company.

Kellogg was one of the first SJWs and Crank Diet people, pushing high carb "low diets" as a solution for everything.

True, and in a bizarre twist, Kellogg made his cereals as bland as possible in a belief that young people would think impure thoughts if excessively stimulated by their senses. Truly a weirdo.
62   Patrick   2022 Jul 25, 5:04pm  


Australian Rugby Players Revolt, Threaten to Boycott Match after Team Told to Wear Gay Pride Jersey

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