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US Service Members File Lawsuit Against Department of Defense Over Vaccine Requirement
VACCINESKatabella Roberts Oct 1, 2021
She’s leading our lawsuit! She’s amazing. Follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CUgOc8uPxwf/?utm_medium=patrick.net&utm_source=patrick.net&utm_campaign=patrick.net
> On Oct 1, 2021, at 11:12 PM, Jen Doctor <jkamhth@gmail.com > wrote:
> I urge all of you to follow Nicole C Pearson at fltjllp.com
> She and a handful of attorneys are fighting this tyranny.
> Her IG handle is factslawtruthjustice
>> On Oct 1, 2021, at 10:33 PM, Charmaine Bostwick wrote:
>> Here’s a way to get more involved with solutions. I’m going to this to collaborate with others. 💪🏼🌎🇺🇸🙏🏼
>> https://www.covidcon21.com/?fbclid=IwAR11CEgxlRPrFLCDUWkiEsy8xuerGHtfBf-f3OEzfS2Ct3RcCSTFFuDGWP8
>> Much love,
>> Charmaine Bostwick ACC
A Virginia-based parent group attempting to oust five Loudoun County School Board members was given a small win after a Loudoun County Circuit Court judge ruled Tuesday in favor of the organization’s recall petition against a board member who sought to dismiss it.
On Tuesday, a judge denied Loudoun County school board member Beth Barts’ motion to dismiss the case and also removed Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj from the case.
The group Fight For Schools and others have alleged that Barts was involved in a private Facebook group that violated the School Board’s Code of Conduct and other laws after members allegedly tried to attempt to reveal private information about parents and opponents.
Judge Jeanette Irby, meanwhile, ruled that Biberaj should be removed from the case due to a public perception issue, arguing the public may not trust the prosecutor to be impartial.
“I have the utmost respect for Ms. Biberaj … however, if she continued on this case there would never be acceptance on this case,” Irby said, according to local media outlets.
An attorney for Citizens of Leesburg, another plaintiff in the case, cited a Twitter post made by Biberaj in which she shared a letter to the editor published in Loudoun Now that supported the district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion work—which is closely aligned with the quasi-Marxist critical race theory that’s now at the center of many heated school board debates across the United States.
Biberaj was also listed as a member of the same private Facebook group in which Barts had belonged—Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun—where members were allegedly sought to reveal private information, or “doxx,” parents and opponents of critical race theory.
The Epoch Times has contacted the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office and the school district for comment.
Ian Prior, who is involved in the charge to remove Barts from the school board, said he is pleased with the judge’s decision on Tuesday.
“We are ecstatic,” Prior told WJLA. “I can say for months, parents have been asking for a seat at the table. We haven’t been heard by the school board. They haven’t given us that opportunity. The leaders here haven’t stepped up to try to come to resolution about what’s going on in schools, but yesterday the court gave us that seat at the table.”
“I feel like the judge looked at the evidence and made a decision that was right,” Fight for Schools supporter Erin Dunbar, also a parent, said after the hearing, according to Loudoun Now. “I think she’s unbiased. She’s looking at the evidence in front of her and I think she’s actually going to give us a fair trial.”
Earlier this year, when she was censured over her social media activity, Barts said in a statement: “It’s not my job to be liked. It’s my job to ask hard questions, work to provide the best education for our kids, make sure our teachers are paid what they really deserve, and represent the people of Leesburg.”
Her statement came after School Board Vice Chairwoman Atoosa Reaser asserted in March that Barts repeatedly violated the school board’s code of conduct.
Meanwhile, a several-month-long Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office investigation found that social media posts in the private Facebook group did not constitute criminal action, according to local media. The office, as a result, did not pursue criminal charges against any of the members after they received complaints alleging “evidence of organized criminal activity intended to infringe upon 1st Amendment rights and [violations of] certain laws surrounding the crimes of stalking, harassment, and racketeering.”
Kaiser Complaint
This Lawsuit Challenges Kaiser’S Mandate That All 217,000 Employees Be Vaccinated By September 30, 2021 Or Be Placed On Unpaid Leave.
For those who think lawsuits are the answer:
J&J knew that asbestos was getting into the talcum powder it was selling across America. This was well established through evidence shown in court from internal J&J e-mails. It sold the powder anyways. Women that came down with cancer because of this filed a lawsuit against J&J. Years of litigation came about and J&J filed appeals against the court rulings and lost those appeals. Instead of paying the couple of billion dollars in restitution to the victims, it moved that unit into a subsidiary that declared bankruptcy. Therefore, no money for the victims.
Now in a decent society, the State AGs would get together and file multiple cases of conspiracy to commit murder against the e...
Service members from all five branches of the military, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors have joined in a class action lawsuit against the Department of Defense over its COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
The 24 plaintiffs “face a deadline under the Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate to receive a COVID-19 vaccine that violates their sincerely held religious beliefs, and have been refused any religious exemption or accommodation,” according to Liberty Counsel, the Christian legal firm that filed the lawsuit.
The lawsuit (pdf), filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, lists President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as defendants.
Plaintiffs are asking the court to issue a temporary restraining order (pdf) to prevent the COVID-19 vaccine mandates from taking effect, and ultimately issue an injunction to prevent the Pentagon from enforcing the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Biden on Sept. 9 issued an executive order requiring almost all federal employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. Regular testing is not an option.
Pierre Kory, MD MPA
I am now an expert witness (pro bono) in a big lawsuit against a large pharmacy chain responsible for their pharmacists (also named) ILLEGALLY PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT A LICENSE.. by refusing to fill IVM. Hey pharmacists still doing this shit: heads up, they're coming for you
10:42 PM · Oct 19, 2021
families in the school district of Saline, Michigan
Several U.S. states on Friday mounted multiple federal lawsuits against the Biden administration over its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal workers and contractors.
Texas sued individually in a federal court in Galveston. Another lawsuit, filed in a federal district court in Missouri involves Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Yet another lawsuit, filed in a federal district court in Georgia, involves Georgia, Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia.
The lawsuits come a day after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he sued the administration over the same vaccine mandate. As of late Friday, the total number of states suing the Biden administration over the mandate is 19.
President Joe Biden on Sept. 9 issued a far-reaching executive order that requires almost all federal employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment, including civilian federal employees and contractors. The order goes into effect on Dec. 8. Regular COVID-19 testing isn’t an option, but religious or medical exemptions from vaccination may be granted, according to the order. Contractors that don’t comply may lose out on government contracts.
All 19 states seek to block Biden’s requirement, arguing that the mandate violates federal procurement law and is an overreach of federal power. The states also argue that Biden’s vaccine mandate violates the 10th Amendment that separates the power between federal and state governments; uses federal spending to coerce the states, which is unconstitutional; and did not properly allow for 60 days of public comment.
Phony barret and omg!party!Kavanaugh! already rejected Maines health care workers pleas to grant an injunction for religious exemptions until the case can be reviewed "sufficiently", by then of course all have been fired. Also noteworthy all 3 "dissenters" standing up for freedom and the Constitution are males. No scotus womyn voted for freedom, they all voted for medical tyranny. Never put womyn in charge of anything important, this is an eternal truth.
mell saysPhony barret and omg!party!Kavanaugh! already rejected Maines health care workers pleas to grant an injunction for religious exemptions until the case can be reviewed "sufficiently", by then of course all have been fired. Also noteworthy all 3 "dissenters" standing up for freedom and the Constitution are males. No scotus womyn voted for freedom, they all voted for medical tyranny. Never put womyn in charge of anything important, this is an eternal truth.
Agreed about the women bit (with very narrow exceptions noted for their exceptional nature).
SCOTUS simply refused to issue an emergency injunction, which isn't great, but it's still winding it's way up the Courts, hasn't been totally tossed out.
November 13, 2021
Senator Elizabeth Warren is sued for violating First Amendment over Amazon book censorship calls
November 13, 2021
Middle school teacher in Massachusetts sues after being fired over Facebook posts ...
“I don’t think they liked his sort-of conservative speech and the reasons why they fired him were exaggerated, and that’s illegal,” Gagliardi said.
The posts in question were made in the summer of 2020, amid the racial justice protests sparked by the death of George Floyd while in police custody. His posts criticized the idea of “white privilege” and “outward racism.”
In one of the posts, Lioji shared an article from 2019 published by Quillette titled “Why White Privilege Is Wrong – Part 1.” Lioji wrote:
“Anyone who says or writes white male privilege again is a RACIST. I will not condone that kind of racism. So unfriend me if you don’t like it because I am going to unfriend you when I see it. DONE.”
The lawsuit argues that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) shot mandate on facilities that receive federal funding for treating patients exceeds the agency’s statutory authority and violates the Social Security Act’s prohibition on regulations that control the hiring and firing of health care workers. It also violates multiple federal laws, the Spending Clause, the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.
“The Vaccine Mandate causes grave danger to vulnerable persons whom Medicare and Medicaid were designed to protect—the poor, sick, and elderly—by forcing the termination of millions of ‘healthcare heroes,’” the lawsuit reads.
The mandate violates the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution by seeking “to commandeer state-employee surveyors to become enforcers of CMS’s unlawful attempt to federalize national vaccine policy and override the States’ police power on matters of health and safety.”
The mandate targets about a quarter of the nation’s health care workers who have not chosen to get vaccinated, according to CMS.
Along with Montana’s Knudsen, attorneys general from Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia are plaintiffs in the case.
The 12-state coalition filed the lawsuit and motion for a preliminary injunction November 15 in the U.S. District Court for Western District of Louisiana in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. The lawsuit was later consolidated with all other challenges nationwide into the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
A teacher from South Carolina has filed a lawsuit against the school district board and the superintendent claiming she was forced to resign over a post about mask mandates she made on her personal Facebook account. The lawsuit alleges wrongful termination.
Holly Chapman, a middle school teacher, was an employee of the Berkeley County School District until February this year. She was fired over a video she posted on Facebook criticizing mask mandates.
IL Health Care Employees Will Seek Damages from Shot Mandates
Dec 14, 2021
CHICAGO, IL – Liberty Counsel will ask the federal District Court of Illinois to certify the entire class of health care workers and will seek damages on behalf of those employees who have been unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate by NorthShore University HealthSystem.
Liberty Counsel asked the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to intervene before the appeal is decided to prevent irreparable harm to NorthShore employees. Even though the Seventh Circuit denied the injunction pending appeal asking for emergency relief, the court granted the motion to expedite the appeal. This denial does not affect the merits of the case. In fact, on November 30, Judge John F. Kness said the plaintiffs are likely to prevail on Title VII and the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act.
In a 27-page decision, Judge Kness stated that NorthShore employees who prevail against NorthShore for its denial of religious exemptions and accommodations will be able to recover money damages including backpay, front pay, compensatory damages, punitive damages, attorneys fees, and several other forms of damages. Since full compensation is available to those who win against NorthShore, the court concludes that the harms they are facing now are not “irreparable,” as they can be repaired through money damages.
IL Health Care Employees Will Seek Damages from Shot Mandates
Dec 14, 2021
CHICAGO, IL – Liberty Counsel will ask the federal District Court of Illinois to certify the entire class of health care workers and will seek damages on behalf of those employees who have been unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate by NorthShore University HealthSystem.
Liberty Counsel asked the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals to intervene before the appeal is decided to prevent irreparable harm to NorthShore employees. Even though the Seventh Circuit denied the injunction pending appeal asking for emergency relief, the court granted th...
What is "Front Pay"?
Military Members Seek New Injunction Against COVID Vaccine Mandates
U.S. military members involved in a lawsuit challenging the military’s COVID vaccine mandate on Dec.10 filed an amended complaint seeking a new injunction after a judge last month rejected the U.S. Department of Defense’s assertion the Pfizer-BioNTech and Comirnaty COVID vaccines are “interchangeable.”
Point after point, directed right at the governor's insane policy.
There's a teacher shortage, we support local decision making, we've been safe since fall of 2020 without these rules, parents are concerned, and oh, by the way, the policy is racist.
This group of folks takes no prisoners.
The school district goes on to resolve to ask Newsom to reverse his decision.
And then, they also resolve to continue with their policy regardless.
They will not deny education, and they will not deny employment based on vaccine status.
A 2017 lawsuit alleging five pharmaceutical companies helped finance terror attacks against U.S. service members and other Americans in Iraq during the “War on Terror” was unanimously reinstated and remanded by a three-judge panel of the D.C. Court of Appeals.
The lawsuit against the five companies in question — Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Roche and GE Healthcare — was dismissed in July 2020 by a federal district court in Washington, D.C. before being reinstated last week.
The lawsuit claims the five companies regularly paid bribes, including free drugs and medical devices, to officials in Iraq’s Ministry of Health between 2005 and 2011, in their efforts to secure drug contracts.
In turn, the suit alleges, these companies’ contracts with the Iraqi health ministry helped “fund terrorism” perpetrated by a Shiite militia that killed Americans during that period.
The militia in question, Jaysh al-Mahdi, or the “Mahdi Army,” maintained control of the health ministry at that time.
The amended lawsuit was filed on behalf of 395 Americans who were killed or injured in Iraq during the six-year period.
For employees not wanting to get the jab ive been reading that people have had success responding with the following
One way to go about it is to require your employer provide proof that no employee can transmit any other communicable disease. An involved citizen writes:
"I made it clear through my lawyer I would begin to demand the status of all other employee's health condition in regards to other forms of communicable diseases. We would be demanding information on employees with AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, flu, STD, measles, mumps, and so on. My lawyer had the paper already drawn up so I could serve him (the employer) the first day he tried it, and part of the suit would be to force the company to immediately section off employees who had any Illness they could spread including the common cold. If they were going to take responsibility in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in the building, they were now liable for the spread of anything else.
Within 24 hrs we were all informed that they would no longer demand to see our papers."
In what may be the first legal case of its kind globally, a petitioner in India is seeking to prosecute Bill Gates, Indian vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla, and Indian government and public health officials over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield vaccine.
Kiran Yadav late last year filed a criminal writ petition for murder, Smt. Kiran Yadav v. The State of Maharashtra & Ors. (herein referred to as Yadav v. Maharashtra), with the Bombay High Court of Judicature, on behalf of her deceased son, Shri Hitesh Kadve.
Her son was vaccinated on Sept. 29, 2021. According to the complaint, he died that same day due to side effects brought on by the vaccine.
The complaint alleges Kadve died “due to [an] act of willful commission and omission attributable to some public servants who are misusing their position to bring policies to help the pharma mafia and thereby [are] responsible [for] mass murders.”
The complaint further states Yadav’s son was “unwillingly” compelled to get vaccinated based on the “false narrative” that the vaccine was entirely safe, and because the State of Maharashtra prohibited the non-vaccinated from riding on railroads or entering retail spaces such as shopping malls.
16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.
16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.
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Corporations in particular are afraid of lawsuits because they have a lot of money. Sue them first.
But it's also useful to sue the government when they are violating our rights.
A nice suit started by https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ :