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Eric Holder saysporkchopexpress saysIt's referring to shedding of spike protein, not the virus.The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed?
Shedding of what? Virus? You don't get virus from the vaccine.
charlie303 sayshttps://usawatchdog.com/vax-causes-variants-hospitals-murder-cv19-patients-dr-elizabeth-eads/?source=patrick.net
The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed? Eads says, “Correct because we know the boosters have 100 micrograms, which equates to about a billion synthetic spike proteins being produced in the body. The initial Covid shots were 30 micrograms, then 50 micrograms, and the boosters are 100 micrograms. So, you are getting twice as much of the synthetic mRNA, and you are making twice as much of the synthetic spike protein."
That would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
mell saysThat would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
But how are they getting into other people's bloodstream if not through inhalation?
mell saysThat would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
But how are they getting into other people's bloodstream if not through inhaling?
Hence Faucci's claim 'I am the Science!'
A scientist is not science.
LOL! Can't use Time magazine for the bird cage any more because even the bird vomits. KommieKunt Netlix Diversity poster worthy of the depths of Russian propaganda:
I can't decide whether to Sig Heil, place an incense stick on my adoration alter to Mao's Little Red Book, or go through my Bolshevik memorabilia.
Ceffer saysLOL! Can't use Time magazine for the bird cage any more because even the bird vomits. KommieKunt Netlix Diversity poster worthy of the depths of Russian propaganda:
I can't decide whether to Sig Heil, place an incense stick on my adoration alter to Mao's Little Red Book, or go through my Bolshevik memorabilia.
Rush out the most ineffective, most dangerous "vaccine" ever... "Heroes". Yeah. Great job, folks. Great job.
I'd be too ashamed to show my face in public after delivering a shabby product like this, never mind having it on a national magazine cover.
Sexual contact is another possibility.
charlie303 saysHIV is a virus whereas the "vaccines" don't have any virus to transmit. Could shedding from spike protein occur during sex? I suppose.Sexual contact is another possibility.
I don't see why VAIDS won't be sexually transmitted, just like AIDS.
In the UK, thousands are facing heart problems which a couple of doctors say is due to pandemic stress. They apparently don’t even consider any relationship to the vaccine.
A report from the Evening Standard claims:
Up to 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), two London physicians have warned.
Victor Lindelof suffers worrying heart scare as Man Utd defender taken off vs Norwich after suffering chest pains
Jack Figg
21:28, 11 Dec 2021Updated: 22:36, 11 Dec 2021
VICTOR LINDELOF suffered a worrying heart scare as he was helped off in Manchester United's win over Norwich.
A Child Aged 12 Can’t Walk Now After Taking Jab, and Parents Are Expected To Accept This and Jab Their Kids???
https://www.covidglobalnews.live/covid-19-deaths/a-child-aged-12-cant-walk-now-after-taking-jab-and-parents-are-expected-to-accept-this-and-jab-their-kids/?source=patrick.netA Child Aged 12 Can’t Walk Now After Taking Jab, and Parents Are Expected To Accept This and Jab Their Kids???
How long can you live on 3 hours of sleep a night?
This story came in via Professor Byram Bridle. It was written by the wife of a vaccine injured man who is about to die.
December 10, 2021
So lately my mind has had a few questions that are ever present and cause my soul so much turmoil. These questions include 'how long can a man who shakes constantly only get 3 hours or less sleep per day and survive?' and 'how long can a guy survive with little to no nutrition due to an inability to keep food down?', to name a few.
My husband deteriorates daily. It has now been 2 weeks since he has held any food down. He hasn't stopped shaking since July 29th, even with the heavy neuro meds he now takes. He has gotten 1 full night's sleep in the last 2 months, 90% of the time he gets less than 3 hours sleep. Speech issues. Left foot turned in and under. Uses cane for short distances but otherwise a wheelchair. Many falls using cane (those are very scary). Constant muscle spasms. Deep back ache since July. Constant headaches/migraines. Skin that hurts and burns but no external evidence of trauma. Random bruising, especially in low back where he is always in pain. Roaming hematomas observed and documented by docs/nurses. Random painful red spots on the skin that burst with clear fluid and leave an open sore. Deterioration in hearing and massive deterioration in eyesight (didn't believe me that snow was falling until he heard it on the deck), the list goes on but those are the big ones that pop to mind.
Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS report
A two-year-old’s death which was then scrubbed from the website, a neonate’s hemorrhaging death, and an eight-year-old’s heart attack were among recent VAERS reports ...
Fri Dec 10, 2021 - 7:55 pm EST
(LifeSiteNews) – A baby whose mother received two COVID vaccine shots during her last trimester of pregnancy was born bleeding from his mouth and nose, and died the day after his birth, according to a recent report to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from a foreign “regulatory authority.”
The baby boy was born on the morning of October 6, 2021, after his mother received two experimental mRNA Moderna shots on July 19 and August 13. He was expected on October 15 but was delivered weighing 2,800 grams (just over six pounds, two ounces) in hospital after a labor marked by unstable fetal heartbeat.
“The doctor said that after the patient was born, there was a cry. When the umbilical cord was cut for newborn care, the nursing staff found that the patient had symptoms of oral and nose bleeding, and immediately asked the pediatrician to intubate and give him oxygen, and he was admitted to the NICU,” according to the report received by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) November 18 from an unidentified foreign health agency. “In the NICU, his result of examination showed abnormal blood coagulation, pulmonary hemorrhage [acute bleeding from the lungs], and cardiac dysfunction.”
According to the VAERS report (No. 1879991) on the death following “transplacental exposure” to the mRNA vaccine, it was unknown if an autopsy was performed and no cause of death was reported, but the infant’s father suspected it was related to the vaccine.
Registered Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot – Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured as She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots
Latest VAERS estimate: 388,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
An independent derivation of the VAERS URF using the CMS death data leads to a URF of 44.64 which then leads to a 388K excess death estimate. ...
Finally, I know some of you are still unconvinced by all the data including the stunning athlete data. I’m OK with that. I just have one request. Please consider sharing this article with your social network before you get your booster. OK?
In an exclusive, another professional sportsman has been forced to end their career due to the COVID-19 vaccine.
BYU basketball player Richard Harward has announced that he will not be playing for the rest of the season after collapsing during an exhibition game against Colorado Christian on November 4th, less than two weeks after he was coerced into taking the Pfizer jab by team management.
Richard said about the ordeal:
“The condition affecting my heart has developed further complications. For my health and safety, it has been determined I will be out the remainder of the season. I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of kindness and support.”
According to his mother, Alice, Richard originally did not want the vaccine but was “pressured, coerced and shamed” by team management who eventually threatened to stop him from playing for “not going along” and “keeping everyone safe”. However, as is obvious by now, the vaccines are not safe and Richard has paid a very heavy price from which he may never recover.
Richard, who was previously in peak physical condition, became extremely ill within a few days of getting the jab, passing out and suffering from “horrible pressure and pain in his chest”. He developed severe heart inflammation as well as blood clots.
As is usual in these cases, all the doctors that he saw except one denied that it could have anything to do with the jab and said that such injuries “are just inevitable at some point of life for some people.”
Doctors have also apparently recommended that he not take blood thinners such as aspirin to fight the clots.
The rest of his BYU teammates are understandably shocked at his injuries and are currently discussing filing a lawsuit against the team, although if past experience is any guide, the only tactic that will have any effect is a team strike.
The news of Harward’s vaccine injury comes just months after NBA Player Brandon Goodwin announced that his season was ended early last year due to blood clots as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. The 26-year-old hasn’t signed with an NBA team since and it is speculated that his career in the league is over.
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
A 66-year-old man with no significant medical history except for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and type 2 diabetes presented on September 1, 2021 with cervical lymphadenopathies that became recently apparent during a flu-like syndrome. The two doses of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine had been administered, respectively, 5 and 6 months earlier in the left deltoid. ...
Such a rapid evolution would be highly unexpected in the natural course in the disease. Since mRNA vaccination is known to induce enlargement and hypermetabolic activity of draining lymph nodes, it is reasonable to postulate that it was the trigger of the changes observed. Indeed, the increase in size and metabolic activity was higher in axillary lymph nodes draining the site of vaccine injection as compared to their contralateral counterparts.
The vaxx causes cancer as well as blood clots.
I just got off the phone with a woman who works at a large IVF clinic. She has to remain nameless to avoid being fired for speaking out. Nobody is supposed to know about the serious problems happening in the IVF clinics.
Let me tell you what is really going on and the scientific study that explains it.
Rest assured that the so-called “fact checkers” will call the IVF clinics who will deny there are any problems at all. “Nothing to see here folks, move along!”
So you’ll have to decide who you want to believe here.
No clue why miscarriage rates doubled from March through May
It seems that they’ve been having a series of problems starting in March, 2021 that they just cannot figure out and have never seen before.
Canadian province stops giving boosters to elders who have had COVID in the past due to severe, life-threatening side effects
The immunization committee of Quebec reversed its recommendation after reports of severe side effects.
Jolene Kolenosky: 39-Year-Old Canadian Woman Gets Injected Because She Wanted to Travel, Dead Four Days Later
PRINCE ALBERT, SASKATCHEWAN — A 39-year-old mother of four is dead because Canadian dystopian regulations require experimental, deadly shots to travel abroad.
Ms. Jolene Robyn Kolenosky, aka Jolene Topham, received her first mRNA injection on October 13, according to several friends and family members on Facebook. It’s unclear whether it was Pfizer or Moderna (and it doesn’t matter).
It definitely wasn’t AstraZeneca because Saskatchewan stopped using that brand allegedly due to “supply issues” in May. But the real reason is because several countries across the globe stopped using AstraZeneca in March due to numerous reports of blood clots.
Canadian mainstream propaganda media could not hide these deadly facts; and it scared even the most hardcore vaxx zealots away from AstraZeneca. Further, Johnson & Johnson has only been available in Saskatchewan since mid-November.
Ms. Kolenosky went on about her life as normal after the shot. She and one of her best friends, Kristen Wolffe, went on a long road trip the next day to celebrate Kristen’s birthday. Ms. Kolenosky planned a trip to Jamaica for her 40th birthday in February 2022. That’s the only reason she received the mRNA injection since Canada requires the injections for international travel.
The duo returned home from their trip without issue. But everything changed one day later.
Ms. Kolenosky woke up on Saturday, October 16 and immediately knew her situation was dire. She vomited non-stop and lost control of her bowels, according to her lifelong friend, Steven Swain. “It was like a freight train hit her,” he said. The next day, Ms. Kolenosky woke up “disoriented and delirious, kind of like signs of a stroke,” Mr. Swain said in a TikTok video.
By the time Ms. Kolenosky got to the hospital, there was blood pooling behind her eyes and her body was covered with bruises that spontaneously came from nowhere. Her heart stopped at least twice before all the rest of her organs failed. Ms. Kolenosky passed away Sunday evening, October 17. What makes the story more gut-wrenching is the fact Ms. Kolenosky had so-called COVID-19 and recovered from it this past spring. Thus, she had natural immunity.
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