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Most of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose, according to a U.S. report published on Friday.
> Hi there. Im a licensed RN working at SD county's busiest (by volume) ED, and I love my job. I have been in the same position since before the panic-demic and I am currently still in the same position. I have had a unique perspective on the clinical side regarding COVID and the injections....oh the stories, oh the propaganda, oh the censorship, oh the 1930s Germany parallels...
> I had to fight and seek legal assistance in order to just keep my job this year and I have done nothing wrong but think critically. I am a stellar employee without any disciplinary action regarding safety or otherwise. I am still mandated to test twice weekly to be 'safe' to work since 8/23 per CDPH order. Nobody that I work with who has refused the vaccine has gotten reinfected and I know of multiple boosted staff that have...yet with blinders, we continue. Hands down, the sickest patients that I have taken care of or that I have assisted in care have been double vaccinated, lately boosted.
> I hope this assault on personal freedoms never happens again and I want to help secure workers' rights so that it cannot EVER get this close again. Health care workers deserve equal rights; just because I chose to work in emergency medicine does not mean the government can mandate ANYthing they want for me to take. Sadly, a lot of the public believe it's my 'duty' to take whatever makes them feel 'safe'. No thanks.
We've now killed close to TWICE as many kids from the vaccine as have died from COVID
No end in sight for that either.
Are >100 dead US airline pilots trying to send us a message about vaccine safety?
A list deaths published in the Air Line Pilot Association magazine shows that most of the deaths in 2021 happened after the vaccines rolled out. Are dead pilots trying to tell us something?
European pension funds are reputedly broke, wiped out and/or stolen by Globalist opportunists. They really, really want to snuff the useless eater, pension consuming, medical care consuming oldsters. Covid is a great excuse for hospital mediated "protocol euthanasia". Roach motels, they go and are useful to churn medical fees, but they don't come out.
Mrs. Brinkmeyer received an mRNA shot on or around Tuesday, January 19. It is unclear whether it was the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna shot. She died two days later, according to her mother, Shauna O’Neill Link. Mrs. Brinkmeyer’s sudden death shocked everyone in her family, and left her young husband with a void that is unlikely to ever be filled. A heartbroken Shauna did not mince words about her daughter’s death.
porkchopexpress saysMost of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose, according to a U.S. report published on Friday.
I personally don't think it stops any variant. Symptoms may be shortened depending on the person, but I'm highly suspect that it reduces severity. I'm hearing of a ton of breakthrough cases of vaccinated people I know, just didn't hear it directly. Friend of a friend, but we all know each other personally so I believe it. IL is getting hit pretty hard and I know for sure it's underreported. My wife and I for sure had it, along with 2 of my kids.
And she’s suicidal.
Just sad.
For anyone facing that choice between a job and the jab, say no to the jab. It’s not worth losing your health and ability to work. Even if you’re the sole breadwinner. Don’t fucking do it!
Ceffer saysEuropean pension funds are reputedly broke, wiped out and/or stolen by Globalist opportunists. They really, really want to snuff the useless eater, pension consuming, medical care consuming oldsters. Covid is a great excuse for hospital mediated "protocol euthanasia". Roach motels, they go and are useful to churn medical fees, but they don't come out.
This does seem to be true:
Midazolam was used to kill lots of people we were told were Wuhan Virus deaths in nursing homes.
The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed?
porkchopexpress saysIt's referring to shedding of spike protein, not the virus.The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed?
Shedding of what? Virus? You don't get virus from the vaccine.
Eric Holder saysporkchopexpress saysIt's referring to shedding of spike protein, not the virus.The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed?
Shedding of what? Virus? You don't get virus from the vaccine.
charlie303 sayshttps://usawatchdog.com/vax-causes-variants-hospitals-murder-cv19-patients-dr-elizabeth-eads/?source=patrick.net
The link above says this: "Are the “Fully Vaxed” getting boosters turbocharging their shedding and increasing the spread to the unvaxed? Eads says, “Correct because we know the boosters have 100 micrograms, which equates to about a billion synthetic spike proteins being produced in the body. The initial Covid shots were 30 micrograms, then 50 micrograms, and the boosters are 100 micrograms. So, you are getting twice as much of the synthetic mRNA, and you are making twice as much of the synthetic spike protein."
That would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
mell saysThat would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
But how are they getting into other people's bloodstream if not through inhalation?
mell saysThat would be harmless as they don't get into someone else's bloodstream if exhaled. There was a concern of shedding the mrna right after vaccination to SOs in one of the study protocols iirc.
But how are they getting into other people's bloodstream if not through inhaling?
Hence Faucci's claim 'I am the Science!'
A scientist is not science.
LOL! Can't use Time magazine for the bird cage any more because even the bird vomits. KommieKunt Netlix Diversity poster worthy of the depths of Russian propaganda:
I can't decide whether to Sig Heil, place an incense stick on my adoration alter to Mao's Little Red Book, or go through my Bolshevik memorabilia.
Ceffer saysLOL! Can't use Time magazine for the bird cage any more because even the bird vomits. KommieKunt Netlix Diversity poster worthy of the depths of Russian propaganda:
I can't decide whether to Sig Heil, place an incense stick on my adoration alter to Mao's Little Red Book, or go through my Bolshevik memorabilia.
Rush out the most ineffective, most dangerous "vaccine" ever... "Heroes". Yeah. Great job, folks. Great job.
I'd be too ashamed to show my face in public after delivering a shabby product like this, never mind having it on a national magazine cover.
Sexual contact is another possibility.
charlie303 saysHIV is a virus whereas the "vaccines" don't have any virus to transmit. Could shedding from spike protein occur during sex? I suppose.Sexual contact is another possibility.
I don't see why VAIDS won't be sexually transmitted, just like AIDS.
In the UK, thousands are facing heart problems which a couple of doctors say is due to pandemic stress. They apparently don’t even consider any relationship to the vaccine.
A report from the Evening Standard claims:
Up to 300,000 people in the UK are facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PPSD), two London physicians have warned.
Victor Lindelof suffers worrying heart scare as Man Utd defender taken off vs Norwich after suffering chest pains
Jack Figg
21:28, 11 Dec 2021Updated: 22:36, 11 Dec 2021
VICTOR LINDELOF suffered a worrying heart scare as he was helped off in Manchester United's win over Norwich.
A Child Aged 12 Can’t Walk Now After Taking Jab, and Parents Are Expected To Accept This and Jab Their Kids???
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