Firing nurses who don't want to risk their lives after seeing the vaxxed die is leading to nurse shortages

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2021 Aug 20, 6:30pm   10,033 views  156 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


A Severe Shortage
The medical corporations are learning that disemploying the unvaccinated is going to hurt them worse than those they unjustly fired:

Jennifer Bridges knew what was coming when her director at Houston Methodist hospital called her up in June to inquire about her vaccination status.

Bridges, a 39-year-old registered nurse, responded “absolutely not” when asked if she was vaccinated or had made an effort to get vaccinated. She was terminated on the spot.

“We all knew we were getting fired,” Bridges, 39, told CBS News. “We knew unless we took that shot to come back, we were getting fired today. There was no ifs, ands or buts.”

Bridges was one of more than 150 hospital workers fired by Houston Methodist hospital.

“All last year, through the COVID pandemic, we came to work and did our jobs,” said Kara Shepherd, a labor and delivery nurse who joined Bridges and other workers in an unsuccessful lawsuit. “We did what we were asked. This year, we’re basically told we’re disposable.”

Shepherd and her colleagues may be disposable in the eyes of hospital administrators, but they are perhaps not as easily replaced as she or Houston Methodist thought.

Two months after firing unvaccinated hospital staff, Houston Methodist is one of several area hospitals experiencing a severe shortage of medical personnel. Media reports say hospitals have “reached a breaking point” because of a flood of COVID-19 cases.

Never get vaccinated just to keep a job or preserve a career. The law of supply and demand is on your side. You may have to be patient, you may have to be flexible, and you may have to change jobs. But sooner or later, the corporations will either relent or they will collapse.

Notice that the airline industry is already demonstrating that vaxxed personnel are more vulnerable and less reliable than the unvaxxed. It’s been eight weeks and daily flight cancellations are holding steady at more than 10x the historical average. These labor shortages are not going to go away, they are almost certainly going to get worse.

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34   KgK one   2021 Sep 29, 4:49pm  

Just to be curious if u make video on YouTube with conspiracy theory, do they block your acct?
35   mell   2021 Sep 29, 5:51pm  

KgK one says
Just to be curious if u make video on YouTube with conspiracy theory, do they block your acct?

They just started blocking everyone speaking out against the clot shots. Incl. MDs and scientists.
36   stereotomy   2021 Sep 29, 7:07pm  

I went through a lot during the housing bust in '08-10, but this is a whole new level of (cue Time Bandits) "Pure Concentrated Evil". Every new year I'm blessed to continue my existence on this earth, I'm tormented by the exponential insanity that I witness. Let us pray our children won't have to deal with this . . .
37   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 29, 8:35pm  

KgK one says
Just to be curious if u make video on YouTube with conspiracy theory, do they block your acct?

Depends. If it's UFOs, Big Foot, and Crystal Healing, no.

If it's a world famous Medical Doctor discussing why mRNA treatments may not be suited for children, you will be banned.
38   Shaman   2021 Sep 30, 7:38am  

This is a nurse in NY state.
39   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 30, 10:31am  

Contrast the treatment of School Teachers with Nurses in NYS.

Contrast the treatment of "Essential Workers" then and now.

40   Shaman   2021 Sep 30, 10:34am  

The Leftist Nazis can’t even explain HOW an unvaxxed nurse (who has probably had Covid and has BETTER immunity than a vaxxed one) poses a danger to a vaccinated patient.

This is just hate, plain and simple. Hate for anyone who comes to different conclusions or who doesn’t OBEY the same false gods.
41   Patrick   2021 Sep 30, 1:41pm  


When Hochul’s mandate went into effect on Tuesday, thousands of New York healthcare workers who chose for a variety of reasons not to get the vaccine lost their jobs. Ironically, last year’s widely celebrated healthcare “heroes” — celebrated for continuing to go to work facing the possibility of contracting a novel and potentially deadly coronavirus for which at the time treatment was still a gamble — are today’s zeros, at least according to the likes of Governor Hochul. They are expendable, not for any reason regarding their work, but simply because they refuse a vaccine.

Perhaps Hochul views herself as a religious leader. Over the weekend, she went to the church of the “Covidians” and preached a message equating the COVID vaccine with the Gospel...
43   AmericanKulak   2021 Sep 30, 5:26pm  

New York Healthcare System not only FIRES unvaccinated, but cancels ALL employer contributions to 401k.
44   Patrick   2021 Sep 30, 5:42pm  

It's like they're actively trying to piss people off.
45   HeadSet   2021 Sep 30, 6:28pm  

Patrick says
It's like they're actively trying to piss people off.

Or maybe scared shitless of a "control group" as the virus winds down.
46   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 30, 6:30pm  

I read this week that only unjabbed people are eligible for the current clinical trials in which Pfizer and other manufacturers are investigating the efficacy of new prophylactic and treatment oral medications to treat or prevent Covid 19. If everyone submits to the jab the pharmaceutical industry will have no test subjects for other Covid 19 drugs.
47   richwicks   2021 Sep 30, 6:37pm  

WineHorror1 says
WookieMan says
What the fuck are we doing?

Ask the devil, he's in charge right now.

No. He's not.

We are in charge.

It's the continual war. I was the biggest most vocal atheist 15 years ago. I would have attacked your reasoning and thinking process if you expressed you had belief in ANY god then, and I was extremely effective at doing this, and I had and still have sound arguments.

But I was wrong. It appears that there is a true war between good and evil. Whether this transcends our mortality, I don't know, but it's there. I cannot deny it now. The war on this, it will never end. It's a struggle of our species.

I think we must be improving. We are in a far more gentle and peaceful society than we were 200 or 2000 years ago. I have great hope and confidence that if the war ever ends, the deserving will win.
48   mell   2021 Sep 30, 7:17pm  

HeadSet says
Patrick says
It's like they're actively trying to piss people off.

Or maybe scared shitless of a "control group" as the virus winds down.

It's winding down fast.
49   Shaman   2021 Sep 30, 8:05pm  

richwicks says
But I was wrong. It appears that there is a true war between good and evil. Whether this transcends our mortality, I don't know, but it's there. I cannot deny it now. The war on this, it will never end. It's a struggle of our species.

Exactly, and the war is for the hearts and minds of the human race. We’ve had some great teachers over the millennia: Abraham, Solomon, Buddha, Jesus, Paul. They’ve moved the human race towards the good and away from the evil. But, unfortunately, the evil is always with us because WE are always with us. All the evil of the human race lives like a wolf inside our own hearts. And all the good like a faithful dog as well. What comes out of us depends on which canine we feed.
50   Patrick   2021 Sep 30, 10:01pm  

Maybe my favorite quote ever:

"If only it were all so simple. If only there were evil people somewhere
insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them
from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts
through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of
his own heart?" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
51   PeopleUnited   2021 Oct 1, 4:31am  

Aleksandr is almost paraphrasing scripture.

“Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭15:17-20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

But God can redeem that which is lost by the power of His word.

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:12-13‬ ‭KJV‬‬
52   Shaman   2021 Oct 1, 8:41am  

Keep in mind that the word “heart” in biblical, poetical context is another word for one’s subconscious mind. It’s a powerful and powerfully important part of your mind. Perhaps the most important part. Not only does it control your autonomic bodily functions like heart rate, digestion, posture, kinesthetics (how could your conscious mind EVER calculate the speed, angle, drop, and trajectory of a baseball in time to catch or hit it?), but the subconscious is our emotional seat. It’s the source of our emotional well-being. If your heart is sick, you’ll find it hard to be happy or motivated or excited about doing much at all. “Heartbroken” is what poets have called this condition for millennia, and it’s one of the worst states a human being can find himself. Emotional pain is real pain, and when that pain arises from the subconscious itself, it’s agonizing and inescapable.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NIV‬‬
53   mell   2021 Oct 1, 8:44am  

Merck will release the pill soon then all that vaxx crap will be on its last legs. Just sucks for those fired but at least they have grounds for substantial lawsuits and a healthy body.
54   EBGuy   2021 Oct 1, 1:18pm  

Friend who is a California medical professional just received their religious exemption at the final hour yesterday. I'm guessing their employer was playing a came of chicken with them. They're contemplating moving out of state (especially after the 12year + vaccine edict from Newsom). Friend has an atheist colleague who wrote a two page manifesto for their religious exemption which they got earlier this month.
55   Patrick   2021 Oct 1, 10:48pm  

mell says
Merck will release the pill soon

Is that the one that works via the same mechanism as ivermectin but is far more expensive?
56   Patrick   2021 Oct 2, 9:29am  

Oct 1
When paramedics, nurses and drs are willing to lose their jobs, to stand against mandates that violate body autonomy, thats when you have health professionals practicing medicine with ethics.

57   Patrick   2021 Oct 2, 5:44pm  


COVID vaccine passports are being used by governments all over the world to increase vaccination rates and encourage more people to receive the vaccine. As would be expected, the result has been an increased proportion of employees quitting their jobs rather than being compelled to show a vaccine passport to be able to work.

In particular, hospital staff shortages are becoming more prevalent across the country as unvaccinated workers are choosing to leave their employment after the Biden administration mandated that the approximately 17 million workers in health institutions that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid funding have to show a vaccine passport or lose their jobs.

As a result of this, departments of hospitals are closing or reducing healthcare services due to staff shortages caused by the mandates.

With hospitals already stretched thin, the sudden drop in workforce is the difference between some services being halted or discontinued due to a lack of manpower.

Due to a staffing deficit caused by personnel quitting over vaccine regulations, at least one hospital in upstate New York has had to halt maternity treatment and deliveries.

Also, hospital rooms aren’t getting clean sheets and the cafeteria can’t provide hot food due to a staffing deficit in at least one scenario.

Another report from Indiana describes a situation similar to that in North Carolina and New York, with healthcare personnel departing to escape obligatory vaccination.

Moreover, KCBD reports that Brownfield Regional Medical Center in Texas may have to close if the federal vaccine mandate is enforced because of the large number of employees who could resign.

Jerry Jasper, The CEO at Brownfield Regional Medical Center stated to KCBD that “Probably 20 to 25 percent of my staff will have to go away if that’s the case.”

Another CEO, Gerald Cayer of the Lewis County Health System expressed hope that this is a transitory issue as he works with the state Department of Health to prevent the maternity unit from permanently closing because six of the hospital’s maternity unit employees resigned to avoid receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

“There are 165 hospital employees who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, which is 27% of the workforce, the other 73%, or 464 employees, have already received the vaccine. If we can pause the service and now focus on recruiting nurses who are vaccinated, we will be able to re engage in delivering babies here in Lewis County,” he said.

Additionally, a representative of Indiana University Health, Indiana’s largest hospital system with over thirty thousand employees, told Newsweek that “125 employees, the equivalent of 61 full-time employees, chose not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and have left the organization.”

The situation will likely become more acute in the coming months when an increasing number of mandates take effect this month and in November.
58   Shaman   2021 Oct 2, 6:57pm  

Fuck the system! Burn it down! And burn down the vaxxed sick with it!
59   GNL   2021 Oct 2, 9:31pm  

richwicks says
WineHorror1 says
WookieMan says
What the fuck are we doing?

Ask the devil, he's in charge right now.

No. He's not.

We are in charge.

It's the continual war. I was the biggest most vocal atheist 15 years ago. I would have attacked your reasoning and thinking process if you expressed you had belief in ANY god then, and I was extremely effective at doing this, and I had and still have sound arguments.

But I was wrong. It appears that there is a true war between good and evil. Whether this transcends our mortality, I don't know, but it's there. I cannot deny it now. The war on this, it will never end. It's a struggle of our species.

I think we must be improving. We are in a far more gentle and peaceful society than we were 200 or 2000 years ago. I have great hope and confidence...

You may be ready to read "The Great Controversy"...https://www.end-times-prophecy.org/GreatControversy.pdf.

That link is a download of the 404 page book.

You may be ready for a movie called "God is not dead" also.
60   daBear   2021 Oct 2, 9:52pm  

Shaman says
Fuck the system! Burn it down! And burn down the vaxxed sick with it!

I'm beginning to think that FIRE is the best disinfectant.

da bear
61   Patrick   2021 Oct 4, 10:34am  


In A Dramatic Turn, The Once-Heralded Nurses And Healthcare Workers Are Being Fired For Not Getting Their Vaccination Shots
63   Misc   2021 Oct 14, 7:45pm  

The country is down over 500000 healthcare workers since February 2020.

Oh, on September's job report it lost even more healthcare jobs.

Until recently healthcare was growing jobs every month.

Everyone should giggle about how many healthcare workers we're gonna lose in October.

Uhhh, as a hint ... don't get sick.
64   Karloff   2021 Oct 14, 8:20pm  

Misc says
Uhhh, as a hint ... don't get sick.

This is what I have been telling people for the past few months. It's not a joke.

Remove as much dependency on this system as you can. Parts of it won't be available to you, will be incompetent and likely to harm you, or will be reconfigured to deliberately harm you.
65   Patrick   2021 Oct 18, 6:03pm  


Minnesota Hospital Shuts Down ER and Urgent Care Amid Nurse Strike
BY JACK PHILLIPS October 18, 2021

A hospital in Minnesota confirmed it temporarily shut down its emergency room and urgent care facility due to a nurse strike.
66   PerfectlyFlawed   2021 Oct 18, 9:48pm  

Patrick says
It's like they're actively trying to piss people off.

Or provoke/establish a narrative to link gun ownership and the unvaxxed by villifying them as violent extremists with a hoaxed or real 'active shooter' situation in a former place of employment.
67   WookieMan   2021 Oct 19, 7:19am  

Karloff says
Parts of it won't be available to you, will be incompetent and likely to harm you, or will be reconfigured to deliberately harm you.

Wasn't and hasn't been adequate in my short lifetime. That's including without Covid happening. Everything is business and trying to extract money from you. Healthcare has ZERO interest in making you healthy. Big Pharma creates pills and medication that damage organs and cause you harm.

Docs are really only good with trauma treatment and some cancer treatments. I'm making a blanket statement, but generally most ailments can be taken care of at home without a doctor visit. 90% of ailments could also be avoided with proper health, sleep, diet, etc.
68   Patrick   2021 Oct 19, 10:59pm  

HunterTits says
Firing 34% of the the nation's entire workforce in the name of vaxx mandates during a time of severe labor shortages also doesn't make sense.

But that is life in Libtard-controlled America.

Economic suicide always seems to be central to leftist thought.
69   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 11:46am  


“Health care workers are not taking it because they know that the side effects are real. In urgent care, I have seen myocarditis, cellulitis, [and] unusual neurological symptoms, among a variety of other side effects. I have seen people very ill post-vaccine, and then go on to test positive. The positivity rate for contracting COVID on the vaccinated is very high per the recent studies and what I am seeing in my clinic. A vaccine should work, and it is not working. It should be tested for years on something other than humans before we call it ‘safe and effective.’ There have been over 15,000 deaths from the vaccine that the media is not talking about. I will never take that risk on myself,” Zubiate said.
71   richwicks   2021 Oct 29, 4:13pm  

WineHorror1 says
richwicks says
WineHorror1 says
WookieMan says
What the fuck are we doing?

Ask the devil, he's in charge right now.

No. He's not.

We are in charge.

It's the continual war. I was the biggest most vocal atheist 15 years ago. I would have attacked your reasoning and thinking process if you expressed you had belief in ANY god then, and I was extremely effective at doing this, and I had and still have sound arguments.

But I was wrong. It appears that there is a true war between good and evil. Whether this transcends our mortality, I don't know, but it's there. I cannot deny it now. The war on this, it will never end. It's a struggle of our species.

I think we must be improving. We are in a far more gentle and ...

@WineHorror1 - Is this the book you were talking about?


You would be aghast at how open I'm willing to read different points of view. I love reading banned books. Except Naked Lunch. The film was fun, the book requires you to be out of your mind on heroin to read.
72   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 29, 4:55pm  

The Naked Lunch is nuts, the movie Naked Lunch was more like Junky, another Burroughs book.

If you think the Naked Lunch was insane, try the Wild Boys.

I'm 100% sure the epynomous Duran Duran video was inspired by it... gatling guns on pirate ships, Egyptian avatars, totally fucked up.

Warning: Oozing with pederasty and disgustingness.
73   richwicks   2021 Oct 29, 5:08pm  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Warning: Oozing with pederasty and disgustingness.

Oh! So like Dizzey's Pinocchio.

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