Democrats Panic That Massive Vote Cheating And Soros Subversions Will Not Save Them In The Midterms.

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2021 Dec 6, 4:11pm   4,075 views  41 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (6)   💰tip   ignore  

We have reached the 'Wanker Event Horizon', where even stupid voters know we are a bunch of depraved, bribed, idiotic cunts, bent on destroying the country, murdering them with vaccines, stalking and destroying their freedoms, pissing all over the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, selling them out to Satanist Globalist criminals as chattels, deteriorating their lives and fortunes to serfdom, where even a completely hijacked Fake News MSM can't lie hard enough, long enough, and relentlessly enough to convince them otherwise.


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2   clambo   2021 Dec 13, 5:08am  

Re above:
Would do a better job giving free money to illegal alien mothers and assorted welfare queens:

Democrats 80%
Republicans 20%

I hope the Democrats get their asses kicked in November 2022.
3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2021 Dec 13, 5:50am  

Who are the 35% or so mouth breathing imbeciles who think Dems would do a better job at any of those?
4   Blue   2022 Jan 7, 11:45pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Who are the 35% or so mouth breathing imbeciles who think Dems would do a better job at any of those?

actually 5% at best rest are part of the conformists!
5   charlie303   2022 Jan 8, 2:11am  

The problem you have is that most Republicans are whino RINOs, bought and paid for too,
One cheek of the Uniparty ass.
How many have come out against masks and vaccine mandates?
1 or 2 like DeSantis maybe but do you really think Mitch Turtleneck McConnell is gonna save you?
The corruption in America and the West is all pervasive. I think a root and branch exorcism is needed.
Hopefully this will be peaceful.
I feel it is coming.

6   mell   2022 Jan 8, 8:01am  

charlie303 says
The problem you have is that most Republicans are whino RINOs, bought and paid for too,
One cheek of the Uniparty ass.
How many have come out against masks and vaccine mandates?
1 or 2 like DeSantis maybe but do you really think Mitch Turtleneck McConnell is gonna save you?
The corruption in America and the West is all pervasive. I think a root and branch exorcism is needed.
Hopefully this will be peaceful.
I feel it is coming.


Agreed that's why we should stop pointing fingers at other countries. The US may still provide a bit more freedom, but not much and we need to make sure to revert this trend before we fully equalize with the current dictatorships
7   HeadSet   2022 Jan 8, 10:32am  

mell says
One cheek of the Uniparty ass.

Maybe you saw my cartoon here from a while back?

8   mell   2022 Jan 8, 10:34am  

Still a sweeping win by Republicans would do away with most mandates, the rinos have been losing support among their bases
10   Patrick   2022 Jan 18, 12:44pm  


YIKES! Nearly half of Democrats support jail time or fines for even QUESTIONING the 💉

... Here are just a few of the takeaways from the polling:

55% of Democratic voters would support a proposal for federal or state governments to fine Americans who choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
59% of Democratic voters would favor a government policy requiring that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
48% of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.
Yes, that's nearly 50% of Democratic voters who think it should be a crime to publicly question the vaccines!!

This is just absolutely insane.

You can't run a clinical trial without questioning the efficacy of a vaccine. Literally the first step in the scientific method is to ask a QUESTION. Yet these are the people yelling "TrUsT tHe sCiEnCe!"

But I digress.

The findings go on:

45% of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
47% of Democrats favor a government tracking program for those who won't get the COVID-19 vaccine.
29% of Democratic voters would support temporarily removing parents' custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
According to the Rasmussen Report, Biden supporters specifically are more likely to support the harshest punishments for the unvaccinated:

President Biden's strongest supporters are most likely to endorse the harshest punishments against those who won't get the COVID-19 vaccine. Among voters who have a Very Favorable impression of Biden, 51% are in favor of government putting the unvaccinated in "designated facilities," and 54% favor imposing fines or prison sentences on vaccine critics.
11   Ceffer   2022 Jan 18, 2:05pm  

Probably just another in the series of staged polls to support a foregone conclusion of the tyrannical state. I don't believe these numbers at all. I would also assume that Biden's 'true' approval rating is below 20 percent at this point.
12   richwicks   2022 Jan 18, 2:47pm  

Patrick says
55% of Democratic voters..
59% of Democratic voters would favor...
48% of Democratic voters think federal and state governments...

Be suspicious about polling claims from what is laughably called "mainstream media"...

It could be true, but it's quite obvious our propaganda will make up absolute bullshit on the fly.

A democrat that disagrees with other democrats just think there's a lot of dumb people in their party, a republican however, just regards all democrats as stupid.

I just don't trust that what I'm reading is the truth and I would bet I'm right.

If the "majority of democrats" agree with something that an individual democrat disagrees with and ALL republicans disagree with - the individual democrat consider this a victory if the policy is implemented, even if they disagree with it. They will accept a loss, provided "their side won". It's no different than republicans.

I just don't join a tribe. Nobody should.
13   Patrick   2022 Jan 18, 3:14pm  

richwicks says
I just don't join a tribe. Nobody should.

Thing is, belonging to a tribe gives meaning, support, and some happiness.

I think those tribes should primarily be biological family, though. This is why I really like genealogy.
14   Patrick   2022 Apr 19, 9:04am  


Nachman Mostofsky
What leftists don't understand...

@LibsofTikTok has now become the greatest hero among Jews in Brooklyn.

Her real estate agency isn't going to know what to do with the business it gets now.

Orthodox/Russian Jewiah communities are very very very red.

Like rural Alabama red.
15   clambo   2022 Apr 19, 12:45pm  

The loser brokeass Democrats won't bother to vote in November 2022; they instinctively know that presidents give them the free money, so the midterms don't matter to them.

Other Democrats may vote, but the dead voter turnout may be lower this time around.
16   Patrick   2022 May 24, 10:55pm  


Why is Soros all the sudden so vocal about Xi? Last month is was Putin. Last year it was Trump.

Let’s use a little deductive reasoning to conclude what the issue is here.

Soros was vocal about Putin because Soros was a main ideologue in the Ukrainian biological network, and Putin exposed it. Even put Soros’ name and face in his military slide show accusing him of creating biological weapons. Putin exposed Soros’ corruption.

Soros was vocal about Trump because Soros was funding Antifa, BLM, Caravans, Kavanaugh protesters, etc., and had his tentacles in all levels of US politics and all branches, and Trump exposed it. Trump went on Fox News and called out Soros every time he funded riots or protests. Trump exposed Soros’ corruption.

So why is Soros now being vocal about Xi? Well, logic would suggest that Xi is looking to expose some of Soros’ corruption.

What is Xi looking to do? Move into Taiwan. Deductive Reasoning would suggest Soros has his tentacles in Taiwan and doesn’t want Xi to expose it. But what is “it”?

We know there is heavy US influence in Taiwan and there are US funded labs there. But a lot of people suggest it’s microchip production the Chinese are after, as George Soros does have a large number, but not controlling stake, of shares of a semi-conductor company in Taiwan. Only around $8 million worth, which is pennies to Soros. But it’s something to keep an eye on for sure.

It’s also important to recognize that Trump, Putin, and Xi, all have a common enemy in George Soros, and therefore the deep state as a whole.

So there is some real strategic value and mutual interest between Trump, Putin and Xi to team up. The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

I’ve flirted with this possibility for quite some time now, years in fact, and these recent actions by Soros seem to support this line of thinking. And if we want to truly confirm it for the sheep, and prosecute this level of corruption, it would take something like an international coalition to agree on a global stage.

Food for thought.
17   AmericanKulak   2022 May 24, 10:57pm  

Thanks for that Patrick.

There's several things going on.

#1 - The Chinese are fucking Chinese. They want the power, not to share it with some European Freaks in a Cult. They might cooperate for now, but...

#2. There's something between Gates and Elon.

#3. Gates is the key mover behind the COVID/Monkeyflu,
18   Patrick   2022 May 24, 11:02pm  

AmericanKulak says
There's something between Gates and Elon.

What kind of thing do you mean?
19   AmericanKulak   2022 May 24, 11:15pm  

Rivalry - I saw a post today by Elon that Gates was fucking with him.

This is the doorway to freedom, the more big leaguers that fight with each other, the safer our liberty is.
20   Patrick   2022 Jun 5, 11:03pm  


Media Group Backed by George Soros & Obama Staffer Buys Conservative Latino Radio Stations Ahead of Midterms
21   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jun 6, 12:48pm  

Patrick says


Media Group Backed by George Soros & Obama Staffer Buys Conservative Latino Radio Stations Ahead of Midterms

conservatives sell america out, and then complain that liberals are winning. typical monday.
23   HeadSet   2022 Jun 8, 11:17am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Media Group Backed by George Soros & Obama Staffer Buys Conservative Latino Radio Stations Ahead of Midterms

conservatives sell america out, and then complain that liberals are winning. typical monday.

It was likely that the Conservative format was profitable, which is why the owners used it, even if the owners were not Conservative themselves. If the owners were given a high offer, then as businessmen they took it. The station is unlikely to be profitable as liberal talk radio, but need not be since Soros is bankrolling it. Even if no one listens anymore, Soros did shut down a Conservative voice.
24   Patrick   2022 Jun 15, 10:11am  


A Record Number of Black Republicans Are Running for Office. They're Revolutionizing the GOP
25   richwicks   2022 Jun 15, 10:16am  

HeadSet says

Soros did shut down a Conservative voice.

I don't know anybody that's 40 or below who actually listens to radio or watches television and doesn't instead just go directly to streaming or the Internet in some form.
26   Patrick   2022 Jul 1, 9:51am  


The truly troubling thing for Democrats is that the state has gone from purple to red even as it gets more racially diverse. With 20 million residents and climbing, Florida is getting less white and more conservative. Trends among minority voters in other states suggest that Florida could offer a sign of things to come nationwide. That doesn’t just foretell electoral trouble for the left, but cuts far deeper, contradicting the patronizing folklore of the rainbow coalition that will unite to vanquish the reactionary forces that defend white supremacy.
27   RWSGFY   2022 Jul 1, 10:23am  

Patrick says


The truly troubling thing for Democrats is that the state has gone from purple to red even as it gets more racially diverse. With 20 million residents and climbing, Florida is getting less white and more conservative. Trends among minority voters in other states suggest that Florida could offer a sign of things to come nationwide. That doesn’t just foretell electoral trouble for the left, but cuts far deeper, contradicting the patronizing folklore of the rainbow coalition that will unite to vanquish the reactionary forces that defend white supremacy.

And just like that the diversitay is not our strength anymore....
28   RWSGFY   2022 Jul 1, 10:25am  

HeadSet says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

Media Group Backed by George Soros & Obama Staffer Buys Conservative Latino Radio Stations Ahead of Midterms

conservatives sell america out, and then complain that liberals are winning. typical monday.

It was likely that the Conservative format was profitable, which is why the owners used it, even if the owners were not Conservative themselves. If the owners were given a high offer, then as businessmen they took it. The station is unlikely to be profitable as liberal talk radio, but need not be since Soros is bankrolling it. Even if no one listens anymore, Soros did shut down a Conservative voice.

Nothing prevents them from turning around a starting a new one. Unless there is an issue with frequencies and such. But they can always go streaming.
29   Patrick   2022 Jul 3, 9:53am  

This is THE most important litmus test for ANY politician Republican or Democrat. Candidates for office should all publicly be asked their opinion of the Covid response. If they don’t vehemently disavow Fauci, and RULE OUT lockdowns, mandates and restrictions, they’re lockdowners
30   Patrick   2022 Jul 6, 11:04am  


WASHINGTON, D.C. — With midterm elections fast approaching, Democrats are rushing to pass key elements of their legislative agenda before they're voted out of office in November. To serve that goal, Democrats proudly unveiled the "Raise Gas Prices Even Higher And Make More Kids Trans" bill on the steps of the Capitol this morning.

"We are very proud of this bill, as it shows the American people that their priorities match our priorities, which are to raise gas prices to at least $15 per gallon and make all the kids change their genders with puberty blockers and surgery," said Senator Chuck Schumer. "This is what the American people want. These are the issues families sitting at the kitchen table every night are concerned about. This is why we were sent here. Let's get it done!"

A few Democrats objected to the bill, insisting that $100 billion more for Ukraine, tax increases, and more booster shots also be added to the legislation.

"If we don't pass this bill, democracy will be destroyed forever," warned Schumer. "Also, please donate to my reelection campaign at my website."

At publishing time, AOC proposed additional amendments to add 32 Supreme Court Justices and make Ted Cruz illegal.
32   HeadSet   2022 Jul 6, 3:49pm  

Should have Republicans on surfboards riding that wave.
33   Patrick   2022 Jul 6, 4:11pm  

I still suspect Democrats will commit even bigger and more blatant election fraud.

They got away with it last election, so why wouldn't they do it again?
34   1337irr   2022 Jul 6, 4:14pm  

Patrick says

I still suspect Democrats will commit even bigger and more blatant election fraud.

They got away with it last election, so why wouldn't they do it again?

Just get your popcorn....
35   Misc   2022 Jul 6, 8:35pm  

Yep. Biden put in the order with Pfizer for 100 million vaxx dosages (with an option for 300 million).

The governments, pharmaceuticals, mainstream media, hospitals, and doctor (of course) will be bleating that this strain is the worstest ever. They will push for lockdowns etc. with mail in ballots needed.
36   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Jul 7, 8:25am  

Misc says

Yep. Biden put in the order with Pfizer for 100 million vaxx dosages (with an option for 300 million).

The governments, pharmaceuticals, mainstream media, hospitals, and doctor (of course) will be bleating that this strain is the worstest ever. They will push for lockdowns etc. with mail in ballots needed.

They’re out of their fucking minds.

I still don’t understand why the vaccine is mandated for anyone anywhere. And especially kids. Literally Covid poses no danger for children.
38   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Jul 11, 6:11pm  

Patrick says


A Record Number of Black Republicans Are Running for Office. They're Revolutionizing the GOP

that could be infiltration, some people say shit just to get elected. we can’t underestimate left wings cheating cleverness. they are masters in that.
39   AmericanKulak   2022 Jul 11, 8:58pm  

Patrick says

I still suspect Democrats will commit even bigger and more blatant election fraud.

They got away with it last election, so why wouldn't they do it again?

They might arrest Trump.
40   AD   2022 Jul 11, 11:13pm  

With all the major amount of cheating such as by Act Blue and Stacey Abrams, they barely won the last election especially in Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona. And they had enough sentiment on their side due to how a lot of people were unhappy with COVID management and with Trump's mean tweets.

Its going to be hard this November 2022 to recreate that.


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