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2022 Jan 19, 1:19pm   44,381 views  212 comments

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84   Patrick   2023 Mar 21, 7:49pm  

Right, I don't think Greenwald is a bad person, only that he has a mental disease, probably due to being molested as a boy. The majority of gay men were molested as boys. I also suspect he's alcoholic, from the way he slurs words.

I'm happy he's doing the work he is. I'm grateful to him for that.
85   richwicks   2023 Mar 22, 3:05am  

Patrick says

Right, I don't think Greenwald is a bad person, only that he has a mental disease, probably due to being molested as a boy. The majority of gay men were molested as boys. I also suspect he's alcoholic, from the way he slurs words.

I'm happy he's doing the work he is. I'm grateful to him for that.

You have actually changed my thinking on this matter, more warped it than changed it.

Do you know Greenwald has two children? I believe they are adopted. He lives in Brazil, a majority Catholic nation. I do not suspect he's an alcoholic, but I won't be surprised he's frequently depressed. It's a difficult world once you see it for what it is. His partner is dying. Some sort of intestinal disease, and my mind goes where yours does with this.

I regard homosexuality as more of a fetish than a sexuality at this point. IF it is genetic, and that's a large if, it dies out if it's accepted within a society. You regard it, I think, as entirely a mental disease. We'll know which is correct within a few decades.

I do not regard homosexuality as a personality trait. Who or what you are fucking is not part of your personality makeup. This viewpoint goes against the grain of society, but it pisses me off to no end that what you're screwing or being screwed by is somehow part of your personality. Nobody needs to know, and nobody should be inquiring about it. I shouldn't even know that Glenn Greenwald is gay - why is this relevant to his work? It isn't. I think the reason I know is that it was an attack against him. Why do I know that Alan Turing was gay? These are private matters unconnected with the work they did.
87   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 9:07pm  

Video starts at about 6:25

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This episode basically covers how our "free press" has betrayed the country by aligning itself with the security agencies.
88   AD   2023 Apr 13, 9:28pm  

richwicks says

This episode basically covers how our "free press" has betrayed the country by aligning itself with the security agencies.

The mainstream media is left wing authoritarian so its a natural fit as far as their alignment with statists in government like the security agencies.

89   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 9:32pm  

ad says

The mainstream media is left wing authoritarian


It's simply authoritarian. It would be no different if Jeb Bush were president.

Stop thinking in terms of "left and right". That's not the problem. That's the created problem to keep us all at each other's throats. It's pro establishment, authoritarian. It's been this way for over 15 years now. Julian Assange was celebrated when he attacked Bush, but demonized when he attacked Clinton, who is just as bad, if not far worse.

The left and right are a false dichotomy. It's truth versus lies. That's the real battle.

Our criminal syndicate doesn't think in terms of left and right. That's for the plebeians. They are just criminals.
90   AD   2023 Apr 13, 9:38pm  

richwicks says


It's simply authoritarian.

You never lived in the Beltway. I associated with a lot of journalists when I was living in Alexandria, VA. Believe me, they are left wing ideologues. They view journalism as promoting their cause, not about informing the public and just reporting facts.

Look at who ran CNN and how chummy he was with the Democrat National Committee.

Stop pretending you do not know this as far as conflicts of interest within the corporate or mainstream media.

And I use to be friends in college with students who were studying communications and journalism through an outdoor environmental group. They had the same mentality than the School of Social Work.

91   AD   2023 Apr 13, 9:42pm  

richwicks says

The left and right are a false dichotomy. It's truth versus lies. That's the real battle.

I agree as the establishment is pro-authoritarian. It needs statism or authority to realize its desired outcomes or end state.

That is why I subscribe to a libertarian mindset.
92   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 9:45pm  

ad says

You never lived in the Beltway. I associated with a lot of journalists when I was living in Alexandria, VA. Believe me, they are left wing ideologues. They view journalism as promoting their cause, not about informing the public and just reporting facts.

Were you there in 2003, when they were sucking dick to sell the Iraq War? I know what these fuckers are, propagandists. They have no integrity, whatsoever.

ad says

Look at who ran CNN and how chummy he was with the Democrat National Committee.

Stop pretending you do not know this as far as conflicts of interest within the corporate or mainstream media.

Look, the US is at war with Syria in part because Genie Energy made an agreement with Israel in 2011 or so, to mine oil resources in the Golan Heights. Guess who is on the "Strategic Advisory Board"?


Oh look, there's Rupert Murdoch, the "right winger", who had the "communist left winger" Barack Obama start that war for him.

There is two sides, but it's not left and right, There's the criminal syndicates, and you and me.

ad says

And I use to be friends in college with students who were studying communications and journalism through an outdoor environmental group. They had the same mentality than the School of Social Work.

Well, they sold out.

All of them did. What you see, are entirely unprincipled scum. That's our "news" media. Complete prostitutes. I used to think Rachael Maddow was respectable, because she criticized (correctly) the Iraq War. She was a lesbian, a little ugly, and she got criticized for being a lesbian and a bit ugly, but not for being wrong, entirely superficial criticism. I respected her, and then she became a fucking slut prostitute for the Libyan and Syrian war.

These people pretend to have principles, they don't actually have them.

I have seen within my OWN GROUP of friends, how unprincipled they are. It's disgusting. I used to think they were just scum, it's just I'm far more impervious to propaganda than they are, but I still realize, I can be a victim of it. They think I am an "anti-vaxxer" and a "nazi' now. I've not changed, I just can't convince my stupid asshole friends that they are being misled. Smart people, I never realized how stupid they were.

I genuinely feel stupid for thinking at any point these people were smart, or respectable.

You either have principles, or you have nothing. Most people have nothing. Perhaps 10% of the people I know have actual principles, and I'm supposedly living in a society of geniuses, in Silly Con Valley. We're not smart, but we're dangerous.
93   AD   2023 Apr 13, 10:01pm  

richwicks says

Well, they sold out.

All of them did. What you see, are entirely unprincipled scum. That's our "news" media. Complete prostitutes. I used to think Rachael Maddow was respectable, because she criticized (correctly) the Iraq War. She was an lesbian, a little ugly, and she got criticized for being a lesbian and a bit ugly, but not for being wrong. I respected her, and then she became a fucking slut prostitute for the Libyan and Syrian war.

When I watched C Span broadcast Bill Clinton's first inauguration, I recall the reporter for C-Span interviewing a Democrat voter who was attending the event.

As a F-117 stealth fighter flew over, the reporter asked the Democrat voter if he thought it was the wrong message to have that airplane participate in the inauguration event. The Democrat voter said no, because it is "our military" now.

Maddow is going to support her cult leader (Obama) no matter what, so why engage the theater of acting disappointed or surprised ?

94   richwicks   2023 Apr 13, 10:22pm  

ad says

Maddow is going to support her cult leader (Obama) no matter what, so why engage the theater of acting disappointed or surprised ?

That's what I bitch about constantly, the theater.

Partisans, they're irrelevant. A democrat would vote for Hitler himself he ran on the Democratic ticket, and a republican would vote for Stalin if he ran on the Republican ticket.

Partisans don't matter. They are just gravel, dirt. They don't think at all. I have no respect for these "people(?)".

I don't want to hear from cultists, I prefer principled people, and they are desperately rare. I am so far beyond the left/right false dichotomy you can't even imagine it. It's a criminal syndicate, and the rest of us, and you think that's probably hyperbole, that I'm being outrageous, I'm exaggerating. No, that's precisely what it is. I oppose it. We have a contract with the government called the Constitution, they are violating it therefore we don't have a government, we have a criminal syndicate only.

You have no concept of how fucking pissed off I am. How disgusted I am with my "fellow citizens". Fucking cowards and morons. They won't even speak up, or they are too stupid to be able to speak up.

If I thought murder or assassination would change it, I'd engage in it, but it won't change it. The real basic problem is waking up the stupid fucking sheep. That's the problem, they don't even see a fucking problem.

This is a real fucking thing for me:

That's nearly everybody around me, and it's driving me crazy.
97   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 29, 11:10am  

richwicks says

A Rumble link titled "The Greatest Crime Against Humanity"

She is blaming the Chinese for the deadly toxin in the so-called Covid vaccine but it is not the Chinese who forced this toxin with mandates on Humanity and We The People. Looking back it is Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the neoCons, the Globalist establishment and Pfizer that pushed (and they are still pushing) this deadly poison on We The People.
98   richwicks   2023 Apr 29, 12:53pm  

The_Deplorable says

richwicks says

A Rumble link titled "The Greatest Crime Against Humanity"

She is blaming the Chinese for the deadly toxin in the so-called Covid vaccine but it is not the Chinese who forced this toxin with mandates on Humanity and We The People. Looking back it is Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the neoCons, the Globalist establishment and Pfizer that pushed (and they are still pushing) this deadly poison on We The People.

I have a tendency to simply ignore people's opinions about why, that was a useful video to know what happened.

I have a hard time believing these vaccines are as bad as she makes it out to be, but it would be interesting if they are.

At this point, I just think people are stupid to trust the establishment. It's not as if there haven't been PLENTY of warnings. Honestly at this point, if every single person who got the vaccine died within the next 8 years, I'll blame them as much as the government.
99   richwicks   2023 May 5, 3:38pm  

original link

It's live as I post this, but it will be archived when it's done.

And by the way, this is the actual truth. Dawson knows far more than I do, but this is what actually happened. Our fucking own government murdered 3,000 people to start 20 years of endless bullshit wars. Israel and Saudi Arabia were in on it as well.
101   richwicks   2023 May 9, 10:36pm  

Glenn Greenwald's husband, David Miranda, passed away today. He was only 37. He died of a gastrointestinal infection.

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102   Patrick   2023 May 9, 11:30pm  

To die at 37 from something like that implies an impaired immune system. Could be AIDS related, or the vaxx, or something else.
103   richwicks   2023 May 9, 11:32pm  

Patrick says

To die at 37 from something like that implies an impaired immune system. Could be AIDS related, or the vaxx, or something else.

He was hospitalized for 9 months.

AIDs isn't the disease it once was either, protease inhibitors are tremendously effective. I'm wondering if it wasn't a perforated colon, not that I should speculate. It does seem like a weird thing to die from at 37 so something unusual had to be going on, or to have happened.
104   Patrick   2023 May 9, 11:39pm  

Fisting could perforate a colon. Just saying.
105   richwicks   2023 May 10, 12:04am  

Patrick says

Fisting could perforate a colon. Just saying.


David Miranda was 37 when he died nearly 38 (his died just before his birthday). Glenn Greenwald married him (or at least he was his spouse) in 2005. 2023-2005 = 18. 38-18 = 20.

Greenwald is 56. 56-18 = 38. I think Greenwald was a little too old for him. Well, a lot too old.
106   WookieMan   2023 May 10, 4:06am  

richwicks says

You have no concept of how fucking pissed off I am. How disgusted I am with my "fellow citizens". Fucking cowards and morons. They won't even speak up, or they are too stupid to be able to speak up.

Going to be blunt. How do you speak up? All it seems like is you bitching here and not actually doing anything. What have you done? What elected position or part of government did you get involved in or change? Bitching at a city or county board meeting does little to nothing. You understand they're not listening. They think you're an idiot. I'm on a board and deal with those types. We put our invisible ear plugs in.

Until you get on any board or government agency, you're doing nothing except whining to people on Patnet. The past is the past, we fucked up in the ME, but every comment you make has to bring that up. Bitching about it doesn't change the future. For fucks sakes people owned black people at one point in our history. CA is getting all hung up on that with this reparations for people that NEVER experienced slavery or even knew anyone old enough to recall slavery, even from a great grandparent.

Instead of bitching about the past, fix the future. Otherwise you'll end up with someone else's future and bitch about that in hindsight.
107   richwicks   2023 May 10, 4:12am  

WookieMan says

Going to be blunt. How do you speak up?

Get onto Youtube and Facebook, and get cancelled. You won't get cancelled on Substack. Talk openly with your friends and neighbors, fuck their feelings, explain your thinking, don't get pissed just explain to them what they are oblivious about. Don't be afraid of being "the nut".

Eventually you find somebody that can think. It's rare, but eventually you do, and they spread it on.

But silence == consent. Realize that's really true.

WookieMan says

All it seems like is you bitching here and not actually doing anything. What have you done?

I daresay that this board might be much more proUkrainian and anti-Russian if I wasn't here to tell you that the US overthrew Ukraine in 2014. I think people would be referring to mainstream "news" a lot more as well, but I think nearly everybody here realizes it's full on propaganda - that I doubt to some extent, Trump did identify it as the "enemy of the people", and it sure as hell is.

I could be deluded though.

WookieMan says

I'm on a board and deal with those types. We put our invisible ear plugs in.

I fucking KNOW the government doesn't listen. Appealing to them, well that's worse than pointless.
108   HeadSet   2023 May 10, 9:22am  

richwicks says

I fucking KNOW the government doesn't listen. Appealing to them, well that's worst than pointless.

I think WookieMan confirmed that and is saying you need to get in government yourself if you want to fix anything. Even a local school board or county commission. TBP pushes getting into Republican precincts as a way to push out RINOs.
109   richwicks   2023 May 10, 10:23am  

ad says

That is why I subscribe to a libertarian mindset.

In a libertarian society, people could get together and agree voluntarily to elect representatives, then they could offload policing and protecting their property with gangs, called police, then they could offload the work of educating children by allowing their representatives to create schools...

Libertarianism is like Austrian economics, it's not really a system, it's a hypothesis.
110   richwicks   2023 May 10, 11:31pm  

HeadSet says

I think WookieMan confirmed that and is saying you need to get in government yourself if you want to fix anything.

Look, we spent 4 years watching the government simply ignore Trumps orders when he was president. Did you forget that?

He ordered a withdrawal from Syria, and the military simply IGNORED this. In fact, they lied about it.
111   AmericanKulak   2023 May 15, 11:55am  

Alex Jones substitutes for Crowder

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112   richwicks   2023 May 16, 7:37pm  

Durham Report Obliterates FBI for Russiagate Misconduct. Major Changes at Twitter Raise Serious Questions. And Reflections on the Extraordinary Life of David Miranda | SYSTEM UPDATE #83

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It starts about 7 minutes and 35 seconds in.
113   Patrick   2023 May 17, 12:11am  

WookieMan says

How do you speak up?

My own attempt to speak up is via the memes I publish most evenings. Up to about regular 370 readers now, via website, email, and Substack.
114   Patrick   2023 Jun 4, 9:17am  

Glenn Greenwald

A group of black leftists (the real kind, not DNC-loyal posers) celebrate Rumble's free speech platform after they are again censored by Google/YouTube.

Rumble has no ideology except free discourse. But it's called "right-wing" because free speech is now equated with fascism.🤷‍♂️

Quote Tweet
Revolutionary Blackout Network

After being shadow banned on youtube for almost 2 years and NEVER being allowed to trend, RBN joins Rumble and trends immediately after our show with Jimmy Dore

Unlike Youtube, Rumble doesnt throttle black anti imperialist voices

Not that I'm a fan of the "Revolutionary Blackout Network" but I am a fan of being able to hear what everyone has to say.
115   richwicks   2023 Jun 6, 4:55pm  

Who remembers the supposed "Israeli art students" in 2001? This was the largest spy ring in the United States (well, discovered), and Israel (our closest ally!!!! Not because they've infiltrated the highest levels of our government, but because they are a true ally) did it.

Video starts at about 32 seconds in.

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117   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 4:37pm  

AmericanKulak says

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Makes you realize how far Alex Jones has fallen. He's completely sold out.
118   richwicks   2023 Jun 8, 6:37pm  


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119   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 8, 7:21pm  

I remember the two indemnities paid within months by Israel, who was in the middle of a active, DEFCON 2 level shooting war at the time.

When Trump becomes GEOTUS, he needs to give Alex Jones the highest award possible. This country owes Alex Jones the highest respect possible.
120   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 3:09pm  

I picked up this video from somebody else, but I can't find it to thumbs up.

Edit: found it: https://patrick.net/comment?comment_id=1959852 - charlie303 posted it.

I'm NOT a huge fan of Greg Hunter, however, his guest Mark Crispin Miller makes good points and explains how Propaganda effects us all. You can't escape it, even if you're FULLY aware of how it works.

original link

You're better off a bit (quite a bit!) if you understand it, but at the same time, it puts you at odds with society that DOESN'T understand it. Many Americans, still, don't think our government engages in propaganda. Propaganda CAN be true as well, that's an important point to make, however, a lot of it is false, but it exists for a reason - why?

I don't mind true propaganda, however, when it's true, there needs to be full explanations as to why it's true. If you can't find that, it's almost always false.
121   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jun 14, 8:50pm  

Pop Question for Tim Poole fans:

Is Ian Crossland...

1) The total moron he seems to exactly be.
2) He's a damn fine actor playing the devil's idiot, er...'advocate' on TimcastIRL just to stir up the drama?

For those of who who don't know who he is or what I am talking about, just watch the first 3 minutes of this:

original link
122   RC2006   2023 Jun 14, 8:58pm  

Trollhole says

Pop Question for Tim Poole fans:

Is Ian Crossland...

1) The total moron he seems to exactly be.


He comes off as a moron most of the time. He would be full lib if it wasnt for his friends.
123   Ceffer   2023 Jun 14, 9:02pm  

Trollhole says

2) He's a damn fine actor playing the devil's idiot, er...'advocate' on TimcastIRL just to stir up the drama?

Infiltrator who gets a paycheck from both sides? Many layers of double, triple, quadruple agents in all medias now. All it takes is to have no principles, no loyalties, no morals, no ethics, just surf the passions of other in the moment for some trivial gain or thirty pieces of silver. Fake your alignment, it's just politics? He's doing some kind of controlled opposition schtick.
Sociopaths don't care if a thousand people lose a thousand dollars each, as long as they can make a tenner.

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