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The rule of law is jello.
Those actors best positioned to lead a public dialogue, namely the press and the broadcast media, are among the most complicit. The last thing they want is anybody to review all the truly crazy things they have advocated. The only political party not implicated in pandemic repressions, the populist Alternative für Deutschland, are by an informal and deeply undemocratic agreement of the self-professed democratic political establishment excluded from governing coalitions, and slandered as fascist, antidemocratic, antisemitic, racist and xenophobic by everyone with a microphone. They were right all along, but in the modern right-thinking German imaginary, they are not allowed to be right, not ever. That lockdowns were an obvious catastrophe, that mass vaccination was the height of folly, that the public vilification of the unvaccinated was profoundly wrong and in fact irreconcilable with the liberal values enshrined in the constitution – AfD politicians were clear about all of these things from the beginning, and it is not just a great embarrassment that their positions have aged so well. It is, in the mind of the average German, for whom politics are a perpetual morality play in which globalist progressive green policies are always right and their opponents always wrong, a baffling paradox, dangerous even to contemplate.
" https://www.forbes.com/sites/leeseymour/2021/06/07/bruce-springsteen-returns-to-broadwaywith-a-vaccine-mandate/ "
I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.
HIPPA. No one has any right to inquire into your medical status.
"Oh I won't be able to hear The Boss unless I take a risky dangerous experimental injection! Well, I guess I have to!"
If we all support the colleges that never mandated COVID vaccines, we can build them up to become the new leaders of higher education. ...
Listeners may not be aware of the unique forms of retaliation and privacy violations which college administrators put into policy against young adult students who declined the experimental vaccine and testing, even in states where Governors had issued Executive Orders to prohibit mandates.
We converse about the resulting mental health crisis & suicides, vaccine injuries & deaths, and lawsuits.
The takeaway message to all parents and prospective college students is THIS IS NOT OVER. How a college handled students during COVID should be a priority factor in selecting a college to give your tuition dollars & for alumni donations. This summer of 2023 is a critical time to act-- to not only protect exemptions, but to END MANDATES!
If you want to volunteer on a small project to help No College Mandates, contact Lucia Sinatra at:
Twitter: @NCM4Ever & @luciasinatra_
CatGirl Kulak 😻😿 (Anarchonomicon)
Hey remember when Walmart, of its own initiative, implemented vaccine passport checks and refused to let the unvaccinated buy BLOODY GROCERIES (starve to death pleb).
Would be a shame if everyone remembered and gave them the BudLight treatment.
#BoycottWalmart #NoAmnesty
Are colleges still mandating the jab?
richwicks says
I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.
I would add that any theater which gets government money does not have the right to mandate anything. Totally private, OK, they can mandate whatever they want and the public can stay away with no loss. But if once they take any taxpayer money, they must be obligated to provide equal access to everyone.
I don't even really mind the idiots who would inject a totally new gene-modifying technology voluntarily. But once someone threatens to fire or expel you for not injecting toxic slime, that becomes an extremely serious crime.
To be honest, why is anyone even going to college now? Outside of STEM, you go to college to fuck and party.
The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.
I was a history major though.
I just really don't understand why they require a vaccine at colleges. Like really think about it. The students are probably dishing out AIDS, herpes and other STD's that have life long effects on the body. The flu for a young person needs a mandated vaccine that doesn't work? I'm burned out on covid and the topic is basically dead here in the midwest. I feel for you CA people though. It's just not a big deal anymore at all where I'm at. I only talk about it here.
WookieMan says
The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.
WookieMan says
I was a history major though.
Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.
Recently, I had to call a medical provider about billing for some procedures my wife underwent. They told me they couldn't tell me because HIPPA. I said "Wow, it's so nice that you're now following the law, unlike during the plandemic where everyone's vaccine status was public knowledge. Keep up the good work."
WookieMan says
I was a history major though.
Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.
Correct. I have an EE degree and a different opinion.
It's like when I talk about debt. Nothing actually happens.
They just want my fucking money. Has nothing to do with education or teaching you. Until you realize that, you'll continue to be brainwashed.
Then seven years later, when his credit was clear, he would do it again. He didn't care about his credit rating.
It finally happened
Someone who'd ostracized me during Covid said it out loud: "You were right. Never again."
JUN 11, 2023
It was maybe the most humiliating moment of my Covid life.
Summer 2021, the Twitter-ban era: a friend of one of our kids came to our house to play. When they realized I - not my wife - was supervising, the child’s parents told us they were uncomfortable and would retrieve their kid immediately.
They weren’t joking. They arrived in minutes. They made a three-point turn in our driveway so they were facing out and wouldn’t spend any extra seconds close to me.
I watched their child run to their car, watched it disappear down the road, thinking: Now my kids are paying the price, too.
Yesterday the mother of that child told me I’d been right about the lockdowns - and about Covid generally. The conversation wasn’t long, but it was long enough. 2020 and 2021 had been incredibly difficult, she said. She didn’t like how frightened she’d become, she hardly recognized the person she’d been, and she felt only now had she recovered.
What if they do it again, I said. You know next winter, or whenever, they’re going to try.
The mom didn’t laugh. She did something better. She smirked. No way, she said. No masks, no lockdowns, she was done with all of it. Yes, you were right, she said, but your tone was assholish sometimes -
I know, I said -
But you know, I feel kind of assholish these days too, she said.
She’s the first person I know personally to flat-out admit I was right. I thanked her, and I meant it. I was surprised how good the vindication felt.
Our kids hang out again now, too.
We’ll talk about the mRNAs another time.
We’ll talk about the mRNAs another time.
I pretty much never answer my phone unless I recognize the caller. Hell, I just leave it in airplane mode in a drawer most of the time.
Caved in 12 years.
Make no mistake about it, these phones are, overall, terrible. 8 year olds are viewing porn.
GNL says
Make no mistake about it, these phones are, overall, terrible. 8 year olds are viewing porn.
Are 8-year-olds even interested in porn? Just the giggle factor of seeing someone's butt. "Hey look Mikey, that man is bare!!"
Are 8-year-olds even interested in porn? Just the giggle factor of seeing someone's butt. "Hey look Mikey, that man is bare!!"
I mentioned it some time ago but, in HS I had more sex than I can remember. It was a boarding HS but, the girls loved to give blowjobs. I never had sex sex. Lots of blowjobs though.
GNL says
I mentioned it some time ago but, in HS I had more sex than I can remember. It was a boarding HS but, the girls loved to give blowjobs. I never had sex sex. Lots of blowjobs though.
I think people on this blog would be hard pressed to see a downside here. Blowjobs are like crack, only takes one to get you "addicted."
Think about porn actors. Does anyone think their lives are great?
Too much to discuss but addictions aren't good. Also, at that age with those experiences add up to a heightened sense of self importance. It took me a long time to realize that. Think about porn actors. Does anyone think their lives are great?
Nowadays, chicks are all into BDSM
porno exposure creates an unreality illusion that people are fucktoys.
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And now they want "amnesty".