by AD ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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Ahh, you're holding bonds
Have you ever adjusted for inflation?
Your dream of other people paying you ended decades ago
Are you saying that software (SW) is not going to be needed in the future because society is going to collapse that much ?
No use getting torqued up about an unstoppable force.
It's just the irony I see in preppers and horders of silver hoarders hoarding silver (an industrial metal) assuming that they can trade it for food, fuel, rent, and medical procedures.
That's already happened.
Buy silver chains and simple rings.
Nuttboxer, what types of denominations for metals do you hold?
Buy silver chains and simple rings.
Don't buy rounds. The gangs from the underground market that act as security will follow the guy with a roll of Walking Liberties home to kill him, rape his family, and steal all his preps.
Better to hand off the single silver ring or chain and say "I need that amox/Let me pass, take this chain my Aunt brought me as a kid." Rather than dig in your pockets and count out rounds: "Git 'em, he's rich!" and fight off 6 guys.
I don't see how are you going to persuade somebody who has something real like food, energy or clothes you need that these old worn coins are worth more than what is written on them. "Son, it says 25 cents right there on the coin you gave me so why should I believe you that it's really $10? I'll just keep my jerry can of gasoline thankyouverymuch".
For sure. But if you aren't buying silver and gold, how likely are you to have the food, clothes, off grid energy and gasoline?
a dystopian world the value of precious metals go DOWN relatively to essential goods,
I assume this is not serious. If you haven't prepared your defense, you are buying for someone else.
I don't see the correlation. It's perfectly normal to have shelter, food and means to defend yourself but no precious metals (not counting the wedding ring).
It is burdersome to check precious metals for purity now, it will be exponentionally harder to do so in the preppers dream world of "who was nothing will become everything".
when someting that used to be worth a small fortune before SHTF was being exchanged literally for a loaf of bread.
So the time to AMASS precious metals is AFTER SHTF, not in preparation for it.
Read Selco
The idea of surviving 6 months sitting on a bag of beans and a box of gold bricks with a shotgun in a suburban house amid total societal collapse is a fun excercuse in mental masturbation,
I can tell you who will be looking to acquire more gold and silver during a collapse, people who are prepared, will easily survive the collapse, and are already thinking about what happens when we rebuild.
I forgot about cheap whiskey also being a good barter item!
When society starts to recover, then expect a new currency by a new stable government which will repeat of the paper or fiat currency cycle.
Again, gold and silver are the only real money that has ever existed
It won't be precious metals that would be valued, but anything tied to food, water, shelter, security and medicine. Basic and advanced skills will be valued from fixing shelters to medical doctor services.
Why, because no one ever has any left?
Two silver dimes in California.
Unlike Florida and most of the USA, it takes 2 silver quarters (not 1 silver quarter) to buy a gallon of gasoline In California.
AD says
Unlike Florida and most of the USA, it takes 2 silver quarters (not 1 silver quarter) to buy a gallon of gasoline In California.
You meant 2 silver dimes, right?
I believe the current silver value in 90% US silver coins is approximately 20 times face value. So two silver dimes would buy one $4 gallon of gas.
I believe the current silver value in 90% US silver coins is approximately 20 times face value. So two silver dimes would buy one $4 gallon of gas.
That Bosnian guy mentioned it as a hot item in a SHTF cannibal anarchy situation.
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