Supreme Court Decision COVERUP to hide women now being infertile?

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2022 May 4, 4:33am   1,825 views  16 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Saw this on patriots.win. Interesting theory - far fetched?

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1   WookieMan   2022 May 4, 5:12am  

joshuatrio says
Saw this on patriots.win. Interesting theory - far fetched?

Not really. The overturning of Roe V Wade seemingly came out of nowhere. Sure it's always been discussed as possible, but now it's just happing supposedly. I haven't been reading or listening about it much, but thought I heard that the leaking of a supreme court potential decision hasn't happened often if ever in US history (could be wrong).

Democrats are cowards. I'd need to look into the case that was brought forward to over turn Roe V Wade. I generally understand the process of appeals for a case to get to SCOTUS. They can always just deny the case and the lower courts ruling stands. I'd be interested to see what district this was run through and who appointed the judges. It would be interesting if it was left leaning judges that kept kicking the can up to SCOTUS knowing the case would potentially overturn R v W as Democrats are super unpopular right now.

You get white middle and upper class cunts that likely wouldn't even have an abortion anyway voting out of emotion. It's a super polarizing issue that could shift votes from women that vote every election and pussified men that cry women's rights. I'm okay with abortion at some level first trimester with rape or other weird circumstances. Every woman I know that's told me they had an abortion is generally not a good person. MIL has had 2, found that gem out on Easter of all days and sister SIL has had 3. My SIL is a case where I agree with abortion. Otherwise I'd have 3 more kids.......

Also if it officially gets overturned. Dems need, need, need to really get border security as a number 1 item they run on. In my example above that's 5 more people gone in the last 34 years. That doesn't account for the 7 or so miscarriages either. That's just my wife's side and mine (sisters). If you still allow illegals in, you're going to have a massive population surge over the next decade or two if R v W is overturned.

So besides saying Republicans don't care about women's rights, they could also get tough on border control. Most legal immigrants can't stand the illegal ones and generally being hispanic they tend to be religious, so no votes lost there on the D side, as they mostly vote R, again legal ones. If they get tough on border control and SCOTUS overturns R v W they may actually stop the dam from breaking in November '22. Wouldn't change me, but those swing voters are huge and these issues move people in a big way as many are single or two issue voters.
2   pudil   2022 May 4, 5:17am  

Overturning row doesn’t ban abortion, it just sends it back to the states to let them decide their own abortion laws, which is the way it always should have been.

RE: the OP. California is going to probably increase abortion access after this, there is already on the ballot there a law for post birth abortion. So this would not be effective at hiding a decrease in fertility as the CA stats would still show it.
3   Shaman   2022 May 4, 5:52am  

But California is talking about actually paying for women from other states to come here for abortions. So the abortion stats could actually rise here! Devious fucks…
4   WookieMan   2022 May 4, 6:21am  

Shaman says

But California is talking about actually paying for women from other states to come here for abortions. So the abortion stats could actually rise here! Devious fucks…

Same here in IL. We're theoretically easier to access from neighboring states that would reduce or ban abortion. Major airport. It will legit become an industry. I dislike abortion, but there's big money to be made. IL will be dumping a larger amount of babies into the river than CA above their average. IL will be #1 as we're centrally located and within 6-10 hours drive from 20 states roughly that generally frown upon abortion. Though Biden's oil bullshit would make it harder with gas prices/jet fuel.

I have a vague understanding of the process, but it's one I really don't care to know about. But you need to start thinking about what industry/business can benefit from this potential decision. I'm drawing a blank right now as far as stock investment, but someone is going to make bank from this somehow. It's an awful topic, but there's money to be made somewhere. Top of mind is who's the largest distributor of birth control? I could see a price rise for the product and a 10-20% increase in purchases as an example. Women will start to realize in certain states it will cost me $3-4k to get an abortion, so BC prevents that before even getting pregnant.

Fuck. I need to get the vasectomy done.... ugh... I ain't having babies at 40.
5   RC2006   2022 May 4, 7:22am  

Death for the innocent, but give life/pass for murders, pedos, criminals, and the irredeemable.

Fuck lib logic.
6   Shaman   2022 May 4, 9:01am  

My youngest is nine. And I’m just surprised at the warmth I feel towards babies and small children I see. It’s like, despite my first hand knowledge of all the pain and struggle involved with babies, I want to have another one. But those days are over, at least until and unless my kids start having kids.
Enjoy your kids while they last.
7   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 May 4, 9:09am  

I can see the logic behind the women most likely to get abortions also most likely took the shot. But I'd say the more likely reason is to distract from another Pfizer dump.
8   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 May 4, 9:37am  

NuttBoxer says

I can see the logic behind the women most likely to get abortions also most likely took the shot. But I'd say the more likely reason is to distract from another Pfizer dump.

Election year stunt, Democrats aren’t excited to go vote, so they are trying to stir drama to get voter turn out. BLM shit was same thing in 2020.
9   Patrick   2022 May 4, 1:22pm  

Yes, I do suspect that both the judgement to obey states' right and the leak thereof were both arranged because of midterms.
10   Onvacation   2022 May 4, 2:35pm  

Patrick says

Yes, I do suspect that both the judgement to obey states' right and the leak thereof were both arranged because of midterms.

Or distract from Russia Russia Ukraine.
11   AmericanKulak   2022 May 4, 3:07pm  

Big shit from Wolf on Bannon today about pregnant women in the jab. Apparently they gave a few of them the real deal instead of a placebo, then "lost track" of them.
12   Blue   2022 May 4, 3:15pm  

Nice try. Who cares about this junk when the economy is shrinking, inflation is in double digits, boarders are wide open and forcing everyone to get dangerous jab. Now you got crazy secretary of truth.
14   PeopleUnited   2022 May 4, 8:14pm  

WookieMan says
Every woman I know that's told me they had an abortion is generally not a good person.

Yeah it takes a cruel, selfish and/or misinformed idiot to kill their own child. We all make mistakes, so I’m willing to forgive anyone who regrets their mistake, but adoption is the answer unless for some rare reason the mother’s life is in critical danger.
15   Ceffer   2022 May 5, 1:26am  

Guess it depends on how many actually got the vax. Because the Globalist wannabe genociders have been so intent on preserving their thicket of lies, they don't really know either how many are actually vaxxed, but I would bet not as many as they lie about for publicity purposes and certainly not nearly as many as they want.

My wife and I were talking that all the health and wholistic/holistic superannuated hippies and Costal EliteFucks tend to be anti-vax even before fake Covid, and there has been revealed to be a rather massive instance of holistic shamans offering fake vax cards AND various and sundry Covid 'cures', all in one sales package.

Data analysts like Clif High seem to think the percentage of actual vaccine penetration has been about 30 percent, even in liberal enclaves who will lemming like commit suicide for the absurd belief systems fed to them by the KommieKunts.
16   clambo   2022 May 5, 6:13am  

The Democrats have always used "abortion rights" and "racism" to try to get their losers to go vote when they're busy watching Maury or Oprah.
Democrats also use social security being cut as another bullshit issue to get the geezer vote out.
The loudest females yelling about abortion are those who are past reproductive age and are spinsters; I got some of them in my college days and I see them on Facebook.
I'm amazed how a hottie at 21 is a hag in her 60's, oh man.
"How's so and so these days?" "Oh, she's hagged out."

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