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Future predictions are about a blind man feeling one part of the elephant and making sweeping generalizations, then usually some kind of sales pitch.
Eric Holder says
What's his track record on the predictions he made in the past?
Pretty damn good. He called out the Ukraine war to the year.
Future predictions are about a blind man feeling one part of the elephant and making sweeping generalizations, then usually some kind of sales pitch.
Look the fish situation is easy and relatively cheap to fix. Just sprinkle a few hundred tons of iron dust into the oceans. That causes a plankton bloom which creates excess fish food which drives them to reproduce like mad. Do that several times and you’ve replenished the ocean’s fish stocks, as well as sucking a significant amount of CO2 from the atmosphere… if that matters.
A billion bucks would get this done.
Shaman says
Look the fish situation is easy and relatively cheap to fix. Just sprinkle a few hundred tons of iron dust into the oceans. That causes a plankton bloom which creates excess fish food which drives them to reproduce like mad. Do that several times and you’ve replenished the ocean’s fish stocks, as well as sucking a significant amount of CO2 from the atmosphere… if that matters.
A billion bucks would get this done.
Thank you for the very good post Shaman. That is true as phytoplanktown consumes carbon dioxide and also iron as part of photosynthesis.
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