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Fed's Williams says Fed needs more rate rises to cool inflation
There is always new money out there looking for a place to be invested.
Mortgage-Qualifying Rate in Canada May Top 8% After Latest Central Bank Hike
Inflation varies widely between places. It should be 10% in the silly con valley for the last few years. In 3y, 1.1^3=33% and double in 7y unless there is a lot of productivity to offset. Cash is trash as long as (massive) QE is on in various forms including bank bailouts.
ad says
12 month inflation or CPI is 5%
That explicitly omits rents and fuel.
That explicitly omits rents and fuel.
I believe you may be thinking of the core CPI which omits food and energy.
True, but it is that core CPI that went up over 5%.
Interest rates need to be 12%, that would put an end to $35,000 starter cars with 72 month payment schedules. .
Problem is if they were able to sell them at that price, they'll keep trying.... and so will the buyers
up another .25%
Grab some 13 week and 6 month US Treasuries and sit back and collect 5%/year, risk free.
$1 million invested means $50,000 in passive annual income, not bad for sitting on your ass, downing Margaritas, and munching on carnitas tacos.
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"Historically, the US central bank has avoided surprising markets – say, by going 75bp when it is not priced in," Barclays economists led by Jonathan Millar said in a note to clients published Friday.
"But next week, we feel, is likely to be an exception."