Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   82,988 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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358   Onvacation   2023 Dec 16, 10:47am  


What exactly is being "repeated"?

Corrupt oligarchs profiting from foreign wars while the people on both sides suffer.

I can't, in good conscience, support either side.

No. There were no Russia when Kyiv was established ~1500 years ago.

True, but Russia was established from Kiev.

“And Oleg sat down, ruling, in Kiev, and Oleg said: ‘Let it be a mother of Russian cities’”. This is how the oldest chronicle, The Tale of Past Years, described how Prince Oleg, one of the first rulers of ancient Rus’, made the decision to designate Kiev as the capital city of the recently established state of Eastern Slavic tribes in the late 9th century.

Oleg came from the north, from Novgorod, where the Eastern Slavs’ statehood originated. Having captured Kiev, Oleg united the two population centers that formed what chroniclers would later call Rus’ (the term “Kievan Rus” was coined by historians only in the 19th century). The people who lived there were called Rus(s)kie (the same as what contemporary Russians are referred to as today). The word “Russkie” and derivatives of it were used for centuries to designate those living in the territory of former ancient Rus’ – meaning, not exclusively ethnic Russians.

Historians and those in charge of ideology in the Soviet Union were quite sensitive to the feelings of various ethnic groups. However, Rus’ and Russkie did seem to pose a problem, as the notions were not directly connected to modern Russians. The official historical account that was included in textbooks asserted that Kievan Rus’ was the first state of Eastern Slavs and the cradle of the so-called “ancient Russian ethnos”. Later, in the modern era, this old super-ethnos gave birth to contemporary Russians, Ukrainians and Byelorussians.

359   Onvacation   2023 Dec 16, 10:49am  


PS. Here's a good short summary of the last conquest: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gwuu7TXPwI

Summary from your video.
Ukraine was right in the center of the violent chaos following the Russian Revolution 1917. After declaring independence the Ukrainian People's Republic was invaded multiple times as the Russian Civil War, the Polish-Soviet War, the Ukrainian-Polish War and the Soviet-Ukrainian War all raged across the country. The Communist victory in the Russian Civil War meant that the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic became a founding member of the USSR.

Ukraine has changed hands many times. What business is it of the USA?
360   AD   2023 Dec 16, 1:54pm  

Onvacation says

Ukraine has changed hands many times. What business is it of the USA?

Vast majority of Ukraine citizens do not want to be under the thumb of the Kremlin. Donbas region is the only region that is the most pro Kremlin.

They saw firsthand how the Kremlin operates just recently such as with its invasion f the towns east of Kiev.

361   Misc   2023 Dec 17, 10:38pm  

ad says

Onvacation says

Ukraine has changed hands many times. What business is it of the USA?

Vast majority of Ukraine citizens do not want to be under the thumb of the Kremlin. Donbas region is the only region that is the most pro Kremlin.

They saw firsthand how the Kremlin operates just recently such as with its invasion f the towns east of Kiev.


Do you think for an instant that Zelensky would win an election in the Ukraine against anyone promoting peace with Russia???
362   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 17, 10:44pm  

Misc says

Do you think for an instant that Zelensky would win an election in the Ukraine against anyone promoting peace with Russia

What elections?
363   AD   2023 Dec 17, 11:00pm  

Misc says

Do you think for an instant that Zelensky would win an election in the Ukraine against anyone promoting peace with Russia???

I think perhaps 30% of Ukraine was at least somewhat favorable toward the Kremlin before the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022.

My current estimate is that perhaps no more than 15% of the Ukrainian population is at at least somewhat favorable toward the Kremlin.

I'm not sure about Ukraine having elections in 2024: https://www.kyivpost.com/post/23427

364   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Dec 21, 6:06am  

I give a 50-50 chance that Blow Job Bill's name will be swapped our for Donald Trump's on the list of Epstein's clients.
365   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 29, 9:36am  

This CBS talking head predicts a false flag or other some sort of black swan in 2024.

366   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 29, 10:48am  

Whitney Webb has gone into a lot more detail about the apparently planned black swan(s) in 2024. Great investigative reporter I highly recommend checking her out.
367   Patrick   2024 Jan 2, 4:40pm  


January 3 - Kamala becomes President after Biden passes away peacefully in his sleep underneath her pillow

January 4 - Biden revealed to only be mostly dead, regains Presidency

January 6 - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dies again

January 9 - David French publishes revolutionary op-ed "The Conservative Case For Only Supporting Progressive Causes"

January 23 - Streaming services all band together to provide content bundled for $180/month, finally letting you get rid of cable

February 12 - Los Angeles Dodgers sign all baseball players in existence, including the reanimated corpses of Babe Ruth, Shoeless Joe Jackson, and Ty Cobb

February 23 - Ozempic revealed to give patients a taste for human flesh, thus ushering in the zombie apocalypse

February 28 - The population of Mexico reaches 0 as everyone crosses the border into the U.S.

March 1 - Americans begin migrating to now-empty Mexico in search of a better life

March 2 - Trump asks Ron DeSantis to be his running mate

March 3 - Trump tells DeSantis "SIKE!"

March 31 - Elon Musk fathers 73rd child

April 1 - Biden announces plans to cut government spending, stop funding foreign wars, and secure our own border

April 15 - Nothing of note happens

April 19 - AOC posts something really dumb on X

April 20 - Joel Osteen posts something really dumb on X

May 4 - Disney announces all-female Star Wars remake featuring Brie Larson as Luke Skywalker and Lizzo as Obi-Wan Kenobi

May 5 - Disney stock price reaches all-time low, Disney execs baffled

May 7 - Obama comes out as even gayer

May 8 - To raise campaign funds Chris Christie joins OnlyFans

May 19 - Pfizer accidentally announces vaccine for new COVID variant that hasn't been released yet

May 20 - Pfizer announces new COVID variant

June 5 - Trump announces that he has destroyed Hillary Clinton's final Horcrux

June 7 - Newsom raises fast food worker minimum wage to $1000 an hour

June 8 - McDonald's raises Big Mac price to $1000

July 4 - True Americans fire rockets into the sky and barbecue dead animals, giving some a sliver of hope that we might just survive all this

July 9 - Camper full of meth with license plate HUNTER found on White House lawn, Secret Service unable to identify owner

July 31 - Global warming causes warm temperatures for 3 months for some reason

August 1 - After floods, earthquakes, mudslides, and droughts fail, God sends asteroid to destroy California

August 2 - Steve in Des Moines, Iowa, eats a delicious breakfast burrito and all is well in the world for just a few hours

August 3 - Steve suffers consequences of eating a breakfast burrito made in Iowa

August 22 - Massive protests erupt over manufactured controversy to give Democrats steam going into election

September 2 - Valve Software finally releases long-awaited Half-Life 3, but it's a mobile game with microtransactions

September 8 - Lizzo eats 3 more backup dancers

September 27 - Final kid in America becomes transgender, everyone begins detransitioning since now that's rebellious and cool

September 30 - Aiden of Toledo, Ohio finds a really cool stick in the woods

October 4 - 162-win Dodgers eliminated from playoffs in first round by 83-win Padres

November 1 - San Diego Padres win first-ever World Series (writer of this list is just saying stuff he wants to happen at this point)

November 4 - New pandemic, cyberattack, land war, George Floyd 2.0, global famine, alien invasion, civil war begins

November 5 - Trump wins election in a historic landslide victory of 128 million votes

November 6 - Trump preemptively impeached on 52 different counts

November 7 - Biden declared the winner of the election after 127 million mail-in votes arrived overnight

November 28 - Biden admin announces that the cost of Thanksgiving dinner has never been lower at $9,628,000 per household

December 1 - Your wife completes all the Christmas shopping for you, the kids, everyone you know, and herself

December 6 - Southern California man Kyle wins trivia night at a pub and basks in eternal glory

December 23 - You wonder if you should get your wife something for Christmas

December 25 - Google updates their Google Doodle to recognize the historic birth of a genderqueer lesbian artist woman of color

December 26 - Your wife isn't talking to you for some reason

December 31 - Despite extensive research efforts, there are still only 2 genders. Weird!
368   Patrick   2024 Jan 2, 4:57pm  


I’m already liking 2024. Consequence is itching to return to the American scene. Somewhere around 2016, cause and effect got a divorce. After that, things just happened or unhappened with no further orders of effect, like some brute existence without purpose, meaning, or even awareness, except for the feeling of the lash on your back. ...

We are waking to the stupefying criminality of public life, to the immersive obvious bullshit of people in charge who don’t deserve your respect or compliance. How they got into these positions is only another feature of that totalistic criminality. What was hidden in plain sight will be revealed to those suffering mere hysterical blindness.

It was fitting that the last extravagant political act of ’23 was Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows chucking Mr. Trump off the ballot there because. . . she felt like it. To save our democracy, you understand. That might be the terminal absurdity of the derangement we are leaving behind, the signature for much that has gone down in this country the past three years: women on the verge of a nervous breakdown throwing the crockery of law around the room at Daddy.

All this accomplishes, of course, is to disgrace authority in general and to turn America into one big broken home, making us a population of frightened runaways clinging desperately to a few square feet of ground, alone under the freeway ramp in the rain. That is no way to live. The way to live is to make yourself useful to your fellow humans and to get paid for it, and to find some joy and meaning in that human fellowship based on fair, consensual transactions — a pretty simple formula that has been supplanted by the evil idea that life is nothing but a shakedown.

The election of 2024, whether it is actually allowed to happen or not, will probably commence the extinction of the DC blob. This entity has made itself malignantly inimical to the proper functioning of self-governing people, and everybody knows it. The blob will die of irrelevance and impotence as the “trust horizon” devolves downward and we are thrust back into the awesome task of reconstructing our local communities. There is so much to do.

I keep hearing figures in the public arena say they have a creepy feeling that something big is going to happen. Well, sure, something’s got to give. So much hyper-complexity has been heaped onto the apparatus of shakedown that just about nothing works in America anymore. The Internet is obviously a major part of that. We’ve allowed digital magic to invade every scrap of territory in our daily doings, to the degree that there is no longer enough for humans to do — but, alas, digital magic is only a pale simulacrum of real human magic. The virtual is not an adequate substitute for the authentic. Why do you think there are so many people barely alive in a haze of opiate drugs splayed on the sidewalks of San Francisco, the epicenter of Internet wealth and power?

The “something big” could well be the Web-down crisis that is nervously tweeted about. If it went on for more than couple of weeks, most everything we depend on would cease to work, from food supplies to clean water to communications to what has been lately operating as “money.” That would be a clarifying interlude for sure. Among the few things that would still work in the event of a massive attack on the Internet are human brains, human bodies, and firearms. That combo could be as much a recipe for order as for chaos. I believe in the fairly short term, most of us would opt for order. As far as I’m concerned, there’s already been enough chaos, just about every bit of it unnecessary.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 2024 is on. It’s the time many of us have been waiting for. We’re in it. Stay alert. Make the right choices. Exercise situational awareness. Get ready to walk with consequence. It’s here, and it’s not “queer.”
370   Eric Holder   2024 Jan 18, 8:07am  

UkraineIsFucked says

Misc says

Do you think for an instant that Zelensky would win an election in the Ukraine against anyone promoting peace with Russia

What elections?

Elections are explicitly prohibited by law during wartime. So not likely.
371   Eric Holder   2024 Jan 18, 8:08am  

Misc says

Do you think for an instant that Zelensky would win an election in the Ukraine against anyone promoting peace with Russia???

Zelensky WAS the candidate who won in 2019 on promoting peace with the USSR against an incumbent who was running on building up native defense industry (especially ramping up missile production) and further increasing military spending. The Kremlin cunts were pleased with his victory and cheered his opponent's loss. He started de-mining along the frontlines, pulling troops back, prohibited even responding to incoming fire, stopped all indigenous missile development and instead splurged on roads, parks and such. Dreamed about hosting fucking Olympic games, believe it or not. The idiot thought that if he demilitarized and projected weak image he'll be given Dumb Ass and Crimea back. Then another weak idiot came to power in the USA and Kremling Bellend & Co. smelled blood in the water and pounced. The rest is history.

Si vis pacem para bellum is the only formula that works.
372   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jan 18, 8:46am  

Eric Holder says

Elections are explicitly prohibited by law during wartime. So not likely.

No. The Ukrainian constitution ALLOWS for the legislature to delay elections. It does not require it

That's all.
373   richwicks   2024 Jan 22, 12:57pm  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

Israel will take over the West bank in time, then probably Gaza then expand into Syria. That's been the 70 year course. Who cares about what is morally right or wrong? The US and Israel nor the world at large don't, not in the slightest. They might PRETEND to, but they don't. It's all virtue signalling nonsense.

Right, Israel unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza a decade ago and the total lack of free elections there is a sign Israel is planning to take over.

They are taking over Gaza now, or attempting to. I didn't expect them to make the attempt this soon though. I expected in within a decade or so from when I made that prediction.

I will bet 100,000 Palestinians are killed in this current conflict. That's 5% of the population. More than 1% of them are dead now. I expect 1/2 the deaths will be due to starvation.
374   richwicks   2024 Jan 22, 1:14pm  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

It won't be long before the Ukraine war is forgotten, although I predict that will go on for at least 1/2 decade

What a juicy morsel for the predictions thread.

Hey @"Eric Holder" - did I win the giant teddy bear prize yet? My prediction wasn't too hard to make, it's been the same exact pattern for 20 years with the Neocunts running US foreign policy and destroying the nation as Americans are completely asleep at the wheel.

I know it's only 1 year and 10 months in, only 3 years and 2 months to go. Hardly any mention of Ukraine now in "news" - see for yourself.


The US starts a war, it's all the rage in "news" for a bit, then it goes on for YEARS and people just forget there's even a war.
Happened with Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Our "news" didn't even bother to report on our bombing of Yemen and Somalia.

And don't think the US isn't in this war directly either. Plenty of "advisors" there, you know, mercenaries, murderers for hire that have no loyalty to the nation and kill without cause other than a paycheck. Be all you can be..
375   richwicks   2024 Jan 22, 2:59pm  

Eric Holder says

He started de-mining along the frontlines, pulling troops back, prohibited even responding to incoming fire, stopped all indigenous missile development and instead splurged on roads, parks and such. Dreamed about hosting fucking Olympic games, believe it or not. The idiot thought that if he demilitarized and projected weak image he'll be given Dumb Ass and Crimea back. Then another weak idiot came to power in the USA and Kremling Bellend & Co. smelled blood in the water and pounced. The rest is history.

original link

THAT is why there is a war between Russia and Ukraine. Zelenskyy didn't stop bombing Eastern Ukraine so finally Russia got directly involved. You can claim that Russia would have gone into Ukraine even if the Minsk Accords WERE followed, but we'll never know, because Zelenskyy kept bombing Eastern Ukraine throughout.
376   Patrick   2024 Feb 3, 10:24am  


Before Trump became Orange Man Bad™ and Worse than Hitler™ the mainstream lefties in New York liked him.

In 2015, before they saw him as a real threat, he was on the late-night shows and even hosted SNL ... where he participated in this skit that accidentally foretold the future.

This. Is. Amazing.

The details of the skit are perfect. There's the silly Trump stuff about swimming pools at the White House and mirrored gold plating on the Washington Monument. But then there's the stuff that actually DID happen under Trump.

Some of the jokes are now sad, considering what they took from us.

Here are some of the prophecies:

Actor: Halfway through your first term and prosperity is at an all-time high. In two years you really made America great again ...

Trump: General how are we doing in Syria?

Actor: Well, ISIS is completely eliminated, sir. The country is at peace, all the refugees have returned. And they have great jobs as blackjack dealers at the Trump Hotel and Casino in Damascus ...

Trump: Madam Secretary, how is the situation in Russia?

Actor: Never better. After your face to face meeting Putin has withdrawn from Ukraine. Believe me, he does not want to be called a loser again. He cried for hours.

Trump: Well, I'm sorry. I just had to do that.

Trump: Jimmy, how's the economy?

Actor: Amazing sir! In the words of our new national anthem, it's 'YUGE!' After your tough negotiations with China, you are KILLING them on trade. They're now borrowing money from us. I have no idea how you did it, sir!

Trump: Well you know what, I don't have to get specific. With me, it just works. It's just magic. It's always been that way my whole life.


This sketch aged amazingly. It went from funny, to Simpsons-level prophecy, to tragedy in the span of 9 years.

Actor: Mr. President, we have a problem! It's the American people, sir! They're just sick of winning! They're winning so much, it's just too great sir.

Trump: Look, I know how they feel, it's exhausting. But really, that is the price you have to pay. Winning is tough. It's not that easy.

[Turns towards audience]

If you think that's how it's going to be when I'm president, you're wrong. It's going to be EVEN BETTER! I said to the writer's of this sketch, 'Keep it modest, okay? It's better to start with low expectations. That way you have nowhere to go but up!'

They were right!

The economy grew, we were beating China, Russia wasn't a problem, the Middle East was peaceful, and illegal immigration dropped to record lows.

It was, for three years, SO MUCH better than anyone imagined.

And then it was taken from us!
377   RWSGFY   2024 May 28, 10:25am  

Ceffer says

I'll take my Q medium rare.

Will watch this one.
378   RWSGFY   2024 May 28, 10:31am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Eric Holder says

Elections are explicitly prohibited by law during wartime. So not likely.

No. The Ukrainian constitution ALLOWS for the legislature to delay elections. It does not require it

That's all.

Bullshit. The law says basically "no elections during martial law times" which is what they have because of war.


About the legal regime of martial law
(Vodomosti Verkhovna Rada (VVR), 2015, No. 28, Article 250)

Article 19. Guarantees of legality in the conditions of martial law
1. In the conditions of martial law, the following are prohibited:
changing the Constitution of Ukraine;
amendment of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
conducting elections for the President of Ukraine, as well as elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies;
conducting all-Ukrainian and local referenda;
conducting strikes, mass meetings and actions.


Open and shut.
379   HeadSet   2024 May 28, 12:39pm  


1. In the conditions of martial law, the following are prohibited:
changing the Constitution of Ukraine;
amendment of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
conducting elections for the President of Ukraine

Was this by any chance added in 2014 or 2019? If so, that would be like the CDC changing the definition of a vaccine so that the new definition can include the Covid shot.
380   Onvacation   2024 Jun 4, 10:21am  

Eric Holder says

Elections are explicitly prohibited by law during wartime. So not likely.

Didn't Zelensky make that law?
381   RWSGFY   2024 Jun 11, 10:28am  

HeadSet says


1. In the conditions of martial law, the following are prohibited:
changing the Constitution of Ukraine;
amendment of the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
conducting elections for the President of Ukraine

Was this by any chance added in 2014 or 2019?

No. The dates of all changes are visible on the website.

PS. Thanks to goolag translate we can now read all kinds of stuff we weren't able 20 years ago. So the fucking thing is useful for something after all.
382   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 10:44am  

Never happened.


I wonder how many people are still sitting in all cash because of "professional" predictions like that...
383   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 10:50am  

Onvacation says

Ukraine has changed hands many times. What business is it of the USA?

US took their nukes, strategic bombers, cruise missiles, ICBMs and stockpiles of enriched Plutonium and Uranium in exchange for assurances of sovereignty and territorial integrity back in 1994. We wanted that nuclear non-proliferation and this is the price we're paying for it. I can't believe you don't know that. Are you playing richwicks here? That guy is still looking for the Nord Stream pipeline in the Black Sea.... Don't be like richwicks. It's unbecoming.

Back to predictions. Do you have any to make?
384   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:03am  

Onvacation says

Eric Holder says

Elections are explicitly prohibited by law during wartime. So not likely.

Didn't Zelensky make that law?

No. It was made well before his time. And, like here, there presidents don't make laws - it's the job of the parliament.

PS. Their constitution has many such failsafes to prevent state being subverted to the external threat. One of them is the mechanism of legally changing the borders, which, in a nutshell, makes any territoriall concessions under the threat of force legally impossible.
385   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:10am  

richwicks says

Hey "Eric Holder" - did I win the giant teddy bear prize yet?

Not even close. Nothing is fogotten. The fact that people still trying to bring Ukraine into any thread is the best proof.
386   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:12am  

Eric Holder says

PS. The idea for this thread was to keep in clean with predictions and links to predictions only. Otherwise it will drown in the usual noise.

And it went off-rails of course. Anyone predicted that?
387   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:14am  

Bd6r says

I thought you have been on Patnet for a while...what is the chance of a clean thread.

"Contra spem spero"
388   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:15am  

Patrick says

Hunter Biden will die in unclear circumstances when the FBI gets rid of him to protect themselves.

Found guilty on 3 criminal charges but still alive an kicking.
389   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:16am  


Here a "as good as Cuntsler (who?) guy" predicts European starving and freezing to death this winter (2022-2023): https://patrick.net/post/1345718/2022-06-17-one-of-kunstler-s-best?start=6#comment-1877701

Have I mocked mercilessly this one? Even if I did, it's worth doing again.
390   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:20am  

1337irr says

AMRS to $20 in 24 months.

391   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:22am  

Misc says

California's sales tax rate goes to 15% or higher in 2023.

392   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:25am  


Nukes! Nukes!


Not only Pukin is now absorbing strikes on the "new territories" he's taking it up the ass inside USSR proper with refineries, stragic airfields, early warning radars and MIC factories going up in smoke.

Marking this one busted.
393   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:26am  

apex says

Eric Holder says

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

I predict that this thread is a trap, and Eric Holder will mock you later and damage
your credibility when your predictions don't turn out to be 100% true.

Please come to the booth to collect your giant teddy bear.
394   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 11, 11:52am  

Another one to watch:

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says


He'll serve about 5 months at Club Fed, then daddy will pardon him right after the election.
395   HeadSet   2024 Jun 11, 12:38pm  

I predict Hunter will serve NO jail time, as he is a "first time and non-violent offender."
396   socal2   2024 Jun 11, 12:47pm  

HeadSet says

I predict Hunter will serve NO jail time, as he is a "first time and non-violent offender."

I predict they will give Hunter a few months jail time so they can justify giving Trump jail time on the New York case.
397   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jun 11, 6:11pm  

Eric Holder says

I wonder how many people are still sitting in all cash because of "professional" predictions like that...

What do you call the current state of things? I call it fucked, and if you started stocking up on silver and gold two years ago, you'd be doing very well right now...

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