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don’t know what it means, but maybe russia is running out of ammo? its on cnn, so could be false.
Ukraine wouldn't be at war if they didn't elect a Zionist traitor.
Just say "Jew".
The only public remarks I could find was that Zelensky made were comparing Israel, restored from the ages,
Ukraine wouldn't be at war if they didn't elect a Zionist traitor. How many Ukrainians want this stupid war?
Zionism is ancient, and that's more complex than I currently understand, but I do fully understand it's current incarnation. At the top levels, it's basically a mafia. They hire only within their ingroup which is why you don't see any anti-Zionist Jews in power in government, or even industry.
A Zionist is nothing more than a Jewishsupremacist.
richwicks says
Ukraine wouldn't be at war if they didn't elect a Zionist traitor. How many Ukrainians want this stupid war?
I'd wager far more Ukrainians are willing to fight and defend their country from Putin's "stupid war" than there are Russians willing to drop everything and go get killed or grievously maimed trying to grab land from their next door neighbor.
And the Palestinians are Arab Supremacists.
They were fine as part of a greater Caliphate, which is what the Grand Mufti of Jersualem first wanted. And they were fine under Egyptians (gaza) or Jordan (Judea/Samaria aka the neologism "West Bank"). They had no desire to be independent so long as they had fellow Arab rule.
Poland was a vassal state of the USSR for almost 50 years.
The KKK is complex too, just as Zionism is. The KKK started as a lose confederation in the south to protect people from carpetbaggers from the North that raided plantations and stole property. They started out as being a militia group against bands of thugs from the North and over time, the only thing that remained of them, was the ugliness of their movement. Now, they're just FIB. The KKK no longer exists, and really, good riddance.
Yes, the part of Poland that was not outright annexed by the USSR. And before that, Poland was an independent country only between WW1 and WW2. Prior to WW1, "Poland" was completely engulfed by the German and Russian empires.
The KKK in the North also tried to stop the Boss System, where Democrats used minorities, to pack corrupt City Governments and rewarded loyal mostly Catholic Immigrant (First Irish, Later Italian) supporters with big jobs. That's why Frank Trump was a member, a Protestant trying to remove Catholic-Democrat Tammany influence in the city and not having to pay the machine.
Palestinians are not well accepted in the rest of the Arab world, that's part of their dilemma. Those that could leave decades ago, did. What we see today are the fanatics who are willing to fight a lost cause, and those that simply cannot escape. They're fucked.
In time, I expect Israel to complete take over the West Bank. What happens to the Palestinians there I don't know. Killed, put onto reservations, just driven out, I don't know. When they're done with that, I expect Gaza to be retaken.
Israel says, officially, they want a "two state solution" TO THE WEST. In Israel they say there will never be a two state solution, and that's the truth. If Israel wanted a two state solution, they could have one tomorrow. They could simply declare their borders, and whatever is left, that's "Palestine". They don't need to negotiate, they have the military might to do it right now. They've had this ability for decades.
Palestinians are basically done for, the reason they are not liked is:
1. Attempt to take over Jordan (Black September)
2. Celebrated Saddam, who was a threat to Kuwait and later Saudi Arabia.
3. Participated in the Iranian Revolution (various factions love or hate them there, not sure of the exact details)
4. Helped kick off the Lebanese Civil War (when they were exiled by King Hussein after Black September)
5. Are general Schnorrers (Give us Monies! We fight the Zios! Good Arabs give fellow Arabstinians monies!)
7. Rich Palestinians are a nuisance in the Gulf (Why are you living in a penthouse on your water bottle wealth, not fixing the water treatment plant in Gaza, or not back in Ramallah attacking Zionists?)
8. Famous for Terrorism, which smears all Arabs.
9. Most Palestinians are firm Socialists.
10. Most Palestinians are quite Secular - too much for more traditional or moderate Arabs.
The only thing I appreciate about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict today is that it opened up my eyes to the gross hypocrisy and dishonesty of the United States. When I was 20, and FAR stupider than I am now, I actually believed the US had principles. Ohhh, to be naive again. I do resent being systematically propagandized for 20 years, and the next 10 years sucked as I spent that time trying to figure out if ANYTHING in "news" was unbiased or truthful. Then it was another 10 years feeling I might be nuts because I could see our media as complete propaganda but hardly anybody else around me could, and even when I did find the rarity, I suspected they were just humoring me.
richwicks says
Zionism is ancient, and that's more complex than I currently understand, but I do fully understand it's current incarnation. At the top levels, it's basically a mafia. They hire only within their ingroup which is why you don't see any anti-Zionist Jews in power in government, or even industry.
It's a nationalist movement.
A Cold War conspiracy theory was "The Jews are all in league with the USSR"
Well Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were. They were executed on June 19th. Happy Juneteenth day, because they WERE guilty. KGB archives from after the collapse of the USSR proves it, but this didn't stop their kids from still championing their (fake) innocence.
Karl Marx was Jewish
cisTits says
Finland is a Nazi state like Ukraine:
Sanna Marin
Bakhmut has already all but fallen. Tens of thousands of Ukeys were thrown into that meat grinder for nothing.
richwicks says
Karl Marx was Jewish
Karl Marx was NOT Jewish by religion.
It is a racial group, not a religious group. Karl Marx was just simply a racial bigot.
All wars do is kill our strongest men, it's suicidal to every nation.
As long as Western Europe can keep their shit together this war could stabilize that entire part of the globe for 50 years. If China and Taiwan issue calms itself,
All the US does is destabilize places, including the US. Our government sucks.
Where did I dispute that? That is the point of what we're doing over there. Never said I liked it. I'm telling you the strategy and reasoning
We need Elon Musk to send Cosmonauts to the space station at this point and other engineers to run their oil and gas fields.
And if we didn't do stuff like this, others would to us
Remember Trump dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb (MOAB) in Afghanistan. It wasn't necessary because we didn't need to be there yet he still kept it going.
I suppose if you want Russian troops in Omaha Nebraska with tanks and planes call me stupid then.
WookieMan says
I suppose if you want Russian troops in Omaha Nebraska with tanks and planes call me stupid then
WTF 2.0
Your gaslighting is getting just plain sloppy now.
richwicks says
It may be a "leak" that's still underplaying the calamity and trying to assign blame for the failure of Ukraine which is (in my opinion) inevitable.
Oh definitely. Doesn't mean they are false, tho.
At the end of this, the number of dead and causalities on the Ukrainian side I expect to be VASTLY underestimated. I don't think Ukraine has a military anymore to speak of, I think most of them are dead, and they will soon be replaced by EU mercenaries, and THEY will die.
If you want to see how Ukraine is winning, and Russia, Russia, Russia is running away like a scalded dog, watch CNN.
I just have to look at the battle maps to KNOW that Russia is not achieving their stated goals from over a year ago.
What are Russia's stated goals?
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