Can anyone find some Democrats willing to debate on patrick.net?

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2022 Nov 10, 3:00pm   95,204 views  699 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I would like to have a very polite debate with some Democrats on patrick.net.

By polite, I mean refraining from attacking the person in either direction, but sticking to points of argument instead. So no "You are a (whatever)" will not be allowed. The only appropriate use of "you" will be "Here you said..."

I just ran into an old guy in a cafe who pointed in the newspaper to the governor results in California, which added up to 110%. I said, "well, that's California" and so he accused me of being an "election denier". I asked if he'd seen "2000 Mules" and he said he hadn't "because it's been debunked". Uh, it's the same people who committed the election fraud who are claiming that "2000 Mules" was debunked.

Nor had he heard what was on Hunter's laptop, since he watches only corporate news.

I think I might have made a dent in his wall of denial, and I'd like to try with others.

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102   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 1:08pm  

Patrick it does not seem odd to me at all. It was a very polarizing election and lots of people had strong opinions. No surprise turnout was high.

Again, I'm not going to deep dive into every anomaly someone highlights and create a detailed explanation. I don't really have responses to every claim. But what I am trying to say is that I am not persuaded by weak circumstantial evidence plus interpretations/allegations because there is a long history of 'smoke but no fire' on this topic.
103   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 11, 1:16pm  

lets be fair democrats don’t debate, just look at arizona chick. they can’t handle debates.
104   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 1:18pm  

DeficitHawk is a Democrat debating, so he's an existence proof of at least one.

But I agree that in general Democrats do not seem to be interested into digging into anything which might lead to an uncomfortable conclusion.
105   Bd6r   2022 Nov 11, 1:19pm  

mell says

Not really, this discussion is fairly easy. If you don't support changing the election from cheating banana republic style to in person, id-verified, ballot/paper supported elections only, you have lost the argument and support the cheating by the left. You can be left leaning without supporting the cheating by purposely obfuscating the election process.

Discussion here is about proving that Trump was screwed out of Presidency by election night shenanigans. Evidence is circumstantial yet (in my mind) compelling. Changing election process is a different issue and it seems that no one in zir right mind would oppose it unless they want to cheat, but opposing is not direct evidence of cheating again.

About vaxx and shutdowns there is plenty direct evidence.
106   mell   2022 Nov 11, 1:20pm  

Bd6r says

mell says

Not really, this discussion is fairly easy. If you don't support changing the election from cheating banana republic style to in person, id-verified, ballot/paper supported elections only, you have lost the argument and support the cheating by the left. You can be left leaning without supporting the cheating by purposely obfuscating the election process.

Discussion here is about proving that Trump was screwed out of Presidency by election night shenanigans. Evidence is circumstantial yet (in my mind) compelling. Changing election process is a different issue and it seems that no one in zir right mind would oppose it unless they want to cheat, but opposing is not direct evidence of cheating again.

About vaxx and shutdowns there is plenty direct evidence.

107   mell   2022 Nov 11, 1:22pm  

Patrick says

DeficitHawk is a Democrat debating, so he's an existence proof of at least one.

But I agree that in general Democrats do not seem to be interested into digging into anything which might lead to an uncomfortable conclusion.

I think it's a step in the right direction to have both sides debate. If one side does not want to dig into investigating something (maybe because it may unearth inconvenient truths), one can still move forward by making sure this situation does not repeat and agree on needed reforms, in this case, election reforms.
108   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 1:22pm  

OK, @DeficitHawk do you think it is acceptable to mandate the injection of drugs with no long-term safety data into healthy people?
109   Bd6r   2022 Nov 11, 1:41pm  

Patrick says

OK, @DeficitHawk do you think it is acceptable to mandate the injection of drugs with no long-term safety data into healthy people?

That is a loaded question.

My question would be: why do Democratic localities insisted on masking and business-killing and child development-retarding lockdowns when there was plenty scientific evidence that none of those help and are in fact harmful?
110   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 1:43pm  

Bd6r says

That is a loaded question.

I don't know how to get to the point more directly. It is the question I want to ask, because it is the essence of my complaint about mandates.
111   Bd6r   2022 Nov 11, 1:47pm  

Patrick says

I don't know how to get to the point more directly. It is the question I want to ask, because it is the essence of my complaint about mandates.

Problem is that your question contains a (negative) answer within itself so there is no room for discussion.

I do not think that anyone should be able to mandate injection of any drugs, even with extensive safety information, into adults.
112   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 2:04pm  

I agree that there should be no mandated injections of anything, ever.

@DeficitHawk Do you have any opinion about mandates?
113   EBGuy   2022 Nov 11, 2:04pm  

Patrick says

I want to see the reply of True The Vote

Well, they just got out of jail so that is good news.
Here's a video where they claim that when they put up their data, it got hacked by the Chinese actors and the servers were wiped. Ryan Grimm at Intercept/Rising took that to mean the data has vanished. I'm not so sure. I believe their website is open.ink that is supposed to host election data. Haven't seen any independent corroboration about mules and cell phone data.
See 9:38:50

original link
114   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 2:10pm  

Huh, that video won't play for me.
115   EBGuy   2022 Nov 11, 2:20pm  

Patrick says

Huh, that video won't play for me.

enable javascript for imasdk.googleapis.com (That usually gets the Rumble vids going for me).
116   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 2:22pm  

Patrick I think you are talking about vaccines.

If somebody wants to live in the boonies and not be vaccinated that's their business. But if they want to come to my house, they better not bring polio.

I think most people agree its ok for people not to be vaccinated if they are in a shack in the mountains, and aren't going to be mixing with people. And I think most people agree that a private house or club can set inclusion requirements like vaccine. Do we agree up to that point?

So really the controversy is things like schools and employers, where you don't technically have to be there if you don't want, but it is pretty impactful if you are excluded.

This is a judgement call honestly with a sliding scale for risk benefit, maturity and impact of both the disease and the vaccine. For example if we had a lot of smallpox, high death rate, high impact disease and a mature vaccine, I support applying such mandates as a requirement for attending schools and places that are controversial. Mist people will want that and the few who don't can be excluded from that setting.
On the other hand, if the disease impact is lower, or the efficacy and maturity of the vaccine is lower (like flu which has lower severity and lower efficacy of the vaccine) I don't support such mandates.

Your question is really about COVID. I got the vaccine. And I also got COVID (and lived) So I'd bin that with the lower severity less effective category and would not want to mandate the vaccine for schools. But again this is a sliding scale, and these decisions are always controversial. I do know someone who died of COVID, a co worker, and I do not agree with the characterization that it is a low risk disease... Just lower than smallpox and polio etc.

Patrick I have also seen some of your comments on this topic which I regard as over the top... Hanging people etc.... So while I actually agree with you on the point of mandates, I think your position is missing the nuance of risk benefit analysis and is pretty stark rhetoric.
117   PeopleUnited   2022 Nov 11, 2:53pm  

mell says

the only way forward is to adopt stringent voter id laws with in person id-verified voting with paper ballots only to prevent cheating in the future and restore trust in fair elections. The fact that democrats oppose this underscores they have been and are actively cheating.

118   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 2:57pm  

People united, how will this address the concerns Patrick raised in his chart above? If you believe that is fraud, how do ids at the voting booth fix that?

I don't really have a problem with ids at voting booths, but I think there is a reason why this is the item that t GOP folks focus on it, and that's because it comes with the side benefit of disproportionately excluding low income folks who don't drive... It's all in the margins either way.

But it won't fix the concerns Patrick raised even if you do it.
119   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 11, 3:00pm  

In 2020, Biden was a bumbling, stumbling fool with Dr. Jill's finger in his mouth. He couldn't even fill a high school gym for a campaign 'rally.' Kommiela Harris was even worse.
Her poll numbers prior to dropping out of the primary ended up below 3%. No one liked her. The Biden/Harris ticket was probably the worst in modern history.

Yet, we're asked to believe that Biden actually received 81 MILLION votes, almost 16 MILLION more votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016??

Sure he did.
120   clambo   2022 Nov 11, 3:06pm  

How come I walked to the polling place my whole life?

No ID is okay with me if they use facial recognition like US Customs and Border Patrol use now.

Vote fraud by mail is absurd.
Ballots should be paper and scanned.
121   FredH   2022 Nov 11, 3:21pm  

Patrick says

I'm anti deliberately-insulting speech.

If someone happens to be offended when you did not intend to offend them, that's their problem.

But if you're deliberately offending someone, then you're not debating at all, and in fact have just made it completely impossible to have a debate.

It is impossible not to offend a leftist when speaking the truth.
122   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 3:23pm  

RayAmerica, if your assertion is that it can not be true that people voted for biden because you don't like him, I'm sorry but you are wrong. You are extrapolating from a sample size of one. You may not be talking to the cross section of people who voted for him very often. But I voted for him.

If you cocoon yourself in an echo chamber, things outside of the echo chamber will seem absurd. But they aren't.
123   FredH   2022 Nov 11, 3:27pm  

Patrick says

DeficitHawk says

Maybe a secretary can be corrupt, sure... But not 50.

How about just the four swing states that determined the outcome? Still impossible?

And even then, the government officials do not have to be corrupt except to the extent of allowing drop box voting and voting software from China, eg:


The NYTimes? Paywall for garbage! Give us a break from obvious propaganda. No one said 50 Secstates were corrupt. If you are interested and are obviously not (bot programmer rules) here is some solid information. Also get a grip we are talking about election fraud not voter fraud.

124   PeopleUnited   2022 Nov 11, 3:37pm  

DeficitHawk says

how will this address the concerns Patrick raised in his chart above?

The concern that “election deniers” have is that the votes counted in several swing states might not be legit. For a vote to be legitimate it must be cast by the voter under their own will and volition, it must be securely handled in accordance with local election laws (most locales only allow family members to transport ballots and/or limit the number of ballots that can be transported by third parties ( other than postal carriers which are exempt from that particular rule). Also each voter only gets one vote, and dead people cannot vote.

Requiring in person voting with either ID or some other proof of residence which could be supported by a reliable witness who is also registered to vote would restore integrity to the system. Mailing ballots out to voters who DID NOT request the ballots (which happened in 2020 for the first time in American history to my knowledge) destroys any integrity or credibility to the votes counted in those jurisdictions. Furthermore and votes carried by vote mules who visited multiple drop sites in swing states also undermines any legitimacy of the vote totals in those jurisdictions. Ultimately it is the voters whose votes were nullified by malfeasance that were injured by the vote crimes. The voters would maybe have had standing with the Supreme Court. But to my knowledge no voters spent the time and money to investigate the fraud and hire lawyers to argue that they were disenfranchised.

But if there was transparency in the process, and adherence to one vote per voter verified by proof of identity at the polling site (could even be a neighbor vouching for a neighbor, in the past voting locations were more prevalent and staffed by people who knew you which is the way it should be) then I don’t think the fraud that we think happened would be possible.
125   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 3:47pm  

But peopleunited, no matter if you show ID and mail or in person or whatever, you still have to count the votes, either by humans with a ledger, or with counting machines. And then those counts have to get added and aggregated.

In the process of adding and aggregating, that's where the chart Patrick showed gets made. ID or no ID, mailed or in person, that lack of trust in the election officials to count and add remains.

All I'm saying is that the focus on voter id is sort of a red herring because it doesn't address the core mistrust, but I also think people hype it because of politically motivated fringe benefit.

I vote by mail every time. It's easier for me. I it's a paper ballot, but I can mail it or drop it off at my convenience. I know they received it. (I can't know with current system if they counted it right)

Like I said, I don't have a problem with voter id, I can go either way on that. BUT I am sensitive to the tactics used here by hyping that particular item even when it doesn't solve the underlying concerns, and the reason for it is politically motivated.
126   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 3:57pm  

I guess people united thinks people are printing or procuring extra ballots which they fill out and deposit.

Maybe be people are stealing them out of some grandma's mailbox and resubmitting them. Nit could happen. But I doubt this is a widespread occurrence, but you clearly think differently.
127   Onvacation   2022 Nov 11, 4:26pm  

DeficitHawk says

But I voted for him.

Why? Was it his promised policies like ending the fossil fuel industry? Or did you vote for Biden because you believed the propaganda that Hunter's laptop was Russian misinformation?

Did you vote against Trump and not for Biden at all?
128   PeopleUnited   2022 Nov 11, 4:29pm  

DeficitHawk says

I guess people united thinks people are printing or procuring extra ballots which they fill out and deposit.

Maybe be people are stealing them out of some grandma's mailbox and resubmitting them. Nit could happen. But I doubt this is a widespread occurrence, but you clearly think differently.

It seems that everything you just said were your words not mine.

There were many millions more votes counted in 2020. I believe that a lot of them were legitimate, but enough of them may have been fraudulent to make a difference in the outcome.

Additionally I believe that voting is a right, but ballots should not be spoon fed and mailed to your home (unless you go through the process of requesting and following the rules of absentee voting )

The underlying concern is that the votes that were counted are not an accurate accounting of legitimate legal votes.

But for me the concern is larger than that. The FBI colluded with Twitter, Facebook and big media to bury the Hunter laptop evidence that revealed the depravity and criminal actions of the Biden family right before the election. This alone could have changed the outcome by keeping voters ignorant of their crimes.
129   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 4:40pm  

I have a strong dislike of Trump due to the divisive and inflammatory nature of his rhetoric. I think it is counterproductive to the unity of our country, and not how a leader should behave. I don't try to call people names and humiliate them, and I want my leaders to be a better example than I am for discourse and consensus finding in the modern world.

Biden isn't the most inspiring candidate, I'll be honest.

Policy wise, I'm probably 60% agree with Biden and the left and 40% agree with Trump and the right... Or maybe I can say I most often wish there was an in-between policy. Funny I never thought trump's policies were that much more extreme than other republicans... But the divisiveness of rhetoric is a whole different level.

The election denier stuff sort of adds on top of my previous distaste for trump, because I think it is unamerican to promote the narrative he is promoting. I think he does not respect democracy unless he can be the winner. I don't think his narrative is true, and I don't think he thinks its true either. I have no proof of what he thinks honestly, but that is my summary judgement of his character based on his rhetoric.
130   ForcedTQ   2022 Nov 11, 4:50pm  

I think it needs to be said that our government structure is not a Democracy, and the continued bleating of “our Democracy” is something that we need to educate on. We have a Constitutional Republic, with representatives. The representatives being a democratic component, of the overall republic structure.
131   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 5:00pm  

ForcedTQ you are right, I was using democracy incorrectly. We are a republic. I really meant that we have a rules based, vote based representative system, and I don't think Mr trump respects it unless he gets to be the winner.

Of course if we did use straight up democratic vote for president, we'd be in Hillarys 2nd term right now. Hah!
132   mell   2022 Nov 11, 5:23pm  

DeficitHawk says

All I'm saying is that the focus on voter id is sort of a red herring because it doesn't address the core mistrust, but I also think people hype it because of politically motivated fringe benefit

That's not true. You can easily verify that your vote was counted correctly, there are plenty of ways to achieve that while maintaining a good enough level of anonymity. If you preserve all the ballots, audits are trivial. The main problem besides straight out rigging is ballot harvesting and submitting illegal/extra ballots, which is much easier to disguise and harder to prove than straight rigging. Voter ID will fix this. The same person cannot vote twice and has to be an eligible citizen in the first place. Easy. Done.
133   mell   2022 Nov 11, 5:29pm  

DeficitHawk says

I don't try to call people names and humiliate them, and I want my leaders to be a better example than I am for discourse and consensus finding in the modern world.

This is disingenuous imo and typical left playbook again. Is Trump brash, narcissistic and arrogant, a blowhard at times? Sure. But you'd rather be called a name by Trump without consequences than being called racist, ableist, anti transgenderist and all the fuck the left is deliberately calling people, and with the demand for consequences such as losing their business, job, career etc, and even codifying laws and punishment for made up bullshit such as 'hate speech'. In short you cannot complain rightfully about Trumps rhetoric without condemning the whole Democrat party's rhetoric and vile attempts at passing unconstitutional commie laws to violently oppress people they call "racists" etc. If you're fine with that, you have to be fine with Trumps - who never passed a single law restricting someone's civil liberty - "divisive" rhetoric aka blowhard locker room talk.
134   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 5:46pm  

How do you verify if your vote was counted correctly without giving up anonymity?

I'd like to see a system that allows for making sure your.vote was counted as cast, and allow auditing that extra votes were not cast, but not give up anonymity.
135   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Nov 11, 5:52pm  

There was an apologist for government labor unions in California on Patrick.net who kinda got bullied away.
136   mell   2022 Nov 11, 6:02pm  

DeficitHawk says

How do you verify if your vote was counted correctly without giving up anonymity?

I'd like to see a system that allows for making sure your.vote was counted as cast, and allow auditing that extra votes were not cast, but not give up anonymity.

You get a number and can look up how your vote was counted by number, and even trigger a recount by number. There should not be more numbers than eligible voters per county, slightly less if you account for those not registered and not voting. As long as those processing the ballots verify your ID they only need to deal with numbers. Good enough anonymity.
137   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 6:03pm  

I'll be offline for the next few hours but will return.
138   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 6:12pm  

mell says

You get a number and can look up how your vote was counted by number

There is a hazard with that, namely that your boss or wife may demand to see you vote, knowing that you can look it up.

Maybe people should a real number, and a fake number they give to people making such demands. But that adds complexity, which is the enemy of transparency.
139   Patrick   2022 Nov 11, 6:12pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

There was an apologist for government labor unions in California on Patrick.net who kinda got bullied away.

Right, I'm trying prevent such bullying by prohibiting personal insults, but maybe that's not enough.
140   mell   2022 Nov 11, 6:13pm  

Patrick says

mell says

You get a number and can look up how your vote was counted by number

There is a hazard with that, namely that your boss or wife may demand to see you vote, knowing that you can look it up.

Maybe people should a real number, and a fake number they give to people making such demands. But that adds complexity, which is the enemy of transparency.

I don't get that hazard. Nobody has any right by law to demand to see how you vote, so you don't comply. In fact you divorce/separate if it's your partner and sue if it's your boss.
141   DeficitHawk   2022 Nov 11, 6:23pm  

A number like a stub from the ballast will let you check. But if there is a discrepancy, you have no proof and you will be told you don't remember how you voted. I think some sort of reciept is needed, maybe with a hash of the votes and some key that couldn't be altered..

And while you can check that not more votes exist than voters, you can't check if the intended people were the voters vs intercepted ballots. Even just a ripped ticket It would be better than we have now though. But is there a complete solution?

I guess anonymity to the wife or the mob boss waiting outside might get sacrificed. Ok now I'm getting in my car to drive 4 hours will check back later.

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