Which oils to avoid?

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2023 Jan 21, 7:13pm   29,155 views  207 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  

I'm increasingly frustrated at the rapeseed oil (euphemistically called "Canola" oil by Canadian producers) and palm kernel oil that seems to be in almost all food. Pretty much everything at Trader Joe's seems to have one or the other. I was even at a Russian shop in Palo Alto today (Samovar, fun place) and found the poppyseed cake my grandmother used to make - except it was with margarine instead of butter, ugh.

Which of them are worth avoiding entirely?

Here are the fats and oils I think are bad:

- margarine (which is just canola and other crap oils hardened to make them stick in your arteries better)
- canola oil
- cottonseed oil (especially bad)
- palm kernel oil

I'm undecided about these:

- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil

I'm sure these are pretty good for you:

- olive oil
- butter
- lard (yes, I think lard is OK to eat)

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1   REpro   2023 Jan 21, 7:17pm  

Transmission fluid...

I stick to olive oil 95%.
2   Ceffer   2023 Jan 21, 7:40pm  

Well, I have commented that I shifted my diet about six months ago to the paleo type, as much as possible, to 90 percent oils and proteins, and 10 percent carbs (hard to enforce because they put so much sugar in everything processed). No more canola (or margarine), only olive oil, no refined wheat, and of course, no cookies, candies, cakes, pies, etc. etc, only unsweetened yogurt. Any sugar is from fruits and vegetables. Avoid all pricessed foods, maybe a bit of cracked wheat bread, sourdough, small corn tortilla, dirty rice or wheat pasta at dinner.

Along with melatonin a couple of times a week and 10K units of Vit. D per day, I have lost about 3 pounds a month. I don't diet at all in the sense of depriving myself of portions or amounts. My raw caloric intake is not that low. However, my appetite for food does seem to have gone an a more even keel, I just eat and stop after a modest portion, don't just keep eating.

I also started growing denser hair, and hair in places where it had been lost. My conclusion is the diet paranoids are correct in at least some things, because some food or food combinations that I gave up inhibited hormones and caused fat accumulation. I don't have a differential on which items are responsible, i am just glad I found out at least a partial path through the 'food fuck' that is leveled at the populace.

My conclusion has been there is definitely fuckaceousness going on with the food supplies. It makes sense, because how would a psychopath attack with passive non resistance except in food, water and air. Death Vaxes are just a less messy covert form of bullets.
3   Ceffer   2023 Jan 21, 7:46pm  

My friend who does study diet stuff says Canola is bad, and seed oils mostly bad. The three oils that are supposed to be best are olive, avocado, and coconut, with olive being the least expensive.
4   komputodo   2023 Jan 21, 7:52pm  

REpro says

Transmission fluid...

I stick to olive oil 95%.

The Olive Oil Scam: If 80% Is Fake, Why Do You Keep Buying It?
“Much of the extra virgin Italian olive oil flooding the world’s market shelves is neither Italian, nor virgin,” the New York Times warns.
So unless you bought it directly from a producer or a certified distributor, the olive oil in your kitchen marked “Italian extra virgin” is very probably a fake. Either it's low quality falsely marked as virgin or extra-virgin - and not even from Italy - or it's been mixed with other oils of dubious provenance. At worst, it's not olive oil at all but a vegetable oil disguised with coloring and aroma.

Yet, you bought it despite the fact that its low price should have tipped you off.
5   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 21, 8:22pm  

I saw a post - didn't save - that a brand marketed as using Peanut Oil had "Cottonseed and/or Peanut Oil" on the ingredient list.

Seed Oils exploded 90% in the 1990s.

I'm so old I remember when they insisted Margarine was healthier than Butter.

People were thinner when the top oils/fats were butter and lard.
6   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 21, 8:29pm  

komputodo says

So unless you bought it directly from a producer or a certified distributor, the olive oil in your kitchen marked “Italian extra virgin” is very probably a fake. Either it's low quality falsely marked as virgin or extra-virgin - and not even from Italy - or it's been mixed with other oils of dubious provenance. At worst, it's not olive oil at all but a vegetable oil disguised with coloring and aroma.

The solution is to MAGA.

Purchase at:

California, Florida, Georgia.

More olive farms coming. As US-based Olive Oil, they are required to be 100% pure. It's the European shit that's adulterated because EU rules created by Italy and Spain allow them to blend oils, including from North Africa, and both those countries are infamous for adulterated olive oil.

Be sure it's single source and not a "Blend".

Also, don't buy EU Butter. There's special secret treatment for certain countries that makes their higher-cost-of-operation butter cheaper after being shipped to the US from the EU, something like the way Electronics were more expensive in Japan than in the US for many decades.
7   Dholliday126   2023 Jan 21, 8:48pm  

From what I understand, never cook with oils, cook with fats (butter, lard, bacon grease).

Learn about MUFA vs. PUFA oils. The only good oil is olive (extra virgin) from Italy, but don't cook with it just put it in salads. Beware, most olive oils contain a large amount of canola.

I've done the Gundry eating diet. He's a little weird, but I think he's on to something. Basically bail on everything derived from seeds and sugar.

8   komputodo   2023 Jan 21, 8:50pm  


AmericanKulak says

People were thinner when the top oils/fats were butter and lard.

People are like chickens
9   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 9:38pm  

I'd recommend you pick up some ghee.

It's clarified butter. Basically, if you take butter, heat it up, on the bottom you end up with water, and at the top you end up with some other stuff (not sure what it is..) and the center of it is just pure milk fat.

It's about the same price as butter, and a little goes a long way. I keep mine in the fridge and have to scrape it out - it's like wax. You CAN just store this in a cupboard. but I have an OCD condition (I guess) that anything I open goes into the fridge - barring things like spices.
10   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 9:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

I'm so old I remember when they insisted Margarine was healthier than Butter.

11   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 9:42pm  

REpro says

Transmission fluid...

I stick to olive oil 95%.

You're joking I know, but you can seriously cook food in engine oil (clean engine oil) and not die or even get sick!

I'm not recommending you do this, I'm just letting you know, because I found that interesting.

I'd also caution you about doing this, because who knows what additives were placed into the oil, but petroleum is edible. Isn't that amazing?
12   Patrick   2023 Jan 21, 10:38pm  

richwicks says

petroleum is edible

Where did you hear this?
13   Patrick   2023 Jan 21, 10:57pm  

AmericanKulak says

As US-based Olive Oil, they are required to be 100% pure.

I no longer have any faith that the FDA enforces any rule, certainly not any rule which actually benefits the public.

The FDA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pfizer-mafia cartel and acts solely to maximize profits for its owners by recommending or even mandating that you use their products.
14   richwicks   2023 Jan 21, 11:05pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

petroleum is edible

Where did you hear this?

I saw somebody on youtube deep frying chicken with it.

Don't do it though. Petroleum is edible, but don't do it.

They also didn't find the chicken to be entirely pleasant either. It was edible, but I'd stick to more common fats and oils.
15   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 22, 7:26am  

Patrick says

The FDA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Pfizer-mafia cartel and acts solely to maximize profits for its owners by recommending or even mandating that you use their products.

The FDA is controlled by the corporate interests in both the food and drug industries. It's the FDA that approves all the carcinogenic
chemicals in our foods, along with excessive amounts of fat, salt and sugar, all of which contributes greatly to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.

If the FDA 'approves' something, you can bet your bottom dollar that their approval is based upon 'studies' that were paid for by the very industries that they are supposed to be regulating.
16   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 22, 7:40am  

All 'oil' should be used in very limited quantities (including butter, which is very high in fat). It has been proven through non-FDA, corporate corrupted sponsored studies that oil contributes to the formation of plaque in arteries, leading to heart disease, strokes, etc.

However, if you are going to use oils, the worst are soy, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, refined palm, hydrogenated, ricebran & grapeseed. Also stay away from REFINED peanut, coconut & avocado oils.
17   komputodo   2023 Jan 22, 7:57am  

AmericanKulak says

As US-based Olive Oil, they are required to be 100% pure.

You actually believe that? That they have teams of enforcers inspecting all olive oil? BTW, the links you posted show olive oil that costs about $50 qt? Is this the olive oil that you think most people are using in their kitchens? I think its far, far, more common that they are using GREAT VALUE or MEMBERS MARK olive oil at less than $20 qt.
18   komputodo   2023 Jan 22, 7:59am  

RayAmerica says

However, if you are going to use oils, the worst are soy, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, refined palm, hydrogenated, ricebran & grapeseed. Also stay away from REFINED peanut, coconut & avocado oils.

In other words, never eat out and never buy any prepared ready to eat foods?
19   Shaman   2023 Jan 22, 8:18am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

petroleum is edible

Where did you hear this?

It’s actually not technically “edible” since that term implies that the body can digest it and gain sustenance from it. Petroleum-based oils are opposite chirality from organic oils. They are like mirror images of those oils, and so the enzymes we have to break down those oils into usable compounds don’t work.
Also the impurities in petroleum are toxic compounds like benzenes which are some of the most carcinogenic compounds we know about.

Don’t eat petroleum or any sort. You can survive eating it in small quantities, but it’s REALLY not good for you!
20   Shaman   2023 Jan 22, 8:21am  

Oh and to weigh in on the OP, I use butter, lard, olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil. Of those, supposedly olive and avocado are the “healthiest.” But a healthy person without heart disease should feel comfortable eating any of those without trouble. I avoid canola oil in everything I can, but still get some in certain pre-made foods I occasionally eat, or in restaurant food. Restaurants almost always use the least expensive ingredients, and canola is super cheap, especially now that so many people are waking up to the fact that it is quite harmful to one’s cardiovascular health!
21   mell   2023 Jan 22, 8:25am  

To date I haven't seen any study that suggests oils or fats per se are bad for the arteries. What is bad is resulting inflammation from certain oils (vegetable oils high in omega 6) which then causes oxidized cholesterol and plaque buildup. Also they aren't necessarily good or great for the heart, more like neutral. I also doubt that adulterated vs virgin olive oil has a significant impact on arteries. Sure virgin olive oil is likey overall healthier and tastes better, but the studies around oil have been inconclusive so far, with the exception of promotion of inflammation of many vegetables oils, which seems to be established at this point. The benefit of oils and fats lies more in preventing obesity by reducing appetite. The question is if occasional cooking with small amounts of vegetable oil or consuming processed food made with small amounts of vegetable oil has a significant impact. If you eat enough fresh food every day such as fruits and raw vegetables your intake of vegetable oils should not be that high.
22   komputodo   2023 Jan 22, 8:55am  

mell says

Sure virgin olive oil is likey overall healthier and tastes better,

I prefer a neutral flavored oil for cooking, one with no flavor at all.
23   mell   2023 Jan 22, 9:01am  

komputodo says

mell says

Sure virgin olive oil is likey overall healthier and tastes better,

I prefer a neutral flavored oil for cooking, one with no flavor at all.

Which one for example? Virgin olive oil can be quite flavorful (pugnant for those who don't like it, I like it). Also when it comes to cooking, if you use meat or other food containing fat, you hardly ever have to use oils, you can just use the fat. I guess I'm questioning how somebody can get a lot of harmful oils into their body without ordering Chinese take out or fried foods 24/7. How much oil is left in roasted nuts or chips? Can't be that much.
24   mell   2023 Jan 22, 9:29am  

Also there is recent research that indicates that tricaprin, contained in/derived from mct/coconut oil, can significantly prevent and even reverse heart disease:
25   mell   2023 Jan 22, 9:30am  

Also there is recent research that indicates that tricaprin, contained in/derived from mct/coconut oil, can significantly prevent and even reverse heart disease:

26   RayAmerica   2023 Jan 22, 9:43am  

komputodo says

RayAmerica says

However, if you are going to use oils, the worst are soy, sunflower, safflower, canola, corn, cottonseed, refined palm, hydrogenated, ricebran & grapeseed. Also stay away from REFINED peanut, coconut & avocado oils.

In other words, never eat out and never buy any prepared ready to eat foods?

Read the labels on prepared, processed foods. That could be an enlightening experience. As far as restaurant foods, they do not have to disclose what the ingredients are. Also, all processed foods, including restaurants foods, typically have one thing in common; they contain a mixture of fat, salt and sugar which allows them to make a 'tasty' product with cheap ingredients. Fast food restaurants are notorious for this.
27   komputodo   2023 Jan 22, 9:44am  

mell says

I guess I'm questioning how somebody can get a lot of harmful oils into their body without ordering Chinese take out or fried foods 24/7. How much oil is left in roasted nuts or chips? Can't be that much.

And the triple triple cheeseburgers... Its always been about moderation...I think a lot of people are worried about heart attacks now. Especially with the "sudden death syndrome" and the clot shot.
28   komputodo   2023 Jan 22, 9:45am  

RayAmerica says

Read the labels on prepared, processed foods. That could be an enlightening experience.

Or better yet, just don't buy that shit
29   mell   2023 Jan 22, 10:03am  

komputodo says

mell says

I guess I'm questioning how somebody can get a lot of harmful oils into their body without ordering Chinese take out or fried foods 24/7. How much oil is left in roasted nuts or chips? Can't be that much.

And the triple triple cheeseburgers... Its always been about moderation...I think a lot of people are worried about heart attacks now. Especially with the "sudden death syndrome" and the clot shot.

Right. Also it depends on the level of physical activity. If you are working a hards ass job or run 5-10 miles per day, maybe paired with hiit or strength work, then carbs vs fats and a lot of other nutritional stuff changes. Why? Simply because if you deplete all the carbs you ingest they can't be unhealthy as they are converted into atp/energy fairly soon after consumption (in fact you need more carbs then). Carbs are not bad per se, excess carbs are.
30   HeadSet   2023 Jan 22, 11:38am  

richwicks says

petroleum is edible.

That is why a true auto mechanic reaches for a quart of the 10W40 rather than the 20 ounce Coke.
31   Patrick   2023 Jan 22, 11:51am  

RayAmerica says

If the FDA 'approves' something, you can bet your bottom dollar that their approval is based upon 'studies' that were paid for by the very industries that they are supposed to be regulating.

I also suspect that the news cycles about "this food is good" and "this food is bad" is just the various industries fighting it out via their PR agencies and their agents within the FDA.

Whatever the corporate news tells you should be assumed to have some large financial interest behind it.

When red wine was good for you, for example, it may have just been paid PR for the wine industry, which has quite a bit of money.
32   mell   2023 Feb 5, 9:20pm  

@Patrick palm kernel oil contains tricaprin, which according to latest studies not only protects, but reverses coronary artery / heart disease! It's not that easy to vilify all vegetable/fruit/seed oils. The science is always changing! In general palm, palm kernel, mct and coconut oils are considered heart healthy now.
33   Patrick   2023 Feb 5, 10:24pm  

I don't know that I trust any studies anymore though. If so many were rigged by pharma, a lot are probably rigged by some other industries too.
34   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 1:57am  

RayAmerica says

All 'oil' should be used in very limited quantities (including butter, which is very high in fat). It has been proven through non-FDA, corporate corrupted sponsored studies that oil contributes to the formation of plaque in arteries, leading to heart disease, strokes, etc.

My brother knew a woman that totally avoided oil. She died of a heart attack in her early 50's. She was a marathon runner.

Your body tells you what to avoid. Listen to it.
35   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 6, 6:43am  

mell says

Patrick palm kernel oil contains tricaprin, which according to latest studies not only protects, but reverses coronary artery / heart disease! It's not that easy to vilify all vegetable/fruit/seed oils. The science is always changing! In general palm, palm kernel, mct and coconut oils are considered heart healthy now.

Almost every positive 'study' that is produced is financed by corporations. It works in a similar way to the prosecution and the defense calling "experts" in order to testify in a trial. Both experts are hired by the different sides in order to provide the testimony that fits with their side. That's precisely why we keep seeing conflicting reports, all based upon 'independent studies.'

Trust NOTHING by the FDA, which is loaded with political appointments from the corporations.
36   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 6, 7:31am  

Patrick says

I'm undecided about these:

- soybean oil
- sunflower seed oil
- avocado oil
- coconut oil
- peanut oil

Soy sauce as fine as long as it comes from a good source. Like most fermented foods. Sunflower is still a seed oil, avoid. Avocado is one of the best due to the higher cooking temp(doesn't hydrogenate so easily). Coconut has lots of good fat, and taste's great for cooking popcorn, or pancakes. I do use peanut for Asian dishes, only organic.

Olive oil should be extra virgin, and local, or not from Italy unless you know the distributor.
37   Robert Sproul   2023 Feb 6, 7:37am  

EVOO is not a do-it-all oil. If imported it is quite possibly adulterated so I only buy California grown. Olive oil also does not stand up to high heat so is not good for searing etc. I am using tallow and lard and some bacon fat for this purpose which I now think are healthy fats. I am convinced that whatever the Govt. is recommending is likely very dangerous and a safe bet is to do the opposite.
This guy breaks it down pretty good:
"Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?'"
38   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 6, 7:41am  

mell says

To date I haven't seen any study that suggests oils or fats per se are bad for the arteries.

It depends on what the oils hydrogenation temperature is. As long as you stay under that, the oil will not get sludgy at room temp. That's why Avocado is one of the best.
39   mell   2023 Feb 6, 8:30am  

NuttBoxer says

mell says

To date I haven't seen any study that suggests oils or fats per se are bad for the arteries.

It depends on what the oils hydrogenation temperature is. As long as you stay under that, the oil will not get sludgy at room temp. That's why Avocado is one of the best.

Agreed that's why you want to avoid partially hydrogenated oils.
40   mell   2023 Feb 6, 8:31am  

RayAmerica says

mell says

Patrick palm kernel oil contains tricaprin, which according to latest studies not only protects, but reverses coronary artery / heart disease! It's not that easy to vilify all vegetable/fruit/seed oils. The science is always changing! In general palm, palm kernel, mct and coconut oils are considered heart healthy now.

Almost every positive 'study' that is produced is financed by corporations. It works in a similar way to the prosecution and the defense calling "experts" in order to testify in a trial. Both experts are hired by the different sides in order to provide the testimony that fits with their side. That's precisely why we keep seeing conflicting reports, all based upon 'independent studies.'

Trust NOTHING by the FDA, which is loaded with political appointments from the corporations.

Sure but this research is not FDA related or corporation sponsored, also medium chain fatty acids have been deemed healthy for quite a long time now.

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