World War III Watch

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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,188 views  949 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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1   Ceffer   2023 Feb 21, 9:55am  

Hopefully, they are hip to the Illuminati war provocations. I guess the so called shadow elite think they are going to be safe in their bunkers. Isn't it overdue to go for the source in Switzerland?
2   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 9:56am  

Ukraine Situation Report: U.K. To Give Kyiv “Longer-Range Weapons”

Exactly what long-range weapon system remains unknown, but the U.K. states it is the first country to provide such a capability to Ukraine.

3   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 10:00am  

China says certain countries (i.e., America/NATO) must stop 'fueling the fire' in Ukraine

"China is deeply worried that the Ukraine conflict will continue to escalate or even spiral out of control" Foreign Minister Qin Gang said in a speech at a forum held at the foreign ministry.

4   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 21, 10:28am  

Pffff, first of all they were shirking their responsibilities under that treaty for a couple of years already. Secondly, Trump wanted that thing ended anyway and it was Potato who extended it for a year and was humping Pukin's leg the whole 2021 begging to sign it again to go on for another decade or so. So yeah, it hurts Potato's "legacy" on arms control. BFD.

And what does it really change? CCCP will start an accelrated arms race like they did in the 80s? Do you want a reminder how that ended?
5   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 10:39am  

This isn't the 1980s when, under Reagan, his arms race, etc. ran the National Debt to $2.8 Trillion.

We're edging more and more into World War III, which will most certainly go nuclear. Does that bother you?
6   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 21, 10:47am  

RayAmerica says

This isn't the 1980s when, under Reagan, his arms race, etc. ran the National Debt to $2.8 Trillion.

This is not 250 mil population CCCP + half of occupied Europe either.

RayAmerica says

We're edging more and more into World War III, which will most certainly go nuclear. Does that bother you?

I disagree with this assessment. It's based more on emotions and hystrionics than facts, imo.
7   Shaman   2023 Feb 21, 11:28am  

I’m going to make a very bold prediction.
Nothing spectacular will happen here with Ukraine. It’s clearly a war of grift and the players are not at all concerned about sparking a nuclear exchange. Why? Just speculation here but my theory that the CIA created a one-world government/alliance is instructive here. If the NWO has control of Putin and China, as would be expected given that those are the two other most influential countries and pivotal to nuclear world peace, then the CIA knows that nuclear war can’t happen. So it’ll just keep on going with its grifter scheme.
8   clambo   2023 Feb 21, 12:27pm  

We are in WWIII today and Putin started it.
The clowns in Russia kicked a sleeping dog; now Poland is getting armed to the teeth, because a loudmouth Putin lackey said Poland is next.
Another idiot said nuke London. That's not a good idea.
I grew up with loudmouths who made threats; they're punks.
9   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 21, 1:17pm  

I’m not making a prediction but this would be an interesting sequence of events
1. Someone nukes one or more populated area.
2. The rapture occurs simultaneously and all Christians and all children on the earth disappear.
3. “Aliens from outer space” (really demons from the pit of hell) suddenly appear on the scene claiming that they took all the missing people to save them from the nukes, and will provide a way to enlightenment for those left behind.
10   Onvacation   2023 Feb 21, 1:24pm  

clambo says

We are in WWIII today and Putin started it.

I thought we started it?

Back a bear into a corner and wonder why it lashed out.
11   Reality   2023 Feb 21, 1:33pm  

Shaman says

I’m going to make a very bold prediction.
Nothing spectacular will happen here with Ukraine. It’s clearly a war of grift and the players are not at all concerned about sparking a nuclear exchange. Why? Just speculation here but my theory that the CIA created a one-world government/alliance is instructive here. If the NWO has control of Putin and China, as would be expected given that those are the two other most influential countries and pivotal to nuclear world peace, then the CIA knows that nuclear war can’t happen. So it’ll just keep on going with its grifter scheme.

You are correct in pointing out that both Putin (von Russia) and Xi (von China) are likely carefully chosen actors. Putin's mistress and their kids are living in Switzerland, while most of Xi's siblings and relatives are living in the US, Canada and other 5-eye countries. However, the use of nuclear weapons on civilians in this fake war can not be ruled out: practically all major (global) wars in the last 500 years, if not all the way back to the Crusades (11-13th century AD) and Peloponnesian War (5th century BC), have been banksters wars designed to eliminate bank liabilities (usually through either "losing" a war or having millions of account holders dying). Dropping nuclear bombs and/or spreading massive nuclear/radioactive pollution are potentially effective tools for killing millions of civilian bank account holders (who are liabilities to banks). It wouldn't surprise me if the recent high altitude balloons and Ohio chemical burn (sending toxic particles high up into the atomosphere) are tests to see how far nuclear fallouts can spread and where the patterns would go under typical high altitude wind directions when there is a nuclear explosion in the "nuclear-sponge" states.
12   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 2:04pm  

"World War 3 has never been closer than it is right now": Trump drops video slamming Deep State over Ukraine war, outlines plan to stop warmongers (video)

"We're teetering on the brink of World War 3. A lot of people don't see it, but I see it, and I've been right about a lot of things." - Trump

He was the only president in decades to start no new wars. If you missed that (and his Nobel Peace Prize nominations), it's because the media was busy telling you about his mean tweets.

13   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 2:26pm  

Tens of Thousands Worldwide Protest War in Ukraine as Biden Secretly Shows up in Kiev to Support War and Pledge Half $BILLION More in Weapons

14   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 21, 3:29pm  

The West continues to shut off all avenues for serious peace negotiations. With Harris and Biden declaring that Putin is a war criminal, they are positioning him into a corner from which he will use every means possible to defend himself, and, his country. That's where and when the nuclear option might be played.

Biden to Announce More Sanctions on Russia After Putin Suspends Nuke Treaty

“Together we made sure Russia is paying the price for its abuses,” Biden prefaced. “We continue to maintain the largest sanctions regime ever imposed on any country in history.”

“And we are going to announce more sanctions this week together with our partners,” he announced. “We will hold those accountable for those responsible for this war, and will seek justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity continuing to be committed by the Russians.”

Also, keep in mind that it was the American warmongers that brought Russia to an untenable situation by
overthrowing the pro-Russian Ukraine government back in 2014, while also continuing a NATO expansion in order to isolate Russia. So, who are the real 'war criminals?'
15   clambo   2023 Feb 21, 7:50pm  

If Russia had not fucked around it would have been fine; the west has no interest in bothering the losers just wanted their oil and gas.
The fiction that Putin was provoked is convenient cover for his aggression; he previously agreed to leave Ukraine alone.
It's a fantasy that Russian military has the ability to actually confront the West; they're outclassed in every aspect of warfare.
After 1/2 million casualties we shall see how popular Putin really is among his subjects.
16   Misc   2023 Feb 21, 8:31pm  

Putin does not want to confront the West. The Europeans outnumber him 5 to 1 and the Americans have him outnumbered 3 to 1.

We also have better military equipment.

As Putin says this is not a war.
17   AD   2023 Feb 21, 9:24pm  

clambo says

The fiction that Putin was provoked is convenient cover for his aggression; he previously agreed to leave Ukraine alone.

Going back to 2004 and the Russian foreign ministry said that Russian considered Ukraine to be Russian territory. Back then it just was not an issue with 9/11 and the War on Terror being in the foreground. Not relatively long after that, Russia invaded the Republic of Georgia.

Lavrov has called for a "regime change in Ukraine". They are going to need Russian soldiers on every street corner from Lviv to Donesk as their enforcers.

18   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 6:43am  

Misc says

Putin does not want to confront the West. The Europeans outnumber him 5 to 1 and the Americans have him outnumbered 3 to 1.

We also have better military equipment.

Without the USA, NATO is a paper tiger. We may have better military equipment, but that didn't do much for us as we wasted 17 years in Afghanistan that ended in an ugly defeat against the rag-tag Taliban. Russia presents a far greater challenge. Europe goes along with the USA's NATO primarily because of the money that we pour into NATO countries. In reality, Europe has no stomach for a war with Russia. Part of the reason for their reluctance is the history of fanatical Russian fighters once their homeland is invaded, along with the vastness of Russia geographically.

If we couldn't defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan, do you really think we're up to the task with Russia?
19   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 7:02am  

Behold! Our Commander in Chief speaks! I'm inspired, where can I enlist?

Video: Biden Gibbers Nonsense In Poland While Putin Readies Nukes

Biden could barely speak during forever war address

Biden in Warsaw, Poland: "Would we respond? Or would we look the other way? Would we be strong? Or would we be weak? Would be, you, we would be, would we the, all of our allies would be united, or divided?"

Biden: "All across my country ... Ukrainian flags fly on American homes." (REALLY? I haven't seen a single one)

20   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 7:05am  

Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing – Martin Armstrong

From the article:

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said at the end of last year the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.” Train derailments and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest threat is war. Armstrong explains, “They want a war, but they also need it because the monetary system is collapsing. . . . You have had interest rates at negative since 2014. So, suddenly interest rates are rising. Any bond owned by any institution in Europe is a loser. They have lost so much money, it’s incredible. What happens? Nobody is interested in long term debt – period. . . . If you have interest rates rising, and rates are going to be going up because the Fed cannot stop this kind of inflation.

Full interview video here:
21   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 7:10am  

And add China to the mix ...

China Says Ready To "Join Forces With Russia" To "Defend National Interests" As Putin Confirms Xi Visit


PS: I'm so glad that we are defending one of the most corrupt nations on earth. Remind me ... what exactly are our national security interests in Ukraine?
22   Robert Sproul   2023 Feb 22, 7:19am  

We are expected to trust the corrupt imbeciles that prosecuted the 20 Year Afghan Boondoggle, and the worst 'withdrawal' since the same buffoons fucked up Hanoi, to navigate this treacherous attempt to maintain hegemony.

23   Shaman   2023 Feb 22, 8:39am  

Misc says

Putin does not want to confront the West. The Europeans outnumber him 5 to 1 and the Americans have him outnumbered 3 to 1.

We also have better military equipment.

As Putin says this is not a war.

If Russia gets backed into an existential crisis by the West, it has many very destructive options that could either end the USA or cripple us and Europe for a generation. Nobody is going to win when the USA and Europe fight with Russia and China (who are now allies.)
25   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 22, 9:12am  

Shaman says

Misc says

Putin does not want to confront the West. The Europeans outnumber him 5 to 1 and the Americans have him outnumbered 3 to 1.

We also have better military equipment.

As Putin says this is not a war.

If Russia gets backed into an existential crisis by the West, it has many very destructive options that could either end the USA or cripple us and Europe for a generation. Nobody is going to win when the USA and Europe fight with Russia and China (who are now allies.)

Yep, the only one to blame at this point for the prolonged death and destruction is BIDEN.
We need peace and we need it now. Biden can end this today. Tell Ukraine they are on their own and this ends today.
26   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 9:12am  

Watch this very rare glimpse into the mind of a warmongering psychopath. Let it serve as a reminder that this is the very same mindset that is running our war machine today. They are all psychopaths that do not believe human life (outside of their own elite class) has ANY value:

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it" wins Medal of Freedom

27   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 9:15am  

PeopleUnited says

Yep, the only one to blame at this point for the prolonged death and destruction is BIDEN.
We need peace and we need it now. Biden can end this today. Tell Ukraine they are on their own and this ends today.

Very early on, Ukraine wanted to begin negotiations with Russia. Biden and the psychopaths that control him put a stop to it by ordering Zelen$ky not to negotiate. Money talks, and Zelen$ky took a walk. The rest is history.
28   PeopleUnited   2023 Feb 22, 9:17am  

We need to remind everyone of this Ray! Everyone needs to know that Biden is responsible for this death and destruction. Every day he continues to aid the criminal government of Ukraine is a day of death on Biden’s account.
29   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 9:28am  

Three Undeniable Truths From Putin’s Speech

From the article:

The national media, for their own reasons, don’t want you to hear what Vladimir Putin said about the war in Ukraine.

1. “The U.S. has used Ukraine to prepare for a large war. They have publicly admitted that.” (This is all about regime change in Russia. If it takes a WORLD WAR to remove him, so be it)

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said we should designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has declared that the “defeat” of Russia is “the No. 1 priority for the United States right now.”

2. “The West is guilty of escalation.” Since well before Russia invaded Ukraine, Washington has promoted the expansion of new member nations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, an alliance that exists in its present form for the express purpose of intimidating Russia.

... the Biden administration pushed for Ukraine’s entry into NATO, even further encircling Russia with an alliance that Putin already had every reason to fear.

3. “They [the West] want to have a strategic defeat of Russia. … It means they want to have no more, anything to do with Russia. They want to have a global resistance against Russia.” What part of that contradicts anything the Biden administration, most of Congress, and virtually every former military official on cable news has said? They all say it.
30   Ceffer   2023 Feb 22, 9:32am  

"World War III Appears Imminent as the Establishment Attempts to Sweep Vaccine Genocide Under the Rug". Time to kill the creditors and keep their money. The banks have spoken.;

31   AD   2023 Feb 22, 10:48am  

RayAmerica says

Very early on, Ukraine wanted to begin negotiations with Russia.

That's very true. About a month after Russian's invasion, Zelensky stated he wanted to negotiate.


32   🎂 richwicks   2023 Feb 22, 10:54am  

Ceffer says

"World War III Appears Imminent as the Establishment Attempts to Sweep Vaccine Genocide Under the Rug". Time to kill the creditors and keep their money. The banks have spoken.;

Just embedding it:

original link
33   Tenpoundbass   2023 Feb 22, 11:22am  

Pop Quiz Ukey Fluffers!

If less than 10% of the blank check money makes it to Ukraine, and the military equipment we keep sending is mostly useless junk.
Just how much of the WWIII money will make it to arm and equip your kids, when Mad Man Lunatic Biden sends them off the Russian meat grinder?
Are these the Sons of Rotten Bitches you want to trust your kids, to service, duty and honor for your country?

At least we can hope the draft will sweep up the BLM and ANTIFA idiots first.
As they probably have real combat training by the military, while they have been issuing chest binders and blue hair dye to the Military conscripts.
34   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 22, 11:25am  

Biden’s Insane Foreign Policy Actions Drove China and Russia Together – Now the World Is Facing WWIII

35   Ceffer   2023 Feb 22, 11:28am  

Have to realize that insane is a FEATURE. Predators want to destroy the world so they can thrive on the carnage.
36   clambo   2023 Feb 22, 2:55pm  

Russia and China together is funny; China is not trustworthy and even Putin knows that much.
China can't piss off the west too much; Xi sees how Putin just wrecked the Russia economy and he's not going to volunteer to ruin China.
China is buying gas from Russia at 50% discount; that looks like it favors China 🇨🇳.
37   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Feb 22, 4:46pm  

clambo says

Russia and China together is funny; China is not trustworthy and even Putin knows that much.
China can't piss off the west too much; Xi sees how Putin just wrecked the Russia economy and he's not going to volunteer to ruin China.
China is buying gas from Russia at 50% discount; that looks like it favors China 🇨🇳.

38   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 22, 6:30pm  

clambo says

China is buying gas from Russia at 50% discount; that looks like it favors China 🇨🇳.

Same reason China will never grovel before WEF, they don't trust the Opium War Roundeyes and will never depend fully on the West, esp. for Raw Materials, ever again.

They'll continue to play Russia against the West while paying off American Politicians and making American Corporations utterly dependent on their manufacturing.

China is delaying it to attract as much business as possible, but China has a massively underdeveloped consumer base.
39   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 23, 7:42pm  

Excellent documentary providing valuable information as to how the war propagandists operate in selling war to the gullible American public. In this case, the war to be sold is the war against Iraq & Afghanistan, along with the extending the never ending war policy of the U. S. Government.

War of Lies: How to Sell an Invasion | ENDEVR Documentary

40   🎂 richwicks   2023 Feb 23, 7:57pm  

clambo says

Russia and China together is funny; China is not trustworthy and even Putin knows that much.

When the USSR fell apart, China didn't take advantage of the situation, they didn't kick them when they were down, however the United States sent in a bunch of carpetbaggers to loot the nation for a decade. Putin ended that which is why he became an enemy of the United States.

China works almost entirely in it's own interests, and so does Russia. It's not in China's best interest to be in conflict with their neighbor, and that's true for Russia as well.

It isn't in the interests of the EU or the United States to be enemies with Russia either, but the US is run by lunatics perhaps purposely undermining this country, and the EU is run by quislings probably controlled by the US intelligence agencies. Whoever really runs the EU/US, they are one in the same or they are tightly linked, and they don't work on behalf of the nations they control.

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