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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   114,094 views  1,040 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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631   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 15, 7:33pm  


Turns out that image was a PR bullshit. All these little kibutz towns had was some local resident militia types with weapons locked away in some storage room. They did have fences and gated entrances but these were easily defeated by ambushing residents coming home in their cars.

The Kibbutz in question (and only 1% of Israelis live on Kibbutzim, and most of them now are religious oriented) was very, very Progressive, one of the few left remaining.

that's the reason the lefty peacenik dope got killed there.
632   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 15, 7:36pm  

Patrick says

PLO started Lebanese Civil War by harassing the Church of the Deliverance; later the Palestinians returned after being "humilated" by the Church Security and shot up a bus or something.

That was after the PLO was expelled from Jordan for trying to overthrow that country.

Palestinians meddled in the Iranian Revolution joining with the Tudeh/Communist parties.

Kuwait had 100k's of Palestinians, but Yassir backed Saddam in the First Gulf War and Kuwait later expelled them for treason.

Egypt keeps their border with Gaza locked up because when it's open, terrorism against tourists at the Pyramids and Red Sea Resorts begins.
633   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 7:52pm  

AmericanKulak says

Egypt keeps their border with Gaza locked up because when it's open, terrorism against tourists at the Pyramids and Red Sea Resorts begins.

That makes sense.
634   Blue   2023 Oct 15, 7:57pm  

GasTheYoungTurks says


The man who posted it, have been caught so many times by police in India for his Islamic fake victim "news" propaganda and links with terrorist organizations. Unfortunately Indian courts are so corrupt and do not take any violent crimes committed by "minorities" (20%) seriously!
635   AD   2023 Oct 15, 8:00pm  

richwicks says

Do Christian groups decry how Palestinian Christians are treated? They're no different.

Christian groups do not engage in terrorism like Hamas. Do the Christian groups engage in a "jihad" style war against non Christians or "non beleivers as militant Muslims do ? So that is a false comparison.

However there has been support for them such as this one: "In September 2016, the Jerusalem-based Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) established "Blessing Bethlehem", a charity fundraising initiative with the purpose of helping the persecuted Christians living in the city of Bethlehem and its surrounding areas."
636   richwicks   2023 Oct 15, 8:28pm  

ad says

Christian groups do not engage in terrorism like Hamas.

Christains nations do.

What do you think Shock and Awe was? That was terrorism. The MOAB was terrorism. Shit, going to war is terrorism. The US armed and paid for Al Qaeda and ISIS against Syria. Remember when ISIS showed up in the Philippines because they were cracking down on the drug trade with the CIA is running?

The US is the biggest terrorist in the world. The US overthrew Ukraine, and as a result, Ukraine is FUCKED. Now the US has an excuse to abandon it because of Israel, that might be the exit excuse. Ukraine is screwed anyhow.

ad says

Do the Christian groups engage in a "jihad" style war against non Christians or "non beleivers as militant Muslims do ? So that is a false comparison.

Nah, they just murder people for fun and profit, to launder money, to steal resources, to install military bases, and biological weapons labs..

ad says

However there has been support for them such as this one: "In September 2016, the Jerusalem-based Center for Jewish–Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) established "Blessing Bethlehem", a charity fundraising initiative with the purpose of helping the persecuted Christians living in the city of Bethlehem and its surrounding areas."

The money will just be stolen. It never gets to the people they claim it's going to go to.

Standard Operating Procedure in the western world now. Every charity is COMPLETELY corrupt. They are every bit as honest as a televangelist and this has been going on for decades.

Remember the "starving children on Ethiopia"? They never got any of the money.

The US brags constantly that they are the most generous givers of charity, well most of that "charity" is AID - you know, bribes.
637   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 15, 9:03pm  

The troops are assembling for WW3.

Note, what if you show up wearing a dress?

638   AD   2023 Oct 15, 9:18pm  

richwicks says

Christains nations do.

USA does not kill in the name of or to outwardly promote Christianity. Again you are making a false comparison to Islamic terror groups.

639   komputodo   2023 Oct 15, 9:34pm  

ad says

USA does not kill in the name of or to outwardly promote Christianity.

Of course not...The USA's religion is MONEY.
641   richwicks   2023 Oct 15, 10:05pm  

Patrick says

The claim of the cost of firing is is absurdly low. To make a laser beam that will produce enough photons to do damage, it's using a chemical reaction, and even if it was just electricity, that would be a lot of megawatt/hours.

I don't believe it.
642   AD   2023 Oct 15, 10:14pm  

Iron Beam related

643   AD   2023 Oct 15, 10:16pm  

The Army began an effort to put a laser on an M-SHORAD vehicle began in mid-2019.[56] A combat shoot-off of laser-equipped Strykers facing realistic scenarios was conducted in July 2021,[57] after which Raytheon was awarded a contract to supply a platoon of four vehicles each equipped with a 50 kW laser to defend against Group 1-3 UAS and rocket, artillery, and mortar (RAM) threats. The first two Directed Energy Maneuver-SHORAD Strykers were delivered in early 2023 for training with soldiers. A second platoon is planned to be ordered later in 2023, with the program to transfer to a program of record in 2025 and a competition to open up to produce the DE M-SHORAD capability.[56]
644   GNL   2023 Oct 16, 5:18am  

"The total blockade of “human animals” (copyright Israeli Defense Ministry) in Gaza, in fact a civilian population of 2.3 million, has been imposed this past Monday. No food, no water, no fuel, no essential commodities.

That’s a war crime and a crime against humanity, thrashing the four basic principles of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) – everything duly applauded or at best completely ignored by NATOstan and its assorted oligarch-controlled mainstream media.

Christians, Muslims, Jews and other ethnic groups lived peacefully in Palestine for centuries until the imposition of the racist Zionist Project – complete with all the Divide and Rule attributes of settler colonialism.

The Nakba is an old memory of 75 years ago. We are now way beyond apartheid – and entering total exclusion and expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland."
645   Misc   2023 Oct 16, 5:36am  

Israel turned the water back on.

They are trying to negotiate humanitarian aid for a return of the hostages and allowing the foreigners to leave Gaza.

Where was the outrage last week when Azerbaijan forced 120000 Armenians out of their homes and off their land?

------- Oh, the mainstream media hardly mentioned that because they were Christians.
646   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 6:55am  

It's not a war when one side forcefully occupies the other, it's genocide.
647   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 9:53am  

NuttBoxer says

It's not a war when one side forcefully occupies the other, it's genocide.


How can Gaza be suffering "genocide" when they have one of the fastest growing populations on the planet and also suffering from obesity?

Words have meaning. This conflict is hard enough without you introducing loaded and totally inaccurate claims to justify your hatred of Israel.

The Gazans are the planet's biggest welfare queens getting BILLIONS in aid from useful idiots all over the world. The Gazans are a wrecked culturally as the African American ghetto community that have been living on welfare for multi-generations with no fathers in the house.
648   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 10:01am  

BTW - this whole woke "Oppression" and "Decolonization" theology comes from the USSR who used it to try and divide the US. The USSR and Russia is responsible for fucking up much of the Middle East and 3rd World........especially the Palestinians.

The Commies were responsible for infiltrating our US universities with a bunch of woke Marxists intellectuals - and many on the American MAGA right are now aping Marxist drivel as well as boosting for Putin to succeed in his illegal invasion of Ukraine.
649   AD   2023 Oct 16, 10:39am  

komputodo says

ad says

USA does not kill in the name of or to outwardly promote Christianity.

Of course not...The USA's religion is MONEY.

Please clarify. Please give specific examples. And don't say so that Delmonte and Dole can sell bananas from Central America.
650   GNL   2023 Oct 16, 10:54am  

ad says

komputodo says

ad says

USA does not kill in the name of or to outwardly promote Christianity.

Of course not...The USA's religion is MONEY.

Please clarify. Please give specific examples. And don't say so that Delmonte and Dole can sell bananas from Central America.

You don't believe all wars are banker's wars boy?
651   AD   2023 Oct 16, 11:15am  

GNL says

You don't believe all wars are banker's wars boy?

who you calling boy , boy ? ! ? !

652   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 11:33am  

socal2 says

many on the American MAGA right are now aping Marxist drivel as well as boosting for Putin to succeed in his illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Did you know that when the Soviet Union was breaking apart, then President George H. W. Bush and Sec. of State James Baker promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO "would not expand into Eastern Europe by one inch?" Since then, NATO has continued to expand, encircling Russia exponentially.

Back in 1962, America came very close to an all out nuclear confrontation with the USSR. Why? Because the USSR was in the process of assembling nuclear armed missiles in Cuba, 90 miles away from our shore. Yet, Americans such as yourself, seem to have no problem 'poking the bear' via their endless expansion, and, provocation by NATO. Why is that?

By the way, Ukraine NEVER had a chance to defeat Russia. Ukraine is a completely lost cause. The only winners are the military industrial financial complex. The losers are the 500,000+ Ukraine soldiers that have been killed because our NeoCon psychopaths have decided that this would be a good opportunity to 'weaken' Russia.
653   AD   2023 Oct 16, 11:39am  

RayAmerica says

Did you know that when the Soviet Union was breaking apart, then President George H. W. Bush and Sec. of State James Baker promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO "would not expand into Eastern Europe by one inch?" Since then, NATO has continued to expand, encircling Russia exponentially.

When Bill Clinton got involved with former Yugoslavia and then Poland became part of NATO in 1999, Putin had started his campaign to become Russia's President.

654   komputodo   2023 Oct 16, 11:55am  

ad says

GNL says

You don't believe all wars are banker's wars boy?

who you calling boy , boy ? ! ? !


I told you, my name is ROY.
655   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 12:26pm  

IMO, Russia stands in the way of the elites' dream creation; a despotic, totalitarian One World Government, where your freedoms will completely disappear, you'll own nothing but will be happy as you feast upon an abundance of bugs, washed down by recycled water from septic tanks.
656   GNL   2023 Oct 16, 12:42pm  

ad says

GNL says

You don't believe all wars are banker's wars boy?

who you calling boy , boy ? ! ? !


You. You don't like being called boy. But you love calling everyone else boy?
657   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:46pm  

It seems a slightly errant side effect of adrenochrome use is manic grandiosity mental illness. There are brick walls to grandiosity, but then, who cares about the apparatchiks?

658   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 12:50pm  

Putting the motion in the Moloch Tango. Is there karma afoot?

659   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 1:01pm  

Did Jeffrey Epstein have a 'video' of Lindsey? There's a country in the Middle East that tells Lindsey when and how high to jump. Could it be because of that tape?

Military Industrial Complex Spokesperson Lindsey Graham Threatens War With Iran

660   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 1:05pm  

Look Ma, we have a patsy! No false flag is complete without patsys.

661   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 1:05pm  

RayAmerica says

Did Jeffrey Epstein have a 'video' of Lindsey?

Does the Pope shit in the woods? Drunken gay blubbering isn't as sophisticated as scheming lies.
662   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 1:15pm  

RayAmerica says

IMO, Russia stands in the way of the elites' dream creation; a despotic, totalitarian One World Government, where your freedoms will completely disappear, you'll own nothing but will be happy as you feast upon an abundance of bugs, washed down by recycled water from septic tanks.

You mean the Russia where they throw you out a window, or in jail if you oppose the Kremlin? Where free speech is a pipe dream? Where they've already introduced CBDC's?

I'm gonna say this for the millionth time, if you are looking for government to save you(any government), you are fucked.
663   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 1:16pm  

RayAmerica says

Did you know that when the Soviet Union was breaking apart, then President George H. W. Bush and Sec. of State James Baker promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO "would not expand into Eastern Europe by one inch?" Since then, NATO has continued to expand, encircling Russia exponentially.

I don't care.

Did Putin promise not to invade Georgia, Chechnya and Crimea back then too? Did Putin promise not to continue to fund America's enemies and stir up loads of shit in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South/Central America?

Most of the 3rd world was fucked up by the USSR supporting and arming Marxist insurgencies all over the planet and America was stuck cleaning up the mess.

The USSR/Russia has never really paid a price for allying itself with the Nazis on Poland and being on the wrong side of everything during the Cold War.
664   stereotomy   2023 Oct 16, 1:21pm  

It's working, the Gaza/Israel situation is creating division in the PatNet ranks! Hurray!

Thalamic surges set to overdrive!!

665   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 16, 1:23pm  

Rothschild's may have pioneered supplying both sides of a conflict, but that practice is everywhere now days:

Psychologically they push you into extremist views using nationalism, which is really government worship. The citizens never support the wars. Realistically though, they're all against you, and will only fight with each other as it suits them. Mostly they'll target you, because you will always be their greatest threat.

So if you support Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Hamas, or the United States, you really support all of them. Because those missiles that just slammed Ukraine, part of them came from the US. Those rockets just fired by Hamas, sold to them on the black market by Ukraine and Afghanistan, made in the USA!

If you support war you are either a sociopath, or a fool, probably both.
666   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 2:06pm  

It's a long planned opera of many acts, and we have just seen the start of the first act. However, there is no more plausible deception (always the sine qua non of previous false flags), just flagrant arrogance. Will that cause the fuse to sputter or will they make it into the second act?
667   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 2:11pm  

Pharaonic Royals and Rothschilds getting sloppy over gin and tonics at Chatham House: "My dear chappie, do you think it's time for the fallout shelters yet? I hear the Dragons have already set up the underground breeding chambers and there will be no more shortages of children for veal and blood."
668   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 2:37pm  

stereotomy says

It's working, the Gaza/Israel situation is creating division in the PatNet ranks! Hurray!

We have one side that makes every excuse for Russia, Islamists, China and Iran while they totally shit on Ukraine, Israel and their own country.

All of our Western allies are now "Satanic Globalhomo Rothchilds" and it is up to Putin and the Ayatollahs to stop us from becoming gay or something!

We often hear about "Russian bots" trying to sow distrust, confusion and hatred in our society. What would they be doing differently here at Patnet that we don't see several posters already doing here every day?
669   Patrick   2023 Oct 16, 2:48pm  

RayAmerica says

IMO, Russia stands in the way of the elites' dream creation; a despotic, totalitarian One World Government, where your freedoms will completely disappear, you'll own nothing but will be happy as you feast upon an abundance of bugs, washed down by recycled water from septic tanks.

@RayAmerica I think you are right.

The WEF and similar elites hate Russia, Iran, N. Korean not because they are evil, but because they are impediments to despotic, totalitarian One World Government.

Not saying those countries have great human rights records, but despotic, totalitarian One World Government would be even worse.

Our real enemies are in DC and Geneva, not in Mosow, Teheran, or Pyongyang. A few names of the worst enemies of all humanity:

Klaus Schwab
George Soros
Alex Soros
Bill Gates
Anthony Fauci
Francis Collins
Albert Bourla
Stéphane Bancel
Pierre Omidyar
670   komputodo   2023 Oct 16, 2:54pm  

ad says

Please clarify. Please give specific examples.

have you ever noticed when you type in the name of someone relatively famous in google, a auto complete list drops down so you can selected how to finish your query....Invariably one of the items is always NET WORTH. I'm not worldly but I doubt if other cultures put such importance on the net worth of individuals in the sense that they think it's a very common and important topic to query.

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