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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,194 views  949 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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790   socal2   2024 Jan 2, 9:58am  


What a shitshow.

But but but......."Ukraine is Fucked" we are constantly told by mindless Putin fluffers.

Yes, Ukraine was "fucked' once Russia did a full-on invasion nearly 2 years ago.

But no sober observer can look at the last 2 years and think Russia has come even close to fulfilling their war aims.

Ukraine wins by not losing.....
791   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jan 2, 10:17am  

socal2 says

Ukraine wins by not losing.....

Then Ukraine Is Fucked. Because it is not going to win. Even @WookieMan knows this.
792   WookieMan   2024 Jan 2, 12:45pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

socal2 says

Ukraine wins by not losing.....

Then Ukraine Is Fucked. Because it is not going to win. Even WookieMan knows this.

Ukraine 1,000% is fucked. You keep missing my point. Russia as a "super power" is way more fucked. They can't operate their own infrastructure. This doesn't take 2 years to play out. In 10 years Russia will collapse. Europe is managing just fine with another warm winter so far. They're showing they don't need Russia. No one does besides the oligarchs.

Russia can't manage the nat gas and oil without Western help. They have no intelligent men and any that could obtain that are dying in a dumb ass war. This isn't a today conversation. Ukraine will make and do what it can with what is has. Russia is in a massively fucking world of hurt. The media just doesn't report it. It's math. Russians time and time again have shown how worthless they are. This isn't about Ukraine. This is about another collapse of the shit show currently called Russia. Formerly the USSR. I hope you're getting my point of view. Because it's fact no matter how much you push back at me.
793   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jan 8, 2:53pm  

WookieMan says

Russia as a "super power" is way more fucked.

Russia was never a super power. The old USSR was.

Russia is a regional power. Still is. More than NATO is, too. Because if Ukraine is losing this war so is NATO.
794   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 12, 9:10am  

What Do You Call a War With China Plus a War With Russia Plus a Colossal War in the Middle East?

Did you see that we just bombed the Houthis? Each new day in 2024 seems to bring some sort of a new escalation, and for now most Americans can ignore all of the fighting because it is all happening on the other side of the globe. But how are they going to feel when the U.S. is actively engaged in multiple wars simultaneously and those wars are directly affecting daily life inside the United States? The time to speak out against the foolish policies of our leaders is before the entire world is engulfed in flames. Once thousands of missiles start flying, it will be too late.

Most Americans don’t realize this, but this weekend Taiwan will hold an election which may determine whether the U.S. and China go to war.

In fact, China has literally framed this election as “a choice between war and peace”…

More here: https://discernreport.com/what-do-you-call-a-war-with-china-plus-a-war-with-russia-plus-a-colossal-war-in-the-middle-east/
795   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 12, 4:10pm  

RayAmerica says
"What Do You Call a War With China Plus a War With Russia Plus a Colossal War in the Middle East?"

I call it Globalist imbecility that doesn't have a chance.
796   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 27, 7:38am  

Nuclear War; the ultimate depopulation scheme:

Macron Floats Troops in Ukraine for First Time, Moscow Warns of ‘Inevitable’ War with NATO

Discussion of sending NATO troops into Ukraine itself has suddenly broken into the open for the first time, prompting Russia to warn that “a direct military conflict between NATO and Russia will be inevitable” if Western troops became engaged.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg issued a denial that the alliance was planning to send troops to fight in Ukraine on Tuesday morning, following 24 hours of public discussion among member states on the move, which also triggered a dark threat from Moscow about their response to any such deployment.

797   AD   2024 Feb 27, 9:09am  

RayAmerica says

Macron Floats Troops in Ukraine for First Time, Moscow Warns of ‘Inevitable’ War with NATO

Macron put under pressure by Biden's deep state to release this trial balloon about NATO troops in Ukraine.

Or Macron could have done this as a preemptive push against Biden's deep state trying to behind-the-scenes promote this, almost in the same sense as the CIA sites in Ukraine. Macron is savvy as far as this type of Machiavelli behavior.

I read that the German government quickly shot it down.
798   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 27, 9:12am  

AD says

RayAmerica says

Macron Floats Troops in Ukraine for First Time, Moscow Warns of ‘Inevitable’ War with NATO

Macron put under pressure by Biden's deep state to release this trial balloon about NATO troops in Ukraine.

Or Macron could have done this as a preemptive push against Biden's deep state trying to behind-the-scenes promote this, almost in the same sense as the CIA sites in Ukraine. Macron is savvy as far as this type of Machiavelli behavior.

I read that the German government quickly shot it down.

This is just gaslighting BS to scare voters into pressuring the GOP to cave for more money to Ukraine 'so our boys & trans girls' won't have to fight. Schumer was tooting this BS last month as well, renember?
799   Misc   2024 Feb 27, 9:14am  

I think he is just trying to threaten the peasant uprising he's got going on.

He's gonna lose power and he is losing his mind because of his self-made fuck-ups.
800   HeadSet   2024 Feb 27, 10:40am  

AD says

I read that the German government quickly shot it down.

Yes, I suppose the Germans had had their fill of Russian troops in their capital.
801   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 29, 7:20am  

Aren't you glad that Crazy Biden and the Neo-Cons have our backs covered?

Putin Issues (Another) WWIII Warning: Put Western Troops in Ukraine and Get Global Nuclear War in Return

Put Western troops on the ground in Ukraine and get a global nuclear war in return. That was the clear threat issued Thursday by Russian President Vladimir Putin as he told the West to keep out of the fight between Moscow and Kyiv.

AP reports he spoke in a state-of-the-nation address ahead of next month’s election he’s all but certain to win, underlining his readiness to hold Russian gains in Ukraine at any cost.

In a thinly veiled reference to French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement earlier this week that the future deployment of Western ground troops to Ukraine is possible, Putin warned it would lead to “tragic” consequences for the countries who decide to do that, repeating earlier threats of igniting global nuclear conflagration.

802   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 29, 7:25am  

But why would we consider putting our own troops on the ground in Ukey Naziland? We were constantly told that the Ukey Nazis were winning!

803   RWSGFY   2024 Feb 29, 9:57am  

UkraineIsFucked says

derp, derp... Ukey Naziland? .... derp, derp... Nazis...

Oh, we finally have proof of Nazi being in charge there on the second anniversary of the Great Christian Buryat-Mongol SCHMO? Who are they? Couldn't be these Azov fighters who were accused of Nazi crimes, were supposed to be put on trial and Hitler portraits tattoed on their butts finally exposed for the world to see .... and then quietly returned home. Who else?
804   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 29, 10:02am  


Oh, we finally have proof of Nazi being in charge there on the second anniversary of the Great Christian Buryat-Mongol SCHMO? Who are they? Couldn't be these Azov fighters who were accused of Nazi crimes, were supposed to be put on trial and Hitler portraits tattoed on their butts finally exposed for the world to see .... and then quietly returned home. Who else?

What planet you live on?

Banderites = Nazis
805   AD   2024 Feb 29, 11:09am  


I wonder if this is in response to Macron putting out that trial balloon about deploying troops in Ukraine.



VLAD'S RED BUTTON Putin threatens to NUKE the West after accusing Nato of planning to strike Russia in rambling speech
Putin boasted how Russia has weapons that 'could defeat them [the West] on their own territory'

806   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 29, 11:25am  

AD says


I wonder if this is in response to Macron putting out that trial balloon about deploying troops in Ukraine.



VLAD'S RED BUTTON Putin threatens to NUKE the West after accusing Nato of planning to strike Russia in rambling speech
Putin boasted how Russia has weapons that 'could defeat them [the West] on their own territory'


There's a lot they can do to us w/o nukes. Submarine launched cruise missile delivered EMP (yes, you don't need to detonate a nuke high in orbit to create a wide area EMP) attacks on our cities, for example. Technically, they won't kill anyone directly.

Or embedded Spetznatz teams that blow key bridges across the Mississippi. I once read that there is just three crossings that 70% of US transcontinental freight use, for example.

Or sabotage just a few refineries. Esp in California and Hawaii.

It is not that hard to cripple us badly and in ways that will make Pearl Harbor look like child's play.

Every example I just gave except for the EMP non-state perpetrators can pull off on a budget financed by credit cards, for crying out loud.
807   socal2   2024 Feb 29, 1:05pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

It is not that hard to cripple us badly and in ways that will make Pearl Harbor look like child's play.

Every example I just gave except for the EMP non-state perpetrators can pull off on a budget financed by credit cards, for crying out loud.

Yet - Russia still hasn't been able to cripple their much smaller and weaker next door neighbor....
808   AD   2024 Feb 29, 1:20pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

There's a lot they can do to us w/o nukes. Submarine launched cruise missile delivered EMP (yes, you don't need to detonate a nuke high in orbit to create a wide area EMP) attacks on our cities, for example. Technically, they won't kill anyone directly.

Or embedded Spetznatz teams that blow key bridges across the Mississippi. I once read that there is just three crossings that 70% of US transcontinental freight use, for example.

Or sabotage just a few refineries. Esp in California and Hawaii.

It is not that hard to cripple us badly and in ways that will make Pearl Harbor look like child's play.

Every example I just gave except for the EMP non-state perpetrators can pull off on a budget financed by credit cards, for crying out loud.

Yes, also start fires such as in Texas panhandle and near a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility.

Lets hope the drought map does not show a lot of drought areas this summer

809   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 29, 1:20pm  

socal2 says

Yet - Russia still hasn't been able to cripple their much smaller and weaker next door neighbor....

Riight. Just 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers have 'disappeared' and large swaths of the country do not have electricity.
810   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 29, 1:31pm  

RayAmerica says

"Putin Issues (Another) WWIII Warning..."

From the link: "Nuclear Threat: Russia Will Drop ‘Entire Arsenal’ on London, Washington if it Doesn’t Win Ukraine War"


What If? There is no if here because Russia defeated NATO and the Nazi Globalists in Ukraine!

Frankly there is no if because in Ukraine Russia handed the neoCon Globalists their head in a platter and as a result the Unipolar era is dead.
811   WookieMan   2024 Feb 29, 3:02pm  

The_Deplorable says

RayAmerica says

"Putin Issues (Another) WWIII Warning..."

From the link: "Nuclear Threat: Russia Will Drop ‘Entire Arsenal’ on London, Washington if it Doesn’t Win Ukraine War"


What If? There is no if here because Russia defeated NATO and the Nazi Globalists in Ukraine!

Frankly there is no if because in Ukraine Russia handed the neoCon Globalists their head in a platter and as a result the Unipolar era is dead.

Both have lost. Ukraine the pawn. Russia has non-functional nukes. It's as obvious as can be. They can't demolish their neighbor. They could have used nukes. They can't and won't. Even their artillery is shit. Ukraine is trashed and Russia looks gay. As the West backs out funding this will be obvious. This should have been 2 weeks max. Not years...
812   richwicks   2024 Feb 29, 7:42pm  

AmericanKulak says

"Lied about Pearl Harbor" - Uh, Vals from multiple IJN Carriers didn't descend on Pearl Harbor and dive bomb ships at anchor?

Pearl Harbor was not a surprise attack. A Japanese spy sub was sunk hours before the bombing, the (main) fleet was deployed on maneuvers to keep them safe, there were radio intercepts - there wasn't radio silence by the Japanese, and the "day of infamy" happened with the help of the highest levels of the US government.

AmericanKulak says

The Kaiser paid saboteurs to put bombs on US Shipping, blow up a Nitrate storage facility at Black Tom, paid Mexican bandits to raid over the US border, and sank our neutral ships that have a right to sell donkeys and grain to whomever we damned feel like as a sovereign state with Freedom of the Seas.

It's very possible, even very likely.

But our own institutions would do this as well. We cannot know.

AmericanKulak says

We have to take a 2-3% GDP wallop because the Kaiser doesn't want us selling to our top 3 trade partners because HE is at war with them? Fuck outta here.

That's probably why the criminals controlling the US at the time manufactured an excuse to start the war, that was Pearl Harbor. They did everything they could do to provoke Japan.

The US is provoking Russia for the same reason, they need a war to blame the problems THEY CAUSED on somebody else. "Duh, it's the Putin Price Hike!" On top of that, the offense industry benefits, and criminals that are bribed in our government make a killing as well.

You have to start thinking like a sociopath to understand them.

AmericanKulak says

Saddam invaded Kuwait. We never gave "permission".

April Glaspie was US ambassador at the time, SHE gave him the go-ahead by saying that the US would not take sides:


Go look at the transcripts. They were disputed at the time, but finally she just resigned and disappeared. The US wanted that war and they got it.

And why do you care about Kuwait anyhow? When is the last time the US "news" talked about Kuwait? Just WHAT are they to us? Saudi Arabia attacked Yemen and Somalia, was that all over the news? Nope. The US has been helping to bomb them though.

AmericanKulak says

No 82nd Airborne or 24th Mech Inf was ever sent to Syria. Trump cleaned up ISIS in weeks by simply allowing A-10s to BRRRRRt the fuck out of ISIS tanker trucks going into Turkey.

Got no idea who was sent, but people were sent. ISIS (or somebody like them) were likely the ones that did the chemical attack in Ghouta. There was no chemical attack in Douma, that was fabricated. Two whisteblowers from the OPCW came forward to demonstrate that beyond a shadow of a doubt. ISIS was funded by Israel and the United States. Well, at least the US armed ISIS, they got their weapons supposedly by "raiding" Iraqi bases. You try to steal some shit from a US military base, nice knowing ya if you try. Just the stupidity of US propaganda is so frustrating people believe it.

AmericanKulak says

The Gulf of Tonkin was fog of war shit, but it's also true that the Soviets were dumping a shitload of weapons into North Vietnam. You know, this thing called a Cold War where the two sides reacted to each other out whenever one made a move.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. It possibly could have been a mistake, but if the US didn't go into Vietnam, there'd just be a lot more people there. China wasn't going to take over Vietnam or Cambodia, and they still haven't. Every US servicemen that died in that war, died for nothing other than making money for offense contractors.
813   richwicks   2024 Feb 29, 7:45pm  

Eric Holder says

AmericanKulak says

The First Iraq War didn't involve Saddam invading Kuwait and raiding into Saudi Arabia and launching missiles at neutral countries?


No we didn't. We told him we would do nothing if he did.

We also funded him and gave him weapons of mass destruction from 1980 to 1988 when Iraq was at war with Iran. The US lost control of Iran in 1979 as a result of the Iranian Revolution and the Iranian Hostage Crisis (of spies), and they gained control of Iran by overthrowing their government in 1953 to install a dictator puppet who is who the Shah was.
814   richwicks   2024 Feb 29, 7:50pm  

AmericanKulak says

The Biden administration has pressed Israel to delay its imminent invasion of Gaza to allow for the release of more hostages held by Hamas and for aid to reach Gaza, according to two sources briefed on the discussions.


Israel needs an excuse to keep bombing Gaza, and those are the hostages. Israel has been offered the hostages back for relatively trifling requests like a ceasefire for TWO DAYS. There's the Hannibal Directive in effect.


The hostages are as good as dead.
815   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 29, 11:52pm  

Somebody posted this elsewhere, but watch the strange reciprocity between attacks on infrastructure in Russia, and "accidents" a few weeks later in the USA.
816   RayAmerica   2024 Mar 1, 12:07pm  

Germany Appears to Have Inadvertently Revealed the UK and France have Soldiers in Ukraine

German Chancellor Scholz stands accused of handing Russia a propaganda coup in order to smooth over his own political difficulties as he claims the presence of British and French soldiers aiding Ukrainian forces.

Scholz has been accused of abusing intelligence and being a bad ally by angry NATO politicians after his remarks about the level of involvement he claims there is of the British and French in the deployment of the Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missiles they have given to Ukraine, and which have been deployed with devastating effect.

Ukraine continues to demand Germany hand over its stock of Taurus bunker-buster cruise missiles to help it fight Russia. Indeed, the powerful and long-range weapon which Berlin has proven resistant to supply has been the subject of debate in Germany dragging on now for several months. Chancellor Olaf Scholz insists providing the weapon, which has the endurance to strike deep into Russian areas would represent an irresponsible escalation of the war and make Germany a party to the conflict in a way its previous donations of weapon systems and ammunition had not.

Answering questions on the subject again this week, Chancellor Scholz developed his reasoning for refusing the weapon by stating it was of such complexity there would necessarily have to be German soldiers present in Ukraine to program and set up the weapon before it could be fired. Scholz said this week: “What is being done in the way of target control and accompanying target control on the part of the British and the French can’t be done in Germany. Everyone who has dealt with this system knows that”.

Indeed, he doubled down on this on Friday: “I will not support any decision that would somehow involve German soldiers in a military operation related to Russia’s terrible war against Ukraine”.

Scholz saying British and French troops are active inside Ukraine in this more active way — helping Ukrainians to program and target individual missiles — is a considerable step beyond this minor embassy protection role. Figures from the United Kingdom and within Germany itself have lashed out at Scholz for, it is alleged, throwing his allies under the bus to try and diffuse domestic political tension over his own issues.

817   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 3, 8:50am  

Green Party of Germany is behind Scholtz's move.
818   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 3, 8:10am  

Ukraine’s Starting to Get Dangerous by James Rickards

A lot of people seem to have forgotten about the war in Ukraine. That’s a mistake.

Russia is slowly but steadily defeating Ukraine, which is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone except the most anti-Russian diehards.

That’s leading to desperation in elite Western circles determined to stop Russia one way or the other. In their minds, they simply can’t let Putin win. They think that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he’ll next move on to the Baltic states, Poland and elsewhere.

You know the West is getting desperate based on recent threats by France’s Emmanuel Macron to send troops to Ukraine.

The vice president of the Russia Duma, Pyotr Tolstoy (descendant of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy), warned that French troops would be priority targets for Russian forces if they entered Ukraine.

Even though France would send troops independent of NATO, that puts us on a very dangerous path that ultimately leads to direct conflict between NATO and Russia. And that path ends in nuclear war ultimately.

Tolstoy added that it would take “just two minutes to nuke Paris.” It’s not hard to envision how quickly things could escalate if France decided to send troops to Ukraine.

More Escalation

Meanwhile, NATO is preparing to send F-16s to Ukraine. Airfields in Ukraine are highly vulnerable to Russian attack, especially since Ukraine’s air defenses are heavily depleted at this point and the Russian air force is becoming increasingly active in Ukraine.

But if NATO allows the F-16s to be based on its own airbases, Putin has warned that these airfields would become a “legitimate target” if strikes against Russian forces were launched from them.

By the way, Russia has hypersonic missiles that NATO has no practical ability to shoot down, so these attacks would likely be successful. Of course, NATO would have to retaliate in kind. You can imagine where all this could lead.

We’re already well along the escalation ladder. And the higher you go, the more face you stand to lose if you back down. I warned about that from the outset of the war.

But the entire notion that Russia poses some existential threat to NATO or Europe is absurd.

Putin Has Nothing to Gain and Everything to Lose

First off, the theory that Putin will invade other countries if he wins in Ukraine is nonsense. The Russian army lacks the men and materiel to occupy Ukraine while simultaneously invading other countries.

This isn’t the Soviet Union with its massive tank armies poised to roll over Western Europe. And Soviet communism is long dead, so there’s no ideological basis for Russia to invade Europe. These days Russia is a conservative, Orthodox Christian nation.

But more importantly, Putin has absolutely no incentive to invade any of these nations, which are NATO members. What do they have that he wants?

All it would do is trigger Article 5 of the NATO Charter, which stipulates that an attack on one member is an attack on all, inviting a massive NATO response. At that point, you’re on the fast track to nuclear war.

Putin is fully aware of that.

Fearmongers like to point to what Putin once said in a speech: “Whoever doesn’t miss the Soviet Union doesn’t have a heart.”

They take that as proof that he wants to recreate the Soviet Union. But they conveniently omit what he said next:

“Whoever wants it back doesn’t have a brain.”

Whatever you think of Putin, he definitely has a brain. He has no intention to restore the Soviet Union.

More here:https://dailyreckoning.com/ukraines-starting-to-get-dangerous/
819   socal2   2024 Apr 3, 8:18am  

RayAmerica says

First off, the theory that Putin will invade other countries if he wins in Ukraine is nonsense. The Russian army lacks the men and materiel to occupy Ukraine while simultaneously invading other countries.

I wish you all would make up your minds.

You all have been telling us for 3 years that Russia is so strong and dangerous that the West risks WWIII by supporting Ukraine to defend their sovereign borders against Russia's illegal invasion.

In reality, Russia's military is totally fucking pathetic and are stuck in a total quagmire where the front lines have barely moved at all in 2+ years despite 10's of thousands of dead Russians.
820   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 3, 8:37am  

Reading all the mershemeiers of this world one soon learns that USSR is simultaneously so stronk that any resistance is futile and also so weak it can fall apart any moment, shedding nuclear weapons into the hands of terrorists uncontrollably.

We also learn that America is about to go bankrupt because it spent of 5% of its defence budget in 2 years and simultaneously that Soviets can totally afford spending 40% of their entire budget on the war indefinitely w/o any ill effects on them.

But the conclusion is always the same: we all must surrender to the Soviets and fulfill all their delusional imperial dreams, no matter what international laws and treaties say.

Clown world.
821   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 3, 8:54am  

socal2 says

You all have been telling us for 3 years that Russia is so strong and dangerous that the West risks WWIII by supporting Ukraine to defend their sovereign borders against Russia's illegal invasion.

In reality, Russia's military is totally fucking pathetic and are stuck in a total quagmire where the front lines have barely moved at all in 2+ years despite 10's of thousands of dead Russians.

^^^ retarded. Russia has been fighting a war of attrition. And now that the Ukey soldiers have been slaughtered en masse, the Russians are advancing 5-8 miles per day along the entire front.

But socal2 can't admit to any of that because that would also force him to admit he's been trolling us with complete bulkshit for the past 2+ years.
822   WookieMan   2024 Apr 3, 9:47am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

^^^ retarded. Russia has been fighting a war of attrition. And now that the Ukey soldiers have been slaughtered en masse, the Russians are advancing 5-8 miles per day along the entire front.

But socal2 can't admit to any of that because that would also force him to admit he's been trolling us with complete bulkshit for the past 2+ years.

It's a zero sum game. No one is going to "win" is the point I've been making. This has another decade to go. Potentially longer. There's been fighting for a long time. Russia took Crimea. Ukraine just sat there and took it? There's been conflict for a good decade. Russia just announced it 3 years ago is all. And yes it is a war of attrition.

Knowing the ethnicities and personalities, this will easily be a 20-30 year war. The only caveat is if Ukraine can strike Russia proper and disrupt oil and gas. Even then I see this turning into a Korean war type situation. No winner. Still officially at war with pauses in combat.
823   socal2   2024 Apr 3, 9:53am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

the Russians are advancing 5-8 miles per day along the entire front.

If that was even remotely true, Russia would be knocking on Kiev's doorstep in about 2 weeks.

It is one thing to say Ukraine can't "win" (i.e. push all Russian forces out of Ukraine).

But why must you make hyperbolic and foolish statements like the one above that are so provably false making you look utterly retarded? I don't think Russia has advanced 5 miles in a single day at a single point since the initial invasion 3 years ago. Let alone advancing 5-8 miles on the entire front.

Do you think we are retarded and can't look at the battle map which has shown basically the same trench lines for over 2 years despite Russia's latest "winter offensive" throwing tens of thousands of young Russian men into the meat grinder?

824   socal2   2024 Apr 3, 10:05am  

WookieMan says

Knowing the ethnicities and personalities, this will easily be a 20-30 year war.

Russia's only chance of a "win" was to decapitate the leadership in Kiev in the first month of the war.

The drunk, corrupt and incompetent Russian military failed to achieve their Blitzkrieg - and are now stuck in a grinding stalemate fighting against entrenched defenders who are taking out multi-million dollar Russian tanks with $1,000 drones.
825   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 3, 10:28am  

socal2 says

The drunk, corrupt and incompetent Russian military failed to achieve their Blitzkrieg - and are now stuck in a grinding stalemate fighting against entrenched defenders who are taking out multi-million dollar Russian tanks with $1,000 drones.

Do you honestly believe that if Russia wanted to wipe Kiev off of the map they couldn't have done that? Really? Obviously, that was never their objective.
826   WookieMan   2024 Apr 3, 10:31am  

socal2 says

WookieMan says

Knowing the ethnicities and personalities, this will easily be a 20-30 year war.

Russia's only chance of a "win" was to decapitate the leadership in Kiev in the first month of the war.

The drunk, corrupt and incompetent Russian military failed to achieve their Blitzkrieg - and are now stuck in a grinding stalemate fighting against entrenched defenders who are taking out multi-million dollar Russian tanks with $1,000 drones.

For sure hasn't gone the way Russia wanted it. This is a bar fight. It's still inside at this point. No one has taken it outside yet. Once western aid goes away it goes outside and the gloves come off. That might take a decade. Either way there will be no winner is my point.

The bridge to Crimea is going at some point in a big way. The first attack on it will look like child's play. Ukraine will take out multiple support columns. I think it happens before June/July. If they cut that off they can focus the front in different areas. I ultimately don't have a pony in this race, just predicting what I think is coming.

Cut off the southern supply and Russia only can attack Westward on the border and cannot reenforce southern troops. That bridge is coming down. Hence why I say this will be another decade at least. If Ukraine can collapse sizable portions of the bridge they can attack construction crews trying to rebuild it with basic drones. Then work to cut off Crimea from land access. That's about the only way they could "win" in the long run. That bridge needs to go.
827   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 3, 10:43am  

The Zelensky government needs to step up their kidnapping efforts if their much vaunted army is going to be properly manned for the upcoming 'Spring Offensive.' Last year's offensive was, by all accounts, a complete disaster. But hey, maybe the latest kidnapped crop of "I don't want to fight" young boys, old men and women will turn the tide? Maybe even some of them can fly those F-16s that we've sent them?
828   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 3, 10:48am  

Ukrainian military leaders know they can't win on battlefield – Guardian

Their army’s weakness has prompted Kiev’s strikes on Russian infrastructure, senior officers have allegedly told the London newspaper

Ukraine has no other option but to launch attacks inside Russia, including on its oil infrastructure, because its army faces continued setbacks on the battlefield, The Guardian has reported, citing the leadership of the country's military intelligence service, the GUR.

Officers who allegedly spoke to the British newspaper were candid about Kiev’s desperate military situation. GUR Brigadier-General Dmitry Timkov said his country was like a patient on life support.

”We are attached to a drip. We have enough drugs to stay alive. But, if the West wants us to win, we need the full treatment,” he admitted, referring to the dwindling quantities of military aid coming from Kiev's western backers.

Major General Vadim Skibitsky, the deputy head of the GUR, admitted that a Ukrainian victory, widely promised by Kiev, is impossible at the moment. Facing multiple setbacks, the agency had “no choice” but to launch strikes deep inside Russia. He described this as a “NATO-standard procedure, known as center of gravity, or COG.”

More here: https://www.rt.com/russia/595341-ukraine-gur-attacks-guardian/

PS: No surprise at all. Everyone with even half of a brain knows that Ukraine never had a chance to defeat Russia ... as in NEVER.
829   socal2   2024 Apr 3, 11:04am  

RayAmerica says

Do you honestly believe that if Russia wanted to wipe Kiev off of the map they couldn't have done that? Really? Obviously, that was never their objective.

Do you honestly believe Russia wanted to have a stalemate the last 3 years and over 300,000 casualties with so little to show?

Face it, Russia expected another 2 week victory like they had in Crimea and Georgia and now they are trapped in a brutal slog, and Putin is throwing everything he can at the front line with little gains to justify his total cockup of a war.

People are on crack if they truly believe if this was all part of Russia's plan.

Not a chance in hell Putin expected to be where he is today 3 years later with so little to show.

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