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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   106,502 views  929 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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670   komputodo   2023 Oct 16, 2:54pm  

ad says

Please clarify. Please give specific examples.

have you ever noticed when you type in the name of someone relatively famous in google, a auto complete list drops down so you can selected how to finish your query....Invariably one of the items is always NET WORTH. I'm not worldly but I doubt if other cultures put such importance on the net worth of individuals in the sense that they think it's a very common and important topic to query.
671   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 3:06pm  

Many net worths are rug pulls. They are generally meaningless except as the person has access to certain amount of liquid credit and as hashtags and magician's tokens for grifts to fool the gullibles as to the status of the net worther. In other words, as often as not, bullshit. Look how many historically 'wealthy' celebrities wind up going bankrupt. How could that possibly happen?
"To pull a good grift or con, you need to show money."
672   KgK one   2023 Oct 16, 4:07pm  

Us is starting war all over, before it gets in war with China.

If others are not in war, then they may come out ahead economically if us destroys itself n china.

Now thru internet, people know almost any country n people can get ahead. Even US has many immigrants like Einstein n heizenbueg , most phd students..... that helped us get ahead. So many are questioning $ and it's monopoly. Previously us destroyed any country who stopped using $ but now many large countries are skipping $.

War is coming
673   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 4:57pm  

socal2 says

The USSR/Russia has never really paid a price for allying itself with the Nazis on Poland and being on the wrong side of everything during the Cold War.

How long ago was 1939? Sounds to me like you're still fighting WWII. It wasn't the Russian people that made a deal with Hitler and the Nazis, it was Stalin.

How did the USSR get 'on the wrong side of everything during the Cold War?'

Answer: Churchill and Truman signed away the freedoms of over 100 MILLION Eastern Europeans at Potsdam. Because of this, for over 70 years, they languished under tyranny. Stalin ranks as the second worst mass murderer in world history, right behind Mao Tse-Tung of China. Yet, it was in this brutal dictator's hands that Eastern Europe was put by the good old USA & Britain. Also, have you ever stopped to think that the USSR was our trusted 'ally' during WWII?

Also, I hate to break the news to you, but Communism was overthrown in Russia and is doing just fine, thank you.
674   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 4:59pm  


I might have missed it, but did you ever answer my question put to you regarding the 47 story Building 7 that had only a small fire in a corner of the building, and yet collapsed in its own footprint? How did that happen socal2? Please explain.
675   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 5:00pm  

Patrick says

Our real enemies are in DC and Geneva, not in Mosow, Teheran, or Pyongyang. A few names of the worst enemies of all humanity:

Klaus Schwab
George Soros
Alex Soros
Bill Gates
Anthony Fauci
Francis Collins
Albert Bourla
Stéphane Bancel
Pierre Omidyar

Proverbial nail hit right on the head.
676   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 5:10pm  

socal2 says

How can Gaza be suffering "genocide" when they have one of the fastest growing populations on the planet and also suffering from obesity?

Are they?

Gaza is 141 square miles. The conversion to square feet is 141 x 5280 x 5280 = 3,930,854,400 square feet. There are 2,375,259 (estimated of course) people in that region.

3,930,854,400 / 2,375,259 = 1655 square feet for every individual. There's places that are as similarly dense, but these people can't leave. Everybody in Gaza basically lives in a tiny area. It's like the film Dredd. Incredible density.

Don't forget there is competition for everything, including space. MOST people in Gaza don't have that 1,655 feet. It's not equally distributed it. It is a genocide. How can you do anything in such a small space? You can't even grow food. They are entirely dependent on Israel for food, water, everything.
677   socal2   2023 Oct 16, 6:36pm  

RayAmerica says


I might have missed it, but did you ever answer my question put to you regarding the 47 story Building 7 that had only a small fire in a corner of the building, and yet collapsed in its own footprint? How did that happen socal2? Please explain.

I don't waste my time with 9/11 troofer nonsense.

It is the most retarded conspiracy in history - nothing more than Commie/Islamist bullshit aimed at morons, Rosie O'Donnels and 5th columnists who are trying to divide our country. Why go to the massive effort (AND RISK) to rig a building for demolition when they already have Islamists flying commercial jets into them? (Or were the Islamists flying the 4 jets and all the victims talking with loved ones fake too?)

Absolutely impossible to wire a huge building like that for controlled demolition without ANYONE seeing anything. It would take miles of detonation cord, hundred of pounds of explosives, weeks and weeks of engineers working day and night cutting and prepping beams etc.

Amazes me how some think our government has superhuman ability to run conspiracies and pull off a 9/11, but they forgot to plant WMD's in Iraq despite years of moving billions of tons of people and material back and forth across the Iraqi border.

So fucking dumb it makes my head hurt. But it helps me understand those who self-identify.
678   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 16, 6:38pm  

socal2 says

The USSR/Russia has never really paid a price for allying itself with the Nazis on Poland and being on the wrong side of everything during the Cold War.

30 million Soviets dead in WW2 isn't a price?

Then WTF is?
679   AD   2023 Oct 16, 6:39pm  

richwicks says

Are they?

Gaza is 141 square miles. The conversion to square feet is 141 x 5280 x 5280 = 3,930,854,400 square feet. There are 2,375,259 (estimated of course) people in that region.

yeah, Palestinians in West Bank are not packed as much as sardines ...that is perhaps why they are not acting as unruly ....

also economic opportunities may be better in the West Bank ...

and the Palestinians in West Bank have relatively more freedom of movement: https://amman2jerusalem.com/crossing-borders-jordan-israel-palestine/
680   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 16, 7:03pm  

Gaza is about as dense as Washington, DC. Nobody considers DC to be anything like very dense on the order of Kowloon City or Bladerunner.

It's one fifth as dense as Quezon City or Paris, which are around 150km square miles and around 2-2.5M people, similar land area and population BOTH.

Gaza is less dense than Tel Aviv.

And a tenth as dense as Calcutta or Macao.

I encourage people to look at live web cams of Gaza which are still running to see if it looks like "Carpet Bombing" or "Cyberpunk 2077/Judge Dredd density".


If it's night, you can scroll back to the daytime and see that 99.9% of buildings are still standing, no rubble blocking most roads, etc.
681   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 16, 7:12pm  

socal2 says

Amazes me how some think our government has superhuman ability to run conspiracies and pull off a 9/11, but they forgot to plant WMD's in Iraq despite years of moving billions of tons of people and material back and forth across the Iraqi border.


If they wired the Two Towers and WTC #7, they could have certainly bribed a few Iraqis or hired some Kurdish insurgents to bury some WMD shells or bombs in the desert or in a building basement to later be "discovered" so as not look ridiculous later. Hell, they could have planted them in 2003 after the invasion and found them a year later with some Iraqi Chemical Marketings on them that look like they were manufactured in any of the past few years.
682   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 7:30pm  

socal2 says

It is the most retarded conspiracy in history - nothing more than Commie/Islamist bullshit aimed at morons, Rosie O'Donnels and 5th columnists who are trying to divide our country. Why go to the massive effort (AND RISK) to rig a building for demolition when they already have Islamists flying commercial jets into them? (Or were the Islamists flying the 4 jets and all the victims talking with loved ones fake too?)

Absolutely planes were were run into the World Trade Centers.

Why did WTC7 collapse?

Why were there were 5 Israelis recording the event?
683   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 8:17pm  

Thanks for your answer socal2.

You can't explain how a 47 story building simply collapsed due to a small fire in a corner of the building. Got it.

And you can't explain how the most secure building in the entire world, with literally dozens of security cameras, all just had one of those strange malfunctions. I'll bet you think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself too, right?
684   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 16, 8:23pm  

I never thought about it from the perspective of "If they could wire up 2 megascrapers and another high rise, why couldn't they plant WMDs in Iraq to justify the invasion and eliminate most of the domestic criticism". That's a great one. The latter would be much, much easier and concealable than the former. Just give a few Kurds or Secret Agents a truck with some Mustard Gas shells or bombs, with Iraqi markings from known Chemical Plants/Iraqi Army symbols in Arabic, have them bury it or put them in an unused bunker or building and "Find" them in 2004. Kill the 3-4 participants who drove the truck and did the fraud and nobody would know.
685   AD   2023 Oct 16, 8:31pm  

richwicks says

Why did WTC7 collapse?

Why were there were 5 Israelis recording the event?

What is your proof about the 5 Israelis ?

686   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 16, 8:38pm  

But not finding WMDs didn't prevent them from invading Iraq, did it? They only needed to fool the public in the beginning, which caused caused sufficient fear of Saddam, which in turn justified military action against him.

Furthermore, ask just about any American if Saddam had WMDs, anthrax, plutonium, etc. and you'll find out that they believe he did. They were also sold on the idea that he was directly involved in in 9/11, which he wasn't.

Keep in mind, that the typical American has an attention span of no more than about 2 weeks.
Fool them in the beginning, repeat the lie over and over again, and you'll be able to justify just about anything, especially if you get them to believe that you are protecting THEM.
687   Patrick   2023 Oct 16, 8:42pm  

Right! They didn't really need the WMDs.

One way it could have happened is that Bush knew about the impending Saudi attack (the same way I suspect Netanyahu knew about the impending Hamas attack) and did nothing in order to get more power and distract from domestic problems.

Then later they thought, "Hey, we can use 9/11 to justify attacking Iraq."
688   AD   2023 Oct 16, 9:01pm  

RayAmerica says

Keep in mind, that the typical American has an attention span of no more than about 2 weeks.

The modern public gets swept up in the hysteria by the mainstream media especially invading Iraq after 911 just like Romans got swept up by bread and circus in the Colosseum.

689   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 9:35pm  

ad says

What is your proof about the 5 Israelis ?


Are you fucking kidding me?

Are you young, or do you simply not remember? 5 Israelis, who were "illegal immigrants" were working for Urban Moving Systems, recorded the entire event.


Fox "news" reported it at the time and retracted the article and threatened anybody reposting it for copyright infringement.

If you're young, like under 40, I can forgive you, but I'm 52 - I remember this in real time. LOTS of people remember it, and they speak about it, however, nobody listens.

It's blatantly obvious that Israel was involved in 9/11 but so was our own government. 9/11 was a false flag to start off 20 years of stupid wars. We're stuck with this criminal government until enough people recognize our government is composed of criminal murderers.

You can't fix a problem until you see the problem, and it's no end of frustration that people refuse to see the problem. Our government, is a criminal syndicate. Joe Biden, when he son Beau Biden died, setup a charity for brain cancer research, he collected about 2 - 4 million dollars for it, and it POCKETED THE MONEY, it wasn't spent on research. He used the death of his OWN SON to make money.

You don't understand the psychopaths in power. I do. These people are monsters. They are not human.

I have seen psychopaths on smaller scales. I used to do dog rescue, I encountered a woman breeding dogs and using the rescue group to sell them. The whole purpose of our group was to save the animals already alive, in a shelter, waiting to die - often abused or something - it was a lot of work to fix them regain trust with them, and she was part of creating the problem, for profit - MINIMAL profit - I spent $1,000's of dollars on dogs to fix medical problems, to acclimate them for a adoption fee of $500. You can dismiss this as a minor evil, it's just evil. Evil people just take advantage of every situation, and really evil people, create the situation.

People are so fucking evil, I just can't do it anymore. I want out of this fucking lunacy.
690   AD   2023 Oct 16, 9:49pm  

richwicks says

Are you fucking kidding me?

Also this one who seems to snoop more then you


and this :-/


691   AD   2023 Oct 16, 10:16pm  

richwicks says

I used to do dog rescue, I encountered a woman breeding dogs and using the rescue group to sell them.

Its greedy and immoral, but not very evil if the dogs are not mistreated and eventually end up in better circumstances..
692   richwicks   2023 Oct 16, 10:54pm  

ad says

richwicks says

Are you fucking kidding me?

Also this one who seems to snoop more then you


and this :-/



I don't see how in any way this doesn't assert that in fact, Israel was involved with 9/11, and in fact demonstrates they were.

There were 5 Israelis recording the destruction of the WTC buildings. Of course they were involved. What's the mystery here? The fact that our government let them go back to Israel indicates the US intelligence agencies were involved. 9/11 was a false flag to start 20 years of stupid fucking wars that did nothing for this country, because we have allowed Neocon FUCKTARDS to control our foreign policy.

Neocons are traitors. They are either immensely incompetent, are or actively working to destroy this nation. Flip a coin, doesn't matter how it lands, it's one or the other, possibly both. At minimum they should be removed from the government, at maximum, they should literally be executed.
693   komputodo   2023 Oct 17, 7:24am  

Ceffer says

Many net worths are rug pulls. They are generally meaningless except as the person has access to certain amount of liquid credit and as hashtags and magician's tokens for grifts to fool the gullibles as to the status of the net worther. In other words, as often as not, bullshit. Look how many historically 'wealthy' celebrities wind up going bankrupt. How could that possibly happen?
"To pull a good grift or con, you need to show money."

I do not doubt that the numbers are meaningless and totally bullshit....But that is not my point...my point is why do americans care about how much "imaginary" $$$ a "celebrity" has? Why is it important to them? And as you commented about the "status of the net worthee". Why do americans think that high wealth equals high status? Someone could be a terrible person but yet his/her high wealth gives them high status and people still admire them.
694   komputodo   2023 Oct 17, 7:33am  

socal2 says

Amazes me how some think our government has superhuman ability to run conspiracies and pull off a 9/11,

What do you mean by government? All that was needed was 10 or less operatives to do the heavy lifting and the media would do the rest. They didn't need pelosi or schummer or any govt. intervention for the job. Also, why do you say "run conspiracies"? I think you mean run an operation.
695   Shaman   2023 Oct 17, 7:52am  

“ People are so fucking evil, I just can't do it anymore. I want out of this fucking lunacy.”

Yep that’s the situation. None good but God.
And that includes you, no matter how many dogs you’ve rescued.
It’s just become super obvious lately.
696   Onvacation   2023 Oct 17, 8:22am  

socal2 says

I don't care.

Apathy and ignorance is a dangerous combination.
697   Onvacation   2023 Oct 17, 8:38am  

socal2 says

Absolutely impossible to wire a huge building like that for controlled demolition without ANYONE seeing anything. It would take miles of detonation cord, hundred of pounds of explosives, weeks and weeks of engineers working day and night cutting and prepping beams etc.

And yet office fires can make it fall at the acceleration of gravity?

Ignorance has consequences.
698   socal2   2023 Oct 17, 8:40am  

AmericanKulak says

I never thought about it from the perspective of "If they could wire up 2 megascrapers and another high rise, why couldn't they plant WMDs in Iraq to justify the invasion and eliminate most of the domestic criticism". That's a great one.

Really - you never thought of that?

I was making this argument for years and have never gotten a 9/11 troofer or Islamist/Commie apologist to even try and address this obvious point. They rather discuss Rosie O'Donnell's renowned expertise in metallurgy and other nonsensical bullshit about Israelis.

It takes a special level of retardation to simultaneously think forces in the US government are so amazing they could implement (let alone cover up 9/11) but had no plan to plant WMD's in Iraq despite US forces having near total control of that country for 10+ years.
699   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 17, 8:51am  

Patrick says

Then later they thought, "Hey, we can use 9/11 to justify attacking Iraq."

A couple of years before the attacks on 9/11 and the subsequent illegal invasion of Iraq (and Afghanistan), Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz wrote a position paper for the State of Israel on the subject of Saddam Hussein and Iraq. In it, they strongly emphasized the need, for the security of Israel, to remove Saddam from power and thereby install a pro-Israeli government.
Perle and Wolfowitz, both NeoCons with strong ties to Israel, were extremely influential in the Bush Administration, prior to and during the days of the USA's illegal invasions. The fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 indicates that the Israeli position paper written by Perle and Wolfowitz was, at the very least, influential in the decision to invade Iraq.

9/11 was the excuse that was needed to implement the plan to remake the Middle East. Soon after 9/11, at the Pentagon, Gen. Wesley Clark was shown a classified memo by a 4 Star General, that was written by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The memo listed seven countries that were to be toppled by the U.S. military in the coming five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. In that order.

While the timeline is certainly off from the original plan, the script of this memo has pretty much been followed.
700   socal2   2023 Oct 17, 8:54am  

komputodo says

socal2 says

Amazes me how some think our government has superhuman ability to run conspiracies and pull off a 9/11,

What do you mean by government? All that was needed was 10 or less operatives to do the heavy lifting and the media would do the rest. They didn't need pelosi or schummer or any govt. intervention for the job. Also, why do you say "run conspiracies"? I think you mean run an operation.

Dude - you think it would only take 10 people to SECRETLY rig 3 of the largest buildings in the world for implosion? It takes over 6 months with an army of engineers to rig a medium to small size tower. Imagine how much longer it would take to SECRETLY rig the biggest buildings in the world? It would have to started before Bush was even elected.

Do you think there would be absolutely no evidence of detonation cord and evidence of blast points after the implosions? No witnesses seeing unusual construction activity for months and years? There were thousands and thousands of people (across multiple government agencies) involved in the cleanup and investigation of the tower collapses.

There is no way a secret cabal of a handful of people could keep this conspiracy under wraps with so many people poking around. 9/11 troofer retardation was in full swing just a few years after the Islamist attacks and lots of people would be grabbing onto ANY physical evidence of internal explosives. Instead the troofers have to rely on the renowned metallurgy expertise of the Rosie O'Donnell's of the world!

Our government is filled with far too many stupid and incompetent people, yet 9/11 troofers still have a child like belief in our government's superhuman abilities. It's embarrassing!
701   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 17, 8:55am  

Pentagon Doesn’t Deny 2,000 U.S. Troops Given ‘Prepare-to-Deploy’ Orders to Support Israel in War with Hamas

703   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 17, 8:58am  


"Dude," why don't you make those "Troofers" look silly and explain how that 47 story Building 7 collapsed because of a fire located in a corner of the building.

Go ahead, make those "Troofers" look silly with your brilliant explanation.

While you're at it, tell those "Troofers" how the Pentagon's cameras all just sort of malfunctioned on that fateful day. Go for it "Dude."
704   socal2   2023 Oct 17, 9:03am  

RayAmerica says

A couple of years before the attacks on 9/11 and the subsequent illegal invasion of Iraq (and Afghanistan), Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz wrote a position paper for the State of Israel on the subject of Saddam Hussein and Iraq. In it, they strongly emphasized the need, for the security of Israel, to remove Saddam from power and thereby install a pro-Israeli government.

Of course.

But unless you are only 9 years old and don't remember history, Iraq was the biggest unfinished business for the US military after the fall of the USSR.

Iraq was the only place in the world where we still had US troops and pilots getting routinely fired upon by Saddam's forces as we were enforcing the UN Sanctions and No Fly Zones to protect Kurds and Shia from genocide.

After 9/11, Bin Laden specifically cited US "infidels" stationed in Saudi Arabia (as part of the UN Sanctions program against Iraq) as one of the main reasons for attacking the US on 9/11.

Saddam was not directly behind 9/11, but it is all related in what makes up the Muslim/Arab shithole world.

Neocons falsely thought if they kick over the chess board after 9/11 by removing Saddam, we could remove troops from Saudi land and it would make some room for some less-crazy Muslims to take power in Iraq and set an example for the rest of the Middle East.

Neocons and the US military grossly underestimated how fucked up and brutal the Muslim world is. Our military could topple the Iraqi and Taliban governments inside of a few weeks, but we couldn't keep the Muslims from killing each other all these years after.
705   Ceffer   2023 Oct 17, 9:28am  

It's so cute that there are people who still think that 9/11 was real.
706   socal2   2023 Oct 17, 9:43am  

RayAmerica says

"Dude," why don't you make those "Troofers" look silly and explain how that 47 story Building 7 collapsed because of a fire located in a corner of the building.

I dunno - maybe because two of the largest buildings in the world came crashing down directly adjacent to Building 7 resulting in a massive debris pile that weakened the structure and caused a massive fire that burned uncontrolled for hours weakening the beams? The water supply to the building was damaged by the other tower collapse so the fires burned for hours on several floors.

There are plenty of independent fact checks from independent engineering and news organizations on WTC7. They even narrow it down to a specific girders and floors that failed.

But I guess all the independent investigators, news agencies and MIT were ALL in the conspiracy too? A conspiracy so large and vast, yet not a single person has come clean yet.....

The liberal Media and Democrats would have liked nothing better than to hang a 9/11 conspiracy on the Bush administration if there was any there there.

So here we are 20+ years later and only Islamists and Russian/Chinese boosters are pushing this tired old bullshit still trying to confuse and divide our country.
707   socal2   2023 Oct 17, 9:47am  

Ceffer says

It's so cute that there are people who still think that 9/11 was real.


It certainly wasn't Islamic terrorists. All those Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11 in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East are fake too!

Russia didn't invade Ukraine either.

Keep defending the indefensible. I think the girls at Code Pink are needing some support at their next Islamic support protest.
708   Reality   2023 Oct 17, 10:13am  

socal2 says

Dude - you think it would only take 10 people to SECRETLY rig 3 of the largest buildings in the world for implosion? It takes over 6 months with an army of engineers to rig a medium to small size tower. Imagine how much longer it would take to SECRETLY rig the biggest buildings in the world? It would have to started before Bush was even elected.

Do you think there would be absolutely no evidence of detonation cord and evidence of blast points after the implosions? No witnesses seeing unusual construction activity for months and years? There were thousands and thousands of people (across multiple government agencies) involved in the cleanup and investigation of the tower collapses.

There was renovation/construction going on inside WTC prior to 9-11, carried out by a company that had one of the Bush brothers on the board. As for how much effort it takes to take down a building, the usual large amount of human effort in peacetime rigging up a building for implosion is due to safety reasons: double-check, triple-check, 100x safety verification carried out every step of the way in order to avoid a single human casualty. When the operators don't have to worry about avoiding maiming/killing people, bringing down a building can be much much quicker. Did you not see the video a few days of how the Hamas administrative building was brought down? That was a medium sized building, took only seconds by a few missile strikes into the weight-bearing columns.

The cover-up for 9-11 was also easy: cordoning off the site, and shipping off the debris quickly before any forensic study was done. Planting WMD in occupied Iraq and covering up the planting would be a lot harder: you would have to present the evidence to the world public and subject all such evidence to tight scrutiny without the convenient excuse for destroying all evidence after 9-11.

As for communists, they too are controlled opposition financed by the globalist banking cabal (to kill bank account holders, whose account balances are liabilities to the banks). Same as murderous Jihadis (a tiny minority of world Muslims) and Zionists (a tiny minority of Jews who have no qualms about killing Jews in order to farm Jews). Jews farming Jews and Muslims farming Muslims for pay from the globalist banking cabal should be no surprise to anyone after Bernie Madoff, after Israeli government strictly enforcing toxxine shots on Israelis, and after thousands of years of false messiahs throughout Jewish history.

socal2 says

Neocons falsely thought if they kick over the chess board after 9/11 by removing Saddam, we could remove troops from Saudi land and it would make some room for some less-crazy Muslims to take power in Iraq and set an example for the rest of the Middle East.

Neocons and the US military grossly underestimated how fucked up and brutal the Muslim world is. Our military could topple the Iraqi and Taliban governments inside of a few weeks, but we couldn't keep the Muslims from killing each other all these years after.

Either naive or lying through teeth. The Neocons have been promoting conflict between Sunnis and Shiites for decades. Notice Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon all have Sunni vs. Shiite split. I used to think it was a Neocon strategy to promote Shiite power (e.g. toppling Sunni-favoring Saddam regime so that the majority Shiites in Iraq would rise to power align with Iran next door) as a counter-balance to the various Sunni countries surrounding Israel. Now it's quite clear that the various Sunni countries surrounding Israel are actually run by Israeli-friendly puppets despite the Muslim public there being constantly fed a propaganda diet of hatred towards Jews and Israelis. Then such policies bring up the issue of what-for: why is Iran being paid and encouraged to have their nuclear weapons? Seems the population most at risk of Iranian nuclear weapons are Jews living in Israel! Who happen to have 30% savings rate and have accumulated in the last 75 years a vast claim against banks after giving their life-time/generational savings to the banks.
709   Reality   2023 Oct 17, 10:39am  

socal2 says

But I guess all the independent investigators, news agencies and MIT were ALL in the conspiracy too? A conspiracy so large and vast, yet not a single person has come clean yet.....

The liberal Media and Democrats would have liked nothing better than to hang a 9/11 conspiracy on the Bush administration if there was any there there.

So here we are 20+ years later and only Islamists and Russian/Chinese boosters are pushing this tired old bullshit still trying to confuse and divide our country.

How many people in the Scamdemic/Toxxine-jab operation have come clean? So far we still only have conspiracy facts to go on, and being suppressed just like 9-11 (and to a lesser degree Pearl Harbor). Plenty independent investigators have been exposing the scams, but you are here to defend the narrative promoted by the actual conspirators. News agencies are obviously controlled ever since (if not before) Operation Mockingbird (yes, even Watergate was a conspiracy to get rid of Nixon, not intrepid reporters exposing scandal). What about MIT? There can be paid shills there too: money meeting the less successful compared to their own peers at the Institute. Aren't Caroline Ellison's parents professors there? Weren't SBF and Elizabeth Holmes at Stanford? What about the Harvard idiots who recently signed on pro-Hamas declarations without reading them?

The most telling sign showing the impossibility of the official narrative about the fall of the 3 WTC buildings is the fact that investors did not stop building skyscrapers after 9-11, but kept building and building many more all over the world! If the skyscrapers were that easy to be brought down (a plane hit or a few hours of fire), who would continue building such death traps? Who would continue insuring such buildings? The smart money obviously believe each of the 3 skyscrapers falling that day (in their official narrative description) was not representative of how physics would normally work, and they are correct: out of over 100 years of skyscraper history, none other than those 3 have fallen due to a plane hit or a few hours of fire!

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