Trump to be indicted on Fed Charges as early as this week

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2023 Jun 6, 10:12am   14,060 views  110 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

A federal grand jury is expected to meet in Florida to hear testimony about former President Donald Trump's alleged mishandling of classified documents.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the grand jury is part of the investigation conducted by special counsel Jack Smith. It's separate from a Washington, D.C. grand jury that's been hearing testimony in the documents case.

People close to the investigation said Smith was trying to tie up loose ends before a possible indictment.

NBC News confirmed that a grand jury was meeting in Florida.

"Why prosecutors are using multiple grand juries, and whether they are ready to seek an indictment in either jurisdiction is unknown," the NBC News report noted. "The Justice Department declined to comment on the investigation."

On Monday, attorneys for Trump met with officials at the Department of Justice to argue he should not be indicted.

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17   richwicks   2023 Jun 9, 2:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

Back in the 70s, he supported the EU and said Der Juden were against the EU since Jews were suspicious of a "Master Race" arising from a united Europe. Decades later, "Corbyn is a very fine man" in reaction to his anti-Israel stances. He was anti-semitic long before he began his "Holocaust Research"

His opinions are irrelevant. Besides, I've been down this road too - IS this his opinion? Surely you have him writing this, or saying this on video?

A LOT of lies are told about David Irving, to smear him.

I don't give the slightest damn about if he's anti-Semitic or not either. I only care if he's correct or not and he does have an awful lot of evidence he's correct.

There are so many stupid lies about WWII. It's just atrocity propaganda. there's one story I saw recently going around about a woman holocaust survivor whose hands were cut off and swapped, left to right, right to left, and surgically reattached. Sounds very shocking, until you do a little learning about anatomy... There's SO many hoaxes about WWII. Jewish skin lampshades, soap made from Jewish bodies. Some lady claimed she went to a gas chamber 3 times, and got VERY lucky because they ran out of gas. cause you know, no other way to kill them or something. What's diesel exhaust? Knives and bullets don't exist or something. Just the stupidity.

There was certainly a holocaust, but it isn't as large in scope, it affected more peoples than just "the Jews", and there are countless false stories. It's hard to separate truth from fiction at this point.

AmericanKulak says

That's why I hate whenever these guys are deplatformed. Their bullshit is usually exterminated faster than a Polish Village after an Einsatzgruppen Death Squad

A DEBATE has no value. That's just 2 assholes trying to "win" an argument. Have a discussion instead.

A skilled debater can win even when they are entirely wrong. I've seen Kent Hovind (creationist) wipe out a physicist before. You know how this is done? Hovind would just make a ton of claims "(insert famous name here) found proof of X!" in his few minutes that the physicist never heard of, and the audience believed, but the claims weren't true. They physicist wouldn't have time to address all the claims, or even think about them, so it was perceived Hovind won.

My experience is that only lies are protected with censorship, not the truth. Truth doesn't need any protection.

AmericanKulak says

It's important to listen to extremes, but it's also important to realize they aren't correct just because they oppose the general census, either.

It's pretty simple - if you're not allowed to discuss it, it's because you're over the target. Every time. Rachael Maddow can lie all day long and never worry about losing her job or even acknowledge her "mistake", because that's her job - to lie. But if you're Kerry Mullis, maybe you end up dead. If you're Gary Webb, maybe you end up dead, Robert Malone deplatformed. People are only silenced when they are right, not when they are consistently wrong.

Take for example this asshole:


He is a complete liar. Oh, and look, he still has a youtube channel.


You now who has been banned from Youtube?


Glenn Greenwald..

It's EASY to recognize who is telling the truth, when the same methods, same techniques and same tactics are consistently and reliably used over and over again. You're smearing Irving - show direct evidence that he's anti-semitic, in his own words, not claims. If you try to take him out of context, I'll source it, and show you have taken him out of of context, IF you have.

Then again, maybe you haven't taken out of context maybe you haven't smeared him. Let's find out. Let's discuss. You're making a claim, demonstrate it's true.
18   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 3:04pm  

richwicks says

It's pretty simple - if you're not allowed to discuss it, it's because you're over the target

They CLAIM they're not allowed to discuss it. But the internet is big, and venues on and off it are many. Irving has a bad track record when questioned, and now he simply doesn't engage in forums (except lecturing to his followers) despite many invitations, while claiming he's censored.

Sometimes it's just a moron and their humbugs and feelings.

richwicks says

My experience is that only lies are protected with censorship, not the truth. Truth doesn't need any protection.

Many cranks claim to be totally censored - and they might be in some places and some times, but not all of them - the real reason is they get their clock cleaned when their claims are held up to scrutiny. So they pretend to be truth martyrs. Seen this over my life for decades on many subjects.

To me, the stamp of proof is when the System aggressively goes after you from every angle. The system leaves many cranks alone because it wants them to exist or is behind them in order to create the impression that Our Funding Against Alt Right Dangerous Badness is desperately needed.

That's why Jones, Bannon, etc. are the real deal. They pay a real price, and if you apply your own reasoning, you'd agree they're genuine.

I know the real reason why the Dawsons and Greenes "don't like" Alex Jones or Owen Shoyer. He doesn't share their special Humbug. Why would I expect Iranian or CCP backed media to have their sheepdipped "Daring Independent Content Creators" who do nothing but link back to Iranian State TV, Iranian backed Foundations, etc. like Bannon?

Most Internet nobodies are nobodies.

Not every unknown band is great, many times a band is unknown for good reason - they suck.
19   richwicks   2023 Jun 9, 3:13pm  

AmericanKulak says

richwicks says

My experience is that only lies are protected with censorship, not the truth. Truth doesn't need any protection.

Many cranks claim to be totally censored - and they might be in some places and some times, but not all of them - the real reason is they get their clock cleaned when their claims are held up to scrutiny. So they pretend to be truth martyrs. Seen this over my life for decades on many subjects.

I can see people being censored in real time. Every single person I followed for information 10 years ago has been kicked off YouTube and Facebook, a FEW are back on Twitter, and they are self censoring themselves now.

These people have reasonably good track records, they're VERY good at pointing out what the "news" media is lying about when they are doing it.

It's easy for me to recognize lies now at this point, because I stopped watching fiction years ago. I know this seems odd to say, but I can spot an actor acting pretty quickly now because I only pay attention to real people. The most insidious thing about television and film is that it acclimates people to acting as being "authentic".

Again, you claimed Irving was "anti-Semitic" - can you show this not by what people CLAIM he has said, but by what he's said? I've seen Ron Paul be called "racist" for years. The "anti-Semitic" card is used in the same way. I have seen this done ALL the time. The left learned from the Zionists how to shut down criticism when they were acting like hypocrites. I've directly dealt with GIYUS - I know what they are like. I know precisely what they are like. They are ENTIRELY unprincipled.

Antifa will call you a fascist, a racist, a bigot, a person that wants to kill - ALL SORTS of smears, they will try to get you fired, ruin your reputation, attack you in ANY way possible, honest or dishonest it doesn't matter. That's exactly what GIYUS and Zionists in general are like. They are complete bullies, they will try to intimidate you, they will even physically attack you. They want to shut you up, they don't even want to entertain MAYBE what they are doing is gravely immoral.
20   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 3:37pm  

richwicks says

Again, you claimed Irving was "anti-Semitic" - can you show this not by what people CLAIM he has said, but by what he's said?

I do treasure cranks and contrarians, but only to a degree. Contrarians often are as married to their hypothesis (and attracted to outlying explanations generally) emotionally as the "Sheeple" they claim to want to rescue.

I don't have time or desire to deeply examine every single controversial figure in the world, at some point, I have to leave somethings to a synopsis by others or I'd never get anything done or have time for anything enjoyable in life.

I did enjoy reading this article, and came away with a rather sypathetic figure of Irving as a lovable crank.

And of course Irving famously lost a lawsuit against an author who labelled him a Holocaust Denier, meaning - before these woke days - found that label to be justified by the preponderance of evidence. Keep in mind Irving filed the lawsuit as plaintiff.

If you can show extraordinary evidence that Irving isn't a lifelong Hitler Apologist and Anti-Semite, I'd be happy to listen. Note that his Judenhass (anti-semitism is a santized neologism, I prefer the original term) is pretty well documented. His very first noted book was "Wah, Dresden, but I don't mention the terror bombing of Poland by the Luftwaffe in 1939"

Irving is free to publish, sell, debate, etc. in the USA and elsewhere. Central Europeans have a deep seated love of deferense to administrative authority that always gets them in trouble. Sadly, this Central European Admin/Academic mentality arrived in the US after WW2 and is now dominant.

richwicks says

That's exactly what GIYUS and Zionists in general are like. They are complete bullies, they will try to intimidate you, they will even physically attack you. They want to shut you up, they don't even want to entertain MAYBE what they are doing is gravely immoral.

All Liberation Groups behave that way. Zionism isn't much different than the IRA or Basques or the PLO in that respect. British Loyalists were hanged by Washington. The same KGB that produced Yuri Bezmenov who explained subversion and other techniques also trained many "Little Farm" and "Planation" operatives, including Agent Aref.
21   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 4:06pm  

richwicks says

What's diesel exhaust?

one would expect a layperson to describe Carbon Monoxide as "Diesel Exhaust", and not in a strict engineering/formal way.

2.16: Fumes from a diesel engine are not toxic enough to kill people.
(This claim is made with regard to the death camp of Treblinka – see file with ruling of German courts on this. In other death camps, gasoline engines were used. The method of killing was simple – people were crammed into the gas chambers, and the exhaust of powerful engines was pumped into them).
Nonsense. In a closed chamber, of course diesel fumes will kill. There was actually a study on this, and its results are reported in “The Toxicity of Fumes from a Diesel Engine Under Four Different Running Conditions”, by Pattle et al., British Journal of Industrial Medicine, 1957, Vol 14, p. 47-55. These researchers ran a few experiments in which various animals were exposed to diesel fumes, and studied the results.

In the experiments, the exhaust of a small diesel engine (568 cc, 6 BHP) was connected to a chamber 10 cubic meters (340 cubic feet) in volume, and the animals were put inside it. In all cases, the animals died. Death was swifter when the intake of air to the engine was restricted, as this causes a large increase in the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) that is emitted. (See, for instance, “diesel Engine Reference Book”, by Lilly, 1985, p. 18/8, where it is stated that at a high air/fuel ratio the concentration of CO is only a few parts per million but for lower ratios (25:1) the concentration of CO can rise up to 3,000 ppm. It is very easy to restrict the air intake; the British researchers did so by partially covering the air intake opening with a piece of metal.)

Even in cases where the CO output was low, the animals still died from other toxic components – mainly irritants and nitrogen dioxide.
Now, the diesel engines used in Treblinka were much larger – they belonged to captured Soviet T-34 tanks. These tanks weighed 26-31 tons (depending on the model) and had a 500 BHP engine (compared to a mere 6 BHP in the British experiments). The volume of the extermination chambers in Treblinka is, of course, a factor. But the chambers’ volume was about 60 cubic meters (2040 cubic feet); this is 6 times more than those in the British experiments, but the difference in the size of the engines is much larger than a factor of 6.

It should be remembered that what matters in CO poisoning is not the concentration of CO, but the ratio of CO to oxygen. In a small room, crammed full of people, oxygen levels drop quickly, thus making death by CO poisoning faster. As noted, other toxic components in the fumes further accelerate mortality.

The SS was aware of the fact that cramming as many people as possible into the gas chamber, thus leaving no empty spaces, would accelerate mortality. This is evident, for instance, from a letter regarding “gassing vans” (used in the Chelmno extermination camp and other locations) sent to SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Walter Rauff, 5 June 1942. The letter is quite long (more of it is reproduced in the file of original Nazi documents), but here is the relevant part (Nazism, document 913).

“2) The vans are normally loaded with 9-10 people per square meter. With the large Saurer special vans this is not possible because although they do not become overloaded their maneuverability is much impaired. A reduction in the load area appears desirable. It can be achieved by reducing the size of the van by c. 1 meter. The difficulty referred to cannot be overcome by reducing the size of the load. For a reduction in the numbers will necessitate longer period of operation because the free spaces will have to be filled with CO. By contrast, a smaller load area which is completely full requires a much shorter period of operation since there are no free spaces.”

Another gruesome testimony to the “science of gassing” developed by the SS is the letter from Dr August Becker to SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Rauff, 16 May 1942 (Nazi Conspiracy, 418)

“The application of the gas is not undertaken correctly. In order to come to an end as fast as possible, the driver presses the accelerator to the fullest extent. By doing that the persons to be executed suffer death from suffocation and not death by dozing off as was planned. My directions have now proved that by correct adjustment of the levers death comes faster and the prisoners fall asleep peacefully. Distorted faces and excretions, such as could be seen before, are no longer noticed”.

22   richwicks   2023 Jun 9, 4:16pm  

AmericanKulak says

If you can show extraordinary evidence that Irving isn't a lifelong Hitler Apologist and Anti-Semite, I'd be happy to listen.

I'm not going to beg you to listen to him, I don't care.

You know as well as I do you can't prove a negative.

I was wondering what basis you had for calling Irving an anti-Semite, thinking you wouldn't be able to. Even if he WAS anti-Semitic, the man is smart enough to steer clear of saying anything along the lines, the man isn't an idiot.

AmericanKulak says

Irving is free to publish, sell, debate, etc. in the USA and elsewhere.



Oh, it's been deleted..

It doesn't matter, people make copies


I have copies, but I don't bother to re-upload to youtube. Anything I listen to I have a tendency to make a copy of, JUST to find out what is removed.

AmericanKulak says

All Liberation Groups behave that way.

NO they don't. I can shit on the PLO or IRA all day, and I might get disagreement, but I don't get threatened, I don't get 50 people showing up within a matter of a 1/2 hour to scream at me. I do with GIYUS.

You have ANY idea how difficult it is to discuss ANYTHING regarding Israel? Like when Rachael Corrie was killed I was on some board, discussing it along with my cousin and few other random people. We were just discussing what we thought had happened, and then 50 fuckers showed up with constant obscenities, noise, accusations - it made continuing impossible.

They do this ALL THE TIME. GIYUS is nothing more than an Israeli government program to prevent ANY criticism of Israel, no matter WHAT they do.

Happy USS Liberty day - by the way, it was yesterday.
23   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 4:49pm  

You know as well as I do you can't prove a negative.

Yes, but I need to be arsed to discover more. The old "Muh Hitler dindu nuffin wrong" has been debunked countless times. To be arsed, I need to see evidence to make me go look again.

Irving himself has shown to add quite a bit to primary history, and add details that didn't exist to them. For example, the badge removal during the Beer Hall Pusch Days; Irving completely twisted the original sources to be what it wasn't - Hitler WANTED party members to wear their badges when socialistically terrorizing private property. Irving makes it sound like Hitler punished somebody for behaving like an Antifa rioter. And Irving writes it was Goebells who was shocked by the firing of the party member who removed the badge before Antifa'ing private property, a deli - the primary source has no reference to Goebells being present at all , much less a reaction. The original source makes it clear that because the party member didn't wear the badge during the vandalization and looting, Hitler considered him to be just a criminal not doing it for glorious socialist party reasons and thus expelled.

richwicks says

Happy USS Liberty day - by the way, it was yesterday.

Let me know when you have evidence, not utterly unbacked speculation of a non-accidental motive. Meanwhile, from the undeniable fact that reparations were paid (twice) by Israel with full apologies for the accident, released radio intercepts, & USN's crash immediately following program to improve message transmission in the 6th (med) Fleet specifically, in the absence of any tangible evidence, we have no reason to believe otherwise.
richwicks says

They do this ALL THE TIME. GIYUS is nothing more than an Israeli government program to prevent ANY criticism of Israel, no matter WHAT they do.

The USS Liberty was more than a half-century ago, before Disco, before Nixon, before the VCR. Humbug proponents have to go back that far to find an accident that was immediately owned up to and paid for, for which not a shred of evidence of deliberate malfeasance exists, only dark hints and belabored explanations of underhanded motivations.

richwicks says

Like when Rachael Corrie

What college did Rachel Corrie attend?

What is this college famous for in the recent past?

Was she standing up or lying down?

How much ground ahead can you see in a rubble pile while driving a tactor with the scoop down, so as to see a slender person?

What was the area she was blocking set up for demolition?

Was Rachel Corie a humanitarian, or a useful idiot Socialist, the same kind who claim Maduro was duly elected?

Would Rachel Corie likely have been a full BLM/Antifa, TDS suffering and insufferable left-wing goon had she survived?

Have other US Citizens been killed in the area? Veterans pushed off a cruise ship in their wheelchair? American citizens being blown up while eating a pizza? Why don't they get long eulogies and plays and mournful remembrances, but only the Professional Class Socialist Radical College Student?
24   richwicks   2023 Jun 9, 6:58pm  

AmericanKulak says

Yes, but I need to be arsed to discover more.

Don't make a claim you cannot support.

AmericanKulak says

The old "Muh Hitler dindu nuffin wrong" has been debunked countless times.

Don't strawman positions. I'm an OLLLD hand at this game.

AmericanKulak says

For example, the badge removal during the Beer Hall Pusch Days; Irving completely twisted the original sources to be what it wasn't - Hitler WANTED party members to wear their badges when socialistically terrorizing private property. Irving makes it sound like Hitler punished somebody for behaving like an Antifa rioter.

OK, source?

AmericanKulak says

Let me know when you have evidence, not utterly unbacked speculation of a non-accidental motive.

The motive has been given several times, to draw the US into a war against Egypt by framing Egypt for the attack. Is this true? I don't know, I know there wasn't a Congressional investigation into it, and the survivors were given medals in secret, not publicly.

I think that's a little suspicious..

I remember trying to discuss THIS incidence back in the late 1990's, and fools would march in claiming there WAS a Congressional investigation, but they couldn't give dates, they were just lying about it. Always when you try to discuss Israel, anything they do that might CONCEIVABLY be bad, all these fuckers come in and just make the conversation impossible. This even happened on USENet.

AmericanKulak says

The USS Liberty was more than a half-century ago, before Disco, before Nixon, before the VCR.

Yeah. So what. The Holocaust was more than 75 years ago, before Israel existd, before Rock and Roll, before Eisenhower, before Civil Rights, before desegregation, before Elvis, before Count Folke Bernadotte was murdered by order of Yitzhak Shamir when he was one of the triumvirate of Lehi. I guess we can just forget about then. Finally!

Let sleeping dogs lie, RIGHT?

OH... I bet you have another standard for that. Hypocrisy abounds.

AmericanKulak says

What college did Rachel Corrie attend?

Same one as Matt Groening, Evergreen State College. Is that supposed to have relevancy? What does it matter what her mindset was, or even her politics were?

AmericanKulak says

Was she standing up or lying down?

I don't know, you can't discuss it, as I've already pointed out. We TRIED to discuss it at the time, but it was broken up by a bunch of asshole propagandists from GIYUS. Israel would lie about the situation, they often do. The only way to know would be with video evidence and considering it was 2003, cameras were hardly as commonplace as they are now.

AmericanKulak says

Was Rachel Corie a humanitarian, or a useful idiot Socialist, the same kind who claim Maduro was duly elected?

Who cares? Was she purposely killed or not? Again, we couldn't find out because of GIYUS twats. You aren't allowed to discuss anything Israel does, unless you do it in secret. I'm not kidding either.
25   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 9, 8:58pm  

richwicks says

Don't make a claim you cannot support.

Let's do that : with suspicions of USS Liberty motives, and assertions that Epstein worked for Mossad. Evidence, not speculation. Memos, recordings, etc. like Victoria Nuland's taped phone call re: Ukraine Coup.

From what I've read - including reports from a lecture he gave in Glasgow and some speeches he gave to the National Alliance in the 90s, that's he's anti-semitic. Though I think more of a contrarian who got it in his head young that Britain shouldn't have fought Hitler so he could have had more toys during the WW2 rationing.

richwicks says

OK, source?

Here you go: The content creator compares Irving's claims to the Primary Source Material, and finds Irving added and distorted what was reported, per Evans, who testified for the Defense at Irving vs. Penguin Books. Irving lost, by the way, with the Court deciding it was reasonable to call him a Holocaust Denier.

Walks viewer right through it, and asks the viewer to note the claims being made by Irving, and then compares them to the quotes made by participant of the event in question.

He gives another example of Irving distorting what happened to the Jews in Rome, Kesselring wanting to keep them as laborers, Berlin demanding he send them for "Liquidation".

richwicks says

The motive has been given asserted or speculated upon several times, to draw the US into a war against Egypt by framing Egypt for the attack.

Fixed. There was a Navy investigation into it, yes? The US accepted the indemnities, yes?

richwicks says

Yeah. So what. The Holocaust was more than 75 years ago, before Israel existd, before Rock and Roll, before Eisenhower, before Civil Rights, before desegregation, before Elvis, before Count Folke Bernadotte was murdered by order of Yitzhak Shamir when he was one of the triumvirate of Lehi. I guess we can just forget about then. Finally!

Mmm, I think there's some context differential. We're confusing a friendly fire attack on one ship over an hour with an organized, systemic, multi-year labor/death camp process involving quite a few more people participating somehow as victim or perpetrator.

richwicks says

Who cares? Was she purposely killed or not? Again, we couldn't find out because of GIYUS twats. You aren't allowed to discuss anything Israel does, unless you do it in secret. I'm not kidding either.

We know plenty about Rachel Corie. She came from notorious left radical Evergreen College to enter into a country with the express purpose of assisting in anti-government activities, threw herself in front of a tractor, and perished voluntarily. FAFO, though the driver - who in a sniper protected tractor - with less viewable area - did not see her laying down with the bucket in the way. Of course propagandists will insist they were somehow in the driver's mind and somehow know he really saw her laying down among the rubble.

Plays are made about her, posters printed, moaning and groaning on old Indymedia and Technocracy NOW! and of course Electronic Intifada and various muh Odin websites.

Whereas Sbarro Diners or Achille Lauro Tourists did not enter into their activites with the purpose of opposing an overseas government. Yet they get no attention from the same Humanitarians worried about Peace and Evil compared to the Red Buttinsky from Washington State.
26   PeopleUnited   2023 Jun 9, 9:02pm  

AmericanKulak says

It's to protect...


The globalists system. Romney’s kid, and a bunch of others are also on the take. That’s how the globalists pay their minions.
29   clambo   2023 Jun 10, 7:40pm  

The most absurd thing is the Presidential Records Act has no crimnal penalty in it.
There's no way they can charge Trump with violating the Espionage Act, which is entirely different.
Edit: Evidently they are trying to pin Espionage Act charges on Trump.
This is absolutely absurd and will not withstand scrutiny.
So, Trump was " selling secrets to our enemies " or similar.
They really are crazy with TDS.
30   Blue   2023 Jun 10, 7:50pm  

clambo says

The most absurd thing is the Presidential Records Act has no crimnal penalty in it..
There's no way they can charge Trump with violating the Espionage Act, which is entirely different.

This is really a dumb move by Biden/DOJ to slow down political opponent while having similar documents with Biden (perhaps Obama/Bush/Clinton etc).
31   HeadSet   2023 Jun 10, 9:59pm  

Blue says

This is really a dumb move by Biden/DOJ to slow down political opponent while having similar documents with Biden (perhaps Obama/Bush/Clinton etc).

Yes, and especially bad because Biden was Vice President with no declassification powers.
32   AD   2023 Jun 11, 12:16am  

At least in Miami there is less chance of a jury that will be dominated by Democrats and Wokes.

I would not want to be a dissident or political target of the Democrats tried in a court in New York City, Alexandria, VA, Tallahassee, etc.

33   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 11, 7:26am  

AmericanKulak says

It's to protect...


My fill in the blank answer is the Deep State cabal that is stealing the American citizens blind. I have a lot of respect for Catherine Austin Fitts, who about a year ago conducted an investigation into the government's debt, using CBO official documents and data. To her amazement, she found that, officially, the CBO has over $21 TRILLION "missing and unaccounted for" from their books!

So where do you hide that unimaginable amount of money? In highly secret off shore accounts, where it is then eventually converted to jewels, precious metals, rare art, expensive real estate and even farm land.
35   WookieMan   2023 Jun 11, 10:27am  

Is anyone else just getting numb to this shit? There are legit incriminating things from past presidents and others. Nothing happens or rarely happens. And who gives a shit about classified documents? The bigger worry should be about corporate documents and especially those companies with government contracts.

I'm sure Trump has skeletons in the closet, but at this point I think the witch hunt is just a waste of time. Fact is the Dems need to find an actual candidate. Covid is over. I don't think mail in ballots will be as much this time around.
36   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 4:57pm  

AmericanKulak says

Let's do that : with suspicions of USS Liberty motives, and assertions that Epstein worked for Mossad.

Oh my fucking god. Here: USS Liberty: https://www.usslibertyveterans.org/

They were there. There was no Congressional investigation, it was covered up. When the US government covers something up, it's because the US government was fucking involved with it.

Epstein and ISRAEL, might be Mossad - I don't know how many freaking intelligence agencies Israel has. Epstein's handler was Ghislaine Maxwell, and he was not a brilliant stock trader. He got his money from Les Wexner, who sold Epstein the NYC mansion he bought (which was previously a school), for $1.00. His long time "girlfriend" was Ghislaine Maxwell, whose father was a spy for Mi6, Mossad, and possibly the KGB - that's Robert Maxwell who after he was murdered, got an Israeli state funeral. The Maxwell family, is a family of spies.

It's like, how much fucking evidence do you want?

It's like Mostly Reader denying that there was a coup in Ukraine just because Victoria Nuland was deciding more than 2 weeks and 4 days before Yanukovych was ousted, I mean, it's not absolute proof, maybe it's just a 1 in a trillion coincidence! I can't wake up a man that pretends to sleep.
37   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Jun 11, 5:46pm  

you can’t and you don’t need to. reality eventually wakes people up when illusion can no longer be maintained by curtain pullers.
38   PeopleUnited   2023 Jun 11, 8:16pm  

WookieMan says

Is anyone else just getting numb to this shit?

You mean Numb to the TDS that has dominated media and now Biden and other deranged maniac Dems are continuing it by taking it to the next level by weaponizing the government to attack the biggest threat to their power, a populist with more votes than any other sitting president In American history?WookieMan says

There are legit incriminating things from past presidents and others.

Yes, but those people supported the deep state globalists. It seems that to some degree Trump did not.WookieMan says

at this point I think the witch hunt is just a waste of time.

The witch hunt is to discredit Trump enough with the swing voters that they can push through some milquetoast globalist schill in either the primary or general election.

WookieMan says

Fact is the Dems need to find an actual candidate

The Dems don’t need a candidate, As long as they have a RINO/Trojan horse globalist schill like DeSantis or Chris Christie they win even if they lose.

WookieMan says

Covid is over. I don't think mail in ballots will be as much this time around.

There will still be enough ballot harvesting in swing districts to change the outcome of the election. Democrats counting votes, or worse yet, “computers” counting votes, guarantees fraud.
39   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 8:48pm  

PeopleUnited says

The Dems don’t need a candidate, As long as they have a RINO/Trojan horse globalist schill like DeSantis or Chris Christie they win even if they lose.

^^^^ THIS ^^^^

People think DeSantis is just great because he put the breaks on the stupid covid policies and ended some bullshit in the culture war.

We're facing a direct confrontation with Russia, a nuclear super power. We are still involved with Yemen, Somalia, and Syria and we're funding Ukraine which is just getting Ukrainians killed.

These wars are bankrupting this nation.

Illegal immigrants are and important issue as well. We have a MAJOR problem with our bureaucracy. If he does nothing with them, nothing important will change.

You might well point out he's ended a lot of this transkids bullshit in Florida. How many kids does this effect? Estimates place the current number of "transkids" at about 0.7% of the population, and Florida isn't that much on extreme liberalism.

Still, I think they will steal the election for the Democrats. Part of the reason they do this is to underscore that we can't vote our way out of this.
40   richwicks   2023 Jun 11, 9:11pm  

AmericanKulak says

Here you go: The content creator compares Irving's claims to the Primary Source Material, and finds Irving added and distorted what was reported, per Evans, who testified for the Defense at Irving vs. Penguin Books. Irving lost, by the way, with the Court deciding it was reasonable to call him a Holocaust Denier.

No specific examples are provided in that video of errors of Irving. The quotes of Richard J. Evans (if they ARE his quotes) are all just ad-hominem. These are 3rd party opinions.

There's no links to primary documents.

I don't want to read 3rd party accounts. My German is terrible, but translators aren't.

I know this is a hurdle to climb, but I'm forever fucking pissed off nobody links to documents. Nobody. I mean, is there not enough room on the Internet?

I'm not so much concerned about who Hitler was either. I'm concerned if Jewish bodies were being turned into soap and lampshades, and if 6 million people were killed in gas chambers. Those are the big lies.

This is the sort of shit I wade through on this subject:


"Max Blumenthal interviews Holocaust denier David Irving"

Irving isn't a holocaust denier. His position is simply that he cannot find any evidence of actual gas chambers, he can't find any orders to exterminate people in gas chambers. He believes PLENTY of Jews were killed, just there were no gas chamber camps. Why would there be?

If I was a sociopath and I wanted to just kill people, I'd shovel them on a train, and I'd fill the trains with carbon monoxide. They wouldn't even know what was happening. They'd get giddy first, then sleepy, then die. They'd have no idea what was happening to them unless they were experienced with oxygen deprivation. I wouldn't use a CYANIDE POISON. I might just use Nitrogen with no oxygen in the gas. That works just as well. I'm not a chemist, but I think that would be more difficult to do in 1940 something. I suppose you could remove oxygen by burning iron dust. You can burn a brillo pad.

AmericanKulak says

Walks viewer right through it, and asks the viewer to note the claims being made by Irving, and then compares them to the quotes made by participant of the event in question.

What book? What page? What speech? What video?

Why isn't that information included?
41   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 10:30pm  

WookieMan says

Fact is the Dems need to find an actual candidate.

I had high hopes that Kennedy could be that candidate, but then he comes out and supports the ridiculously corrupt US-instigated war in Ukraine, proving he's just another puppet after all.
42   richwicks   2023 Jun 12, 12:50am  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

Fact is the Dems need to find an actual candidate.

I had high hopes that Kennedy could be that candidate, but then he comes out and supports the ridiculously corrupt US-instigated war in Ukraine, proving he's just another puppet after all.

Remember what politics is - in order to be in it, you have to be willing to lie. He MIGHT be lying, he might be ignorant, but even worse, he might be lying about Ukraine yet STILL support the war.

I can't see how our establishment in either party can't see Ukraine is just being fucked by this war. It's going to destroy the country one way or another. The death toll is horrific and I've heard as low as 150,000 Ukrainians dead up to 300,000 dead. The LOWEST estimate is just mind boggling for a country of 25 million people. They lowest estimate would be 0.6% of the population, double that to 1.2% because only men are fighting, and double it again because it's civil war and you get about 2.4%. Now if you double it again if it's at the highest estimate, that's about 5% of the male population of Western Ukraine. It's horrifying. That's 1 out of 20 men.

Kennedy is the best out of the bunch on the DNC side. For RNC, I would say Trump then DeSantis and I don't trust DeSantis.

Any candidate blessed by the establishment will be yet another disaster.
43   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:39am  

PeopleUnited says

The witch hunt is to discredit Trump enough with the swing voters that they can push through some milquetoast globalist schill in either the primary or general election.

Correct. Many people who would vote for Trump will not because Trump is now "divisive" of "controversial."

PeopleUnited says

There will still be enough ballot harvesting in swing districts to change the outcome of the election. Democrats counting votes, or worse yet, “computers” counting votes, guarantees fraud.

Correct. They know they will get away with fraud, so the strategy will be to manufacture ballots in critical districts.
44   socal2   2023 Jun 12, 12:00pm  

PeopleUnited says

The Dems don’t need a candidate, As long as they have a RINO/Trojan horse globalist schill like DeSantis or Chris Christie they win even if they lose.

You know - at some point you guys will have to show some real evidence and ACTIONS supporting the lame and retarded claim that DeSantis is some sort of "Globalist Schill".

If I stack up the actual governing accomplishments of DeSantis against Trump's governing accomplishments of Trump going soft on crime, doing nothing about education, doing nothing about spending, being soft on the LGBTQ+ mafia, allowing Fauci to shut the country down and generally getting circles run around him by the Deep State - it is a no brainer IMO.

If Trump was smart - he would be stepping back and putting his support around DeSantis hoping he will get a pardon.

IF the purported video is true of Trump opening his big mouth and bragging and showing off Iran battle plans to people lacking security clearance and acknowledging that he didn't declassify the docs while President - I think Trump's goose is cooked - and rightfully so.
45   PeopleUnited   2023 Jun 12, 8:15pm  

Trump was the first President I can recall who didn’t start any wars.

DeSantis certainly will, if given a chance, or at least he will continue Ukraine. Trump might actually be able to end it.
46   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:38pm  

PeopleUnited says

Trump might actually be able to end it.

It would end as soon as Trump won the election.
47   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 10:50pm  


Donald Trump Widens Lead Over Primary Field Post Indictment

The indictment of Donald Trump is making him even stronger.

According to a post-indictment CBS Poll, Donald Trump continues to dominate the GOP primary.

He has his biggest lead yet.


Trump — 61% (+38)
DeSantis — 23%
T. Scott — 4%
Pence — 4%
Haley — 3%
Ramaswamy — 1%
Hutchinson — 1%
Burgum — 1%
Elder — 1%
Christie — 1%

Breitbart reported:

A poll indicates that former President Donald Trump has widened his lead in the GOP primary following the Department of Justice’s indictment of him for allegedly mishandling classified documents at his Florida home.

Surveying 1,798 potential voters between June 9-10 with a margin of error ±3.3 points, the CBS News poll showed the former president had 61 percent support in the Republican primary, leading his opponent, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by a full 38 points – 61 percent to 23 percent. Republican Sen. Tim Scott (SC) stands in third place with just 4 percent of support, just one point ahead of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

The poll had more great news for Donald Trump.
48   AD   2023 Jun 13, 12:32am  


If I am a political target of the Democrat DOJ and FBI like a Soviet-era dissident, I rather be tried in a federal court in Miami then in a Democrat of Woke shithole like Tallahassee, New York City, Atlanta, or Alexandria, Virginia.

It will be less of a chance of a Soviet Show Trial.

49   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 12:47am  

HeadSet says

PeopleUnited says

Trump might actually be able to end it.

It would end as soon as Trump won the election.

I envy your faith.

I honestly do. This isn't to insult your or diminish you, but my hope doesn't come from god, or any faith, it's experience.

I don't think Trump will be allowed to run, and even if he's allowed to run and even he's made president, he won't be allowed to end the war.

I have NO FAITH in this government at all. None. And I don't believe there's a super entity looking over us. I wish I could believe it. I don't even think 1/2 the people on this planet are even human at this point, seriously. They are more robot than human. I hear the television babble come out of them all the time.
50   clambo   2023 Jun 13, 6:55am  

The liberals, democrats, losers, fags, trannies and their ilk all remind me of the girls I have dated when they get drunk; they all act out their rage and never consider that the consequences are negative for them, leaving me unscathed.

Any thinking liberal (a contradiction) would see that they are turning Trump into a martyr with all of the bullshit about nothing.

What's next?; they kick down your door and say "You didn't save the last 7 years of your 1040! Book him Danno!"

I hope that Trump stomps their sorry loser asses into the dirt, and the guilty go to prison to bust rocks under the hot sun.
51   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 13, 7:01am  

richwicks says

I don't think Trump will be allowed to run, and even if he's allowed to run and even he's made president, he won't be allowed to end the war.

The Commiecrats are running the Leftist playbook that has been played in every country that has had a Nationalist leader elected as their leader.
The Left in those countries did everything they could to undermine them, and when they failed, they trumped up bullshit charges. Many were even arrested.
In every single instance, not only did that Conservative populist beat those cases, but went on to win the next election, or had the Global Homo apparatus steal the election they would have won in a landslide.
Lefty idiots will keep trying the same thing over and over, even when they saw it fail when other's tried it.

It happened in Hungary, Italy, Israel and Brazil. It will be no different here.
Lula will end up in jail eventually and Bolanario will be the President of Brazil again.
52   HeadSet   2023 Jun 13, 7:55am  

ad says

It will be less of a chance of a Soviet Show Trial.

I dunno. Miami is quite woke as well, and I am sure they shopped for the correct judge. "Even a red state court convicted him!"
53   Onvacation   2023 Jun 13, 8:46am  

socal2 says

real evidence and ACTIONS supporting the lame and retarded claim that DeSantis is some sort of "Globalist Schill

He is liked by supporters of the Ukraine war.
54   Onvacation   2023 Jun 13, 8:48am  

ad says

less of a chance of a Soviet Show Trial.

It IS a show trial!
55   socal2   2023 Jun 13, 9:03am  

Democrats, Media and the Deep-state are playing us like a drum. Conservatives and Libertarians are supposed to be about logic and recognize the world for the flaws we have, but we are letting our emotions get the best of us and we are sleepwalking into another bloodbath if we nominate Trump - IMO.

IF the reporting on the video is true of Trump showing classified battle plans to people and bragging that they were still classified - this is incredibly illegal
and reckless incompetence by Trump to give the Democrats and the Deep-state this much ammunition.

Doesn't matter how much we say "But Hillary" or complain about a biased judicial system - a jury is only going to see the video tape of Trump bragging about committing a crime. These aren't insignificant mementos. Battle plans aren't the personal papers or documents of Trump.

Despite some notable accomplishments on judges, immigration and foreign policy, Trump was awful on domestic policy, having no experience, staff or skill to dismantle our corrupt Government bureaucracies. Trump bailed on his allies like Flynn in a New York minute, gave Bureaucrats like Fauci and Wray free reign and is now bad mouthing all of his former staff that were halfway competent. Who the fuck is going to work with Trump 2.0 that has any skill?

Before Trump turned all Liberal this past month, DeSantis shared 98% of Trump's positions and has the experience, brains and DISCIPLINE to dismantle the FBI and DOJ. DeSantis is also polling better against any Democrat than Trump currently is in the General.

But we are to believe that DeSantis is a secret Globalist Homo (because reasons??) and that Only Trump can get done in 4 years what he failed to do in 2016-2020........all the while Trump is even more handicapped by indictments, age, not competent staff and term limits?

Are we really this fucking retarded?
56   Onvacation   2023 Jun 13, 9:08am  

socal2 says

Are we really this fucking retarded?

Depends, who did you vote for?

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