by GNL ➕follow (0) 💰tip ignore
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You are missing the point.
There is no law that says that schmuck avg joe should or must afford a house. Median income doesn’t mean anything. In other countries the majority of people are life long renters. Just here in the US people think they deserve or are entitled to own their own house. If you make no more than the median household income you likely will never own and you are fucked. Paycheck to paycheck is your future.
Richard. This is exactly how the Nazis talked. Subhumans were F-ing up the world and they needed to be purged from the earth.
The sheep, cattle, whatever you call the “subhumans” blind to their enslavers, they are the victims.
That might happen on a small scale, but the global cabal of satanic banksters will not be defeated by their victims.
The Federal Reserve quietly stepped in and began a program in which they were buying MBS at the rate of $80 Billion per month, and have been doing so (some months are $60 Billion) ever since the collapse in 2008.
The median house price jumped from $260k to $419k in 4 years? Is this legit?
The book I'm listening to right now says that typical PM company charges 1 month rent when they find a tenant and 1 months rent every time that tenant renews the lease. Is this really how it is on the ground? Seems expensive AF.
If and when that actually happens, it will be lights out for this economy.
richwicks says
she helped restart the fucking Cold War
Oh, Putler is female now?
I fully believe that Maui was an internal attack.
richwicks says
I fully believe that Maui was an internal attack.
Well it wasn't. I have dozens of friends who were on the ground there. The tall dry grass catches on fire uphill from there frequently but the winds usually aren't blowing through the valley like that (or even in that direction) most of the time. It was powerlines falling over catching things on fire as-usual but turned into a blow torch this time.
I do like ceffer's conspiracy theories though!
I know it's difficult to see your government as an enemy, but if you really knew their history, it's pretty trivial.
The Federal Reserve quietly stepped in and began a program in which they were buying MBS at the rate of $80 Billion per month, and have been doing so (some months are $60 Billion) ever since the collapse in 2008. THAT , and that alone is the explanation for the crazy inflation that we have seen ... virtually all of it fueled by the purchases of MBS by the Fed, which also kept interest rates at historic lows for over 10 years. Now that rates are being forced up by the Fed as a means to control inflation, prices will no doubt fall. IMO, we are going to end up with a catastrophe, probably much worse than that of 2008.
It appears that Rubicon and E-man may be the same individual.
Prices will go down because of higher rates or because inventory will skyrocket? If the latter, how/when/why will inventory skyrocket?
No it is not sustainable . Land prices in rural TX are up three to five-fold. A few acres near Round Rock sell for a million. Fifty unimproved acres near where we bought land two years ago now go for more than a million. This is ridiculous.
When nobody has a stake in it, it will collapse.
“Sicilian properties are given away for some taxes and repairs, entire islands are abandoned as the government can't support the aged and rapidly declining population on them; once upon a time a modest piece of land in Sicily went for a sack of gold. People couldn't afford it, so the emmigrated to the US”
True. It’s a shame, Sicily is beautiful! However, the younger generation has much better job opportunity in northern Italy. Detroit got destroyed by unions and shitty products. Japan and Germany made much better cars than the trash coming out of Detroit.
I get your point but it’s not valid for predictions in our lifetime. Sicily won’t become the next tech hub in our lifetime.
4-bed, 2.5 bath McMansion
richwicks says
I fully believe that Maui was an internal attack.
Well it wasn't. I have dozens of friends who were on the ground there. The tall dry grass catches on fire uphill from there frequently but the winds usually aren't blowing through the valley like that (or even in that direction) most of the time. It was powerlines falling over catching things on fire as-usual but turned into a blow torch this time.
I do like ceffer's conspiracy theories though!
HeadSet says
AmericanKulak says
4-bed, 2.5 bath McMansion
You and I have a very different opinion on what a McMansion is. 4 Bed 2 .5 bath is an average home in most foreman working-class or lower middle-class suburbs.
I got 4b/3B plus large loft and office, 3 car garage. Would never dream of calling my house a McMansion.
there are people with essentially bottomless pockets
QUESTIONER: But that is illegally taking money out the back door, not through the proper channels, or adding zeroes to bank accounts to the media or maybe your political opponents. How are you going to stop that illegal under-the-table spending of money from the Federal Reserve?
RAMASWAMY: The answer is, you have to actually make sure the Federal Reserve is politically accountable. See, this idea that it’s supposed to be some sort of special entity that exists outside the checks and balances of government, that’s where the original sin begins, right? And you’re correct to point out what very few people are aware of. Absolutely, that happens.
CNN anchor Jake Tapper was dumbfounded: “Ramaswamy — who is polling quite well in several states — is agreeing with a completely untrue and, frankly, unhinged conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve illegally adding zeros to the bank accounts of media companies. You can’t invent it. None of that is true. That is a deranged conspiracy theory, and then here you have a Republican presidential candidate saying, ‘You’re correct to point out what very few people are aware of.'”
Median sales price should be around $350,000 based on dashed trend line. Another way to examine this is that the median price was around $200,000 at beginning of 2004. So a 4% annual appreciation over 19 years means the price should be $200,000 x (1.04)^19 which is equal to $421,370. Professor Robert Shiller stated that housing typically appreciates 4% annually over the long run.
Median price was $329,000 around February 2020.
Thing is, demographics are inescapable. Despite ludicrous hyperimmigration, the US is still predominantly native born
There are many more billionaire families in either of those countries than in the US.
And many, probably most, of them covet to have their college age kids to relocate to the SF Bay Area. We who live here are immersed among them.
One chart that stockbrokers, financial planners, and especially financial firms never ever show their marks is the debt per share chart.
ne chart that stockbrokers, financial planners, and especially financial firms never ever show their marks is the debt per share chart.
$2.8 trillion dollar company with $50 billion in shareholder equity. The shear amount of malinvestment is un-freaking real.
Rubicon says
Hate the game but not the player.
What if the player is an amoral asshole?
Rubicon says
Hate the game but not the player.
What if the player is an amoral asshole?
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