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Buy dividend paying stocks
Unfortunately, I make enough in Apple dividends that I don't qualify for a whole bunch of government welfare... Obamacare subsidies, energy subsidies, etc. Dividends force you to take the "income" every year. I'd rather just be accumulating capital gains and decide when to take recognize the gain. For example, after qualifying for medicare and fleeing California.
Unfortunately, I make enough in Apple dividends that I don't qualify for a whole bunch of government welfare... Obamacare subsidies, energy subsidies, etc. Dividends force you to take the "income" every year. I'd rather just be accumulating capital gains and decide when to take recognize the gain. For example, after qualifying for medicare and fleeing California.
What do you guys think of this?
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Admiral Shares (VDADX)
You're in stocks of the healthiest blue-chip companies at an expense ratio of almost zero.
Makes sense. I was thinking just in general, not necessarily for income generation. I'm about 15 years away from retirement.
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
Slightly confused by the massive price drops at the grocery store.
This happened in the last week. End of year dump or something? It's dramatic from what it was 2-3 weeks ago.
Once again I'm disappointed that all the silicon valley coding eggheads here on Patnet have not been able to give me one good stock tip. I keep hoping for an early tip on the next netflix. Welp, maybe in 2024 that will change.
I've seen little to almost no evidence of good stock pickers here.
Uggh, I went all in on BABA when it IPO'd (2014?) because "there's no way Amazon can go higher - they've never even made a profit". I made money, but the same amount in Amazon would be worth millions right now.
Once again I'm disappointed that all the silicon valley coding eggheads here on Patnet have not been able to give me one good stock tip. I keep hoping for an early tip on the next netflix. Welp, maybe in 2024 that will change.
I wasted a lot of time and energy on the stock market and I haven't made a single dollar.
Not true, patrick has benefitted from my biotech stock picks
Berkshire may be good investment
Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well
Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.
Bloomberg TV said today Asia stocks will outperform US stocks in 2024.
Also "Sin" investments. Booze, Casinos that sort of thing. Always a good hedge in a downturn.
Booger says
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
ad says
Booger says
Not enough income being generated. I'm nearing retirement and really only want the income.
Why would I invest in 3% funds when Tbills pay more?
Preferred stock ETF's seem to pay better than either those or Tbills. That is what I am looking into right now.
A lot of the Preferred stocks are issued by the banks. Banks are an unusually leveraged investment and even ones that are seemingly sound can go belly-up overnight. Historically if something bad causes the common stockholders to loose everything, then it is probably bad enough to wipe out the Preferreds.
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Gold holds value but no return.
Berkshire may be good investment
Amazon n microsoft keeps monopolizing so they will do well