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2005 Apr 11, 5:00pm   251,592 views  117,730 comments

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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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100359   anonymous   2019 Jan 25, 2:19am  

Patrick says
Diversity definitely divides us.

In and of itself "diversity" can do nothing - look at the sheer diversity of plant and animal life on this planet, how it has grown and prospered and yes - diversified over time. I can think of nothing more diverse than the world around us.

Things were even going quite well until humans started to fuck with everything, get inventive anin d basically destroy the very planet we live on as fast as possible to justify our monetary and material gains for a life that lasts less than a nanosecond in the big scheme of things.

Diversity is not the problem - it is the thinking or lack thereof that is the problem and then the actions that follow the thinking - therein lies the real problem.
100360   Ceffer   2019 Jan 25, 4:51am  

They discovered that Pence has the DNA of Savonarola and Torquemada.
100361   Patrick   2019 Jan 25, 7:27am  

It is disturbing, but on the other hand, as soon as you can measure something, you can figure out how to change it too.

And that's already happening with DNA with Crispr, etc. I can imagine a day soon when people will be able to pay to alter their DNA.
100362   zzyzzx   2019 Jan 25, 7:54am  

Indiana to take DNA sample from every person arrested for felony

100363   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jan 25, 8:00am  

What law did he break again?
100364   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:06am  

Rocketmanjoe says
Tenpoundbass says
What law did he break again?

You will have to check out CNN, they got the exclusive.

You're celebrating something you can't answer? Liberal logic strikes again.
100365   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:06am  

Rocketmanjoe says
Tenpoundbass says
What law did he break again?

You will have to check out CNN, they got the exclusive.

You're celebrating something you can't answer? Liberal logic strikes again.
100366   MrMagic   2019 Jan 25, 8:10am  

Rocketmanjoe says
Mueller alleges that Stone sought stolen emails from WikiLeaks that could damage Trump's opponents at the direction of "a senior Trump Campaign official."

So, Stone sought emails that WikiLeaks had already released to the public?

That's a crime?

WineHorror1 says
Liberal logic strikes again.


Actually LACK of logic.
100367   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 8:19am  

In and of itself "diversity" can do nothing - look at the sheer diversity of plant and animal life on this planet, how it has grown and prospered and yes - diversified over time. I can think of nothing more diverse than the world around us.

Nice false word play, "diversity" has two completely different meaning when it comes to "diversity" of life on Earth and "diversity" in the political use.

Let me try:

A women should be "discriminating" in her actions. A wine connoisseur has "discriminating" tastes. A soldier "discriminates" between civilians and enemy when attacking. Therefore, all "discrimination" is good.
100368   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:19am  

Rocketmanjoe says
WineHorror1 says
You're celebrating something you can't answer? Liberal logic strikes again.

Let me get this straight, you are saying that if Hillary was served a warrant and taken to jail you'd be like, "wait, can't celibate yet, don't know why she's in jail."

So do you suffer from "liberal logic" as well, or would you wait to celibate until you knew why she was arrested?

I would certainly want to know why before I spouted off. A question has been asked if it's even a crime. I guess we will see.

Politics has completely and fully gone rogue. The country is totally fucked no matter what happens. Both sides want nothing less than domination.
100369   MrMagic   2019 Jan 25, 8:22am  

Rocketmanjoe says
"wait, can't celibate yet, don't know why she's in jail."

Rocketmanjoe says
or would you wait to celibate

If I was married to Hillary, I would be celibate for sure. Can't even imagine what it would be like having sex with that witch.

Now if she was arrested and taken away, then I would CELEBRATE!
100370   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:31am  

Rocketmanjoe says
WineHorror1 says
You're celebrating something you can't answer? Liberal logic strikes again.

Let me get this straight, you are saying that if Hillary was served a warrant and taken to jail you'd be like, "wait, can't celibate yet, don't know why she's in jail."

So do you suffer from "liberal logic" as well, or would you wait to celibate until you knew why she was arrested?

I don't like Hillary for several reasons. As should the rest of the country. The Democrats have divided the country between whites and non-whites. Hillary thinks half the nation is the enemy. Trump wants to protect our borders JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NATION IN THE WHOLE WORLD DOES AS WELL AS ALL THROUGHOUT HISTORY. Trump has exposed the fake media which anyone with 2 brain cells already knew but still...

People like yourself have abandoned sovereignty to the global government. I can't think of anything more stupid. Why do you think we are called the United States? The states were to be sovereign. Oops, that got fucked up, now all countries must submit to a global government? Have you even thought that through? You hate the global rich oligarchs but you want to give them total control over you AND THE ENTIRE PLANET? Why do you think you or anybody else has the right to make that decision for 7,000,000,000 people? PEOPLE LOVE TO SELF SEGREGATE. How well do you think that is going to work out for you and your progeny?

No, Trump is not God but it "looks" as though he is against instituting a global government. Foreign policy notwithstanding. However, maybe you are unaware of how powerful the M.I.C. is?

It is beyond my understanding why a person would want a corrupt government. But that is what we have and will have until the end of time.

IT IS BEST TO VOTE FOR SMALLER GOVERNMENT AND AGAINST CORPORTISM. Corporations are as powerful as the government. Why? Because government and wall street are a turnstyle.
100371   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 8:32am  

And since all men are potential rapists - sperm samples at puberty.
100372   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:35am  

Writing long, drawn out thoughts are time consuming and draining. This is why most forums turn into flame throwing exersices with memes and zingers. Sound bytes ripped off from the media.
100373   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 8:36am  

Corporations are as powerful as the government. Why? Because government and wall street are a turnstyle.

Simpler than that. Government can be bribed. Look how many politicians have become very rich in politics. Smaller government means less opportunity for such corruption. This is one of Trump's pluses, he is already very rich, and cannot be bribed with either money or women.
100374   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:36am  

Rocketmanjoe says
MrMagic says
If I was married to Hillary, I would be celibate for sure.

Lol, did I give you a good laugh or what? A Freudian slip.

I didn't see it but, yeah, that's pretty funny.
100375   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 8:45am  

Can you tell us which legislation passed by the Dem congress in those 2 years caused the financial meltdown?

Who pushed for home loans to be given to those who otherwise did not financially qualify? How did Franklin Reins get $100 million in bonuses from Fannie Mae? Barney Franks had something to do with this as well.
100376   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Jan 25, 8:46am  

Left will sue when data will show that most criminals aren’t white.
100377   komputodo   2019 Jan 25, 8:47am  

MrMagic says
If I was married to Hillary, I would be celibate for sure. Can't even imagine what it would be like having sex with that witch.

I might watch her and huma go at it but only with a dab of Vicks in my nostrils.
100378   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 8:49am  

komputodo says
MrMagic says
If I was married to Hillary, I would be celibate for sure. Can't even imagine what it would be like having sex with that witch.

I might watch her and huma go at it but only with a dab of Vicks in my nostrils.

I think you need to see a psychologist.
100379   Tenpoundbass   2019 Jan 25, 8:49am  

At the time in question, Roger Stone nor the President had any fresh information about what was in Hillary's emails and other good WikiLeaks had that any Trump supporter that had been reading Breitbart, Conservative Treehouse, and other Conservative sites. Where in comments truth bombs were being dropped every other hour.

Dumps were being dropped on 4chan, and they were being posted in Disqus feeds all over the Internet.

Roger Stone never had one single scoop that most Trump supporters weren't already aware of.

More over I dont' recall Congress bring a Bill or Obama signing it into law that any communication with Wiki Leaks would be a Federal Crime.
What crime is there in getting dirt on an opponent from the Press? It happens all the time. Which in this case Wikileaks played less of a roll than 4chan did.

In fact it was employees of the DOJ, NSA and FBI that keep leaking the most damning information on 4Chan. That was what gave rise to the Q legend.

Now Q has been hijacked, the original Q released some serious verifiable information that sunk Hillary. He also said it would be the last time he posted anything.
If you were to find that original post and compare it to the LARP since then. You would see the current Q posts after the election were fake and phonies.

Steve Pieczinik laid out what was going on before Stone or Trump even had a clue.
100381   MrMagic   2019 Jan 25, 9:22am  

Rocketmanjoe says
You hear, "Hillary is in jail". No celebrating until you find out why? Be honest, would the reason really fucking matter at first, wouldn't just hearing she's in jail be cause enough to celebrate?

In Hillary's case, we all know there were MULTIPLE felonies she committed, verified by the FBI. Other people are in prison for committing less than she did.

So, if the news reported she was in jail, it's long overdue. There would be nothing to find out and verify.

But please go back to CNN for your next news briefing.
100382   krc   2019 Jan 25, 9:27am  

It was a perfect setup. Someone from justice department must have leaked the raid to CNN. They were in position even before the agents started arriving. Too funny.
100383   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 9:39am  

President needs to have the FBI director in front of his desk this morning explaining exactly why an American citizen was assaulted by a SWAT team with tipped off cable news cameras. He should ask for the written safety analysis that showed this was required. There isn't one.— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) January 25, 2019

* Acceded to every request from every authority to appear and answer questions
* No History of Violence
* So why did FBI approve of raid?
100384   clambo   2019 Jan 25, 9:58am  

This is just the last gasp flailing of Mueller. Stone is of course no longer "in jail".

The whole thing is absurd; how can Stone have "witness tampered" about no crime? How could he have "conspired" about a hoax? How could he have made "false statements" concerning a fantasy by the butthurt Hillary lovers?

Russia didn't make Hillary lose; Hillary alone is responsible and everyone knows it.

This will all be over and then the payback may be more painful than the media and liberals expect.
100385   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 10:43am  

Rocketmanjoe says
Is that why Trump gave yuge tax cut to the rich? I thought it was so the rich could keep buying off politicians while we keep fighting amongst ourselves. It's worked so far.

You mean demonize White Males, coordinating from Academia to Feminist Extremists to Proctor and Gamble?
100386   tovarichpeter   2019 Jan 25, 11:01am  

Why don’t police agencies invite people to voluntarily donate DNA samples which could be used to identify, clear, and connect, family members to crimes? I think many people would volunteer.
100387   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 11:10am  


Let's watch to see if Stone is a little Republican coward & flips on President Trash.

WineHorror1 says
I think you need to see a psychologist.

No mental healthcare professionals are accepting patnetters.
They know there is no cure.

Yes, I can tell...you're still on the loose.
100388   GNL   2019 Jan 25, 11:16am  

jazz_music says
WineHorror1 says
Writing long, drawn out thoughts are time consuming and draining. This is why most forums turn into flame throwing exersices with memes and zingers. Sound bytes ripped off from the media.

Nice meme, junior

You got the point or not?
100389   rdm   2019 Jan 25, 11:19am  

Arrested, not convicted. The potential abuse of this has no bounds. This is going to be challenged in court as it should be.
100390   Shaman   2019 Jan 25, 11:27am  

Saw Stone on tv give an interview post arrest. He looked ANGRY not scared and said he’d fight to the last to beat the charges completely. He also said he’d never cave like a little bitch of a Cohen and tell lies about the President to try to get out of something.
Mueller picked on the wrong guy.
Furthermore, the completely inappropriate and heavy handed use of power with the SWAT raid on Stone’s house is grounds for shutting down Mueller’s office of authority. We can’t have rogue government officials terrorizing the citizens. Wealthy people especially are sensitive to this sort of abuse. They don’t appreciate the plebes knocking down their doors to serve silly warrants over silly charges.
100391   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 11:36am  

Mueller was trying to get Covington out of the news.
100392   anonymous   2019 Jan 25, 11:37am  

Patrick says
It is disturbing, but on the other hand, as soon as you can measure something, you can figure out how to change it too.

Kindly read the contents of the post I just made concerning Algorithms and Bias which shows just how easy that is.
100393   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 Jan 25, 11:38am  

Rocketmanjoe says
How are you so sure that the globalist didn't choose Trump?

Glad you asked.

100394   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 11:54am  

"Prosecutors did not charge Stone with conspiring with WikiLeaks or with the Russian officers Mueller says hacked the emails. Instead it mirrors other Mueller cases in alleging cover-ups and deception, accusing Stone of lying to lawmakers about WikiLeaks, tampering with witnesses and obstructing a congressional probe into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the election."

Looks like an attempt at a process crime.

100395   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 11:55am  

Glorious day, Roger Stone is in jail

Actually, he is not.
100396   HeadSet   2019 Jan 25, 12:00pm  

Rocketmanjoe says
HeadSet says
Glorious day, Roger Stone is in jail

Actually, he is not.

Fixed it for ya

Now that is quality service!
100397   Bd6r   2019 Jan 25, 12:29pm  

Jan 15: My guess is that Dems will not cave in and let everything burn hoping that population will blame Trump. At some point Trump folds while ferociously tweeting and pretending that he did not fold.
100398   Bd6r   2019 Jan 25, 12:36pm  


funny and true. Mirror image of LOCK HER UP!

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